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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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I mean his whole team probably thinks that

But yeh this the type of stream we need

Fan is great but you could def call him overrated if you go by like superficial community stuff, i remember a lot of pros laughing about how nvt popped off at cog for fun during that one tourney but the community was like "those devils zuna,kenma, and erho, what are nice boys like fan and mac doing with them..." which really was entertaining until you realized that a lot of these ppl were absolutely being serious and also this is why we cant have nice things

In terms of consistency i dunno who id rate highly (kaeyoh?), a lot of the gotlike players have definitely fluctuated at one point or another


yeah big e to nvt makes a lot of sense and would be a great poach for them
I prob don't expect dread to play competitive again


He will still make better money streaming and casting and putting up YouTube vids than he will from playing right now. Wasn't Blizzcon $1 million last year too?

slow on the uptake though

Naventic releases Erho

it's official

Naventic has made the necessary changes to the NVT HotS roster effective immediately. It is with great sadness that today we are announcing the release of the services of Aaron “Erho” Kappes.

Originally joining the roster as a tank player, Erho was a key member of the roster and organization. Erho was willing, eager, and determined to bring the team to the next level both domestically and internationally. We wish him the absolute best of luck in finding a new home. The team is truly sad about having to make this move, but they must make this step in order to progress.

“Going forward will be a challenge just as it is with any sort of change. Being apart of our debut roster, Erho will hold a special place in our org's history.” said Jack “Vandy” Frierson. “The common theme on reddit was that we did not care about the conduct of our team and that is completely wrong. Erho was very emotionally engaged every game and had moments where he acted out in-game. We hope Erho finds a new home soon and we'll support him wherever he goes."

"I'm sad that we have released a member of our debut roster but eSports is a business and change is inevitable" said James "Bacon" Hawk. "Aaron was a genuine guy and he was very passionate about the progress of the team. Excited to see where he goes next."

Naventic wishes the best Erho and we will do all that we can to support his future endeavours. Stay tuned to our social channels and website for future updates on the Naventic HotS roster.


EDIT: I do think bige will join NVT. He's pretty close with McIntyre and I know Mac has said a few times he thinks he's one of the 5 best players in NA that weren't on C9/NVT. Kind of surprised Blaze is just gonna let him walk though, if that's the move. He literally just joined like 3 weeks ago.

slow on the uptake though

Naventic releases Erho

it's official

We've known that was official, didn't need the announcement. Hell, they knew it last night on Mc and Fan's stream apparently.


31m ago on Twitter

Potentially no @TownHallHeroes tonight. Been afk with Allison and getting her off to the airport now. Not sure if a show will be possible.

It was official as of last night. There was just no official press release until now.


I love the fact that NA pro's are suddenly streaming constantly since Korea. Maybe they figured out that it does help even if it's not as good as scrims.


Let's hope so. I've only seen Arthelon though. Who else is going now? I guess Mac too, dunno why I forgot him. Counting him as a regular I guess, since he does do it a couple times a week.


Sounds like maybe some romance drama for the jak egg. Either way, sucks no episode considering there is a shitton of stuff to talk about for once. Par for the course I guess.


Long time to be away from your fairly new fiancee while also closing on a new home.

EDIT: I don't mind them missing THH's, shit happens, but they pretty much never reschedule. That's what sucks.


Let's hope so. I've only seen Arthelon though. Who else is going now? I guess Mac too, dunno why I forgot him. Counting him as a regular I guess, since he does do it a couple times a week.

Arth, Glaurong, McIntyre have all streamed for hours today. Normally I'm forced to have the poor Abathur guy on in the background as there's few casters available during the day in EU land until Mewn wakes up. Its been noticeable to me over the last few days that we've had more pro's casting at times when normally there isn't content available.
I love Lili right now, mostly because of Blinding Wind, Shake It Off and Herbal Cleanse.
Lili can be hard to chase down in the first place because of her trait but starting at 7 she can shrug off a stun, and at 16 she basically gains a Cleanse on a 3 second CD. While her heal isn't targeted, typically the teammate getting locked down with CC is also being burst down so they're the target of the heal/cleanse anyways. You shut down Octo-Grab, Xul's root, Thrall's root, etc. She's a pretty strong laner early because of Blinding Wind you can actually bully a lot of heroes out of lane and later she can shut down right-click heroes at key moments. She even has a tool for dealing with Li-Ming with Shrink Ray. Tiny Li-Ming teleports to nowhere.

Her only real downside is her interruptable ult.
I'm having a really hard time with Lunara at the moment. I feel like I can't win any fight 1v1. I end up roaming and just trying to pick off opposing heroes that are low on health. Does anyone have any tips or talent builds that could help me out?
IIRC the trick is conserving her crits in combination with the increased AA speed from her lvl 7 and 16 talents.

