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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Let's see how it plays out before we go off of what happened on paper. Seems he'll still be #1 support.

Don't you be in here trying to be me, breh. I see what you're doing. I see you breh. And honestly I don't see how he can be #1 support with that AH nerf. As you said, we'll see, but that's a big fucking nerf beyond the shield issues.


Yeah it's substantial what they did to his ult, im for it but we gotta see ofc. To me his shield has enabled things positioned really well to take advantage of his ult, warriors cho w/e, so with the skill needed to land a good ult basically gone i dont mind that a game changing ult is at such a high cd

Mentioned dbl support mainly in a limited ideal comp style way of thinking, we have seen that both tass and tyrande, who are both considered more ideal in dbl support situations, function extremely well as solo support; my thoughts on rehgar have him unable to keep up on aoe healing as well as monk, but his access to both aoe and burst heals really should allow him to function serviceably as a healer no matter what.


Well what are we measuring it against? If you're talking in terms of pure healing, DP is 40 less seconds, but the ability to land that as consistent as AH is a lot lower, IMO.

No one else matches up... Medic maybe, but so comp reliant.


I don't get why people think Rehgar is intended for double support comps? He's a fantastic solo support, and should be tuned against that like every other main support. Really unsure why he's thought of as being intended for double support, they've never indicated that in any way?

If Kharazim was built the same way, with only one tier where he could boost his healing and everything else being utility or cool things he'd be just as strong as Rehgar. All the other healers should get the Rehgar treatment.


Its more that i find his identity (which before was basically easier monk) tied strongly now to his w, and in order for that to occur w/o him being op his heals have to be worse than it's counterparts (aoe monk, burst tass), and in this situation there is a lack that another support can fill in.

Which is why i was excited for his rework in the first place, that he was getting a unique identity compared to his past and that this identity was going to mainly revolve around his ability to buff his team and encourage proactive playing rather than reactive healz
Did anyone ever do a scientific study on stutter step patterns? Dunno why but I'm curious if you could analyse by region in terms of in which direction do people draw circles, the radius, etc. if there are commonalities and if you could them use for predictions.


I don't get why people think Rehgar is intended for double support comps? He's a fantastic solo support, and should be tuned against that like every other main support. Really unsure why he's thought of as being intended for double support, they've never indicated that in any way?

If Kharazim was built the same way, with only one tier where he could boost his healing and everything else being utility or cool things he'd be just as strong as Rehgar. All the other healers should get the Rehgar treatment.
"Tuned for double support" = "he's doing great damage alongside his great healing, so you can get away w/ running two!"

He's supposed to be a main healer, not a Ty/Tass, but he's doing damage output equivalent to one. It's bad.


Absolutely disagree. With the nerfs to his shield damage he's now outputting numbers similar to a good kharazim, and with these further nerfs his damage will be down even further.

Other healers should be tuned up. Normally I don't like boosting everyone, but the fact of the matter is pure healbots are bad for the game. They are dull to watch, dull to play against and create boring games. Outside of medic (whose designed a certain way) I think every healer should be like Rehgar.

He's certainly not doing enough damage to take the slot of an assassin, and it's far better than the paltry sub 10K damage you see from most healers in a game.

(Look at how utterly pitiful Malfs moofire is without talents)


But he hasn't been brought down to earth enough. His numbers need to be hit more, because his winrate is still ridiculous.

It's fine to have a range of Damage/heal ratios on the healers, but if you want to give a healer good dps, you have to hit their healing.


it's not great to have one w/ both dmg and healing but I'm not against the idea at all, im not too into that dichotomy either but it's definitely really influential in this game
like bw has really subpar dmg and healing in comparison to a lot of supports and is still great, I like that a lot


it's not great to have one w/ both dmg and healing but I'm not against the idea at all, im not too into that dichotomy either but it's definitely really influential in this game
like bw has really subpar dmg and healing in comparison to a lot of supports and is still great, I like that a lot
It's a scale. damage % + healing % = 100.

Right now, Rehgar is at 120 or something, and hitting his healing isn't how you fix it.

At a certain low healing %, you're a ty/tass instead of a healer.


i def dont see it that way but I dunno I'm just some guy
like I can envision a hero that breaks that scale in terms of healing and damage but is booty because they have no cc/mobility/is low health

big mass of wisps that moves slow and give 1/8 of a kill

but I dunno thatd be getting into diff. definitions of what a support can be in this game and as it is right now you are totally right that rehgar's strength is that he's not specialized enough in one or the other
im still here thinking that tyrael is basically a support and sonya is an assassin, but I think most ppl in this thread have seen me lament about roles in one way or another at some point


Tyrael should be a Warrior/support, Ty Spec/support and Tyrande Assassin/support. Abathur probably Spec/support as well.

The issue is that "support" and "healer" are not the same thing, but they keep making bad decisions because they refuse to delineate the two.


I'm all for them adding more classifications. I really don't think it'd make it more difficult for new players to understand. Hell, if they added a decent tutorial, that could all be covered.


They're explicitly hiring for the balance team now (and I think there' 7-10 more jobs total open than the last time I looked.)
Lol can't make this shit up. Johanna complaining all game what a bad pick Rehgar was, Rehgar with master skin feeding and I'm not making this up saying up front he's gonna go totem build. Whatever that even is.

Game took all but 13 minutes.

Edit. Player from the same team new match. This time on Raynor, says Li Ming is bad on BoE... The highest range mage bad on a map all about poking SMH what's wrong with people in my MMR range. Still ended up winning despite Uther being a bot for the latter half of the game. Why is all of this so much harder to stomach in HL, I don't even wanna trihard. I want to draft but I don't wanna feel compelled to report at least 1 player every 2 matches.


