I really like it.Huge tass nerf
I think the most leo needs is buffs to his q as it improves his waveclear. I'm always iffy on numbers being changed though.Art has and Leo changes seem inconsequential
Yeah, this seemed specifically targeted to restore his waveclear to what it used to be.I think the most leo needs is buffs to his q as it improves his waveclear. I'm always iffy on numbers being changed though.
Game is definitely at a peak of not fun and frustrating these past few weeks.
Also, many warriors were unpickable in QM aswell.
The way it was before was fine. That's the best it's been and the best it will get most likely. Abathur is a specialist and should be matched against other specialists. I don't recall anyone being majorly upset about that setup in regards to him. Sustain talents or no they pale in comparison to the other 3 heroes in that pool.
Varian and Sonya are interesting exceptions for the new rules. Not sure anything can be done with them.
Tyrande was fine before. She can heal well enough and output damage to make up for the lack, and now she's completely obnoxious should you face one and have one of the other sustain. Tassadar was and will always be hit or miss as solo support. I've been rolled by some even against Malfurion and had far more others who couldn't out shield a Zarya. I still think both were better classified as supports, or would be better classified as sustain (just those two) with Zarya and Abathur going back into their respective pools.
Who did you feel was unpickable for QM beyond Sonya? The warriors have been in a pretty good spot for a while now. Outside of balance concerns I can't see why you wouldn't be able to take any of them in there.
How are they better, though?
Any of those heroes you listed except Sonya were fine in QM bar balance worries. Perhaps Rexxar had issues going against a tank, but his thing isn't even really tanking to begin with. He, like Sonya (and Tass and Tyrande for supports) are kind of in no man's land. Against a real tank, they aren't great, but against some of the heroes classified as a bruiser they are a roflstomp win. Zarya has always been fine in QM, it's just a crapshoot on if you get someone else you can enable on your team to get free energy. Artanis has been good for a while now. Leo is (IMO) worse than any of them in QM cause he just gets chunked so easy, but again that's more balance than anything actually unfair in the matchmaking.
Now, though, you can end up with Zarya versus Abathur and the Abathur team also could have no tank. You can end up with Abathur vs Tass or Tyrande or both, as has happened to me twice. Those scenarios are dumber than anything we had before. If you luck into Tyrande vs Tass or Tass vs Tass or Tyrande vs Tyrande yeah, that's an improvement, but putting them in a pool with Zarya and Abathur is pretty WTF.
Having Sonya vs Ragnaros shouldn't happen. Having Abathur vs Tass and/or Tyrande shouldn't happen. Those matchups are heavily weighted to one side or the other, and the Abathur one doubly so because it's already a higher percent chance you were losing with Aba on your team to begin with due to the randomness of QM comps/maps. Rag shouldn't be in the bruiser pool and Zarya should, and Tyrande and Tass should be in their own pool of sustain/damage supports. Abathur should be delet-...er, queued as a specialist.
It probably makes more sense to do away with Quick Match and make Unranked Draft the main mode for pleb play mode than to try and continually balance QM match-making. The more heroes and variations of each role gets added, the worse QM match-making seems to get.