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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
ManaByte said:
So you decided to get a version with less extras?

You could do that, and not have to keep an extra device around, in the likely event that they quit making HD-DVDs. Especially if the extra features don't matter to you.


First tragedy, then farce.
Petrarca said:
Hey HD-DVD fans, I wonder why you guys are so quiet about this? Does this not matter also in the war?

did you just quote yourself in case we missed it the last time you said it?


Petrarca said:
HD-DVD has less chance in this war, why would you want to waste your money building a collection in a format that is losing the war

your hd-dvds arent going to suddenly stop working if they eventually lose the format war

in that line of thinking why buy any dvds, hd-dvds, blurays, or any type of medium? they will be eventually replaced by a better medium in another 8-10 years or so (maybe sooner)

did i waste my money on the 200+ dvds that i currently own, no because i can still watch them even tho there is a better medium out now


Just picked up "300" from work. Another fantastic looking film. Its the first disc I have seen that comes with an insert that states you need to update your firmware on your player or it may not work. I wish "Hot Fuzz" wasn't Universal however, upscaled DVD FTL.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
yacobod said:
your hd-dvds arent going to suddenly stop working if they eventually lose the format war

in that line of thinking why buy any dvds, hd-dvds, blurays, or any type of medium? they will be eventually replaced by a better medium in another 8-10 years or so (maybe sooner)

But you will have to keep an extra player around, which will use up an extra connection on whatever device your using. Plus an extra power slot, and space.

Did i waste my money on the 200+ dvds that i currently own, no because i can still watch them even tho there is a better medium out now

Not at all, since those discs work on either player. The HD-DVDs you buy will not work on either player. Terrible comparison.


ManaByte said:
So you decided to get a version with less extras?
I think he decided to get the version that cost less money.

The 300 HD DVD release is a combo disc. + $5.

yacobod said:
did i waste my money on the 200+ dvds that i currently own, no because i can still watch them even tho there is a better medium out now
Of course not, but if you'd supported a non-DVD format in the late 1990s and looked back now, the yes, you would know that you had wasted money.

HD DVD is going to be out like Betamax. Yes, it is a colossal waste of money. Just because you don't see that now doesn't mean you won't see it in a few years.
Imagine the scenario that HD DVD is defunct after this year. Flash forward 2-3 years when you still have it hooked up for the dozen or so movies you own on HD DVD. SKip ahead another year and the hardware dies, and no new players support the format. The it becomes an eBay quest or else re-buying the movies. I can see why people wouldn't want to do that.

This is the concenr that keeps be from being a dual-format buyer, even though there are many movies out on HD-DVD that are not on Blu-ray yet. I can wait, rather than deal with that future hassle.

The DVD analogy fails becuase the tech is ubiquitous and new players support the format.


First tragedy, then farce.
I swear if I went into the game forum and called the PS3 a collosol waste of money I would be banned in 10 minutes.

Also, if the DVD analogy fails how about VHS, N64 or SNES games. Those all seem like a waste of my money by your defintion.


Petrarca said:
The dominoes are falling? After Target and Blockbuster, another 3rd party retailer goes blu-ray exclusively

That nuts. Woolworth's in the UK went exclusive as well (don't know how big a chain they are). You have to wonder how long before a Best Buy or Netflix megaton drops. To me, if either outlet dropped one format the war would effectively be over.


StoOgE said:
I swear if I went into the game forum and called the PS3 a collosol waste of money I would be banned in 10 minutes.

Also, if the DVD analogy fails how about VHS, N64 or SNES games. Those all seem like a waste of my money by your defintion.
Competing video game systems have NO bearing on this discussion whatsoever. Toshiba doesn't have any "first party" movie releases that only it can ever release... at best it has one exclusive studio, who can jump ship at any time. Nintendo would never put Nintendo games on the PlayStation, so obviously the N64 had a pretty big place in many gamers' homes.

Also, you're listing successful formats. Why aren't we talking Betamax? Or DIVX? Because that's what HD DVD is more akin to.

And pretending I should get banned is a joke. We've been getting wave after wave of "<blank retailer/rental store/wholesaler> chooses Blu-ray" news all damn month, and that's not even taking into account the persistent blue Pac-Mans that are constantly going after that little slice of watermelon. If you can't read the writing on the wall, it's because you're blind -- not because it isn't there.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
CoG said:
That nuts. Woolworth's in the UK went exclusive as well (don't know how big a chain they are). You have to wonder how long before a Best Buy or Netflix megaton drops. To me, if either outlet dropped one format the war would effectively be over.

Netflix does not lose on shelf space, so don't expect them to side with anything till it's over.
Bestbuy/Circuit City on the other hand, who knows?