Now I'm doing it too

Yuuj twitter said:
Team getting caught in the roster swap crossfire while we're trying to prepare for dorms... FeelsBadMan

What kinda contracts are esports orgs running people can just switch back and forth so easily. Dig at least bought out Schwimpi from NaVi.


One tip in a 1vs1 is try to constantly use your move speed advantage to dodge enemy skillshots. Try to move everytime you autoattack.
For builds, I basically use the one that gives you a lot of bonuses when activating W


I'm having a really hard time with Lunara at the moment. I feel like I can't win any fight 1v1. I end up roaming and just trying to pick off opposing heroes that are low on health. Does anyone have any tips or talent builds that could help me out?

One tip in a 1vs1 is try to constantly use your move speed advantage to dodge enemy skillshots. Try to move everytime you autoattack.
For builds, I basically use the one that gives you a lot of bonuses when activating W

Poke and if they walk towards you W and walk away, if they back up then W and poke them two more times. Keep you wisp at the nearest gank path so you know you're safe.


I'm having a really hard time with Lunara at the moment. I feel like I can't win any fight 1v1. I end up roaming and just trying to pick off opposing heroes that are low on health. Does anyone have any tips or talent builds that could help me out?

Stutter stepping on lunara is really important. Go into try mode and practice attacking and moving after every attack.


Stutter all day long, never ever trade attacks, just poke and bound away again. Most of your damage comes from poison, so just try to spread it out everywhere you can. Use W judiciously against heroes, if they turn to run away you can maybe get another attack or two in (or kill). Keep a wisp out to watch for ganks - if you see it coming, chances are you can get away safely. I much prefer Nature's Culling at 7 for insane waveclear and structure poke. Thornwood Vine most of the time unless you're against something like a Chen that can dive and bodyblock easily. Unfair Advantage if you're feeling safe, spell shield if they have a lot of nukes. And I loooove the nitro boost talent at level 20.
I've wanted to like Lunara since release, and I finally took some time to work with her... Mobility is the key. She's paper thin, but does a ton of damage if you spec noxious toxin for extra damage and attack speed.

Her poison is basically there to make up for her not being able to keep a constant auto-attack going, and the spec above is what you use to power down single laners and to power down healers in team fights (assuming you can find some safe positioning)


So is it bigempct to NVT and that's it, or are more leaving for Tempo Storm too? bkid would be a nice get for Tempo to replace the tank slot.


When you think about it, kirb's talk about so1dier makes the most sense though.

Bigempct is flex/ranged. McIntyre is melee now, we know that. Zuna has always been ranged or flex. Fan has always been ranged or flex. Kenma...is, well, Kenma. They need someone to play warriors and while I'm sure Zuna could do that, it's a risky move for something he's never done before.

On the other hand, so1dier could step right in (or Srey). Now, bigempct and bkid to Tempo Storm, on the other hand, that would be a huge move. We saw what they did with Blaze. With Kaeyoh, Goku, and Zixz (whom I think is the worst support NA, but that's me), they should do even better.

I legit have no clue btw, just spitballing.


I just hope some more good teams pop up eventually to increase the competition. NA and EU got smoked pretty bad at this last tournament. I don't follow MOBA scenes a lot, are roster changes after every tournament a common thing?


maybe mac is going to warrior? warriors are melee

@zackat, yea pretty much after most of the big tourneys. happens all the time in dota. not sure about league

edit: chu8's tier list - reddit.com/r/chu8

illidan tier 1, guess whose in last place


I don't follow MOBA scenes a lot, are roster changes after every tournament a common thing?

After each season, yes. We just finished the winter season, so some change was expected I guess. Definitely not surprised at Naventic shedding a body or two, no one seemed happy.

I think there are plenty of good competitive teams in EU who can qualify. NA, though, definitely could use some more diversity. The top two teams here are always typically leaps and bounds better than whoever is 3rd and it kinda sucks like that.
maybe mac is going to warrior? warriors are melee

@zackat, yea pretty much after most of the big tourneys. happens all the time in dota. not sure about league

edit: chu8's tier list - reddit.com/r/chu8

illidan tier 1, guess whose in last place


KT getting dunked on by Gaz

I am surprised by how low Butcher is, silence on Lamb is really strong.


watching chu stream now...

just think about this for a second.. Erho got kicked from Naventic for being toxic. Naventic.... for being toxic.


Neo Member
I played a game as kerrigan in qm against Li ming, xul, jaina, illidan, and kara. And it went really well! If you take Queen's rush and bolt of the storm, you won't get locked down.
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