Sure, but in QM you wind up with insane comps. If you want to play your favorite character but within sane team builds, HL is the alternative. I thought "Well, I'll just keep picking her until I'm not a liability, and then I can play my favorite character and not be matched against 5 assassins."
But at 25, people actually care MORE than at 15, and they play much worse.
Stuffing Kerrigan into any comp in Hero League = the equivalent of "insane" QM comps.
She's not particularly strong and is fairly easily countered which is why she isn't a regular pick. If the draft lines up she can be a monster. If it doesn't, you're basically condemning your team to babysitting you while you YOLO or you're sitting on the outside not doing your job/unable to do it.
The most polite way I could put this is that whatever trolls or misadventures you encounter at rank 25 or wherever you sabotaged yourself to, you deserve. You wanted to play one single hero and there's a mode designed just for that. You don't like the comps, so you tried to force that hero into slightly more reasonable comps...thereby making many of those HL comps into QM fare versus a comp that makes sense in the meta. What you're saying you did is the exact same thing people complain about ad nauseam here and on reddit. "First pick locked in Abathur." "Last pick locked in Nova and we had no support" etc etc
More power to you for finding a hero you like and wanting to stick with it. But forcing that hero every time you pick in Hero League is not a very nice experience for your teammates and I really struggle seeing how it could be nice for you. Surely you've been flamed for it, and obviously you lost a bunch as you said you fell down the ranks.
Also, for the sake of discussion, out of all rank 10s:
What proportion do you think got there based on a thorough understanding of the meta game, good draft choices, and high skill
And what proportion do you think got there riding an overtuned hero?
I don't think many get to ranked 10 and stay there long without some kind of understanding. I do think perhaps you are approaching it the wrong way, however.
Plenty of people know a good deal about the game and it's synergies and strategies pretty well yet are nowhere near rank 1 or even rank 10. On the other hand, there's others who are high ranked but don't understand the "guts" of it as well, but they can play. You don't gotta have a thorough understanding to get to rank 10 or better, you just have to have some skill at gaming, a general understanding, and some common sense.
Anyone who gets to an inflated rank through a lucky run in placement is likely going to fall back. The only exception is if you are rank 1 material, but on the low end of the rank 1 spread, but you had a huge run and have very highly inflated MMR while in rank 1. Odds are you'd stay in the rank, but you'd move from the top or the middle to the back. It's pretty hard to ride an overpowered hero to the top now thanks to bans, but it also was before to some degree because of the randomness of pick order. I think you could easily do so if you had a hero pool where you only played the best two heroes of each classification when you had to fill, but then you would probably have a decent understanding of the meta and a good grasp on multiple heroes if you were doing that and therefore likely have a better MMR because of that as much as the strong heroes you were picking.
Rank 21 with 4 points to next rank... ah, damn it.
What rank are you trying to get to? You'll have bonus points for a bit now, so you basically get 200-300 points per win and only lose 100 points per loss so if you do nothing better than .500 for the next bit you'll still be able to move up. That'll last you another 20-30 games at least if not more. I can't remember TBH.