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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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What's the hold up, I wonder?


Gotta get dat snapback for the photo for the Twitter profile breh

Bigempct has been released because Team Blaze cannot compete financially with an offer from another team. That sounds like Naventic, cause we know their salaries are some of the highest as that's why they signed there and not with TSM.

BigE statement

Hello i'm biggie I have decided to part ways with Team Blaze. I love this team and I believe every one of the members on the team is extremely talented. I really enjoyed the short time that I was with the team taking 2nd place in ETS. I've never had so much fun playing on any team in my competitive career, but due to my personal reasons that I wish to not talk about I will be going my separate ways with the team and wish them all the best of luck! I really hope they find a great replacement for me<3

That sounds a lot like we ain't hearing shit tonight.


Not to double post, but surprised Milly or someone didn't post this stuff on The Score from Erho earlier:

He added that playing for Naventic had in some ways held him back from dedicating himself more fully to the game. &#8220;I&#8217;d like to fully commit myself to making NA a better region over all," he said. "I didn't feel like my team was dedicated enough going forward."

One example he offered of the team's lack of commitment was that Stafford "McIntyre" McIntyre went on vacation in the lead up to the Spring Global Championship in Seoul. Erho said that decision left the team "with poor performance at the event" and "led to breakdowns in communication both in game and out of game."

Shots fired, etc etc. Gotta agree with him there. Didn't realize McIntyre was on vacation prior to Korea. Was that before or after the ETS loss to Team Blaze? Neither looks good, but if it was after that loss that's pretty shortsighted and selfish IMO. They also mentioned in the article that the vote was held but Zuna and Kenma did not vote, it was Fan, McIntyre, the team manager, and the owner of Naventic who ultimately voted 4 of 7 to kick him.

&#8220;I was approached and have talked to several organizations within NA. I will be playing for a top team in the upcoming Summer Regionals. You will see me soon."

Erho unites with Zoia to form Tempo Salt/Salt Storm. It must happen.


What's the hold up, I wonder?

Is it like midnight east coast or something? probably waiting for his current contract or whatever stipulation to be lifted.

mac went on vacation prior to ets i believe. it's in the one video blog he did.


4 out of 7 voted w/ zuna/kenma abstaining is some Lisa S.....no L. Simpson shit

bige fits nvt much better than erho imo just personality-wise


Still nothing, other than BigE retweeting this:


bige fits nvt much better than erho imo just personality-wise

He does that way, but he plays the same thing as Fan/Zuna and the same as what Mac was doing. Someone will have to leave to their comfort zone if he's joining.


oh zuna on warrior for sure
they were already trying out a switch between erho/zuna, warrior is just the best shotcall role
Kinda sad that after losing to blaze twice they'd poach their direct competition instead of bettering themselves, so much for competition at the top. If that's what they did I'll guess we'll see.

Also stepping out of a contract after 3 weeks is poor showing. I don't know the salaries so I can't really judge though, have to not be paying the best if contracts are this loose.


yes but it's on blizzard really
I'm gonna stay in the camp where it was just a fortunate (for nvt) side effect since big e was pretty much the perfect fit for nvt anyway sans finding a legendary warrior player in na, also wouldnt be too surprised if blaze bodied nvt in an upcoming tournament anyway



KT getting dunked on by Gaz

I am surprised by how low Butcher is, silence on Lamb is really strong.

The changes were actually a substantial nerf to him... :-(

The silence is nice, but at the same time:

1) the cooldown was increased to 90 seconds, which is far too long for a single kill target ability
2) the duration was cut by 25%
3) cleanse now removes it.

1 and 3 combined are particulary problematic - cleanse is only on a 60 second cooldown, so unless you grab the support your ult will never do anything basically.

Hopefully they will tweak it soon. I really dislike this 'make it more impactful by lengthening the cooldown' philosophy they have going.

