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Heroes of the Storm |OT| Pretty sure that Abathur is AFK

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Id' just like them to get rid of the ranking system in its current form completely. I think trying to assign a certain number to a player is fundamentally flawed for these types of games - we should be in leagues like every other game, not trying to level up a rank and pretending we are playing hearthstone.

I know I'd be much more relaxed and happy to play Hero league if it didn't have the stupid number going up and down at the end of it.
100% agree.


Composition will always be an issue in QM no matter what they do. Even if they let you draft, the trolls are going to come out there in a way they don't in HL. It is the free pick mode after all.

It would be less of an issue with a draft, for sure, but that's why when people say the MM changes didn't work it's misleading. They did work, but shit games still gonna be shit. Over the data they are seeing, I'm sure shit games are far less. When you only play 3 a day and 1 is a shit, though, you think 33% of HOTS is shit.

That's a lot of shit. Shit!


The thing is, the MM changes weren't about fixing the composition of teams in Quick Match. That was never the aim - you are still going to get teams of Nova / Zeratul / Abathur / Falstad / Nazeebo in quick matches because nothing they changed addresses that. The *only* thing they added in for team composition is the warrior rule, similar to the support rule.

Quick Match is always going to be garbage because either you overload it with so many rules to make viable teams and it can never find a match, or you accept it's not possible to have a game mode in a MOBA where you go into a match not knowing your own team and not knowing the map. They should, at the very minimum, have people select their heroes in quick match like they do in Smite or Dota or LoL - you can't see the enemy team, but you can see your own teams picks and it's just about clicking on the hero you want.

A substantial part of this game has issues because they cannot face up to the fact that their concept for a quick match just doesn't work. the only way to fundamentally address the issues of team composition in quick match is to make some fundamental changes to how quick match works. No band aids will ever solve the problems.

(alternative idea - you get 30 seconds to change your pick in quick match once its found a match for you and you can see the rest of your team and the map you are playing on. no voice chat though to reduce stress and pressure at this stage!).


A substantial part of this game has issues because they cannot face up to the fact that their concept for a quick match just doesn't work. the only way to fundamentally address the issues of team composition in quick match is to make some fundamental changes to how quick match works. No band aids will ever solve the problems.

While I agree with the majority of your post and at least with the premise of the bolded part (they can't look in the mirror regarding this subject and recognize an "L" when they see one), I disagree completely that this style of Quick Match doesn't work.

It does "work". It's worked as the main source of entertainment in HOTS now for almost two years since Alpha launched. Nearly a year solid since the majority of us were playing in Beta. Despite all it's flaws and frustrations, it is still the most popular game mode.

The rub lies with a few key issues.

  • The majority of players (bronze/silver and maybe even gold) don't have a huge issue with Quick Match because they simply don't know any better
  • As those bronze/silver players improve or at least become "self-aware" (my term for when you start noticing mistakes/errors/patterns in your game and other's play) THEN they begin to have issues with the randomness in much the same way Hearthstone critics hate the RNG of that game
  • Despite most people's professed hatred for a non-draft mode, many will not use the actual draft mode we already have
  • Why do many not use the actual draft mode? Because in trying to create a system to reduce ladder anxiety, Blizzard instead created a system that creates even more anxiety and animosity among it's player base

Quick Match works perfectly for what Blizzard wanted it to do originally. I don't see any way you can argue that.

Unfortunately for them, the player base (or at least the vocal part) is shifting more and more heavily towards wanting more structured play instead of the "fun" and "casual" nature the game was sold as. And I don't mean in gameplay. That is just fine with everyone here being "casual" or whatever the term is. I mean the systems built around it, the things that keep track of your progress, the matchmaking, the MMR. The core gameplay is fine. It's everyone's expectations of what is around it that shifted.

Complicating matters is the fact that Blizzard has reversed course more or less wholesale post release and began to change things to cater to people like us who crave that structure and more traditional MOBA UI and systems packed into Blizzard's lighter mechanics and play style.

In acquiescing to our demands over time, they have made many of us disenfranchised with the things that they haven't changed. Basically, like Anakin Skywalker, they've turned us against themselves with the many good changes to the UI, esports, specific heroes, etc...while we still suffer with the fact that Quick Match is an RNG mess and that Hero League is still lacking a few necessary tweaks to it's system to be a full-time play mode for a lot of players.

