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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Pretty much yeah. I let my sub lapse on wow for months at a time and when the new expansion hits I'll play it at least an hour every day for as long as I am raiding.

With mobas, shooters, fighting games and the like that are like this with no sub part of the ease of playing them is you feel no shackles for the day to day. Your stuff will always be there, so if you don't wanna play for 2 months no big deal. You can pick up right where you left off, no loot to grind or anything.

Oh how I loathe dailies, unlike those that give you time to finish and are of low importance, i.e. fuck WoW dailies. Yes blizzard I'd like to pay 13 per month for a 2nd job.


Hard to tell how many free $15 Blizz got out of me in WoW subs cause I took a break but didn't cancel just in case I wanted to log in for dailies or something. Same thing with SWTOR.
have you been on swtor lately? I haven't been subbed for probably a year or so now, wondering how it's holding up. was actually thinking of resubbing for a little bit before legion drops


have you been on swtor lately? I haven't been subbed for probably a year or so now, wondering how it's holding up. was actually thinking of resubbing for a little bit before legion drops

I've been on more recently than he has, I think. And that was months ago.
Man, only Alur would respond to someone saying "later" with "see you, I guess?"

Nah I figure ya'll won't be around much by the time I feel like playing again. I was just surprised I hadn't thought about the game in so long.

I havent even been reading the thread so I've missed new heroes and updates. I've taken breaks before, but man I'm gonna be super rusty and gross when I pick this up again.


Apologies if this has been asked already. Looking over the rewards for ranked play I have a quick question.
Are the ranks per tier? For example if a player placed in bronze and reach rank 1 bronze do they get all the rank 1 rewards?

4000 Gold
Elemental Wolf Mount
Epic Elemental Wolf Mount
Preseason Hero League Portrait

I'm still doing placement matches, so just curious.
Apologies if this has been asked already. Looking over the rewards for ranked play I have a quick question.
Are the ranks per tier? For example if a player placed in bronze and reach rank 1 bronze do they get all the rank 1 rewards?

4000 Gold
Elemental Wolf Mount
Epic Elemental Wolf Mount
Preseason Hero League Portrait

I'm still doing placement matches, so just curious.

The new rank system isn't up yet is it? This page is (I think) saying the rewards for the preseason ranking system. When the first season comes out, rewards will probably be given out based on tier (bronze, silver, etc.) and not necessarily how high or low you place within the tier. That Rank 1 reward is almost definitely for having reached rank 1 during preseason.

Related: Super pumped that I got Rank 3 way earlier in preseason so that I get those rewards. Gimme the epic wolf mount and all that gold.


The new rank system isn't up yet is it? This page is (I think) saying the rewards for the preseason ranking system. When the first season comes out, rewards will probably be given out based on tier (bronze, silver, etc.) and not necessarily how high or low you place within the tier. That Rank 1 reward is almost definitely for having reached rank 1 during preseason.

Related: Super pumped that I got Rank 3 way earlier in preseason so that I get those rewards. Gimme the epic wolf mount and all that gold.

HAHA so here is the thing I'm not quite sure. I was listening to the CORE podcast this morning, and they lead me to believe that the new ranking system / rewards was in place for the pre-season. So at the moment I am running under the assumption of "yes?"


So the new THH is up on iTunes and...

The start of the show talks about all the behind the scenes stuff with Dreamhack instead of the actual tournament. Talk about burying the lede. Like I get Jake loves talking about that stuff, but first? The delays need to be discussed and worked out, but seriously...the rest of it? I don't know how interested random HOTS players are in what kind of catering they had backstage.

I'm only a little ways in, but it's good to have Glaurung back on. The only caveat is that whenever you put Glaurung and Dunk together, Dunk mostly goes stone cold silent because they seem to view a lot of the topics similarly and Glau is better at articulating it IMO so Dunk just cedes the mic.

have you been on swtor lately? I haven't been subbed for probably a year or so now, wondering how it's holding up. was actually thinking of resubbing for a little bit before legion drops

Not since October of 2014. RIP SWTOR PVP. You were great, but HOTS is actually kind of similar + there's actually people playing it.

