Did you write a murky guide by any chance or any you can recommend ?
No sir. Haven't really seen much on Murky beyond a lot of separate reddit posts. I'm sure there's a decent primer on Heroes Fire, though.
Your main objective is to be as annoying as possible. The more time the team spends chasing you/trying to kill you, the more time they are getting pummeled by the rest of your team. Murky is great for body blocking and great for slowing the enemy so that they can be body blocked.
Don't forget to place your egg (IN A SAFE SPOT) close to team fights that you know are about to happen - that means near tributes on Cursed Hollow, near temples on Sky Temple, a nice little out of the way spot while your team pushes the core and so on.
The abilities you see often like Kael'thas' Phoenix, Malf's root, Jaina's Blizzard, Hammer in siege mode and the like? Those things are Murky in a nutshell. You're one big (little) zoning mechanism. Drop a pufferfish, force em to move where you want. Slime them and slow them, have them chase you where you want. They are chasing a teammate to kill him/her? Slime, bubble, body block them and/or die for them to get away. He's kind of like one of those bug lights people put on their porches where I grew up. Bugs just can't help but fly right into him, it only takes like 3 shots to kill him guise!
For running QM, you're mainly looking at:
Level 1 - Block/Bubble Breeze/Bribe (depends on what you need, 90% of the time I go Block. Bribe is good. I never take Bubble Breeze anymore but it feels nice.)
Level 4 - Living the Dream (even if you are dying a bit more than you should, it will still begin to eclipse Envenom, particularly late when engagements become more infrequent and you're alive longer and longer)
Level 7 - Compressed Air/Slime Advantage (its QM so people will stand in it. The bigger puffer also gives you leeway on Octograb combo. Slime Advantage is also fun and will increase your damage to heroes significantly over time)
Level 10 - Octograb (since nearly no one cleanses in QM its basically instant hero deletion)
Level 13 - Bubble Machine/Wrath of Cod (you want to use Bubble Machine til you get used to Murkying, graduate to Wrath when you have a good grasp/feel safe in a game)
Level 16 - Slimy Pufferfish/Rejuvenating Bubble (Slimy Pufferfish makes your Octo death wombo even better, but it also slows anyone it touches as it lands which is great for team fights of course. Choose Rejuvenating if you're really having trouble staying alive but it will hurt your damage/burst output going all bubble talents)
Level 20 - ...And A Shark Too/Rewind (I go ...And A Shark Too because it's guaranteed. Its enough damage to ensure most non tanks die due to Slime + Pufferfish + Octo + Slime. Rewind will provide more damage, but as you'll see playing Murky it's not a 100% thing to land Pufferfish and Octograb them in it due to all the movement abilities. Landing two Pufferfish and having them still manage to be in both circles? That's a little more difficult so stick with the ult upgrade while you get used to it)
So all the other heroes in the game are under-balanced? ^_^
A 60% winrate hero cannot be considered balanced imo.
I think that was sarcasm based on him regularly playing Anub and saying "Anub is so fucking OP" since he has something like a 70% winrate with him.