TL;DR - QM works (for how it was originally intended). What Blizzard intended their playerbase to be and how they intended to handle the game has changed drastically, though, and now QM seems half baked because an obvious solution is there but they refuse to "go all-in" with this design path. And they are dragging their asses on HL changes, which doesn't help the perception.

EDIT: I still love the game and play QM and bitch to Milly and proto about our comps but don't get too awful bothered by it. But yes, there is no reason not to have a draft or some form of pre-pick for your team.


I would say that even in the Tech alpha it didn't work, it was just what we had to get used to. Gods some of those match ups in particular were horrendous before the support rule got put in... Back when we were innocent! ;-)

I think, fundamentally, blind picking heroes in any MOBA just isn't going to work - no matter what audience you are aiming for, you will end up with horrendous match ups. I don't see casual players as being any less frustrated than more hardcore gamers when they run into a totally unworkable comp. In fact I see them getting even more frustrated. Quick Match worked when Blizzards main aim was just to throw people into matches as fast as possible, but at this stage of the game they need to step back and look again at what they are attempting to do and the purpose it serves. This has been my first main real MOBA (Have played others but not for very long), and I think I recognised from my very first games when the matchmaker had rolled a doozy for my team.

The game absolutely needs a fast, casual, unranked mode. No reason they can't borrow from one of the many other game modes other MOBAs use instead of applying band aids to something that ultimately is never going to be able to deliver a satisfactory match for players. It reminds me very much of Meeting Stones in WoW - Blizzard wanted them to allow for fast groups, they never worked, but despite that they stuck with them for years ignoring what other MMOs were doing until they eventually gave in and implemented the dungeon finder we now have and use extensively. It sometimes takes Blizzard a while to admit they haven't succeeded at something, and that not *everything* in their game needs to be a Blizzard specific invention, but they do get there in end. It's the price we pay for all the good stuff they do innovate on.

(The fact Overwatch has this system of seeing your team as you go in, and allowing for quick changes, reassures me - I think they will end up with that in HotS as well).


It's not a logical thing by any meanz but it's functional i guess. Qm would have made perfect sense as a new mode like 1 year after ppl had been playing normal draft and blind pick modes. I said this in the previous iteration of the thread but the casualness that blizz champions for this game should have been limited to gameplay, it's weird that the web of casualnicityness extends past it. The former is what draws a lot of ppl in but the latter might be driving ppl out.

Iunno, there are no numbers for how many ppl have stopped playing this game because of qm being the only unranked mode or because of matchmaking, tho this community is certainly more vocal than other ones about these things.

Blind pick works fine, but choosing a hero before you queue isnt great. The system for blind pick is basically in the game too, just add a timer to custom games and obscure enemy picks.
I know most of you have disagreed with me on this, and obviously a lot of matchmaking and balance changes have happened between then and now, but I take the increased balance gap in QM now vs alpha/beta to have some association with the fact that the original crop of characters had far more thought and testing put into them than the new ones. They have some good, fun, even creative ideas for characters but synergy and compliment feels much worse now with a larger crop of incongruous and unequal characters than initially.

I admit of course the undeniable additional factors range from the fact that now I've played 2000+ games and can tell with 80% accuracy from the load screen how the game is going to play out (the 20% variable being player skill usually) to general burnout often affecting my own performance, but still, I think it's somewhat of a factor.


I'd say the opposite to be honest. I think a lot of the first batch of characters have really poorly thought out talent trees and options - Tyrael and Nazeebo in particular, but also Nova and others. They have a lot of bland, pointless talents that just don't work - the fact they have massively reworked several original game characters shows up the difference as wlel I find.

My issue with the newer characters is that their numbers aren't right on release. Lunara is the only one where I feel her fundamental kit isn't a good kit - all the others can work, they just had the wrong numbers. Their development process seems to be broken at the moment (or they are deliberately undertuning them).
Maybe balance is the wrong word really, it's not so much that there aren't enough possible evenly matched comps right now, it's that the larger pool of characters that don't really synergize the way they should with other roles or in some other fashion don't perform their roles well means a higher probability of QM belching out a comp that absolutely won't work vs one that will.

Personally I'd wait 10-15 minutes in a queue if it took that long to make a comp that will give me a solid 25 minute game with some good back and forth, rather than getting games every 5 minutes that end in me wasting anywhere from 15 in a rout or 45 in a rut.

