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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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The reddit thread on HL stats comparison between top players in NA and KR is interesting in it's own little vacuum. It does look like Rich (by a mile or 10) and then sCsC/Fan to a lesser degree have a bit of a skill gap on Mac and Glau.

It's better when you heal. But I get why you don't want to all the time.

My healing is better, but I don't know that the team is better otherwise I would do it. The people we play with don't seem to be particularly great at playing damage.

I think it's more that you feel safer when I heal. :p

The fuck was up with matchmaking today. Bought Li-Ming, played two matches (to get her to lvl 5) and got the most toxic teams imaginable. Probably the worst in the last two weeks or so. Just people yelling at each other, spouting the most racist, homophobic trash. Had to report the entirety of my team in the first game and of course we got absolutely stomped on. Switched to Tracer to get her to 10 and everyone on my team was nice, we were able to coordinate and won with ease. It's like this game doesn't want me to play any other character.

You have done that to yourself, Anakin Altairre.
The reddit thread on HL stats comparison between top players in NA and KR is interesting in it's own little vacuum. It does look like Rich (by a mile or 10) and then sCsC/Fan to a lesser degree have a bit of a skill gap on Mac and Glau.

It's hard to say with glau missing on thrall and sonya but on zeratul glau is contending with rich and on illidan he's not that far behind.
Thrall would have been interesting since in tourneys glau tends to look dreadful on him.


grubby missing the memo lol


inb4 liquid gets blown out this set


EDIT: didn't bkb say TL would be fine if they didn't draft stupid? But then..

It's hard to say with glau missing on thrall and sonya but on zeratul glau is contending with rich and on illidan he's not that far behind.
Thrall would have been interesting since in tourneys glau tends to look dreadful on him.

On Zera Glau has nearly double the deaths of everyone else and less damage. How is that contending? I guess you're talking about winrate? I was talking about the actual stats.

Same for Illidan. He was the 3rd best of those too despite the winrate.

His winrates are insane though. Same for Rich. But Glau also is a big proponent of the duo queue to maximize synergy. Fan pretty much plays whatever when he plays in contrast.


The funny thing about SolidJake and E-Sports is that cleanshaven Jake w/ a haircut is shockingly good looking. He did one ep of THH like that and he looked like a completely different person. I'm surprised he hasn't gone for it again, with all the competition from Dreadnaught and Khaldor nowadays.


If you are still somewhat new, and have only been playing the AI, is there anything particular you can do to train to fight other players? I have friend that play PVP, but they have been playing from day 1 and I don't want to hold them back. Does it affect their ranking if we do quick matches together?
EDIT:On Zera Glau has nearly double the deaths of everyone else and less damage. How is that contending? I guess you're talking about winrate? I was talking about the actual stats.

Same for Illidan. He was the 3rd best of those too despite the winrate.

His winrates are insane though. Same for Rich. But Glau also is a big proponent of the duo queue to maximize synergy. Fan pretty much plays whatever when he plays in contrast.

I'm not the biggest fan of looking at damage as indicative with zeratul. Winrate isn't ideal either but it's part of the picture. Glau dies much more than the others on zeratul but it's not nearly double (.3 and .5 is a lot over a hundred games). It's rather telling though for why zeratul isn't working out in competitive where dying is a much bigger issue. What you can probahly say from it is that glau is greedier. Dead for longer generally means less damage.
And of the ones listed rich is the only one consistently solo queueing. Rentaro playing support for fan has to throw off the numbers as well.
That's why I'd have liked to compare thrall and sonya as with illidan 3rd best and close to fan is contending.

Looking at what's presented I wouldn't call fan particularly far ahead in hl at least, in competitive though fan any day.


It wasn't as awesome as I originally thought, but it was a p good maw to deny and steal the boss and get the gg:


If you are still somewhat new, and have only been playing the AI, is there anything particular you can do to train to fight other players? I have friend that play PVP, but they have been playing from day 1 and I don't want to hold them back. Does it affect their ranking if we do quick matches together?

