well after a few games with no REAL heals, played Brightwing and won 3 in a row. Love her!!! (almost to 10 also)
That made the night better after the other 4 games
I'm glad you changed up your strategy. I was going to suggest if you keep losing due to zero support then *you* need to play as support rather than banging your head against a wall. If you solo queue then you have to pick a critical role or else you only have yourself to blame when someone else doesn't do it.
I have to explain this to my regular playmates, as well. Even when we play doubles or triples, unless we're a full team, we can only *depend* on one another. That means, at a minimum, 1 healer, 1 tank, and 1 solid dps. Leave the experimentation and such at the door...if you want to win. If you're just out to play for playing sake by all means do whatever floats your boat. I won't hold it against anyway to just play for fun but if you want to guarantee a win the formula is obvious: 1 healer and 1 tank at a minimum.
You don't understand Abathur. He's always with the team.
I really wish people would quit taking this view. Aside from the fact that heroes like abathur require proper communication (and without VOIP in-game, how can anyone really expect to communicate from players to abathur what needs to be done, or from abathur to players what he's trying to accomplish) but more importantly all heroes are not best suited for all maps.
The biggest problem with quick match that people don't seem to get isn't necessarily that it's going to team you up with completely random people with unpredictable role choices, but the maps are entirely unknown when you pick your hero. Solid hero picks depend on counter picking and the upcoming map. Some heroes are simply not good choices on certain maps. Abathur isn't even always a good pick even with a 5 stack. More than half the maps require *bodies* on the field, not just stats.
If I'm trying to cap a point does Abathur really make me worth 2 vs. the opponent when calculating the progress bar? Does he make my collision box twice as large when I go to body block someone? There's a lot more to this game than stats.