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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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@alur no I mean if ppl did the things that jake did but they weren't jake I wouldn't mind as much.

Haha, I gotcha. I don't quite understand why the dislike versus the majority of the others, but to each his own.

I think that evaluating whether particular casters are hot or not, how they dress and whether they are getting jobs because they are girls is treading into some really uncomfortable territory to be honest.

I don't think anyone was actually seriously evaluating anyone based on any of them. It appeared to be a pretty facetious and playful conversation to me. I think the hackles can be lowered on OT GAF.


I think that evaluating whether particular casters are hot or not, how they dress and whether they are getting jobs because they are girls is treading into some really uncomfortable territory to be honest.



maybe he hits certain frequencies w/ his voice that only I can hear
most likely it's this type of situation: http://achewood.com/index.php?date=02052016

im just messing around usually I mute the stream if it's a tourney anyway, I don't enjoy seeing or hearing jake but it really doesn't factor into anything at all.
basically any caster I can think of > jake and it makes sense to me that he's casting less
except zoia, zoia/jake are both tier 2 to me and everyone else is tier 1
hold up im gonna make a caster tier list


pretty excited to finally get into ranked after the patch though, not gonna lie I've played almost entirely bot dailies and drunk qm's to this point waiting for bans to drop

is someone here ezgameezlyfe?


lol nah I'll add you, probably should play some real games before we play together though, not kidding when I say most of my games have been just me completing dailies vs bots to fill up my roster

or drunk qm games, those always go well


That Lunara is awesome.

And all I know of is Dehaka but I may be wrong, Ketch. Azmodunk isn't til the 12th of April.
So I follow HotS on facebook.

Why the hell am I getting notifications for people posting on their page? What the fuck? Fuck off. And it's only for HotS.


Jake is good. Gilly is good. Dread is good. Khaldor is good. Grubby is good. There really isn't anyone I actively dislike at all.


Oh I get it. Like azmodunk and the whole dorm tournament is because of march madness. I'm such a nerd

Celebrity boxing jake vs tod.

Venus Van Dam

Neo Member
Ok I just wanted to play a single hero league before sleeping. After 200+ sec of waiting I got paired with a guy that got carried away debating the our comp, and he forgot to pick the hero, canceling the match.

In the next try our team mate picked lili right after morales...I don't believe in hell, but I believe in MMR hell.


Your first mistake was playing hero league before bans drop tomorrow. Your second mistake was playing hero league at night. Watch Nick at Nite, not HL. The night is dark and full of terr
ible mmr

Venus Van Dam

Neo Member
I just had to have my leoric fix with ranked points on the line to sleep like a baby. But I take your comment as a lesson from a dark cautionary tale...but man, lili after a morales...cmoooon!!


Alright, I can't be the only one who has this problem. Maybe someone can give me some advice:

Blackheart's Bay, solo queue Quick Match. After the first chest spawns, it quickly becomes apparent that my team thinks the correct strategy on this map is to ignore all lanes and teamfight over the turnin for the rest of the game—even when neither team has enough coins for a full turnin. If I leave to soak a lane or collect coins from camps, my entire team becomes furious and spends the rest of the game talking shit. If I stay with them, we rapidly fall behind in levels until the game is unwinnable. I can often tell it's going to be one of these games right off the bat, when my team suicide assaults the watchtower and has three deaths before the first minion waves. (After these games, I generally check MMRs on HotSLogs. Sure enough, my teammates' MMRs are a good 400 MMR below my own. I know HotSLogs MMRs aren't completely reliable, but that can't be coincidence.)

So, anyone else experience this? How do you handle it?


I just had to have my leoric fix with ranked points on the line to sleep like a baby. But I take your comment as a lesson from a dark cautionary tale...but man, lili after a morales...cmoooon!!

I know that feel. It's rough times at Heroes of the Storm High some games. No rhyme or reason why people do the shit they do. I try to tell myself to be grateful the game will be over in 15-20 mins instead of 40-50 mins, but sometimes you gotta let dat frustration flag fly.

So, anyone else experience this? How do you handle it?

What MMR are you playing at? It crops up from time to time at our MMR. It's better than the old school endless fight for vision at the top (which you referred to as well, though at least it appears to be shorter for you nowadays than it was in the past. I rarely see vision fights anymore in my games), but not by much. Honestly if they are dead set on it there isn't much you can do.

