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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Sundering is so



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Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Grabbing xul thrall and on sale lunara next week cause $5 is pennies for best dps in game.


awww yiss

so much tychus in that video. hey guys look at how good this hero is at countering tychus.... just like literally any hero in the game.

level 1 possession for free.

also, poison nova not being body blocked is the best news. hero will be relevant.


Xul's abilities (ie: the graphics) look good. Still didn't show us the CD on Bone Armor unless I missed it, though, and I think that's going to play a big part on his relevancy.


yea if he's paper thin it could be a problem, or maybe his damage is just booty which would also make sense... with his kit I would expect him to do less hero damage then sylvannas but who knows. poison nova looks OP as fuck though... lvl 20 upgrade does %hp damage aswell. or poison nova plus mortal strike

it's cool though, as long as I can play him instead of lame ass zagara im down.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I love that they brought mortal strike to the game lol. This can only go one way.


i hope that one way is supports that don't rely on being heal bots.... but I doubt it.

edit: ARAM is not a real mode. tychus sucks.


Havent played him in a long time, but I'll grab Thrall for 7k for sure. I remember liking him a lot getting him to 5. Has he even been buffed in the past few months or did he just benefit from the scaling changes and current meta?

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Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Isn't aram the equivalent of brood war bgh? Only casuals play it?

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Have they given an update on bans? D2 Necro giving me that HotS itch

Lol I was actually being serious. This is my first moba so I dont even know what aram is other than a custom game mode. I figured it was what people do to take a break from grinding real games or where the less skilled go, like bgh was for lt. Quick bit of googling and it seems to be that, no?

Sorry on mobile and quoted the wrong guy. But yes thank you for the congrats on my pro status.


It's not that casual, no. A ton of people try-hard now and the toxicity has gone up a bunch because of it. That's just like me saying AI, QM or HL is casual. It's whatever you want it to be.


Lol I was actually being serious. This is my first moba so I dont even know what aram is other than a custom game mode. I figured it was what people do to take a break from grinding real games or where the less skilled go, like bgh was for lt. Quick bit of googling and it seems to be that, no?

Sorry on mobile and quoted the wrong guy. But yes thank you for the congrats on my pro status.

In virtually every game you join in QM/HL/etc there's some dude try-harding, some dude who is just doing his dailies, and another who gives zero fucks about doing anything but his split push build that never works but he swears by it. That's standard across all the non-team league modes we have, basically.

ARAM is no different. People use it as a nice break from QM or HL to have some fun. Others use it to stack their teams and beat up on noobs (we did that for a bit with a GAF group, actually, when it first got popular). Others go in to intentionally troll their opponent or their teammates. It's just like any other mode. The plus is everyone is a victim of RNG instead of just some people like we have in the QM matchmaking wheel of doom.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
I dont even get the point of Tychus. Raynor is the SC AA hero right? So why did they add another one? Should have done another unit style.


He doesn't have much point anymore, really. Though he is surprisingly good in ARAM like people said. Probably due to the way people have to bunch up.

I agree with the reddit thread from a few days lamenting the addition of Xul who also counters AA heroes like Tychus et al. I think they even said on THH it's about time for heroes that counter spellcasters. It's hard enough as it is to be viable as an AA hero compared to mages without pure counters being added against you.


Lol I was actually being serious. This is my first moba so I dont even know what aram is other than a custom game mode. I figured it was what people do to take a break from grinding real games or where the less skilled go, like bgh was for lt. Quick bit of googling and it seems to be that, no?

Sorry on mobile and quoted the wrong guy. But yes thank you for the congrats on my pro status.
Aram is a casual community-created timekiller mode, yeah.

It'll likely die when Arena comes in, cause it's occupying the same space.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Should be a firebat unit with magic resistance that can run up to mages. Or we need a dk's anti magic barrier.


Yeah ARAM will def die with Arena if that mode is any good at all. It's really dwindled anyway over the past month or so, stopped growing.


He doesn't have much point anymore, really. Though he is surprisingly good in ARAM like people said. Probably due to the way people have to bunch up.

I agree with the reddit thread from a few days lamenting the addition of Xul who also counters AA heroes like Tychus et al. I think they even said on THH it's about time for heroes that counter spellcasters. It's hard enough as it is to be viable as an AA hero compared to mages without pure counters being added against you.

Healers and any hero with mobility and dive kind of counters spell casters already.... even if a right click hero gets blinded or atk speed slow it doesn't really hurt them as much as negating a damage spell because one rotation might be all they contribute to a fight. Blocking one blizzard (or healing it up kind of) is like negating 60% of jaina's damage in fight (I mean if you were to complete block it with a silence or spell immunity or something), blinding/atk speed slow on thrall or raynor isn't that big of a deal because their right clicks dont go on cooldown for 10+ seconds. An on demand silence or spell shield I think would just be too powerful, just turn it on when their about to do their combo and now that spell caster is completely useless. Especially since there's so many AA reducing talents in the game already. Just get a comp with the anti-mage + any hero with a blind or atk speed slow (imposing presence) and you counter everybody.

Maybe a slow speed telegraphed skill shot silence would be good, but that's just wailing arrow. I could see adding another heroic silence though... maybe something like emerald dream but on a divey front liner. Or maybe a melee assassin with spell shield as their trait. A melee assassin whose right clicks do 1% more damage for each 1% mana you're missing.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Rank 1 in hero league should give a 10% discount on the store for skins and shit. Thank me later Blizz.