Man, only Alur would respond to someone saying "later" with "see you, I guess?"

Nah I figure ya'll won't be around much by the time I feel like playing again. I was just surprised I hadn't thought about the game in so long.

I havent even been reading the thread so I've missed new heroes and updates. I've taken breaks before, but man I'm gonna be super rusty and gross when I pick this up again.

I said see ya later, I guess because I wasn't clear on whether you were saying "I'm gone forever" or that we wouldn't be here when you return. I also said it was sad that any of us was leaving. I wasn't being snarky at all, re-read it :p


It's not that I personally mind it, I just don't understand why it's his favorite thing to talk about. And I really doubt most people care which hurts the show. It's just a weird decision to have that be the first thing discussed with all of the other news there is (Illuminati meeting, new heroes, Dreamhack NA games, upcoming Dreamhack EU, new Arena mode news, patch coming Tuesday, etc).

It's funny how the episode contains the pros talking about how HOTS broadcasts are too structured and stuffy, and that's also part of why Jake (A) isn't casting much anymore and (B) hasn't seen his show really take off like we all thought it should. With THH he's just so deadset on these tropes and sidebars and they talk so little about the actual tournaments and the game itself that it's kind of astounding.


I was thinking exactly the same - I'm about an hour into it. On the plus side, the discussion of the games in the final between Mac and Dunk was really interesting and definitely worth listening to, even if they did do something which drives me mad.

They were talking about supports, and how in game 4 Naventic banned out supports so that Dunk was forced onto Malf. Which was fine, only he said "And Medic is totally unplayable in the current meta" - and didn't say WHY! That's the job of the host, to get discussion going and follow up on statements like that. I'd love to know their thinking, because so far they have been talking a lot more about tactics and drafting than they normall do and it's great.

But yeah, why you lead with the freaking cooking and SSD drives at an event is beyond me.


I was thinking exactly the same - I'm about an hour into it. On the plus side, the discussion of the games in the final between Mac and Dunk was really interesting and definitely worth listening to, even if they did do something which drives me mad.

They were talking about supports, and how in game 4 Naventic banned out supports so that Dunk was forced onto Malf. Which was fine, only he said "And Medic is totally unplayable in the current meta" - and didn't say WHY! That's the job of the host, to get discussion going and follow up on statements like that. I'd love to know their thinking, because so far they have been talking a lot more about tactics and drafting than they normall do and it's great.

But yeah, why you lead with the freaking cooking and SSD drives at an event is beyond me.

Yeah that's annoying

Shes unplayable because the meta is melee and burst heavy btw
Well not unplayable but you know what i mean
In addition stim sees lower value atm too but the incoming changes will fuk w/ that
I said see ya later, I guess because I wasn't clear on whether you were saying "I'm gone forever" or that we wouldn't be here when you return. I also said it was sad that any of us was leaving. I wasn't being snarky at all, re-read it :p

I'm just giving you a hard time, man. You of all people deserve it~


So Dunk reiterated his hatred of Malf. He also dislikes Rehgar and Kharazim. Seems to only like Tassadar and Tyrande. Part of me wonders if it's a complete put-on as a means to pressure Blizzard through his status to release more and varied supports, but with all the other stuff the other part of me is like "does half of this team like anything relating to the game they play for a living?"

I'm grateful Caff/Dream/K1 don't say much TBH. It's kind of like when you add an old friend or family member on Facebook and they post some off-the-wall political shit or something and you're like "Damn. I don't want to but now I kind of look at you different."

Yeah that's annoying

Shes unplayable because the meta is melee and burst heavy btw
Well not unplayable but you know what i mean
In addition stim sees lower value atm too but the incoming changes will fuk w/ that

Agreed. You can deduce. But I still would like to hear it from the horse's mouth, as Maledict said. In particular with Dunktrain, cause he seems to have very interesting takes and views on heroes that are either more complex than others, or just plain odd at times (though not necessarily wrong). That's why I was saying I think he allows Glau to do most of the talking when they are together, because Glau is much more to the point/concise.