Are you like 12 years old? Its a joke, you don't have to leave the thread. Christ almighty people are sensitive.



none of them 12....
or have I been mythologizing 12 too hard...

actually 12 is probably the key age for things like that


Milly, son, I told you to get in bed an hour ago! No Playstation for you when you get home from 6th grade tomorrow.


man, people just cannot deal with morales.

stun her once and kill her target is not hard to do, but everybody wants to stun the person she's healing and then chase the medic around while they get bodied


you guys should try johanna's fanatcism against li ming. increases movespeed every time you take damage up to 40%, so when she hits you with the laser you just pop your D and run her down.


Johanna in general is great against Li-Ming. We ran into a draft last night that I still haven't really figured out how to beat in hero league.

We first picked Rehgar.

They then grabbed Thrall and Greymane - odd, but turned out to be perfect as they now had two execute characters. We then grabbed Muradin and li-Ming, they then grabbed johanna and Zagara and medic. Our last two were Valla and Artanis. (Sigh).

The entire game all that happened was Johanna ignoring everyone else and just running straight at me on Li-Ming, which completely negates her damage, which Thrall and Greymane crippled the front line. Anytime anyone got damaged they would sunder and Greymane would execute them (he's a bad hero remember! ;-)).

Obviously, we had massive play issues, but Li-Ming was totally ineffectual there. I feel like we should have grabbed Zagara and maybe Jaina instead to guarantee damage, but picking Thrall and Greymane in response to a Rehgar first pick definitely is a great counter. Biggest loss I've had in weeks. It totally shuts down li-Ming, and is definitely not what you expect to see drafted in response to Rehgar.
man, people just cannot deal with morales.

stun her once and kill her target is not hard to do, but everybody wants to stun the person she's healing and then chase the medic around while they get bodied

but, but focus morales...

95 games played with Li Ming 61% WR, she alone raised my MMR by like 200

Johanna in general is great against Li-Ming. We ran into a draft last night that I still haven't really figured out how to beat in hero league.

We first picked Rehgar.

They then grabbed Thrall and Greymane - odd, but turned out to be perfect as they now had two execute characters. We then grabbed Muradin and li-Ming, they then grabbed johanna and Zagara and medic. Our last two were Valla and Artanis. (Sigh).

The entire game all that happened was Johanna ignoring everyone else and just running straight at me on Li-Ming, which completely negates her damage, which Thrall and Greymane crippled the front line. Anytime anyone got damaged they would sunder and Greymane would execute them (he's a bad hero remember! ;-)).

Obviously, we had massive play issues, but Li-Ming was totally ineffectual there. I feel like we should have grabbed Zagara and maybe Jaina instead to guarantee damage, but picking Thrall and Greymane in response to a Rehgar first pick definitely is a great counter. Biggest loss I've had in weeks. It totally shuts down li-Ming, and is definitely not what you expect to see drafted in response to Rehgar.

What map was it that Johanna could just waltz into your team like that? And why wouldn't your team pick more CCs? Needed someone to interrupt medic and sundering, Zeratul for instance with VP. Or as you said Zagara for the wombo potential. Also Diablo for Apocalypse is great with Ming


Li ming is def rough against that
Valla is a fine pick there tho
Etc instead of muradin, jaina instead of li ming, and sonya instead of artanis, then you got a stew going on
Does depend on map though

Zera and diablo are good too but if you mess up ur fukkkked, better to pick a team thats mobile, can kite, and can negate their engage

Chen works instead of sonya too if it's a map that needs a solo and hes better at clearing creep too

If ur feeling hyphy, after the thrall/gmane pick you guys coulda went etc/jaina -> illidan/tass, rehgar/tass stops so much of the type of dmg they have and tass can solo if needed, but etc has to play even better in this situation. And force wall amazing here too

Li ming can be good here but you probably need tele build and a warrior more like etc instead of muradin

Etc w slow for first comp groupies for second

This is all fantasy booking ofc
Heh, there's an Abathur mine whine thread on reddit right now. I liked this comment from a Nova player:

Abathur mains can whine when Blizzard completely denatures their hero. Until then nobody knows our pain.

Except they have. Twice. Oh well, maybe they'll take back some of the bullshit they did to Nova or do a rework that actually works out ok like they did for Abby.

If they nerf the damage on mines because "waaahh too frustrating for new players waaaah" "waaah not fun to play against, my run speed is slowed for the length of a long fart waahh" it won't bother me honestly, picking locust at lvl 1 is usually better in QM anyway. If they nerf the slow or duration, or make mines visible outside of bushes, then yeah I'll bitch a little maybe.
Oh man still can't believe people went for Tal Rasha's so long, Temporal Flux is so much better at securing kills and making sure the combo hits. Right now it's finally highest popularity but it should have been within days.

Still don't believe teleport built, as in calamity, is an actual thing, seeker all the way. Let alone for the siege potential. Still go into diamond skin regularly though, preferably with glass cannon.

Had a pretty nice comeback on Tomb right now. Ended up on +80k hero and +140k siege damage with Li Ming. It helped that once I got temporal flux none of my opponents could get away. ETC was the only one with an evasive ability.

Abathur mines are the best and worst thing ever. When you play him it's glorious, feels like being Dr. Evil with the pinky to the mouth, when you play against him it's the most annoying shit.


The only thing that I find annoying about them is the dismounting. But despite being annoying I don't feel like they're that effective for the price of 3 talents.


For me if i were to choose between old nova vs. aba mines in terms of making the game less fun id choose the latter (mainly cuz there is so little effort in placing mines and the reward is high) but i dont care if they change it up or not plus the placing and activation sound is super satisfying which is the important thing

Hated techies in dota too
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