You can't soak all 3 lanes by yourself on that map and if they are trying to fight 4v5 then they die. If they aren't outnumbered at the turn-in then you don't need to be there anyway, though. So if all 5 of the enemy is there, yes, you're better off having people soaking early and getting the EXP lead, but you're not really out anything if you 5v5 it there. You may even win that fight if the pirate dancing groups are even, though, I don't know why you need to be there and not soaking til such a time when there's going to be an obvious full-on team fight. If your team doesn't recognize the difference between those two scenarios, though, I don't know how you can convince them.

The majority of silly stuff you see in HOTS can be boiled down to two categories once you're in a game; 1) people who believe you have to constantly soak a lane and refuse to leave it for anything to help the team even if there is an obvious advantage or reason for doing so and 2) people who believe you have to be at every single objective despite the numbers, impact, or any other variables relating to said objective come hell or high water. Those two groups of people - both completely inflexible and often also unable to be convinced otherwise - are the cause of more lost games than any Gazlowe or Nova pick ever was.

Honestly, the shitty thing is some games there's nothing you can do and it sounds like that's the case for the ones you're describing. Once that snowball of BM or bad decisions gets rolling it becomes inevitable unless the enemy has a huge throw late. HOTS is a lot like hockey in that regard. The luck seems to come in bunches and then dry up forever.


So, anyone else experience this? How do you handle it?

The best you can do is soak somewhere close by to try to keep the xp situation from getting totally out of control. But you have to go to the fights.

If your teammates are intent on team fighting when down XP, you try to type to them and they dont listen, then you have to show up for team fights even when you're at an XP disadvantage. They're probably not going to win when behind a talent tier, they are definitely not going to win behind a talent tier and 4v5.

You're best chance at winning when you're team is stupid is winning disadvantageous team fights to make up the XP.

yea being behind a talent tier is kind of a big deal, but unless it's a heroic advantage, it doesn't make that much of a difference, you can still win those fights... in fact if your team is just forcing those fights, then you HAVE to win those fights or you lose the game.

but you definitely cant afk soak a lane if your teammates don't understand, because that's a guaranteed lose.

you can try picking heroes with global mobility.


but you definitely cant afk soak a lane if your teammates don't understand, because that's a guaranteed lose.

To capitalize on a very good point from Ketch here...

...the bottom line is there is the "right" way to do things, whether it's laning, objectives, approach to team fights with your comp, etc. Expecting your team to automatically know all those or take you at your word on them, however, will get you wearing that L around your neck quick.

Just because you need to soak doesn't mean you should go soak if the other 4 are heading to certain death. Better to go 5v5 and take the 40% chance you'll pull it out than have them go into a trap 4v5 and take the 100% loss. Ultimately, as much as we bitch about the folks on our team, the other team has to deal with the same mouthbreathing shit.

Sometimes you can herd the cats, sometimes you gotta join the herd.


My one objection to the 'follow your team doing dumb stuff' policy is that you following them can sometimes enable them. I do agree with it generally? But for example if you are the tank or support player you can force the team to back off through your role and are clear about why you don't want the fight.
My one objection to the 'follow your team doing dumb stuff' policy is that you following them can sometimes enable them. I do agree with it generally? But for example if you are the tank or support player you can force the team to back off through your role and are clear about why you don't want the fight.

I agree with this, sometimes you just hold out hope they'll flame you for not being there but have the lucidity to not do it 4v5 at least.
It's one of my biggest gripes but the game never tells you that it's alright to give up objectives, you have to arrive at that conclusion all by yourself.
My newest gripe is people fighting over already lost objectives after turning up late, there's just no point in it.


What MMR are you playing at? It crops up from time to time at our MMR. It's better than the old school endless fight for vision at the top (which you referred to as well, though at least it appears to be shorter for you nowadays than it was in the past. I rarely see vision fights anymore in my games), but not by much. Honestly if they are dead set on it there isn't much you can do.

2400. Not particularly high, but it seems like it should be high enough that people know better than to repeatedly force teamfights over meaningless objectives while behind on experience. I tend to see this problem when my teammates are mostly in the 2k MMR range. I understand why people fight over meaningful objectives while behind, even when it's the wrong call. But the problem with Blackheart's Bay is that unless cannons are firing, Blackheart is always there. After the inevitable teamfight disaster, the enemy team will pick up a couple coins, so people respawn and want to go right back to Blackheart.

Guess there's not much to do but join them in the suicide.


My one objection to the 'follow your team doing dumb stuff' policy is that you following them can sometimes enable them. I do agree with it generally? But for example if you are the tank or support player you can force the team to back off through your role and are clear about why you don't want the fight.

Of course you shouldn't just capitulate immediately. That's a given, isn't it? But most games it's pretty clear very early whether the team is going to work together or do whatever they want, and when that happens you gotta roll with it.