You should just jump in. There'll be a learning curve, but where you start you'll be on even terms with people also starting out (or who are still at starting MMR).

I dunno what your friend's QM MMR is, but it can help or hurt. Just depends on how far up the ladder he is. The higher he is, the harder the games may be for you because you're looking at facing people who have decent skill/knowledge and they'll take advantage of your naivete.

I'd suggest going into a few on your own and just giving it a go. The toxicity in HOTS is nowhere near the levels of other mobas, and you can mute anyone you don't want to hear anyway. No real reason not to jump in other than fear, cause everyone you play with (provided you're solo) will be on your level.
Team Liquid ran a very interesting vikings on dshire, they kept all vikings top lane for most of the game to always be able to cap the shrine, soak the lane and have 1 viking backup. Only when they won a fight and focused on one lane they'd split the vikings in lanes. They still lost but that's more at draft and losing a decisive fight at the end than anything.


yeah when I first started playing vikings i kept hoping to get dshire because that was one of the maps where you could justify 3 in 1 lane lol

but these days you could probably just rexxar it


You know, I think they should make placement games for HL solo queue only. No duoing to (potentially) inflate MMR during the soft reset til you are out of placement.

This has been a random thought from Alur. PEACE.


6 game win streak to sweet victory so I can have an epic wolf like the cool kids!


You know, I think they should make placement games for HL solo queue only. No duoing to (potentially) inflate MMR during the soft reset til you are out of placement.

This has been a random thought from Alur. PEACE.

A true solo queue would be very welcome. Personally I never solo anymore, because my winrate solo is absolute rubbish compared to playing with a buddy. It's kind of silly that's how the system works.


6 game win streak to sweet victory so I can have an epic wolf like the cool kids!

Congrats! Welcome to our secret of club of secrets.

Did you ever finish your TL placements?

A true solo queue would be very welcome. Personally I never solo anymore, because my winrate solo is absolute rubbish compared to playing with a buddy. It's kind of silly that's how the system works.

I've actually fared better in HL solo once I've gotten past rank 5 on my grinds, anyway, on two of my three accounts. Not so much solo in QM, though.

It would be kind of cool if there was a solo only queue period, but I don't think we're quite there yet with the population to split it into QM, HL solo, HL 2's and 3's, and the upcoming unranked draft plus Arena. I'm sure it'll get there, but dunno about just yet.


Gold Member
Won 9 games straight, thought I was Ares reborn. Now I've lost 12 straight... I think I got bumped up into a bracket I do not need to be in.


Holy shit. Day 2 of EU Regional #2 starts at 1:40 AM PST. Damn, if it started at like 5 AM maybe could swing dat, but dat's too late to start for me. Sorry Blizz.



what is it syf. did you just realize no OW for another week and a half or...?


Is Ultimate Evolution bugged? Aba is banned at DH Tours.

Yes. If you take the monstrosity heroic and the 25% attack speed talent at level 4, every time you hat the monstrosity it gains a permanent 25% attack speed buff.

Stupid to ban the hero entirely though because he's such a key part of the meta. Also it amuses me to think this bug has existed for months but has only shown up now because only in free Abathur week would someone take the 25 % attack speed buff and that stupid dumb heroic and use them repeatedly on each other... ;-)

(I know that's not true, but let me enjoy the fantasy!)
No one seems to be streaming the Dignitas Navi game.

NVM they are out, so 1st place definitely qualifies. Hopefully gonna show up at the globals. Also mean semis are K.O. for mYi.
NaVi won with Vikings played by granpkt, Zarmony solo supporting on Tyrande.


No idea what they are drafting, Kharazim seems bad against Li Ming and also otherwise a very immobile comp.


Yeah, it was only available on a German channel.

Have to be honest, i think the switch is going to hurt them a hell of a lot more than they think. Whilst I can understand Wubby not having the same drive as the rest of them, the fact is AlextheProG does not have a great record and the team *worked* with Wubby.