Hail to the KING baby
I've never heard of BJ's either, maybe it's big somewhere I haven't lived (i.e. not Chicago, LA, NY, and a few other places). To the extent that one can still argue that HD-DVD is a viable format, I don't think the BJ's announcement would change that.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
wtf? as if we didnt have enough with the regulars now we have to contend with all the junior 600 fans seeking refuge from the gaming side's NPD and media create threads.


AstroLad said:
I've never heard of BJ's either, maybe it's big somewhere I haven't lived (i.e. not Chicago, LA, NY, and a few other places). To the extent that one can still argue that HD-DVD is a viable format, I don't think the BJ's announcement would change that.
I have a membership there (well, the wife does), and let me tell you, the BJ's announcement means jack shit. Their video section is basically just a big 2-sided rack with new releases and budget titles... and a TV DVD section with stuff kind of sorted in alphabetical order.

I mean, I'm sure they'll sell a few that way... every time I'm there, personally, I keep an eye out to see if they have a Blu-ray or something, but up until this point I've never seen Blu-ray or HD DVD there, and I anticipate when I do find Blu-ray there they'll have 4-5 titles max, none of which I will even be slightly interested in.


First tragedy, then farce.
Chemo said:
Also, you're listing successful formats. Why aren't we talking Betamax? Or DIVX? Because that's what HD DVD is more akin to.

Fine, was my Saturn a waste of money? I had a ton of fun with it, but low and behold it failed. Yet, I can still play NiGHTS on it whenever I want. Heck, I can even play games on it that were available on the Playstation at the time too.

My Dreamcast still fires up just fine for Shenmue.

If HDDVD dies tommorow I could still watch any of my movies.

DIVX is a bad example, because when it died the movies DID stop working. That risk isnt there with HDDVD.

There is also a difference between saying "HDDVD is dead" and calling something a "Collosol waste of money".


Gold Member
Chemo said:
I have a membership there (well, the wife does), and let me tell you, the BJ's announcement means jack shit. Their video section is basically just a big 2-sided rack with new releases and budget titles... and a TV DVD section with stuff kind of sorted in alphabetical order.

It's apparently a big enough announcement to turn the war that Petrarca had to quote his own post on a new page just to make sure people saw it.


Junior Member
ManaByte said:
Maybe he was hoping someone else would quote him due to him being on so many ignore lists?

I know that having him on mine has not done much good with all the times he gets quoted.


StoOgE said:
Fine, was my Saturn a waste of money? I had a ton of fun with it, but low and behold it failed. Yet, I can still play NiGHTS on it whenever I want. Heck, I can even play games on it that were available on the Playstation at the time too.

My Dreamcast still fires up just fine for Shenmue.

If HDDVD dies tommorow I could still watch any of my movies.

DIVX is a bad example, because when it died the movies DID stop working. That risk isnt there with HDDVD.

There is also a difference between saying "HDDVD is dead" and calling something a "Collosol waste of money".
God. One LAST time: Video game systems are NOT APPLICABLE in this discussion. They have TRUE exclusives. Everything that's on HD DVD today could be on Blu-ray in six months and you know that. Sega's first-party Saturn games weren't going to end up on the damn PlayStation, and that is why your Saturn wasn't a waste of money.

Universal's films aren't "Toshiba first party." They can (and will) easily jump ship when the time is right -- "the time" being in early 2008, after they've squeezed the last big chunk of HD DVD supporter money out of the install base with holiday releases.

I know you understand the difference between Nintendo, who makes hardware AND software, and Toshiba, who just makes hardware and relies on studios to supply the software. Don't drag this out for no reason.

ManaByte said:
It's apparently a big enough announcement to turn the war that Petrarca had to quote his own post on a new page just to make sure people saw it.
Well, even as a BRD supporter, I am going to say straight up that this is probably the most worthless pro-BRD annoucement ever.
There's another difference. When Saturn went under, those games didn't suddenly show up essentially the same on PS. THat's what will happen with the movies. Why buy something you need to maintain another box for when the content won't stay unique to the box?

You risk the box dying, not to metion the space and connections it requires. If I had to do that I would, but I kow that whatever format wins out (Blu-ray) will get all the content. So buying for the dying format does not make sense for me, and presumably many ohter people.

Again, so many of you get offended when your choices are judged, but you feel free to judge somebody else's person choices for what they do and don't want to purchase and support. Very hypocritical.


First tragedy, then farce.
Ignatz Mouse said:
Again, so many of you get offended when your choices are judged, but you feel free to judge somebody else's person choices for what they do and don't want to purchase and support. Very hypocritical.

Show me one place where someone called BRD a "Collosal waste of Money"


StoOgE said:
Show me one place where someone called BRD a "Collosal waste of Money"
I think you're focusing on that one line a little too much. If you don't think it is, then fine... keep buying the discs.