Btw, I remember that Kaels damage has been nerfed twice now in succession, it's no wonder he is so bad. When his AA damage was nerfed he didn't get a boost to his ability damage like Jaina did, and then obviously this patch nerfed both his flamestrike and living bomb damage as well. It particulary hurts because Kael was the Mage who relied more on Weaving AAs between his spells than the other mages to maximise his damage, and he had high AA damage than them as well. Poor KT.
I hate the very concept of Butcher, haven't played him once even when he was free. Zeratul and Thrall are my concept of melee assassins, neither is about going in 100%.

Also I know Butcher from launch D3 where Inferno was so hard people would just cause his enrage and I'd be left standing alone in his flames with my no damage monk that didn't die in return.
One with everything was so nice with the Auction House.


Erho is doing an AMA on Reddit, get going folks!

Edit: he apologised to Glaurong for his behaviour. Wtf?

Edit: double post, sorry!


How is Li Ming considered balanced

If a mediocre or bad player picks her, its balanced because than she is squishy as fuck. They made her mana pool drain and not regen anywhere near as much at launch. love the character, one of my favorites. I hope they don't rebuild her or nerf her further. I recently have taken to Greymane and have had a lot of success. Just bought Xul and he is definitely my favorite specialist.


If a mediocre or bad player picks her, its balanced because than she is squishy as fuck. They made her mana pool drain and not regen anywhere near as much at launch. love the character, one of my favorites. I hope they don't rebuild her or nerf her further. I recently have taken to Greymane and have had a lot of success. Just bought Xul and he is definitely my favorite specialist.

Well you don't balance heroes around mediocre and bad players. Or at least you shouldn't. Her burst is too high, and the range on her laser ult could be brought down a bit. Her range in general is absurd, and makes her playstyle too safe. She should have to risk something for all of the damage she is capable of doing, and yet she is given the longest range, and a low cooldown teleport. Something has got to give.


Well you don't balance heroes around mediocre and bad players. Or at least you shouldn't. Her burst is too high, and the range on her laser ult could be brought down a bit. Her range in general is absurd, and makes her playstyle too safe. She should have to risk something for all of the damage she is capable of doing, and yet she is given the longest range, and a low cooldown teleport. Something has got to give.

I guess if you pick the talents to get long range orb, yeah it can be really cheap if aimed well. Her teleport timer is short, but it is barely any distance and doesn't help if she gets caught. Glass canon makes damage go up, but 2-3 big hits end her. I guess it depends, but yeah I can see changes happening, seeing as she is getting banned a lot right now.


They're not as good as they used to be, but Nova Zeratul on the same team is actually the least fun I've ever had in a video game in my entire life. Both on my team, and against them. No fun is had for anyone.


Dam he just put himself out there, much respect

Yeah, probably the last thing anyone expected him to do.

It does make me more concerned for NVT as a whole, though. There was a lot of talk of him, Zuna, and Kenma and how close they are. And we already know they didn't vote to kick him. Sounds like it's still two factions, nWo and WCW.

Also one part I had a giggle at was him and Kenma (I believe) making a pact that their play wouldn't ever be a reason the team lost. Just goes to show how highly each individual player rates themselves, not just on NVT. We banter about who is best, but for the most part I think they believe they are better than whoever we suggest otherwise.

They're not as good as they used to be, but Nova Zeratul on the same team is actually the least fun I've ever had in a video game in my entire life. Both on my team, and against them. No fun is had for anyone.

I hate it too. We had it on a map that it can kinda sorta work on last night but it was still awful and we lost anyway. They played okay, I guess, but RIP winning nearly every time I see that combo on a team. They have to mount a nice lead early to have any chance.



Seems like it's a foregone conclusion at this point, but no one has really said it out loud besides that retweet.