I don't have great hopes for summer worlds for them atm.
I haven't seen any of their games but the drafts look dreadful. Alex doesn't have the greatest track record recently but he was with NaVi at their height and got picked up from a low tier team before that. I never watched him much he did just join the team 10 days ago. I'm more surprised that Dignitas didn't look for someone covering their shortcoming aka Illidan.

It's not like Dignitas would stand a chance at competing in worlds in their previous state, even if it doesn't work out they have time to prep for Blizzcon and make further changes if need be.

And Liquid went for Arthas Murky.


Maybe. But I still agree with Grubby-0 these teams expect too much too soon. dig have been playing with that roster for about 2 months, compared to the korean and chinese teams that have been using the same roster for over half a year.

on the plus side - at least after this people can stop doubting Myinsanity. They are clearly one of the bets teams in Europe right now.
I don't support that idea as much as it is used. The koreans aren't just better because they stick together. MVP Black outclasses everyone on an individual basis alone. TNL and estar is what we should compare other regions to and both are just slightly better than EU/NA teams switching rosters.

If you want to contest with MVP Black you need the best players and be able to work together, if you don't think you can make your players into the best players there's no point in keeping them. Same is true for having the best players that just don't work good together.

Did Liquid pick Murky into Li Ming, are they insane? Liquid is the CoG of EU, I keep seeing potential but they continue to disappoint.
Also mYi still has to beat Fnatic after this and they now have Wubby who used to draft and shotcall for Dig, i.e. beat them.

Liquid always made it, not so sure about mYi after this one. Game was insane, and not in the good way.
Srsly the lack of comments is depressing always have to double post.

Bakery said:
A few words to the fans - Dreamhack Tours
First off, an apology. Whatever the situation, we should never have as disappointing an event as we did.

There were two major issues for us this tournament, the first being how badly we adapted to the meta, and the other is me being as ill as I am.

To elaborate on our struggles with the meta, we incorrectly identified the way that the meta was heading, and a lot of our practice time went into compositions with Jay on a high impact melee Hero such as Thrall or Greymane, and Alex on a much more passive tank, or a sustain composition. Both of those involve a double support setup, which restricted our draft freedom to a large degree. Our drafts at the event did not fit our style at all, to quote Sake "dignitas have terribly focus 2 supporter obviosu tactic" and "your so strong but not dignitas game style today i'm so sad.". He is of course completely correct.

The other is me being ill, which has caused a large amount of issues itself. I am a large part of our in fight calling, and my team rely on me to be active for them to know when to move back and when to force. As anyone who I spoke to at the event will tell you, I literally have no voice right now, which caused a lot of the miscommunications you saw where someone would go in, or we would use multiple cooldowns when only one was needed.

Lastly I would like to again reiterate our reasons for the roster change. There is no doubt that not only was Jay the best tank in Europe, but also that Wubby was the best shotcalling and drafting presence in Europe. As I said in my now infamous on-stream interview, the goal of the team is not just to do well in Europe, it's to be one of the best in the world, and I still so not think that we had or ever would have that potential with Wubby, and that is the reason why we made the change. There is no guarantee that we can ever reach that goal, and chasing it causes us to risk our position as a top European team, but that is a risk that every player was and still is willing to take.

The reason that we chose Alex was not because of his ingame skill, it is because we believed that he would be the best replacement for Wubby in terms of his drafting and shotcalling. In time, I have complete faith that Jay will be the best flex player in Europe, and I am extremely excited to spend the next 5 weeks trying to improve as much as possible with this roster.

Again, a huge thanks to all of our dedicated fans, and we will do everything we can to make you guys proud.


Fnatic learned there lessons and aren't picking GMane anymore.


bakery digging his hole w/ the whole "it's quite easy" to win eu comment finally pays off in hilarious interaction w/ zuna and nvt owner



it'd be cool if this showmatch had comms for the viewers
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