And fair enough, there's certainly no excuse for several of the original characters to have coasted along half baked for so long.


I feel like her kit makes sense but she was released in kind of a hostile environment for that kit, im thinking on paper tho, havent played her yet

Yeah when you have kind of hyper-simple and easy to carry out kits it's hard to toe a line between underpowered and overpowered

But im not really sitting here hoping that they rework the initial characters anytime soon, id rather they get certain things in line that their competitors already have + im wary of having a really visible tourney circuit w/ things like bans and swaps not implemented


I feel like her kit makes sense but she was released in kind of a hostile environment for that kit, im thinking on paper tho, havent played her yet

Yeah when you have kind of hyper-simple and easy to carry out kits it's hard to toe a line between underpowered and overpowered

I don't think its the meta, I honestly feel like they need to rethink her kit. Her Wisp is ridiculously underpowered - it doesn't just need numbers changing, it needs a flat out relook. In many ways its worse than Scouting Drone, and you're forced to talent into it at 4. I cannot stress how bad this ability is right now, and it does leave me wondering how they thought it was worth a full ability slot.This isn't Dota!

Her Crippling Spores also really lacks oomph - its an ability that feels like it should do damage when you use it, but it doesn't. It also doesn't synergise well with her talents that play off it - they want you to use it early to gain the extra bonuses, but the ability itself needs to be used later when you have accomplished something. That's not a good choice to make - one way or the other you aren't getting good use out of your stuff.

I love her concept, I love her animations, and I love her character. Her VA is superb and am *so* glad they didn't go for the typical high school squeeky girl voice you would expect from that character. The basic premise of her kit is fab as well - but I think fixing her requires more than just tuning the numbers. Of course they could do that, and if they push them hard enough she will be played, but that doesn't feel like the right solution here. they could make the character a lot better by fiddling with her kits fundamentals a bit.

(Seriously, 45 seconds on Wisp. It's a longer cooldown than Phoenix...)


I admit of course the undeniable additional factors range from the fact that now I've played 2000+ games and can tell with 80% accuracy from the load screen how the game is going to play out (the 20% variable being player skill usually) to general burnout often affecting my own performance, but still, I think it's somewhat of a factor.

Hasn't this been more or less proven to be a self-fulfilling concept? If you assume from the loading screen you'll lose you are definitely more likely to. You're influencing/tilting your own play before you even take the field.

Naturally a good bit of comps you see can look stronger than others...but with the smorgasbord of people playing 46 different heroes they may or may not have even touched prior to hitting the ready button, you can truly claim 80% of the time you know just by looking at comps - the majority of which are probably not as bad as the 15% you really remember and get you salty because of truly bad synergy - and are accurate in predicting the outcome?

You must not see as many throws or bad decisions in your games as I do, sir.

That article is like a clickbait top 10 list someone cribbed off of Reddit. Lol

"People don't know what their MMR is" --- yes they do. If they are concerned enough, likely they are uploading to hotdogs. The leaderboards released have proven hotdogs is more accurate than many suggested. We know our MMR.

"Matchmaking yadda yadda why am I with "x" person or how did they get to my MMR" --- because the game has 46 fucking heroes and whether you play QM or HL you are bound to have 2-3 people of the 10 in each game playing heroes they are at best 'less good at' all the way up to 'god damn awful' because of their draft slot, notgiveafuckness, or general experimentation. No amount of matchmaking in the world can save us from that. With that said, matchmaking for HL where some of that is lessened was bad until the first fix last month but by and large I've seen nothing but positives from people getting into games with appropriately ranked opponents and teammates now.

"Faster balance changes" --- sure, but this is Blizzard baby. 6 weeks turnaround is like fucking light speed for them. This is another issue hammed up in the article that IMO has seen very little widespread complaint beyond this dry spell post Blizzcon. There have been a few lightning rods like the lili serpent bug, but in general it gets hot fixed well before a patch because necessary if it's that egregious. The rest is just PVP/MOBA lyfe. Something is OP every patch. Deal with it.

It's not even that it's inaccurate on the whole. I can dig the general gist of each point. Its more that it's actually written in 100% clickbait fashion with the barest of information, reference, or attempt at justification. It's like babby's first blog. "I got to write for tempo Storm imma tell Blizzert wut I think n nao they'll listen!!!!"