I'm just giving you a hard time, man. You of all people deserve it~

Don't lecture me, Fine Ham! I see through the lies of the Abounds. I do not fear the red side as you do. I have brought pings, draft strats, wave clear, and skillshots to my new Nexus.

Just means I haven't been posting enough

This is true. I have noticed a lack of snarky replies.


Wow - that's the first time they have ever made balance changes in the middle of a PTR like that.

All looks good to me - do we think this is part of a move to remove cleanse from the game in the long run?


It's an attempt to deal with the instagib/burst meta.

Part of that needs to be toning down the goddamn burst damage though, or this is pointless.
I'm unsure who to buy out of Kael'thas or Li Ming - any suggestions? I have levelled both to 6 on F2P weeks and enjoy both of them - looking for a solid first pick in Hero League as I feel I don't have a top tier assassin for when i'm first on my team to choose.


I generally don't see them get past the ban stage most games nowadays... ;-). Either is fine, they have different playstyles. Personally I prefer Kael because he looks cool, but it's really a choice between the two. Both are generally always great first picks.

(Kael is better powerwise right now by a small amount, but he's being nerfed on the PTR).


Depends on what way you like playing, li ming is prtty good if you think you're by and large playing against ppl who dunno how to dodge or if you find yourself in games where the kill count is high, shes best in scenarios where ur able to pop her passive but she isnt great at doing that herself.

Kael is more able to "carry" w/ his playmaking abilities (d e is ur friend), but he's harder to play, less safe, etc.


Do you want fire or do you want arcane?
Do you want a stun or do you want mobility?
Do you want point and click/non-interrupted AoE by minions, or do you want to have to aim more?
Do you want more burst or more sustained?
I don't think i'm skilled enough to carry a team so would lean towards the 'safer' hero to play, really. I'm flitter between ranks 9-12 and usually Tracer is banned resulting in one of those being available for first pick.

So yeah, just looking for a safe first pick that will deprive the enemy team of someone strong as I often find myself feeling forced to pick Illidan due to lack of other options :)

Thanks for the responses so far!


I think they are both pretty easy to do a lot of damage with compared to other heroes who do damage, all things considered. That's part of why they are constantly so popular.

RIP Uther's stun. It's just .25 away from being one of Muradin's old Avatar microstuns now lol.

Also Chen and Tyrael getting health buffs while all the stuns get reduced...dat's good for them.


Is Uther even viable anymore? Have been out of the meta for a couple months so not really sure what has been going on with changes.

I wouldn't be picking him regularly in HL at anything less than the top tier of play unless you're going for a specific combo with Divine Shield. There's just too much damage going around for him to heal it all up in unorganized play.


I wouldn't be picking him regularly in HL at anything less than the top tier of play unless you're going for a specific combo with Divine Shield. There's just too much damage going around for him to heal it all up in unorganized play.
Was last pick/support in HL, looked at the other team, "They have...no burst!" "They have...very little CC!" "ITS MALF LIFE SEED TIME!" (We won, got to 20 first, and popping Storm Shield, Tranq, Life Seed + Q is a ridiculous amount of healing to try and get through.)


Kael has to position better (esp to hit good de's) and in general is more easily punished so that's where my ease opinion comes from but ofc it varies for different players
I wouldn't be picking him regularly in HL at anything less than the top tier of play unless you're going for a specific combo with Divine Shield. There's just too much damage going around for him to heal it all up in unorganized play.

Gotcha, thanks. That was my experience with him last time I tried playing him as well... other supports just have better healing it seems.



Erho and Dread are both out of Tempo.

Dread probably because he got a job elsewhere - he doesn't stream as far as I can see nor produce content so no point him being in Tempo, and he's rapidly become one of Blizzards main casters (the only person to be flown to EU twice this year to cast for events).

Erho - presumably the reformed Erho hasn't worked out. Incredibly short timespan in the team though.


Yeah, that makes sense. Dread isn't really doing content creation anymore. If he ever starts playing again I'm sure they'll have room in the budget.
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