$20k a year is nothing. Its nice they're paying players, but its not enough to live off of.
$20k a year isn't much to someone working a real job, sure, but to dudes who are lucky to get $2,000 to split 5 ways out of a $25,000 prize pool two or three times a year it's a huge upgrade.
Almost all of the money in this game stays in the top 2 or 3 teams. Now, everyone will make more than they did previous. Significantly more for teams that weren't in the top two.
They were already living off of less before, so I don't see how this is anything but a positive.
sponsored teams receive a salary and usually play tournaments all year, but yeah it's not great
in bigger games they will receive housing and living expenses too
Yeah, they'll get their 20k and they'll still make money from their team/sponsorship/prize pools as well. It's a considerable upgrade for these guys in quality of life if they've been doing this since Alpha/Beta for low prize pools and no guaranteed money.
Don't some teams in HOTS still provide housing and what not already, anyway? Pretty sure AA stay at or use the same place that Cognitive used to use (eSports arena) based on their THH appearance.