Like this shit right here:

tempostormshitpost said:
If this issue is not remedied, at least for the majority of players, then I don’t see the game lasting much longer.

ded gaem. Pack it up boys.

This is probably why I yolo so hard on this kind of thinking.

Even though that above statement may actually be true for a lot of top end players, redditors, and people in this thread...the vast majority of players give zero fucks about this or are simply unaware. Like we've discussed and the numbers have shown time and again, they are all in the lower tiers playing like pigs in shit. They -by and large- aren't on Reddit and GAF. They probably log in, play their 2-3 games a day, and mostly treat this game like you treat a mobile game you pass the time with from the App Store while you're waiting in the doctors office.

Should Blizz get a little fire under their feet and get MM and Grandmaster changes out after all this time? For sure. But ded gaem if they don't this month? Next month?

Ain't gonna be no ded gaem. Ded 2 us maeby, but whether I play or not the game will continue on in its 3rd place position because it's gameplay and accessibility is ultimately more fun than anything else it has to compete with right now.

/end rant. Apologies for novel.


I dunno it's just someones thoughts about the game written clearly i didnt really think that deeply about it. I think the main takeaway is that the game has core lacks that hurt this game's chances of survival and i agree with that

Personally i would think lower end players would be quicker to blame systematic things for whatever woes they have in-game


You said it was good. You clearly thought a little about it, no? But I wasn't addressing you, I was addressing the article.

And you're right. It's someone's thoughts posted on Tempo Storm. Probably took them about as long to hit each checkmark on the hot list and give a few words of woe as it did me to type my post on GAF.

I think the main takeaway is that the game has core lacks that hurt this game's chances of survival and i agree with that

Okay. Survival as a potential long term challenger to the big two? I could see it. Survival in general? C'mon breh. This ain't some dog and pony development studio with their name attached to it. It's a Blizzard game. It isn't going anywhere. It may well turn out to be their least successful, but that's a bit hasty at this point.

Personally i would think lower end players would be quicker to blame systematic things for whatever woes they have in-game

Lower end players are certainly more likely to blame anything but themselves, that is true. I don't think comp really pops into your head when you barely know 4 heroes though. Stuff like Nova OP is their complaint.


Oh i just meant that i thought it was nice summary of things that ppl have issues about with this game. Like usually ppl talk about one thing or the other but it's nice to have a bunch of crucial categories laid out. I dont agree w/ a bunch of the reasoning but the categories are correct
Hasn't this been more or less proven to be a self-fulfilling concept? If you assume from the loading screen you'll lose you are definitely more likely to. You're influencing/tilting your own play before you even take the field.

Naturally a good bit of comps you see can look stronger than others...but with the smorgasbord of people playing 46 different heroes they may or may not have even touched prior to hitting the ready button, you can truly claim 80% of the time you know just by looking at comps - the majority of which are probably not as bad as the 15% you really remember and get you salty because of truly bad synergy - and are accurate in predicting the outcome?

You must not see as many throws or bad decisions in your games as I do, sir.

Oh, the throws are amazing and I catch them nightly. Don't misunderstand, I'm just bitching about the seemingly increased number of games I get each night where the comp is an insurmountable obstacle. I always try my best no matter what I get because I do actually enjoy the game fundamentally even as my frustration seems to be growing, and as I said my own stupidity is an unavoidable factor, but there are some games where you're basically stuck incapable of accomplishing anything for 15 minutes while you get rolled, and it seems to me comp is the factor and not shot calling.

Certainly if what I'm getting nowadays is actually that there are 2-3 people on my team who see the same loading screen I do and just start going through the motions for the next 15 minutes, that would artificially make me feel like off comps are harder to win with now, and there's absolutely no way I could prove this isn't the case.

You don't need to tell me that sticking together, being patient, and just not completely fucking up until 16 or 20 can allow a bad comp to trickle kill an ideal comp for the rest of the game, it's just not happening anywhere near as much as it used to for me. Just anecdotal, regardless.


I agree with whoever wrote it. Those are the biggest issues. The importance of each and the immediate nuclear threat of doom at the very beginning kind of undermines what could've been a very nuanced and thoughtful take that, sadly, would actually probably be digested by Blizzard because it's on TS.

Instead they just shitposted it up and it looks like a Reddit topic and does nothing constructive but create an echo chamber.