Preview on 2arc says stitches is allowed? Blizz got the hot new lan client?

Much better writeup than the one diamond did for liquid lots of typos tho, sry no linky


Preview on 2arc says stitches is allowed? Blizz got the hot new lan client?

Much better writeup than the one diamond did for liquid lots of typos tho, sry no linky

Did you not watch THH? That was part of Cooby's rant with ESL being so disorganized for everyone.


i never watch tth lol
well id watch it if zuna or something was a guest and also the hosts were on vacation
so there's a lan client now? I'd applaud blizz for getting that up for sure, and if that's the case I'm assuming eu doesn't have to suffer either now w/ getting patches before every single important tourney, definitely something necesary
I bet THH Overwatch is up, we know the priorities.

I watched Khaldor cast a match months ago, dunno if it's ever gonna be huge professionally. Might wanna bank on something else if he's planning to branch out.


I bet THH Overwatch is up, we know the priorities.

I watched Khaldor cast a match months ago, dunno if it's ever gonna be huge professionally. Might wanna bank on something else if he's planning to branch out.

I think OW will at least reach HOTS level, oughta be enough to sustain him + streaming...assuming the rest of the community doesn't turn on him like we have.

Didn't I hear he was trying to get a podcast going?

Jake? Yeah he's got THH Overwatch. Done two episodes already.
I think they even said on THH it's about time for heroes that counter spellcasters. It's hard enough as it is to be viable as an AA hero compared to mages without pure counters being added against you.

The counters to the mages exist, some since the Alpha but many more have been added since, from stealth heroes to dive heroes to positioning altering abilities to stuns that can eliminate the safety of a ranged assassin's back line positioning. The problem is the viability of some of these heroes in high level play.

I mean they just added Greymane, he can pretty much dive to and melt any single target squishy. Problem is he dies just as quickly, if not quicker without support. What would make The Butcher viable for that role? Which is kind of the role he's supposed to fill. A talent that adds a mini-stun to every hero between the Butcher and his intended target? There's kind of already a long list of heroes and abilities that can and do hard counter those ranged back line assassins.


Or maybe a melee assassin with spell shield as their trait. A melee assassin whose right clicks do 1% more damage for each 1% mana you're missing.

So the answer is Dota.

They don't have mana burn in HotS yet. Neither Illidan nor Anub'arak has that utility despite it being core to their Dota counter-parts. That might be something to add for a stealth initiator (like a Nyx, Bounty Hunter or Clinkz not another Riki) or dive-y melee assassin.

I'm not enough of a Warcraft lore geek to know if that's a role you could have someone Garona Halforcen fill in as a Rogue.
I think OW will at least reach HOTS level, oughta be enough to sustain him + streaming...assuming the rest of the community doesn't turn on him like we have.

Idk watching THH is mostly because of the changing landscape through patches and tourneys. Not sure a P2P game will have nearly the content/balance updates as a f2p one.

Also not sure if it'll even reach HoTS numbers competitively. CSGO only got huge recently and that's like more than a decade old and practically f2p. What are the Twitch numbers for OW atm?


The counters to the mages exist, some since the Alpha but many more have been added since, from stealth heroes to dive heroes to positioning altering abilities to stuns that can eliminate the safety of a ranged assassin's back line positioning. The problem is the viability of some of these heroes in high level play.

I mean they just added Greymane, he can pretty much dive to and melt any single target squishy. Problem is he dies just as quickly, if not quicker without support. What would make The Butcher viable for that role? Which is kind of the role he's supposed to fill. A talent that adds a mini-stun to every hero between the Butcher and his intended target? There's kind of already a long list of heroes and abilities that can and do hard counter those ranged back line assassins.

You guys kinda made the same point I did, though. There's lot of stuff in here that would work, but it's not viable due to the power of said spellcasters and the meta surrounding them. Everything flows through them and picking them, so these other heroes need to be moved up or new heroes need to be introduced which move the casters down. They can hard counter them, but there's a reason Jaina, Li-Ming, and KT are getting picked before these other heroes and it's because ultimately they are better in nearly every situation. The counters aren't good enough to quell them compared to how the counters themselves can be quelled by just running the same mage + accessories every game.

Illidan used to have silence built into his base kit but it was changed in the Alpha to what we have now, for example. That would be very interesting (and frustrating) right about now.

Idk watching THH is mostly because of the changing landscape through patches and tourneys. Not sure a P2P game will have nearly the content/balance updates as a f2p one.

Also not sure if it'll even reach HoTS numbers competitively. CSGO only got huge recently and that's like more than a decade old and practically f2p. What are the Twitch numbers for OW atm?

The P2P thing might be an issue that is true. HOTS numbers for tournaments barring Blizzcon isn't a very high bar, though. It doesn't have to do much to get there. Blizzard has to not fuck it up like they did HOTS out of the gate first, however.

Since it came back OW is typically in the top 10 or 12 on Twitch depending on if Seagull and a few of the other former competitive TF2 and the like people are streaming. Trikslyr finally started streaming it, and ZPs streams only that now AFAIK.


We're like already there besides jaina kind of being an auto include in every draft.... and I honestly don't think that will last. Even falstad is beginning to fall off after being close to first pick for awhile as well. I really think Zagara will be highly contested this weekend.

In my opinion, standard is like warrior/support/melee/burst damage/sustained damage... and then you've got like early game gank/stun comps.

Time to add one more ban to the first ban phase maybe?

either way this weekend should be pretty interesting.
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