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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Which Kael build were people running? I tried the AA / trait build last night, and whilst it's clearly effective in the right circumstances I have to be honest - I loathe it as a playstyle. It doesn't feel like a Mage at all, and the notion that auto attacks should be the main source of his damage just feels dumb.

Fel Infusion, Sunfire Enchantment and Sun King's Fury feel pretty necessary, and are the only way I've been consistently hitting 100+K hero damage in matches. I prefer Sunfire Enchantment over Gravity Crush because I'm relying on weaving in and out of auto-attack range, using free Living Bomb harass and quick right-clicks to poke and chip away at people. I find with all of the disables, position changing, roots, dive and range that I have to play kind of passively. Harass, chip and bait. Wait for the right time and positioning to stun someone and unload a couple of spells. It feels kinda Greymane-y.


Fel Infusion, Sunfire Enchantment and Sun King's Fury feel pretty necessary, and are the only way I've been consistently hitting 100+K hero damage in matches. I prefer Sunfire Enchantment over Gravity Crush because I'm relying on weaving in and out of auto-attack range, using free Living Bomb harass and quick right-clicks to poke and chip away at people. I find with all of the disables, position changing, roots, dive and range that I have to play kind of passively. Harass, chip and bait. Wait for the right time and positioning to stun someone and unload a couple of spells. It feels kinda Greymane-y.

The build the pros use is the stun build, with the reduced cooldown stun at 4 and the extra damage at 7. You then use your Empower on the stun, and immediately drop a flamestrike and living bomb on them. It's more damage than Sunfire enchantment single target, and obviously a lot more damage on multiple targets.

Really mana starved though, even if you take the level 1 talent.


Fel Infusion, Sunfire Enchantment and Sun King's Fury feel pretty necessary, and are the only way I've been consistently hitting 100+K hero damage in matches. I prefer Sunfire Enchantment over Gravity Crush because I'm relying on weaving in and out of auto-attack range, using free Living Bomb harass and quick right-clicks to poke and chip away at people. I find with all of the disables, position changing, roots, dive and range that I have to play kind of passively. Harass, chip and bait. Wait for the right time and positioning to stun someone and unload a couple of spells. It feels kinda Greymane-y.

Yeah, im not into the talent but sunfire seems more bread and butter, though ive never tried gravity crush w/ roil. His q doing same dmg w/o d is like a revelation to me though, what a great change.


The Gravity Crush build is better if your team has a lot of map control and functions like a team.

Yeah id say sunfire is the consistent multiple use type of thing and gravity crush is great for a catch type thing where you have more dmg sources than yourself. Setup -> kael e -> kill could be really legit.

I forget if tempo was using kael during their spider tomb game last night but itd fit their fog/pick strategy really well esp. with nether wind


Having tried both builds, I have to say I much, much prefer the stun build. It's harder to play than the AA build, but feels a hell of a lot better regardless of team co-ordination or not. Being able to literally spam your stun whilst chain bombing people is very powerful.

It also makes him play like a mage rather than an AAer, and feels a lot safer because of the massive CC he brings.

(Single target the stun build is much higher than the AA build, assuming the stun lands).


that's why you gotta get the CD reduction and then after pyro maniac it's like nothing to put out 3 tornadoes in a fight.

I think lvl 1 is situational, convection and mana shield are both pretty good. fel infusion is just like the default weaker middle ground.


Convection is fairly bad TBH - it's very hard to complete in a normal game, and if you are empowering your stuns your flame strikes aren't hitting many people at once. The mana talent is okay but the number needed to complete the quest is WAY too high - it should be 20 tops, or even 15.

Personally I take Fel Infusion because it helps with laning and sustain, and 5% more damage on everything is quite handy for the stun build.

And yes, stuns for everyone everywhere after level 13!


Convection prob wont ever work in a normal game as it is and mana addict can be good but i prob wouldnt reccomend unless you actually have mana issues

I feel like the mana addict quest is pretty feasible and kind of at a point where id want an additional power spike to be, like you can get it ~7 minutes in if you focus it but focusing it also fucks up your early game


they should put lore walker cho into the game and have him be like Rubick but instead of having to steal a spell his QWE just becomes whatever spells are cast in vacinity of him.

and then his R is like give everybody on your team a 1 use extra charge of their abilities.


HoTD had 106k viewers on ESPN 2.

10% up over last year.

Nielsen box ratings for eSports probably not the best barometer, even with their estimations based on households with it. Still nice to see it is up, but there were probably a lot more than that watching. What were the youtube numbers anyway?


that'll just be for the weekend. you'll be able to play tomorrow morning and I think it goes for 36 hours or so


Even if you were in, it's only til early May for open beta so you wouldn't be getting a lot. Just pissed your shit got reset, most likely.

Anyway, if anyone wants to play OW tonight I'll try to get on. I didn't see Brick and Syfadious' message til the servers got taken down last night.


yeah brick and I were going to play but the ddos thing. I should be on tonight but I am in a starcraft mood too


Apparently the accounts flagged for beta weekend are just preemptive. You can't actually play til 9 AM PST tomorrow.


