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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


I love those episodes too. Been mulling changing my avatar to carbot's Raynor or something for a while now. I really wonder if they are ever going to put the stick horse mount in but then again they'll have to do another rig pass on all those models so they probably won't unfortunately.

I've also stumbled on something really interesting from CavalierGuest and it's his guide to tanking. I'm linking it here if somebody finds it useful but it sure did help me understand a little bit more what I'm doing wrong with E.T.C. . I'm actually surprised Proto or Alur didn't chew me out while we were playing together because I wasn't doing my job properly at all.
SO how is this game nowadays? I PLayed it like 3 months when it launched and it wasn't bad at all. Is it well balanced? Would it be worth it to invest time in it again?


SO how is this game nowadays? I PLayed it like 3 months when it launched and it wasn't bad at all. Is it well balanced? Would it be worth it to invest time in it again?

It has come a long way since then. Lots of balance changes, QoL improvements, UI changes, roster has been build up at a pace of a hero every 3 weeks. There's a lot to like right now.


Good lord. I had a match tonight that was as toxic as it could be in QM. They were Nova, Zeratul, Samuro, Valeera as a 4 stack with Tassadar vs KT (Me), Probius, Zagara, Valeera and Abathur. Me and Zigzag got picked on constantly it was insane. We won because they just couldn't push lanes fast enough so we just tried to survive, pick our spots for shrines and eventually we had all towers up for a glorious countdown.

You can sleep better at night now Milly. I've played enough games on the side as KT to be ok for a while. I'll leave your boy toy alone for the time being.


troll blood plus forest medicine really changes the way zuljin plays.... everybody wants to run the super greedy build but healing while like smart ADC mechanics really makes the hero shine.


troll blood plus forest medicine really changes the way zuljin plays.... everybody wants to run the super greedy build but healing while like smart ADC mechanics really makes the hero shine.

I've been preaching Troll Blood + forest medicine since release. To me, it's essential unless you have double support. Being able to run out after a Taz'Dingo at like 5% HP and heal to 50% in a few seconds is so powerful. I get why people want that extra attack speed, and it is very strong, but you are so limited in terms of sustain because you are 100% reliant on your support to babysit you.

If I don't take Trolls Blood/Forest Medicine, I basically have to constantly Hearthstone back to regenerate, or hope that my Healing Well is available. I just don't like it. His E is simply too weak without those two talents to sustain.


Had a few matches and it was great, I remembered how to play pretty quickly too. Will certainly keep playing.

Glad to know you've enjoyed your quick trip. Hopefully blizzard will try to do another push outside of their own fanbase now that they've put a fresh coat of paint on the game.

troll blood plus forest medicine really changes the way zuljin plays.... everybody wants to run the super greedy build but healing while like smart ADC mechanics really makes the hero shine.

Those talents are pretty much mandatory in QM. You have to pick them to be a strong independent Troll that takes no shade from everyone. Not sure if I'd take it in HL/UD but self-sustain in QM is a must.


Dang, he was a really good support player. At least he's going back to university so it's a good personal decision. He basically funded his education with his earnings. One of the Chinese team imploded too after the eastern clash. Wonder if HGC is not enough for the eastern market to develop.
So no matter how long it's been since the previous hero has been announced I'm always wondering what the next one will be. Aren't we about due for a hint at least for the next hero?
Anyone know how my ranked prerequisite of 14/14 lvl 5+ heroes got rolled back to 13/14 over night?
I've played 3 ranked placement matches 2 days ago. Now I have to go back to lvling up a hero again.
I'm the least person to advocate only sticking to a few mains. To be decent at a moba you should have at least have some experience playing all characters, but having to go through unranked just to lvl up heroes feels very tedious to me.


I'm the least person to advocate only sticking to a few mains. To be decent at a moba you should have at least have some experience playing all characters, but having to go through unranked just to lvl up heroes feels very tedious to me.
It's to keep people from playing heroes they've never touched in competitive play. Especially new ones.



Doesn't appear to have escaped death enough times.


Oh my god I completely forgot about talent gating. Looking back on that, I cannot believe a system that dumb was actually in the game. Just an awful, no good idea.

Then again... this is the same design team who thought Chromie was a good idea.
Hey guys, does anybody want to help me complete that "Two heads are better than one" quest? I'm a little new to the game but I'd love to get Cho/Gall for free before the event stops.


Member talentgating? I remember Snitch telling a story how they picked diablo in an NA tournament but didn't have him leveled in NA. That was a couple months before Bob?

Oh right, I completely forgot about talent gating. That concept was so dumb but I could understand where they were coming from with it. Wasn't as bad as the artifacts but this one was up there in the pantheon of stuff they shouldn't have done. Thankfully that's long gone.

I'm laughing, but not sure if it's because this is funny or if it's because it's believable. Maybe both?


That was the beauty of it :3.


Ugh. I want to finish HL placements but I really don't want to play with any more first pick Samuro AFKers, last pick damage instead of support, or first pick zag "I'm gonna solo bot" on dshire and complain that the rest of the team sucks. that shit gets old super fuckin fast, makes you not want to play HL at all.

If you suck and we lose that's fine, whatever. But just the constant bitching from second 1 in the draft is like UGH id rather die then play with you.


gotta rename this thread to old peoples MOBA or something, bed time 9pm.

makes you not want to play HL at all.
That's the solution I come to pretty much immediately after placing every season. Who needs that negativity in their life? Not this guy.


I dont necesarily agree w/ him, but the stuff he's outlining is for casual players (to make them actually want to play and get good at the game), pros just want proper matchmaking (long queues for proper mmr variance) and for high mmr to actually indicate that you know what the hell you're doing, cuz right now (and in the history of the game!) that aint the case at all lol, i think theyve kind of given up on that though


stitches is really good against both rag and artanis

spell shield at lvl 1 and the passive heals you at lvl 4 and putrid bile.

Whenever you get swapped (which is easy to do since you're the size of a fort) it procs the spell shield and you're in the middle of the enemy team taking 60% less damage from Ragnaros plus healing off of everyone. Putrid bile and then walk out or run around in circles if your team is there ready to fight. It's just a free engage.
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