Ignatz Mouse said:
Want to source that story? The DVD forum did not come up with HD DVD. And there's only one major company making HD-DVD players vs several making Blu-Ray. One major studio exclusive to HD DVD and several exclusive to Blu-Ray. Which format is proprietary?
cut down for brevity...
By Junko Yoshida & Yoshiko Hara, CRN
11:22 AM EST Fri. Nov. 14, 2003
From the November 14, 2003 issue of CRN
There's division in the ranks of the DVD Forum, whose steering committee will meet in New York next week to vote on a next-generation optical-disk format.
Sixty companies took part in the forum's technical working group to develop the high-definition (HD-DVD) format, and some of them are also members of the opposing Blu-ray Disc ROM (BD-ROM) camp. Blu-ray was developed by 10 powerful consumer electronics companies, including Sony, Philips, Hitachi, Sharp and Samsung.
All 10 are members of the DVD Forum's steering committee.
Some industry observers believe HD-DVD could offer a smooth, seamless transition from today's standard-definition DVD to high definition, but they also acknowledge that the proposal faces a battle. The HD-DVD camp is hoping to commercialize its products in time for Christmas 2004. BD-ROM proponents are planning to introduce their high-definition optical-disk player, which will not be compatible with the DVD Forum's specification, in late 2005.
Aside from working on the 0.9 spec, the BD-ROM proponents appear to be doing their best to make the DVD Forum's HD-DVD-related activities irrelevant. With all 10 of Blu-ray's founding members retaining their seats on the DVD Forum's 17-member steering committee, Blu-ray backers either voted "no" or abstained on the HD-DVD proposal at a June meeting. The six companies that voted "yes" included IBM, Intel, NEC, Time Warner and Toshiba. Because a majority of eight steering committee members abstained, the HD-DVD proposal will be voted on again next week.
Others accused the Blu-ray group of a blatant attempt to undermine more than a year's worth of technical development efforts by engineers from 60 companies in the DVD Forum's working group, who labored to complete the HD-DVD proposal.
Many in the Blu-ray camp don't see any conflict of interest, however. Sony's Fidler made it clear that
Blu-ray backers "believed in the need for a new organization outside the DVD Forum due to the new technologies the [BD-ROM] format adopted, including a new physical-disk format and laser technology." Just as the consumer electronics industry moved from infrared with CD to red laser with DVD, and now on to blue laser for high definition, the Blu-ray camp sees it as a natural progression to set up a completely new industry group outside the DVD Forum.
Further, because HD-DVD maintains the same physical-disk format as standard DVD, Yamada stressed that Hollywood studios and replicators can switch from DVD to HD-DVD without changing their production lines.
Industry watcher Jon Peddie, president of Jon Peddie Research, Tiburon, Calif., is among those who believe Blu-ray is "not the answer" for next-generation DVD.
He described the technology as something pushed by Sony and others that have heavily invested in the blue-laser technology.