Well i assume the kenma/erho pact is because the community shits on them nonstop more kenma tho

Big e is pretty good friends w/ zuna and the score article makes it seem as if zuna/kenma would have voted to kick if it came down to it, but fan/mac were the saltier ones at the time. Erho shitting on mac in-game is pretty unforgiveable, that's pretty clear

Dunno how it'll turn out, i think zuna can be a really great warrior player if he puts work in, i dunno how much big e was involved in blaze theorycrafting and stuff but he seems outspoken and open-minded so all in all it should be a net positive. Playing w/ zuna warrior vs. erho warrior feels like a pretty big difference though


Ketch and I played through what were arguably some of the worst games I've seen since Open Beta last night. Check this particular one out:

Lili and Nova were named ToxicSTD and BigBadSTD respectively. Should've known going in, yeah?

Anyway, after getting no heals for 4 or 5 straight matches, I queue as heals and we immediately get double heals on our team. Our laning phase is not great, but it seems like we'll manage...and then the first chests spawn.

Lili and Nova spent virtually the entire game after that standing at turn in. It was exactly like what someone was describing a few weeks back on Blackheart's Bay. Ketch asked them nicely three times to go soak lanes or at least do something productive, but they just kept pinging turn in...meanwhile the opposition didn't even have enough coins to get a full turn in any of those times. Li-Ming goes to their pings and all three die (repeatedly) before level 10 and give the enemy two turn-ins by losing the few coins we could scrape from the chests because those were the only two spots on the map the three of them recognized as sovereign territory.

Ketch was stuck solo laning bottom and pinged for help several times (he was getting caved in by gank attempts and mercs), but they wouldn't help. I, as you can see by my EXP total, was soaking both mid and top by myself as a healer just to keep us caught up and get to 10. We make it to 10, win a teamfight, and we are actually even leveled and then...

In the middle of a team fight, Nova tries to open up on Butcher for reasons unknown to man, god, or the aliens. She manages to sneak away but I'm guessing she got clipped by a spell or AOE or something. This culminates in Butcher charging her and his whole team showing up and destroying her in about .213 seconds. While dead, she says "HOW DID BUTCHER SEE ME I WAS STEALTHED?" I try to explain to her how, and she dismisses it. She says she knows what she's talking about, and that I'm wrong. She then says "Which one of us has the master skin here? So who would know?" I couldn't help myself, I had to go lowbrow too and said "Which one of us is rank 1 here?" Thankfully that shut them up for the rest of the game, surprisingly, but we still had to suffer through 5 more minutes of the Night's Watch on the turn in before the enemy team wiped us enough and turned in enough to win.

I haven't seen stubbornness and play that shortsighted in a long time. I didn't check the MMRs but I feel like we had to be playing with a very mixed comp of MMRs for that to happen.

Well i assume the kenma/erho pact is because the community shits on them nonstop more kenma tho

Big e is pretty good friends w/ zuna and the score article makes it seem as if zuna/kenma would have voted to kick if it came down to it, but fan/mac were the saltier ones at the time. Erho shitting on mac in-game is pretty unforgiveable, that's pretty clear

Dunno how it'll turn out, i think zuna can be a really great warrior player if he puts work in, i dunno how much big e was involved in blaze theorycrafting and stuff but he seems outspoken and open-minded so all in all it should be a net positive. Playing w/ zuna warrior vs. erho warrior feels like a pretty big difference though

Doesn't the community shit on Zuna far more than they ever did those two combined, though?

What makes you think bige is outspoken? I haven't seen him in anything but the last THH and he literally had no strong opinion on anything and hardly opened his mouth.


I meant more that he seems like a chill dude who ppl like, i def have no evidence that he's outspoken

Yeah zuna shakes it off like taylor swift tho, i dont think he's a pactmaker. Kenma is more thank u haters you make me strong

Also whos down for aram tourney tonight, im trying to minimize my chances of playing w/ salty tryhardz tonight


He does definitely seem to be well liked.

I'm really more interested in what TS is gonna do roster wise. bkid and bige would've filled their holes perfectly. Beyond that I dunno where they go. Surely they aren't one of the "top teams" trying out Erho?