It's pretty telling, though, that my "insult" is the most exciting thing you have to talk about.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
This thread used to be a cool place to find out whats going on in the high def realm.....


First tragedy, then farce.
Chemo said:
I think you're focusing on that one line a little too much. If you don't think it is, then fine... keep buying the discs.

Im focusing on it, because you have this egotistical notion that you can decide value propositions for other people.

And I have plenty of stuff I can talk about. I just bought two new movies this week and am getting 3 more next week. Im going to have alot of fun wasting money on 300, Hot Fuzz and Shaun next wek.
There's a lot of people making fun of somebody for buying the Blu-Ray version of 300.

I'm not going to defend those collosal waste of money comments, I think they're out of line too (and have said so on occasion, and called out Petrarca several times in this thread.) But for all the people getting up in arms about this or that person critcizing theor choice, peopel are very quick to do the same.

I don't begrudge anyone buying an HD DVD player *ever*, as there are plenty of reasons to do so.
You have an Xbox 360 and it's a cheap add
You like movies and don't want to wait an indeterminte time to get movies that are currenly HD-DVD exclusive
You buy just about everything, and hookups/space is not a concern

But on the flipside, for many people, HD DVD *would* be a waste of money
They don't value having the movies *now* enough to justify paying for and keeping space for a player
They don't want to spend for another player when they've already bought one

Nobody's "right"-- it's a matter of conflicting values. People's HD-DVD values of been getting crapped on by Petrarca for a while, but that's no excluse to do the same. Likewise, Mana likes to take sideways shots at pro-Blu people all the time.


i still think for some ppl its a matter of instant gratification

some ppl might not want to wait 1-2 years waiting to see if the same movie is going to come out on brd

good post above me, thats kinda what i was going to get at, but was to lazy to type it all out


Ignatz Mouse said:
But on the flipside, for many people, HD DVD *would* be a waste of money
They don't value having the movies *now* enough to justify paying for and keeping space for a player
They don't want to spend for another player when they've already bought one
This is the damn answer.

I am sorry if I stepped on your tail, StoOge. Put a Band-Aid on that shit and get over it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Ignatz Mouse said:
Nobody's "right"-- it's a matter of conflicting values. People's HD-DVD values of been getting crapped on by Petrarca for a while, but that's no excluse to do the same. Likewise, Mana likes to take sideways shots at pro-Blu people all the time.

and Im not trying to imply everyone should go buy an HDDVD player right away. Obviously depening on your situation and what matters to you its going to be different. In your case you dont want two boxes hooked up when you could potentially wait and get everything on one. Thats fine.

My objection was to his broad brushstroke of stating that the entire format is a waste of money to everyone.


Junior Member
captive said:
This thread used to be a cool place to find out whats going on in the high def realm.....

You just have to read every other page. This is the HD-DVD opponents trying to prove to the HD-DVD owners that they are wasting their money page. It is a nice change of pace and a great civil service. The next page will be High Def info again, and then a page about how HD-DVD is dead, and then info again, and then the cycle repeats.
yacobod said:
i still think for some ppl its a matter of instant gratification

some ppl might not want to wait 1-2 years waiting to see if the same movie is going to come out on brd

DING! Winnre.

Believe me, the low A2 price has been tempting me, but then I picture my future and these HD-DVD movies that I need a different box for, explaining to the babysitter what goes in which player, and the inevitable day when it breaks... and I figure I can wait.


C4Lukins said:
You just have to read every other page. This is the HD-DVD opponents trying to prove to the HD-DVD owners that they are wasting their money page. It is a nice change of pace and a great civil service. The next page will be High Def info again, and then a page about how HD-DVD is dead, and then info again, and then the cycle repeats.
I hope we get a new titles announced page soon. Those are always my favorite.


First tragedy, then farce.
C4Lukins said:
Those are the fun ones.

I like the pie chart ones. :lol

We are due for someone making fun of interactive features pretty quick. I thought the last page would turn into that over 300 for a second, but then it changed pages.


well i know we can look forward to the following upcoming movies

Pirates 3 (brd) in December
Blade Runner (hd-dvd and brd) in October
Harry Potter 1-5 (hd-dvd and brd) in december

the following are sure to be out for the holidays too
Transformers (hd-dvd and brd)
Spiderman 3 (brd), hopefully the entire trilogy

it would be nice if Fox would start opening there vault and putting out some catalog releases on brd, Alien, Aliens, etc etc

so thats enough for me


yacobod said:
Spiderman 3 (brd), hopefully the entire trilogy
If I had to guess, Spider-Man 3 will be available by itself and also in a box set with the entire trilogy.

I have a feeling they are going to keep Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 as bundle-only for at least a few months to get as many Spider-Man 3 sales as they can.


