I don't know if it's just a pricing error, but Azmodan is on sale for 2000 gold right now. My brother just bought him.
Dehaka is in every single game now, I guess that mount nerf really worked
With a win rate that low I'd imagine it has a little something to do with your play. Work on those roles, become a more well rounded player
Bans: Dehaka is banned on Battlefield of Eternity
Interesting Nexus Games addendum
Why is that? Is there some bug with him on BoE currently?
Anyone here who needs to level up Cho'Gall? Figured I might get them to level 5 for that precious $1 worth of gold while there is double XP.
Got them when they were free but never played.
I'd love to do some Cho'gall games. I'm looking for someone high plat/low diamond to do unranked/QM with to level up some heroes. Let me know if anyone is interested
Added both of you, names scabobos#1347
Anyone else really feeling Alarak now? The more I play the more I'm convinced he's going to be a tier1 assassin in the meta. I just smash on him
Show me the ways
Astral Authority dropped their HotS roster; gj Batterry.
Man I hadn't played Tychus for months and now I find him unplayable. Everything changed for the worseIt really sucks, it was my favourite character. Now I barely do any damage with him and I keep dying all the time.
Man I hadn't played Tychus for months and now I find him unplayable. Everything changed for the worseIt really sucks, it was my favourite character. Now I barely do any damage with him and I keep dying all the time.
Holy shit, the 76ers bought Dignitas.
Came to post this myself. Pretty big news honestly. This'll be an interesting org to watch grow now.
Edit: also nearly every personality I've seen has said Zarya is way underpowered/bad. I felt she was pretty strong on PTR but maybe I'm wrong.
I still cannot shake all the pros saying that Johanna was bad because all she could do was peel, and leoric was bad because his trait was bad and he didn't do much. We then of course had 6 months of both characters utterly dominating the game in every respect.
Oh, and of course Auriel being unplayable as she didn't have cleanse.
Yep prtty much all the info out there should be there for ppl to form their own opinion. It's the internet tho so a lot of parroting goes on, i get unnerved at things like valla/winrate stuff
I think zarya has some serious synergy w/ tracer if zarya can position so she doesnt get dove instantly, medivh and tass help her out more protectively but i feel like ppl are more likely to dump cds on a zarya shield and that could be worth
I also like that her design calls for another warrior to be in the comp