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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Curious what you guys think about MFPT's Falstad build. I always see a couple of comments about how bad it is yet he seems to be doing quite well with it. In case someone doesn't know it's marksman, vigorous, first aid, ult, static shield, hammer time and nexus frenzy. I guess if you have a good support it's a bit overkill on the sustain since you trade damage for it but otherwise it seems decent?


Curious what you guys think about MFPT's Falstad build. I always see a couple of comments about how bad it is yet he seems to be doing quite well with it. In case someone doesn't know it's marksman, vigorous, first aid, ult, static shield, hammer time and nexus frenzy. I guess if you have a good support it's a bit overkill on the sustain since you trade damage for it but otherwise it seems decent?

It's fine but mage build is pretty safe as it is, this build would prob be something you decide on in-game rather than something closer to a standard build

It's quite good for solo fighting over objectives and stuff like that

Oh i dont like vigorous tho, its value is tied too heavily to getting stacks but it does have great value w/ the w shield talent and stuff like leeching plasma could push it over the poor choice threschold

If the build is good at things like solo fighting over dshire objective you could go charged up instead but that talent isnt great either and forces you to play aggressively to get value out of it.

Also seasoned marksman in general is a bad talent but this build kind of seems to be about putting yourself in danger and trading blows so i dunno if being smart is really the goal here, which i respect


I think it just goes to show how good falstad is right now.

After watching a lot of mfpt in the past I think he would do a lot better in the game if he wasn't so stubborn.


Who saw Srey leaving coming? I didn't see anyone say anything about it. Or do you just mean changes in general to TS?

Leaves Tempo Storm with two roster slots to fill and double quick, while competing with Naventic for at least one of them (tank). Now's your chance Ketch! Let McIntyre carry you to glory!


Who saw Srey leaving coming? I didn't see anyone say anything about it. Or do you just mean changes in general to TS?

Leaves Tempo Storm with two roster slots to fill and double quick, while competing with Naventic for at least one of them (tank). Now's your chance Ketch! Let McIntyre carry you to glory!
Wasn't he the guy smack talking Dreadnaught on the way in? Or was that someone else.


I think srey was unhappy in ts so that was kind of foreshadowed

Always thought erho's online persona couldnt possibly reflect how he is irl but i mean shrug emoji u kno?


Wasn't he the guy smack talking Dreadnaught on the way in? Or was that someone else.

Yeah that was him. Not sure you could know it was coming just three or four months in though, pretty quick turnaround for a shotcaller hired in just for that role.

I think the Zoia/Reynad monster got him. Him calling out Dread was about him wanting to be the sole person in charge, and I imagine they were probably like the results aren't there for us to blindly follow your lead, let's change some things and he said nah peace.

Always thought erho's online persona couldnt possibly reflect how he is irl but i mean shrug emoji u kno?

He has pretty much agreed and implied he's PJSalt 100% of the time and it's not a gimmick.


Man, I've been having an amazing time playing as Diablo lately. He just seems to have it all - fairly tanky, solid damage, a king of disruption (don't wait for people to be out of position, make them out of position!), great at peeling, and I find Apocalypse to be one of my favorite ults.

Got paired up alongside an ETC last night, and we managed a perfect 5-man mosh into an Apocalypse and it felt so divine.


Nvt: ok srey what do you think you can bring to the table that erho didn't

Srey: i can bring in heroes you guys were lacking like johanna and stitches

Nvt: great! I think the addition of those two would really make us stronger.

Srey: no i think you misunderstand, i only play johanna and stitches


I could see it happening. I read Mac said there will be an announcement on his stream today.

Realistically I don't know what other option they have unless someone changes roles. I hope not though. Get rid of one form of salt to add another, and a mostly unproven form of salt at that, with a small hero pool he is fixated on.

Nvt: ok srey what do you think you can bring to the table that erho didn't

Srey: i can bring in heroes you guys were lacking like johanna and stitches

Nvt: great! I think the addition of those two would really make us stronger.