I don't feel the game is doomed - it's a great little game chugging along that I play far too much. I just think the game could be so much more - it's the first MOBA I've played to really break out of the genre's artificial constraints that formed from bugs in the Warcraft 3 engine, and I honestly and really believe the game could be something huge and amazing in the long run.


You don't need to tell me that sticking together, being patient, and just not completely fucking up until 16 or 20 can allow a bad comp to trickle kill an ideal comp for the rest of the game, it's just not happening anywhere near as much as it used to for me. Just anecdotal, regardless.

Ive said this to you before and I know it's your thing but the Abathur maining in QM is your biggest problem.

People run into that mess just like you all the time, but when you're Abathur the amount of comps you immediately make bad is astronimical in comparison. It is just as likely you are the dude putting people on tilt by being Abathur instead of Nazeebo or Sylvanas or Azmodan as it is you are just getting inordinately hosed.

If you took your last 20 Abathur games and replaced your play with another decent specialist playing that hero just as well as you do Abby, I'd have a hard time seeing the outcome not being better in more cases than not.

He's just a terrible hero for non organized play. It frustrates me and most everyone I've ever played with when we get one just because everyone has to do so much more just to make up for Abby, not to mention regularly having no decent laning phase if you get him on your team so you start out in the hole to begin with.

I admit being biased against him in QM, but find it hard to see how it's also not part of your own frustration due to RNG and his current power level.

I know that's small solace lol "dude ur fave hero jus sux 4 this should've went 'x'", but it can't be helping. I am more amazed you don't have more heroes out of 46 that you enjoy than anything.

I just think the game could be so much more.

This is me. I know I defend it and go to bat for HOTS and all, but I do sympathize with most of the complaints. I just don't agree with the sky is falling narrative.

This game isn't on SWTOR levels of "it could've been so much more" or even anywhere close, but I do wonder if once matchmaking and grandmaster are in...and THEN it was launched with the tools we have now versus back in June, how much bigger this game might be.


for me it's really difficult to take ppl who think the game is dying seriously, like all I really do is soak up whatever concern they have and the fat kind of goes in one ear and out the other, like there is nothing to back this up besides torrents of discontent.

i do feel that blizz exists in a precarious position tho, as a mid-tier moba that doesn't have the same luxuries that dota 2 and league had starting out. hence you get expectations like normal draft, bans, etc. everything has to come out quick and the game needs to change it up more and so on

oh yeah that's what I meant by survival, I'm sure blizz is making bank + they don't really need to occupy whatever spaces dota and league do, but I'm sure they are gunning for those spots.


Oh definitely. They are victims of being late to the party.

They are sort of receiving the inverse of what WoW did to every MMO that came out after it like Wildstar, SWTOR, Elder Scrolls, etc.
Well, you won't get any argument from me about Abathur, I necessarily lumped him in with the problem characters in my earlier posts. I'm also aware I'm the asshole making things worse for others in the same way I'm bitching, but I have plenty of other characters I play as much or more now, so I am actually attempting to broach this problem from that perspective. Things are obviously much, much worse when I'm playing Abathur in QM and I wouldn't pretend it doesn't skew my experience otherwise.

Regardless, I can vent all I want, but I'll still log on tonight all the same.


a good criticism for blizz I think is that there was no real reason for them to "release" the game, just keep it the way it is now and slap "beta" on it

Pretty much. I'm guessing the edict came from above. Never really made sense to begin with. Can't say it hasn't forced them to get better and get quicker as a design team due to the original backlash, but would've been nice if they'd have done the same but with the Beta tag on.

I really expected them to just give out keys like they did Dota 2 after enough time had passed so that eventually everyone who wanted to play ahead of time would be in.

I just want to say for the record that I didn't start this round of complaining.

Eh, like he said, complaining isn't really bad. There are real issues.

It's just nice to see it tempered with what Fine Ham sometimes...despite his complaints, he'll still log right back in tonight. I don't think much of anyone still here has anything but love for the game. That doesn't mean you have to love all of it.

I saw this last back and forth as more of a discussion than complaining though. This game needs a kick in the nuts in some areas for sure.

While I personally think the matchmaking issue has been largely solved compared to it's previous state for HL (and the issues in QM aren't MM related, but a flaw of actual design of the mode), the lack of QM draft or the long promised rehaul of HL introducing grandmaster to give people the alternative option to current QM is a sore spot.