Apparently the accounts flagged for beta weekend are just preemptive. You can't actually play til 9 AM PST tomorrow.



Milly da real qruul one here

Bigempct said in his AMA that Naventic/BRFC tried to get him when they were first forming the team. That's interesting. Arth said him and Zuna formed it, so Mac would've been the odd man out or Erho?
Someone just tried convincing me BHB is a teamfight map. It was also quintessential to guard the turn in 24/7 no matter whether they can turn in and no we don't need to soak but to fight them a talent down because if we don't we're just letting them win. They didn't even have enough coins for a turn in.
Then the one time we should be guarding turn in because they have enough and we're down to 2 keeps with barely any health all of them are god knows where and I die alone 1v2. Scrublife, well that last bit was my fault.
And to be fair to the team we had an illidan that did the right thing in doing camps most of the time but also just fed the coins to the opponents at any chance.


Milly da real qruul one here

Bigempct said in his AMA that Naventic/BRFC tried to get him when they were first forming the team. That's interesting. Arth said him and Zuna formed it, so Mac would've been the odd man out or Erho?
Erho, you just don't pass on him.


Someone just tried convincing me BHB is a teamfight map. It was also quintessential to guard the turn in 24/7 no matter whether they can turn in and no we don't need to soak but to fight them a talent down because if we don't we're just letting them win. They didn't even have enough coins for a turn in.
Then the one time we should be guarding turn in because they have enough and we're down to 2 keeps with barely any health all of them are god knows where and I die alone 1v2. Scrublife, well that last bit was my fault.
And to be fair to the team we had an illidan that did the right thing in doing camps most of the time but also just fed the coins to the opponents at any chance.


you can't just let them turn in 4 coins. Are you crazy?
Pretty much.

Glau just said on stream he fucked up on Sky temple and that the 3rd game it was the draft.
They underestimated KT and shouldn't have picked Zag.

Wow my winrate with thrall is an abysmal 38%, talk about scrublife.


Someone just tried convincing me BHB is a teamfight map. It was also quintessential to guard the turn in 24/7 no matter whether they can turn in and no we don't need to soak but to fight them a talent down because if we don't we're just letting them win. They didn't even have enough coins for a turn in.
Then the one time we should be guarding turn in because they have enough and we're down to 2 keeps with barely any health all of them are god knows where and I die alone 1v2. Scrublife, well that last bit was my fault.
And to be fair to the team we had an illidan that did the right thing in doing camps most of the time but also just fed the coins to the opponents at any chance.

Someone? You mean 90% of randos? It's the reason BHB is by far my least favorite map. Almost without fail the rest of my team will run to the turn in right after the first two chests and... never come back. I soak both the top lanes and then get yelled at for ignoring the objective as they all die.


Pretty much.

Glau just said on stream he fucked up on Sky temple and that the 3rd game it was the draft.
They underestimated KT and shouldn't have picked Zag.

Wow my winrate with thrall is an abysmal 38%, talk about scrublife.

I just wish I knew when to be picking KT. I'm getting better with the gravity lapse build (which already now seems to be overtaking the AA build at top levels of play), but it's an incredibly mechanical build that needs a lot of key presses and targeting fast.

At 16 it sort of becomes a tank killer build because block doesn't stop the extra damage from Sun Kings Fury and tanks can't retreat from KT because that spreads living bomb everywhere, but until then it's interesting figuring out how best to place him. He does very good work combined with any other CC of course.
Someone? You mean 90% of randos? It's the reason BHB is by far my least favorite map. Almost without fail the rest of my team will run to the turn in right after the first two chests and... never come back. I soak both the top lanes and then get yelled at for ignoring the objective as they all die.

I kinda like it since it's a map you can influence heavily solo just by proactively picking coins and playing conservatively. That match though was a legit shitfest.

I just wish I knew when to be picking KT. I'm getting better with the gravity lapse build (which already now seems to be overtaking the AA build at top levels of play), but it's an incredibly mechanical build that needs a lot of key presses and targeting fast.

At 16 it sort of becomes a tank killer build because block doesn't stop the extra damage from Sun Kings Fury and tanks can't retreat from KT because that spreads living bomb everywhere, but until then it's interesting figuring out how best to place him. He does very good work combined with any other CC of course.

I'm still flabbergasted he's great again, is he? Some dudes wanted to ban him in HL.


He seems to be, proving me as good as Dunk Train, Zoia and other luminaries at predicting how patch changes will pan out. I'm still not sold on this playstyle, but the stun build does have some undeniable strengths.


I hated, nay *loathed* ToD at the start but have grown to really like it - even though I still don't really understand it at all.


I love Towers. Have had some insane comebacks and silliness on that map. Both teams down to 2 health fighting over the only altar, then our Chen barrels them all away and we cap it, good stuff.

And I'm finally in the Overwatch beta this weekend! First time to see it in action, which is good since I'm still not sure if it's something I would like or not.
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