I don't see it as enabling at all by going with the flow, however. Unlike an alcoholic friend or parent, for example, once the game is over you don't have to do it all over again the next day with those players. Odds are you never see most of them again. You just have to survive one game. If that means holding their hands in the stupid to get your win, you gotta worry about you. Then let them unleash that stupid on someone else if they didn't listen to the pleas you made before you followed them into whatever uncertain hell they were hellbent on finding. You don't have any obligation to teach them anything.

Like I said above, it's pure stubbornness that costs more games than anything. People see how it's done in the pro scene, or how laning worked in League (though you don't see that as much anymore), and think they must apply that strategy to the letter or everyone's not doing it right. Being adaptable and recognizing that stupid exists on the blue and the red team in each game is the best defense you can have for protecting your winrate and sanity.

2400. Not particularly high, but it seems like it should be high enough that people know better than to repeatedly force teamfights over meaningless objectives while behind on experience.

You're out of the worst of it, at least. It's at about 2600-2700 where you see another big shift and things like what you're describing on BHB happen less frequently. Honestly if you can make it to 2700 by hook or by crook you will enjoy the game far more. It's as close as it gets to what the game is supposed to be. There's not enough top end players to make the high end matchmaking great (at least in NA), and low end MMR has it's obvious pitfalls. 2700-3200 has the right amount of players for good queues and decently close matchmaking and some semblance of common sense.
There's just so little reason to play as the other mages right now and this re-work of Kael'Thas doesn't look like it's going to change anything. It might have made a difference if he had Flamethrower on top of the re-worked Flamestrike talents but he doesn't anymore, he just lacks the range (and mobility) to viably compete against Li-Ming.

They freed up some talent tiers where it previously felt like there was no choice at all, they reworked some lameduck talents to make them more interesting and added some genuinely interesting new talents, like Sun King's Fury, so KT no longer feels like a mono-build hero but unless they give him some range back or neuter Li-Ming's, why would you pick KT over Li-Ming? Only if she's banned. On hotdogs he's currently in the bottom half of the hero pool. The king is dead.

Hopefully it's merely a setback.


Well bans alone are going to hurt Li-Ming. I can guarantee that she (and Xul) are going to be the most banned heroes in normal hero league right now.

I do agree that they don't compare well, and I don't think the flame strike build has any legs to it at all, but I was okay-ish impressed by chain bomb builds that take the extra damage from gravity laps, the reduced cooldown on stuns, pyromaniac and then the takes extra damage from AAs when hit by living bomb talent at 16. It seems a very good build to counter melee heavy comps, which are generally good comps to run against Li0Ming.

TBH, I think Sylvanas will be the sleeper hit of this patch. Everyone knows Illidan has the potential to be buts, but her straight up damage is now quite scary and mind control immediately counters a number of top tier heroes in a way almost no other ability does.
Don't know about you but Thrall is much more impactful than Li Ming atm imo. Especially in Solo Queue, unlike Li Ming he doesn't just do damage, he does it all. Damage, CC, sustain, burst, poke he has it all and one of the better heroics atm.


I would definitely agree that Thrall is one of the best characters in hero league. I'd say they were equally impactful because a good player on either of them can break the game in a way very few other characters can.

However, I don't see Thrall being banned as much as her at all, for a number of reasons:

1) Fewer people play melee characters compared to ranged dps.

2) He doesn't have her ability to siege up from level 1

3) HE can't do the ridiculous "Land and orb, missiles and disintegrate and instantly one shot a backline carry" that just *feels* offensive when it happens to you.

I definitely agree that if I wanted to win hero league matches, I'd be picking Thrall over almost any other hero. He's ridiculous. I just don't think the general public is aware of how powerful he is right now, and I think Li-Ming pisses people off a lot more. No-one has ever complained about Thrall in this thread for example, but Li-Ming gets regular mention.


Don't know about you but Thrall is much more impactful than Li Ming atm imo. Especially in Solo Queue, unlike Li Ming he doesn't just do damage, he does it all. Damage, CC, sustain, burst, poke he has it all and one of the better heroics atm.

Ya but Li Ming does like eleventy billion damage and thrall only like like 3 billion damage. Ming is gonna get banned in almost every single game and I couldn't be more thrilled about it. Unfortunately I think Xul will also be banned and that makes me a sad panda.


As powerful as Xul is, I do find myself agreeing with Zoia - I find his kit very dull to play, and don't think he's that inspired a hero. At some point they are going to have to address the fact he has one of the most powerful CCs in the game, that can be talented to also give vulnerability, and it doesn't have any skill shot aspect to it at all. Point and click on an ability that powerful is out of sync with what we normally get.
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