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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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That would be the shit if he was. New #1 team for me with a bullet. Shame about their ugly smiley face logo doe.


Erho is still signed with TS to be a content producer. He is just taking a break this summer. Way to make it sound way worse than it actually is, lol.

Erho is taking a break for summer to focus on creating content and streaming. He still works for TS as a content producer and will be back for Blizzcon season. He was just getting burnt out from competitive and needs the break

TS is/was very happy having Erho as a teammate and wouldn't have removed him. Erho chose to take a break, he was not kicked or voted off.


They hadn't posted any explanation when I did my post, it was hot off the press!

Glad he's not kicked in that way. Although doesn't it leave them in the lurch for the second summer regional?


I don't exactly take them at face value that it's not that way. Maybe so, but dude is salty and their results have been horrendous. If they were like we'll say you're just taking a break to help him out image wise, I would not be shocked. Plus the break is kinda word since he was all vim and vigor post NVT.
Tempo seems really bad at releasing contracts, I'd think 3 or 4 times before signing with them.
Dread has been ramping up his own brand for awhile full with his own youtube channel, logo,... It was only a matter of his contract running out.


Stun nerfs are fucking stupid. Nerfing stuns indirectly buffs already annoying heroes. I can see it in some heroes , but not like uther or some of the other people who lost stun time. Real dumb to nerf it across the board when it's specific heroes that cause the problem.

Like.... They fucking nerfed gazlowe ARE YOU KIDDING ME.

Every time with this game. One step forward two steps back.


Interestingly kaels stun wasn't nerfed, so an empowered gravity lapse is still a full 1.5 seconds in the air. That makes it the longest duration reliable non-heroic stun (Gazlowes gravity lapse just isn't in the same league).


I want to know how that meeting went.

"Have you guys seen this exploding charge?! We gotta do something about this shit!"

Like what? What game are they playing? Nerf exploding charge? Hello? Team... This tyrande KT are over hero putting my hero in stasis, but explodium charge has GOT to go.


Stun nerfs are fucking stupid. Nerfing stuns indirectly buffs already annoying heroes. I can see it in some heroes , but not like uther or some of the other people who lost stun time. Real dumb to nerf it across the board when it's specific heroes that cause the problem.

Like.... They fucking nerfed gazlowe ARE YOU KIDDING ME.

Every time with this game. One step forward two steps back.

I want to know how that meeting went.

"Have you guys seen this exploding charge?! We gotta do something about this shit!"

Like what? What game are they playing? Nerf exploding charge? Hello? Team... This tyrande KT are over hero putting my hero in stasis, but explodium charge has GOT to go.

Nope, gazlowe, bright wing, and uther Obviously they were the problem.

Also muradin, xul root and Diablo ultimate. Even those are not the right ones.



Yea I'm real but hurt over gazlowe nerfs. Guess he'll finally stop being first pick.

Like stun nerfs are fine, but they literally nerfed the ones that were fine and left the ones that were bullshit alone.

The healers had to get hit. That I get. (since there's one in every comp.)
But not tyrande though.... Her stun is fine. Uther though, he needs a nerf.


Let's see how the gaz nerf pans out first.

They probably won't have to make any more adjustments once explodium charge isn't so OP anymore.


But not tyrande though.... Her stun is fine. Uther though, he needs a nerf.
That's sort of Tyrande's thing though - gankgankgankgankgank. (And why trying to make her competitive a full healer was absolutely ridiculous given her hyper-aggro kit- we're seeing Tass/Ty nearly 100% of the time now in competitive because of the changes.)


I don't think it's an overarching design issue that some heroes have stuns while others don't. It's Importent for different heroes to have different strengths and weaknesses. What I think the actual over arching design issue is that there are some heroes with high strengths with low weaknesses and it takes way to long for that stuff to get addressed.

For example: It's fine if uther has a strong stun and monk doesn't if monk is better at AOE healing or dps. It's bad if uther has a strong stun and monk doesn't and is also worse in every other category aswell.

And that's pretty close to the situation we have with tyrande, it's fine that she has a strong stun and damage, but then she also has strong enough healing that you almost just shouldn't pick uther over tyrande in any situation. So when it comes time for balance changes I strong believe they should either buff uther or nerf tyrande. And it doesn't matter how they do it as long as the strengths and weaknesses of each hero are pronounced enough to make choosing one of the other a meaningful choice.... But instead of doing any of that they nerf uther.... Because they don't like stun meta.

And there's analogs to that situation in basically every roll.
I already own a skin for tyrael but I think I'm going for the master skin next. There's no warrior that feels better than him. It sux that Q won't get him out of roots anymore.+

Dreamhack started already. Not sure what audience they want to attract at 11am, not all esports fans are deadbeat students.


So. NaVi kicks their team -> Dig kicks Wubby for AlexTheProG -> Fnatic kicks AtheroAngle for Wubby -> ExNavi subs in Athero for Dreamhack. The circle is officially complete. ExNaVi now has both Zarmony and Athero from orig Bob?


Yep - they are clearing still working on roles and play. Their first draft was dreadful and I have no idea why they went with murky. The second game looked better but the team comp was still ipphy and they executed badly.