Srey: no i think you misunderstand, i only play johanna and stitches

lol too true
Personally I just check hotslogs to see what's working for other people and see if I should be adjusting the 1 or 2 builds I use for the few characters I like.

In general, I tend to roll with unusual builds that cater to my strengths or make up for my weaknesses rather than ideal builds. Anything not super twitchy or that helps my survivability usually wins out because I am old and slow but make up the difference in having enough experience to know how most things are going to go down ahead of time.


I don't know. A lot of that stuff(salt level, team cohesion, hero pool) we're not really privy too as the audience... We can only assume things based off what we see... It's like the glaurang BM thing, the audience and the actually players had two very different impressions of what's going on there. Which is probably the same for a lot of other stuff going on behind the scenes for a lot of teams.

I could see Zuna on warrior.


I mean who else is really out there? You now have Srey, Erho, Tomster?, MichaelUdall and Roflcopter that I know of that were on pro teams.

Is Srey really all that salty though? He seems more entitled than anything going off of what I've seen him post on Reddit. He's a solid player, no doubt. Smaller hero pool than Erho, but also more skilled, IMO.

I think the differences between Tempo and NvT is that Tempo was a team put together with 3 relatively new faces for the pro scene. I say that because I know that NvT definitely has more experience. Maybe Srey would work out great for them, who knows.

I personally am loving the Reddit drama surrounding the two and how many people are claiming this to be a similar situation to EU and everyone swapping teams. Major EleGiggle there.


hero pool we're not really privy too as the audience... We can only assume things based off what we see... .

I'd argue what we see them play over several months kinda is what we have to assume is their hero pool, is it not? Assuming that the other heroes we see played are viable and that a particular player never uses them. Srey rarely plays anything but Johanna and Stitches despite Muradin and ETC being the most widely used tanks. The reason behind it (lack of comfort with with those heroes/stubbornness/etc) we don't know, sure, but I think it's fair to say that if that's all we've seen in several tourneys across 4 months then it kinda is his hero pool til he proves differently.

Is Srey really all that salty though? He seems more entitled than anything going off of what I've seen him post on Reddit. He's a solid player, no doubt. Smaller hero pool than Erho, but also more skilled, IMO.

Salt was mostly me being facetious. He's implied he wants the run of the lot and I don't think he can have that with NVT. If things go bad, just seems like it'd turn into another power struggle to me.

And disagree completely on Srey being more skilled. Erho has won two tournaments and placed pretty well at plenty others. Srey has never won anything and only competed for 3-4 months after being basically a hardcore version of brian! before that. He plays two heroes and I didn't really think he played them all that well in some of those games. I don't think he's really shown much of anything TBH.


Yeah if it wasnt clear we're all def speaking from a spectator/fan point of view and not even a particularly informed one, iz all in fun

Srey joining nvt for regionals at least doesnt seem so weird and the vibe i get is that he just wants to try playing w/ "good players" instead of ts


Did he release his statement yet?


Guess he doesn't have to cancel those flights though.


Nah, he said he would later today (if you were being serious).

And I guess you're right on that front. I was mainly speaking that he actually has a high MMR.


One of those reddit threads said McIntyre told his chat they would PogChamp and Kreygasm at the announcement. That sounds bigger than Srey, but who knows if he was just drumming up the base. I'd love to see some truly outside the box stuff from both teams. Give Udall a real home plz.


I'd argue what we see them play over several months kinda is what we have to assume is their hero pool, is it not? Assuming that the other heroes we see played are viable and that a particular player never uses them. Srey rarely plays anything but Johanna and Stitches despite Muradin and ETC being the most widely used tanks. The reason behind it (lack of comfort with with those heroes/stubbornness/etc) we don't know, sure, but I think it's fair to say that if that's all we've seen in several tourneys across 4 months then it kinda is his hero pool til he proves differently.

Salt was mostly me being facetious. He's implied he wants the run of the lot and I don't think he can have that with NVT. If things go bad, just seems like it'd turn into another power struggle to me.