Erho makes sense for them i guess? Im pretty doubtful that ppl will be jumping to pick him or srey up but he's right na lacks warrior players


That makes sense. I was on my alt, which has my highest HL MMR but lowest QM MMR, so it's no surprise nearly everyone was a lowbie. Legit shocked that Nova was 2900 though.
Ketch and I played through what were arguably some of the worst games I've seen since Open Beta last night. Check this particular one out:

Lili and Nova were named ToxicSTD and BigBadSTD respectively. Should've known going in, yeah?

Anyway, after getting no heals for 4 or 5 straight matches, I queue as heals and we immediately get double heals on our team. Our laning phase is not great, but it seems like we'll manage...and then the first chests spawn.

Lili and Nova spent virtually the entire game after that standing at turn in. It was exactly like what someone was describing a few weeks back on Blackheart's Bay. Ketch asked them nicely three times to go soak lanes or at least do something productive, but they just kept pinging turn in...meanwhile the opposition didn't even have enough coins to get a full turn in any of those times. Li-Ming goes to their pings and all three die (repeatedly) before level 10 and give the enemy two turn-ins by losing the few coins we could scrape from the chests because those were the only two spots on the map the three of them recognized as sovereign territory.

Ketch was stuck solo laning bottom and pinged for help several times (he was getting caved in by gank attempts and mercs), but they wouldn't help. I, as you can see by my EXP total, was soaking both mid and top by myself as a healer just to keep us caught up and get to 10. We make it to 10, win a teamfight, and we are actually even leveled and then...

In the middle of a team fight, Nova tries to open up on Butcher for reasons unknown to man, god, or the aliens. She manages to sneak away but I'm guessing she got clipped by a spell or AOE or something. This culminates in Butcher charging her and his whole team showing up and destroying her in about .213 seconds. While dead, she says "HOW DID BUTCHER SEE ME I WAS STEALTHED?" I try to explain to her how, and she dismisses it. She says she knows what she's talking about, and that I'm wrong. She then says "Which one of us has the master skin here? So who would know?" I couldn't help myself, I had to go lowbrow too and said "Which one of us is rank 1 here?" Thankfully that shut them up for the rest of the game, surprisingly, but we still had to suffer through 5 more minutes of the Night's Watch on the turn in before the enemy team wiped us enough and turned in enough to win.

I haven't seen stubbornness and play that shortsighted in a long time. I didn't check the MMRs but I feel like we had to be playing with a very mixed comp of MMRs for that to happen.

Booty Bay is a terrible map with multiple experience voids. The alpha watch tower fights of old could go on until the first chest spawn and multiple people would have 0 exp, they think they're fighting over something worthwhile when in fact they're being a detriment to their team. And then there's the giant void around the turn-in that some idiots camp almost the entire match despite the other team not presently having enough coins to warrant guarding the turn-in, causing your team to fall further and further behind in experience.

It's behaviour like this that makes me wish experience gain was individual rather than teamwide, because then maybe people would learn pretty quickly how shit they're playing when they're dramatically under-leveled when compared to not only the enemy team but their teammates as well. Since teamwide experience gain is such a fundamental aspect of HotS's design, that will never happen. Instead they just need to remove Booty Bay from the Quick Match rotation and retire it to Custom Games because its replacement is already in the game. Tomb of the Spider Queen is a different and better iteration of the same fundamental design without any of the same drawbacks.

It's easier to remove a map with questionable design elements than it is to teach people nebulous things like when and where they should be laning, or that they should be off looking for a gank (like a merc camp where there might be a low health hero farming coins alone, or someone who might be alone in a lane) instead of camping that turn-in despite there being a graphic in the bottom right hand corner of the screen showing exactly how many coins a team has and needs for its next turn-in.

Next to Haunted Mines, Blackheart Bay is one of the most problematic and worst maps in the game.


