mosh pit should not be a warrior skill and etc q should not stun imo
dunno how i feel about diminishing returns, I'd rather have cc be more interactive than it currently is though, getting hit by cc should feel devastating, but a lot of current cc design (etc q, tyrande followup, diablo chain, and more) just feels like yeh ima click this button and then click them and we're good. things like mounts and vision also fuk w/ how cc works in this game
mosh pit (like devastating aoe cc) as an idea is not bad design imo, like comboing it w/ dshield and stuff are things I want to see in this game, but there should be more skillful answers to it and it shouldnt be so easy to pull off. w/ mosh pit you have a pretty clear idea of what a particular hero is going for and what you want to avoid and you play w/ this in mind, I think that is pretty good. I think about how enigma has something similar in dota, but also how the environment is completely different w/r/t landing black hole vs. mosh pit, and how the design of the two heroes are completely different as well (etc...has a skill that puts him into a group of ppl, let's give him a really synergistic ult where he already has a skill that does most of the work for him! vs. enigma has to toil to get an item that will even allow his devastating skill to be landed in the first place because otherwise he's instantly going to die if he gets close)
i dont think mosh is op or anything, but the road to moshpit is horribly clean