You run into bad Murky more than bad Abathur?
I run into bad Murky more than Aba period.
I rarely ever even see Murky good or bad (maybe 1 in 20 matches if that) but I see Abathur at least twice a night.
I'm not sure what you mean by sustain Murky. Maybe new players not understanding he requires sustained annoyance of the enemy to be effective? I mean he's not a hero putting out a ton of hero damage regularly unless people are dumb or your team has a wombo. If he's siege mode and never helping team fights I could see it I guess.
I don't know why you have to protect a Murky though. He's there and does best at being a buffer to protect everyone else with body blocks, slows and zoning and then the eventual follow up to finish fights. And at 10 he allows your team to more or less instantly delete an enemy and then at 20 he can instantly delete a good stable of heroes all by his lonesome so long as the Murky chose Octo.
The two Abathur's I see each night are often 50/50 at best and 0% winrate more than I'd like because of the comp RNG of matchmaking. He's far more reliant on a specific type of team to be effective IMO. Murky can make gold out of shit with just about any comp if it has damage and can stall the game late enough.
You don't understand what I mean when I say 4 Protect 1 but it's more of a Dota thing (maybe LoL too?) where 4 players have to hold the lanes and match for X amount of time before a carry they've been baby sitting in safe lane or jungle finishes farming, gets a bunch of big ticket items, comes online and starts wrecking the other team.
I'm not saying you literally have to protect Murky or Abathur, what I'm saying sometimes when you're playing with either of those heroes it feels like the strain of that without the reward. Like you're down a hero that never comes online.
And by sustain I mean literally not feeding every time he spawns and runs into anything. Teamfights, forts, lone heroes, Mercs, a lemming, over and over and over and over. There's being a continual distraction or annoyance, preventing them from completing an objective and then there's being a lemming, or worse just camping a lane with March like it's Alpha Murky.