once you embrace the lawlessness and impossibilities involved in QM things can be a lot easier to handle and laugh at
QM is your issue
Why do you want to hurt yourself?
For many reasons, like ladder anxiety, I'm rusty beyond belief if I'm able to lose like that and I don't have a deep enough pool of heroes that I can play competently to be valuable in hero league. I don't even have any concepts of a correct comp so that doesn't help either. I may have access to all heroes bar two but that doesn't mean anything really.
irregardless, yes that's not a word,
And I find it funny Chu's stream title is: "quick Battlerite before bed". I've been to sleep since then, that was 6 hours ago :lol. He's playing with Fan and bkid and they're destroying. I need to fire this game up today.
Just beware unranked won't stop people from being dicks and drafting irregardlessof what your comp needs. Also first pick nova and still mothereffingfucking banning KT., yes that's not a word,
No reason to have ladder anxiety with unranked. It's a separate MMR and...well, there's no rank. It's there to help people learn and (more or less) avoid the pitfalls of QM.
You've been saying you're rusty since we started playing together in OW and Clash more than a month ago. I would venture you are just fine, and by virtue of your skill in OW and Clash Royale it's hard for me to imagine you shitting the bed in this game which is arguably easier than those two (def easier than OW to play at the level you play at in OW).
260 is normal, no stacking. The thread was arguing calamity is too good and diamond skin is what breaks the camel's back.Wait whats that about, the shield is stacking? 260 seems normal
That's what I was trying to say put in proper words.I'm talking about the size in general. It is now easier to avoid minions and other crap in the way which = an improvement on your ability to aim the projectile. Not sure how that is reduction in precision. That's how you improve precision, by removing impediments. It's a reduction in the skill required to aim it, sure, but that's simply because it is now easier to be precise.
does the boss just wreck force wall or something
I dunno how it works in hots but in league the top ladder is something you have to fight for until the season ends, usually the gud players are still around
Can't believe League didn't already do it. They already sell team branded stuff in their shop. Makes perfect sense.
Hope Blizz is willing to consider doing the same, if for no other reason than so we can have team branded stuff in our shop.
I guess now that I think about it - the only concern (from the Blizzard end I mean) is that they hold the tournament at Blizzcon, to which they already sell the virtual tickets.
So, they either have to combine the virtual ticket with the crowdfunding prize pool and risk losing some money (if they give out let's say 25% of the sales of the new combined ticket but don't make an additional 25% more sales of it), or they have to create a separate thing from the virtual ticket that is only for the prize pool that doesn't grant the cosmetics from the virtual ticket.