Did I make it in time? Also, I'm not sure if region matters, but I'm EU.

I'm at 5k gold almost and am trying to decide between Uther, Diablo and Tassadar. Not sure what to buy. I think strictly on power level it's Uther>Tass>Diablo? All three are good though. Diablo seems most fun because of his ability to frustrate the other team. No escape though, so he needs a babysitter at all times.
The dev team does need to be commended for their general Assassin/Specialist balance. Only Hammer/Thrall are really in that 'do not pick. ever." category right now.
What. the. fuck. did I just encounter?
So much for just chillin' and relaxin' for some free xp at the end of the day...
What. the. fuck. did I just encounter?
So much for just chillin' and relaxin' for some free xp at the end of the day...
lmao there is a xp cap?
Why would you ever pick him over one of the other Melee assassins? This isn't a skill thing, this is "Thrall got nerfed cause he is/was a pubstomper and lost what made him viable in competitive play" thing.Uh. You must be bad at thrall.
Why would you ever pick him over one of the other Melee assassins? This isn't a skill thing, this is "Thrall got nerfed cause he is/was a pubstomper and lost what made him viable in competitive play" thing.
Uther and Diablo are on sale for 50% next week if you can wait and have cash on hand. Would be a better deal than buy one with gold.
Is this confirmed? Not doubting you, I just must have missed where that was mentioned and have been debating picking up Uther with gold
Not sure how much more of this I can take. Matchmaking's barely improved since beta, community is 1000% worse now as predicted, Hero League is only about 10% better than Quick Match, and my win percentage hasn't been above 50% for almost 2 months.
The only real reason I play this anymore is for the 2 or 3 games out of 15 a night I feel like I've accomplished something.
all these artworks cheer this place right up
Not sure how much more of this I can take. Matchmaking's barely improved since beta, community is 1000% worse now as predicted, Hero League is only about 10% better than Quick Match, and my win percentage hasn't been above 50% for almost 2 months.
The only real reason I play this anymore is for the 2 or 3 games out of 15 a night I feel like I've accomplished something.
griiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiindhow th efuck you supposed to earn gold in this game
Any word on Arthas? How is he?
how th efuck you supposed to earn gold in this game
CyaSteve's numbers from the ESL playoffs. Shocking result: Anub was even worse than Kael, with a 27% winrate.
I bet at that level you simply need to treat him as a Sonya-style bruiser and not a real tank.
CyaSteve's numbers from the ESL playoffs. Shocking result: Anub was even worse than Kael, with a 27% winrate.
I bet at that level you simply need to treat him as a Sonya-style bruiser and not a real tank.
First match in over a month and my team gets shit on. I think it's time for me to quit video games altogether.
That's happening to me too, matched with and against shitheads all night.Today I had like a 4 game losing stream in HL and it wasn't even close. My team got stomped hard every time.
Today I had like a 4 game losing stream in HL and it wasn't even close. My team got stomped hard every time.
Raynor sucks right? He was the only available hero for the Starcraft daily for me, and it was pretty bad for me. Maybe it's just a fluke, but I can't really figure out how he's that fun, seems very passive.
Also, this game got really hardcore, really quick. People get mad when they are on the losing side. Didn't feel like this during the week.
This is from the ESL playoffs, not the open.Are we sure these numbers are accurate? I swear to god I watched a match yesterday where one of the teams had Thrall, yet they don't have him picked at all.
CyaSteve's numbers from the ESL playoffs. Shocking result: Anub was even worse than Kael, with a 27% winrate.
I bet at that level you simply need to treat him as a Sonya-style bruiser and not a real tank.
What do they mean in the stats when they say "ban"?