I would love to hop in HL and draft away with an expectation of reasonable outcome. But in the new system, two losses costs me rank 1 meanwhile I only get like 10-15 points for winning. So I just don't play it anymore cause I want that shiny "1" on my portrait.


I dunno what being in beta or not had to do with making money though. Everything still costs the same. There's just more mounts and heroes.

Would've seemed smarter to just let more people in and assure yet again there'd be no wipes.


I dunno what being in beta or not had to do with making money though. Everything still costs the same. There's just more mounts and heroes.

Would've seemed smarter to just let more people in and assure yet again there'd be no wipes.
It was in Alpha/Beta status for too long at that point. We knew it, they knew it. The tech Alpha hurt the hype-building part (tho it helped balance immensely.) They needed people in and paying ASAP. Luckily, the game seems to be doing well $ wise, its just that they need to get the game's features up to par ASAP.


It was in Alpha/Beta status for too long at that point. We knew it, they knew it. The tech Alpha hurt the hype-building part (tho it helped balance immensely.) They needed people in and paying ASAP. Luckily, the game seems to be doing well $ wise, its just that they need to get the game's features up to par ASAP.

Yep - the tech alpha was great for me, but it *really* hurt the game. Far too many streamers and people got in, saw a bad game missing even the most basic of standard features, and left never to return. They clearly learnt their lesson with Overwatch there.


He can't make gold from all that ARAM breh. And he didn't play a whole bunch before that. He's a gold lacking pleb no doubt.


Just want to make sure I'm not missing something, but replays are terrible for trying to skip ahead in right? Like if you want to go to the 20 minute mark then you're probably going to wait a couple minutes to get there?


He can't make gold from all that ARAM breh. And he didn't play a whole bunch before that. He's a gold lacking pleb no doubt.

Yeah, I guess that is true. I always assumed he played 2-3 QMs a day with his brother.

Just want to make sure I'm not missing something, but replays are terrible for trying to skip ahead in right? Like if you want to go to the 20 minute mark then you're probably going to wait a couple minutes to get there?

Correct. It used to be a lot worse, but they fixed it quite a bit ago to advance faster.


Composition will always be an issue in QM no matter what they do. Even if they let you draft, the trolls are going to come out there in a way they don't in HL. It is the free pick mode after all.

It would be less of an issue with a draft, for sure, but that's why when people say the MM changes didn't work it's misleading. They did work, but shit games still gonna be shit. Over the data they are seeing, I'm sure shit games are far less. When you only play 3 a day and 1 is a shit, though, you think 33% of HOTS is shit.

That's a lot of shit. Shit!
I've actually been playing a lot more recently, since I finally finished Xenoblade Chronicles X(god that game was long). So I don't have that small of a pool of games to pull from. In my experience it doesn't really feel much different from before. Which in turn feels like it hasn't really been fixed to me. :/ Either way, composition is part of matchmaking by the way that Blizzard designed the mode, so I don't think the complaints are misleading at all. Sure, it ain't gunna be totally fixed as there isn't enough players to make it work, but that doesn't suddenly make it better and that people aren't suddenly going to complain about it.

The problem of it not being fixable is the reason un-ranked draft gets suggested so much, but it doesn't seem like it'll come any time soon. Arena seems next on the list, and that doesn't seem like it'll be out too soon considering how little we've seen since Blizzcon.

It's not really a case of me not using the current draft mode either. I generally play with two other people, maybe more if they're around. Which means ranked is just out thanks to them banning larger groups from it. Which for the record, I'm really not against, but it's disappointing not having the choice to do drafting at all.

Regardless, I still do enjoy the game. It's just really easy to get disenchanted with the game with how long these issues have been around, and there's been no total solutions to the problem. :/
Well, I made the mistake of picking up Abathur and now I'm hopelessly in love with just playing the game from the shadows. What an awesome hero. I wholeheartedly apologize in advance to anyone I play with from here on out!


That blog post on Tempo Storm is literally an alphabet diarrhea soup. I'd love to tear it apart piece by piece but by the time I can get around to it tomorrow afternoon the Internet will be back to looking at cat memes and Reddit complaining about the FOTM.


Neo Member
I dunno what being in beta or not had to do with making money though. Everything still costs the same. There's just more mounts and heroes.

Would've seemed smarter to just let more people in and assure yet again there'd be no wipes.
Don't forget that they coincided the release with Heroes of the Dorm and ESPN2.

Not likely to be things that could be unwound after however long they took to initiate.
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