Yea I'm not trying to argue his hero pool is great or anything just that we don't actually know what the reasoning is. Like erho for example, I think his best hero is probably Leoric, but it seldom fit into any of their drafts or wasn't really the meta or if double warrior comp it would go to someone else. so he never really played it. Similar shit could be going on with srey tempo, like maybe he's just stuck on joh all the time because he or his team feels like they really need that condem. I think macintyre is another example of this point, like if we didn't know how good Mac is on other heroes it'd be easy to look at that and say he's limited to zag/Tass, where in reality he could probably play any hero better then any of his teammates, except for maybe like abathur fan.

Also, I think theres actually players on NVT that someone like srey could be comfortable letting them call the shots. Always felt like ts biggest issue was inconsistent draft anyway, not shot calling.


I agree with you. I think Fan is the better player and at best their hero pools are split
though I have been quite underwhelmed everytime Fan plays Li-Ming competitively compared to others on her
. Ketch all in on Mac, though.

It's not announced or anything, but it's the move that makes sense here.

Gotcha. The way you worded it I thought it was news, not speculation. It does make sense.


People love Mac because he was the "feel good" streamer that really needed a team. Until he fucked Keyes over and became a sellout. Now Ketch is his only fan.


He didn't fuck me over, lol, dunno where that came from. There's just a noted difference between top 2 NA Mac streaming and old free agent Mac streaming in regards to how he interacts with the people who watch and the salt levels shown in game.


He never sent you that shirt. And seems like an unappreciative bitch. :p

Brian is right. KT is a god in ARAM still. I finished his quest in 2 mins. EZ.


You are right. He did never give me my gat damn shirt, I forgot about that shit. Though I don't think he ever gave anyone their shirts, honestly.

EDIT: Ah Mc on that Illidan again. It's like coming home for him I bet.


I guess I'm biased, I don't know. But I think I honestly believe that he's the best player in NA outside of C9. He beasts on any hero he's on. He'd clown on entire tier one teams on non signature heroes when he actually had bad teammates on complexity. The last couple of months on NVT is the only time I've seen him not stand out and I blame that mostly on Zuna, mostly because I assume Zuna's success on brfc has gone to his head and resulted in very bad decision making since they've gotten sponsored.

But I do honestly think mac could play any hero just as good as fan if not better, except for maybe abathur, although Mac plays a good abathur too.

And I don't think it's because I'm fan boying in him (although that's probably it), I base it on Mac showing up on heroes like Jaina/valla/falstad when he's not known for those heroes and completely dominating games on multiple occasions. Nobody else in the scene does that except for like idream and caffeine.


Listening to Arthelon on stream.

Said that they ran solo Tass and it didn't turn out to be as strong as they hoped, and they regret not running Greymane at all. Also mentioned that they didn't play a few supports they should have, like Uther. Said they should've bodied mYi and that it shouldn't have been close, so that was concerning, but overall he thought the team was good and that they were basically right there with EDG and arguably should've won all 3 games in that matchup. Feels like they could've finished 2nd overall with some smarter play.


Listening to Arthelon on stream.

Said that they ran solo Tass and it didn't turn out to be as strong as they hoped, and they regret not running Greymane at all. Also mentioned that they didn't play a few supports they should have, like Uther. Said they should've bodied mYi and that it shouldn't have been close, so that was concerning, but overall he thought the team was good and that they were basically right there with EDG and arguably should've won all 3 games in that matchup. Feels like they could've finished 2nd overall with some smarter play.
Jesus, they really aren't practicing/keeping up.


Wow, he's shitting on Srey. Said Tempo will be way better without him. Srey thought he was helping, but he was doing the opposite. Said he kept fucking up the drafts, they'd practice specific comps and then he'd draft something entirely different at tournaments. popcorn.gif


This last 10 minutes of streaming has been the most entertaining HOTS stream in months. He's giving that unfiltered hotness.
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