Pretty much. Hard to argue that, really. My only complaint with Cursed Hollow now is that it looks (visually) so shitty compared to the others because it's so damn drab. Depresses me to play on it.

I typically enjoy Blackheart's Bay, but that's when I'm playing in my MMR bracket. If that's what high Gold/low Platinum level (as that appears to be where the MMR sum ended up for that game) players and below have to suffer through on it regularly, it's no wonder people have such an issue. I honestly have not seen people play like that with the turn in for nearly a full year. It was hard to even be mad, it was just sad.

Speaking of map issues, the new reworked Terror on Garden feels all kinds of useless. Not been a big fan of it. The run-and-gun playstyle kind of evolved because the thing was so easy to burst down, and now that it can't really run around (or shouldn't) it just feels like a shittier Dragon Knight.
The reddit thread on Soaking XP perfectly sums up my grievances at my MMR. Especially the part about fighting over nothing.
Often enough I'd go back to laning after losing an objective only to be alerted by the sound effect of my people dying. Then I'd look at the area of the lost objective and see them fighting over literally nothing. Same if we're late to an objective. Instead of returning to laning they'd rather fight and lose over an already lost objective.


Thread in question.


The reddit thread on Soaking XP perfectly sums up my grievances at my MMR. Especially the part about fighting over nothing.
Often enough I'd go back to laning after losing an objective only to be alerted by the sound effect of my people dying. Then I'd look at the area of the lost objective and see them fighting over literally nothing. Same if we're late to an objective. Instead of returning to laning they'd rather fight and lose over an already lost objective.


Thread in question.

And then they blame you cause you went soaking instead of dying with them


Yeah it's super frustrating, I'm sure. Doubly so because despite knowing these things and understanding the game better than when you started, the way the MMR works you have to win a ton to get out of that bracket and it's uphill sledding with that kind of shit going on around you. There's little concept of soak from most players at the lower ranges and the game gives them no guidance when they start playing about the importance of it either. It really is an entirely different sort of game there.
The only thing I like about Booty Bay is that the watch tower and turn-in are like the canaries in the coal mine that is your match. They sorta let you know how things are gonna go for the next twenty minutes.

Speaking of map issues, the new reworked Terror on Garden feels all kinds of useless. Not been a big fan of it. The run-and-gun playstyle kind of evolved because the thing was so easy to burst down, and now that it can't really run around (or shouldn't) it just feels like a shittier Dragon Knight.

All they had to do was make the plant whither quickly if the Terror leaves lane and its proximity.


Havent played a lot of new terror but i liked the previous version too. If they changed the shape and size of the map, that would have been pretty good.

A cool thing could be if you got two charges of w, it's invulnerable and amps dmg to buildings from all sources, revert hero auto-dmg back, auto doesnt splash/kill a wave, buff health a bit (maybe have terror take more dmg when cced), w doesnt disable buildings. I mean if they want to get rid of the to-10 race which is completely part of the game and a thing being done on pretty much every map across the board. I guess the bad part of that is that the terror is just sitting around after the charges are gone so there'd have to be an incentive to keep it around. I always thought the terror was gotlike at teamfighting even early on (partially because the timer on it is so long), so if they reverted those capabilities itd be prtty good. Fanfic over

Also terror does dbl dmg to other terrors, ppl always ran past other terrors for some reason in the previous iteration when the correct thing to do is kaiju dat shit, wipe them after, and then siege.


GoT was the most fun for me when the plant didn't disable the core. It lead to longer games, which is nice from time to time.
Just realized on the latest patch, they nerfed my random portrait on the load screen... uhg now I have to spend the loading time planning on what I'm going to do with the character I got, and no one else can see how cool I am by hitting random instead of choosing a hero.


Just realized on the latest patch, they nerfed my random portrait on the load screen... uhg now I have to spend the loading time planning on what I'm going to do with the character I got, and no one else can see how cool I am by hitting random instead of choosing a hero.

RIP random. It's a cool looking portrait too.
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