These dudes on THH complaining about grandmaster being top 500 de-incentivizing it make no sense to me. Some of them already fought for top spots on a leaderboard they couldn't track that was only released two weeks after the month ended. There's pretty much no way that those same people + many more won't be gunning to get up that leaderboard and have a number beside their name.

They did kinda walk the complaining back at the end of the topic, but damn. Wanting top 50 or top 200 for prestige I get...but top 50 or top 200 is still there to get and will still be where everyone wants to be ya know? Seems like a total non-issue.

Also Glau guaranteeing pros will dominate the list once the patch goes live. I sure hope so, cause it'll be embarrassing if not.


They (McIntyre/Glau/bkb/Dunk) are all pretty impressed with Arthas. Everyone but bkb said he'd be tier one/first pick, and bkb thinks he's super strong but you'll want another warrior from what I could tell. Good to see them also think he's as good as everyone has said.

Is BKB still rank 5 in hero league? ;-)

Dunno, can't remember the last time I saw him stream.

Which pretty much guarantees she won't see play

Mac and co think she's gonna have a place.

Regardless of the pros, though, she'll show up in play for us plebs because she's (A) a mage and (B) her damage is huge and people like doing damage. Any map that has a fixed objective (Sky Temple, Infernal Shrines, etc.) is a good place for her IMO cause she can poke so well.


I think shes quite strong now after playing against good ones, the rewind ult has a really long range too, def feels like the better one of the two atm


I think he meant because she'll be banned? I could be wrong.

I took it as him continuing his snark fest and saying she'll be more Jaina than KT/Li-Ming, but /shrug. :p Maybe you're right.

I think shes quite strong now after playing against good ones, the rewind ult has a really long range too, def feels like the better one of the two atm

I dunno man, that ult seems highly situational to me for our play. The area where she shines is where there is a fixed spot people congregate and post 13 she can stand off screen and pelt and poke. The fixed area also encourages her slowing ult as a zoning tool, funneling them either (A) into the slow which is good for you or (B) into another area you want them to be/separating them.

Add in the fact that it's a 70 second cooldown while you can just reapply the slow ult anywhere every 5 seconds (and the mana drain is mostly negligible) and it's hard for me to see it being the better one of the two for non-pro/non-high end play.

I mean, it's basically Tracer's rewind but you control it, right? And people have a hard enough time keeping up with Tracer's rewind as is, hence all the OpieOP and all. Hard to expect your random group to see the tell from this and congregate around it given just a couple seconds to react IMO. Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way, but that CD is pretty gat damn large for what it does and what you can typically expect out of coordination to follow up.

EDIT: To be clear I think both of her ults are pretty lackluster, though. Just feel like the slow suits her objective based, Sgt. Hammer like playstyle.


Can't wait until I get to play her this Tuesday.

I feel I've finally peaked with Li-Ming like I have KT. Took a while, but I'm confident in it.


For me the rewind one seems like an ult that does actual stuff, like beyond the void prison-like setup for the team (for me the tictoc during it is really ostentatious), it ensures that chromie can land her full combo

The other one feels more like a zoning tool which can be useful but in my limited experience it has been a non-factor and im only ever scared of her if she has the other ult up because it means pain can come and i cant stop it (usually her skills are really easy to dodge unless she has help)


Has Tracer been used in the EU regional yet?

For me the rewind one seems like an ult that does actual stuff, like beyond the void prison-like setup for the team (for me the tictoc during it is really ostentatious), it ensures that chromie can land her full combo

The other one feels more like a zoning tool which can be useful but in my limited experience it has been a non-factor and im only ever scared of her if she has the other ult up because it means pain can come and i cant stop it (usually her skills are really easy to dodge unless she has help)

I can see that I guess, I just can't see it happening consistently at my level. You do play a significantly higher MMR so maybe that's enough to get to a point where Chromies can properly time their Q+W on the return point...

On the flip side you are spending a 70 second CD on the hopes of deleting one person. Just seems like it should be lower and requires a little too much attention from your team for it to be a consistent death sentence.

Her skills being easier to dodge is kind of the point of the other ult IMO. It forces the enemy to funnel in a specific direction which means easier skill shots. And if they walk in the slow, you get what you would've gotten with a 70 sec CD for nothing basically.

EDIT: I think I would've liked the rewind ult better if it could be used defensively in a team fight instead of only in a chase scenario. That would be super beneficial for her. But even if you looped an Illidan or Thrall, they'd just be right back on you since it's only 3 secs so it's not very good for that.


Im just talking about my experience + ptr mm, i do think the timing for her ult takes getting used to but i mean if i see rich doing it i can just tell myself that ill get it after i practice for an hour


The fuck was up with matchmaking today. Bought Li-Ming, played two matches (to get her to lvl 5) and got the most toxic teams imaginable. Probably the worst in the last two weeks or so. Just people yelling at each other, spouting the most racist, homophobic trash. Had to report the entirety of my team in the first game and of course we got absolutely stomped on. Switched to Tracer to get her to 10 and everyone on my team was nice, we were able to coordinate and won with ease. It's like this game doesn't want me to play any other character.
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