What's up guys, anything new lately?
They either over- (Li-Ming, Xul) or under-shoot (Dehaka, Rexxar) with their simulated live testing environment.
I'll deal with Tracer the same way I've survived Li-Ming, with Raynor right-click
He's like Uther- godly in 5 mans.I don't think that Dehaka belong to the 'weak on release' category.
I don't think that Dehaka belong to the 'weak on release' category.
Liquid drafted a 4.5 melee comp. Rehgar, Muradin, Thrall, Dehaka, Greymane. Amount of CC is insane.
I was confused for a second because that wasn't the match I wi watched, but figured I must have caught the second. Starfall is back it seems!
Why are Team Liquid playing again by the way - I thought they had already qualified?
I was confused as well by that until I realised it's the Dreamhack qualifier #1, Leicester is next week, liquid are playing from their bootcamp.
Blizzard really fucked this up with their disinterest.
I fucking suck so bad with Jaina it's not even funny.
The AA build on KT is pretty good.
Well, that's what I meant? E build with the AA talents.
She's my 5th most played hero at 100 games and I'm rocking a 47.5% win rate. I just cannot for the life of me ever get her down.
I was just trying out Q build and while the poke is good and I like the playstyle better, I went up against Zera and Li-Ming. She is completely outclassed by Li-Ming. Feels so bad to try to land a combo only for Ming to E behind you and shit on your face.
wait is tracer blink a dash or a blink I assumed the latter which should detarget stuff like valla q
also has eu been picking sylvanas?
makes sense
watching this game, I don't really think tyrande should be topping dmg unless ppl just chill in the aoe, or if the game is just being really passive and she's just getting a lot of owl potshots
holy fuck stage dive + starfall is so nasty
Meh, Team Liquid have gotten back into that weird thing where they draft Vikings all the time. It wasn't entertaining or that effective a year ago when they had the spanish brothers, and appears to be doing exactly the same now.
EDIT: they actually won that game after losing it at every stage of the way, but really didn't feel like the vikings did much work there.
Na'vi finally got revenge on Dignitas and beat them to qualify for Dreamhack. Using a double tank composition plus Sonya. Have to say watching the games played Li-Ming still seems very fine in the hands of pros.
And I know I'm goingt o sound stupid for saying this, but I think LiquidCris was playing Kael wrong. Yes, I know he's the pro etc,. but he hasn't played him much on his stream and during the one match I saw him play Kael he was constantly empowering his flamestrikes. I'm really not sure that's the best way to play with the gravity lapse build, as the extra 0.5 seconds on the CC is really big even against a single target.