I recognize that Li-Ming may have a win-rate in the range that Blizzard are looking for. But averaged win-rates don't tell the whole story. Something may be balanced for average players but still be broken at the higher skill tiers, let alone the professional level. I'd be curious to know whether her metrics are consistent across those tiers, or whether she sees the same disparity that Lost Vikings and Cho'Gall presumably do.
And then there's all the other data points you can look at. Li-Ming does obscene damage relative to every other character/ability with little to no downsides or risks. It impacts every future hero design if her level of burst is considered the new normal. I just don't see a trade-off anywhere near comparable to Jaina/KTs lack of mobility/survivability. As far as I'm concerned, all her abilities should do half siege damage if the design philosophy is "hero killer".
Mhm, it depends at what stats they're looking at.
If they're looking at normal game stats, then chances are that many games will have mirror matches of Li-ming, so it'll give the illusion that she has a 50% win rate.
If they're looking at Hero League, then if she's going to be banned constantly, it's going to stagnate and stay the same.