First tragedy, then farce.
Chemo said:
I have a feeling they are going to keep Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 as bundle-only for at least a few months to get as many Spider-Man 3 sales as they can.

The Matrix strategy. :lol

Except you get two good movies and one bad one.. so its not *as* bad.

The only movies Im worried about this year are getting Kill Bill and Bourne. Im worried that may be a January release. And I want it ASAP.


StoOgE said:
The Matrix strategy. :lol

Except you get two good movies and one bad one.. so its not *as* bad.

The only movies Im worried about this year are getting Kill Bill and Bourne. Im worried that may be a January release. And I want it ASAP.
I thought The Whole Bloody Affair was confirmed for HD DVD this holiday?


Wait, I totally misread you. Forget the Kill Bill stuff. I dunno, I tend to think that they will really try to have the new Bourne out for Christmas sales.


Gold Member
Full Heroes Season One details:


The First Web-Enabled HD DVD Title Available from
Universal Studios Home Entertainment with
Exclusive Interactive Features only Available on HD DVD

Available on HD DVD August 28, 2007 from
Universal Studios Home Entertainment

"The Fall's Most Powerful New Show" - In Touch

Universal City, July 25, 2007 - Heroes: Season 1 on HD DVD offers exclusive features viewers can only see on HD DVD including web-enabled Download Center, Heroes Abilities Test, The Helix Revealed, Character Connections and Picture-in-Picture Commentary available August 28, 2007 from Universal Studios Home Entertainment. The seven-disc HD DVD set provides a personal experience for viewers of television's hottest must-see series and immerses them in the program. The exclusive interactive features showcase the HD DVD Web-connectivity feature which is Universal's first-ever. HD DVD is the only high definition format that offers Web connectivity.

Heroes: Season 1 on HD DVD creates a community for fans and gets them engaged in the Heroes experience. HD DVD allows viewers to connect to the Internet and download exclusive content, trailers and updates directly to their HD DVD players-a powerful opportunity for fans to enter the world of their favorite heroes. In fact, Heroes is the first "Connected Title" with a 360 program allowing HD DVD users unique access to exclusive online content. Some of the groundbreaking online features include: an exclusive Heroes' Ability Test, which prompts you to create your own Heroes profile and upload it to an exclusive webpage on the NBC.com/HEROES site; The Helix Revealed, a guide to the mysterious Helix symbol; Character Connections, an interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes; Artwork Presentation, exploring the artwork and comics featured in the show in detail, and much more.

"Heroes: Season 1 continues to expand on the superior interactive capabilities of HD DVD with unprecedented web-enabled features that take advantage of the consistent consumer experience only HD DVD can guarantee, regardless of the player," said Craig Kornblau, President of Universal Studios Home Entertainment and Universal Studios Digital Platforms. "The release of this highly-anticipated box set brings fans closer to the action than ever before, incorporating new social networking options that will enable a new level of immersion into the highly popular world of Heroes."

Heroes: Season 1 on HD DVD enhances the home viewing experience with mandatory HD features such as a network connection, picture-in-picture, persistent storage and compelling interactive features. Quality, affordability, and exceptional viewing and listening experiences are widely touted benefits of the HD DVD format. Additionally, the HD DVD version also includes the exciting extras from the standard DVD version including the never aired 73-minute premiere episode with audio commentary by the show's creator, Tim Kring, 50 deleted and extended scenes, The Making of Heroes, Mind Reader (Matt Parkman's mind-reading abilities reveal your inner Hero with a series of simple tests) and much more!

The most acclaimed and addictive new series of the 2006-2007 television season, Heroes: Season 1, which was created by Tim Kring ("Providence," "Crossing Jordan"), features an extraordinary ensemble cast that includes Sendhil Ramamurthy (Blind Guy Driving), Milo Ventimiglia ("Gilmore Girls"), Adrian Pasdar ("Judging Amy"), Hayden Panettiere (Bring It On: All Or Nothing), Ali Larter (Final Destination), Noah Gray-Cabey, ("My Wife & Kids"), Leonard Roberts ("Smallville"), Santiago Cabrera ("Empire"), Tawny Cypress (NBC's "Third Watch"), Greg Grunberg ("Alias"), Masi Oka (NBC's "Scrubs"), Jack Coleman ("Dynasty"), James Kyson Lee (NBC's "Las Vegas"), Zachary Quinto ("24"), Ashley Crow (NBC's "American Dreams"), Cristine Rose (NBC's "Friends"), Jimmy Jean-Louis (Monster-in-Law), Eric Roberts ("Less than Perfect") and Malcolm McDowall ("Entourage").

Electrifying intrigue, compelling mythology and soaring imagination make the NBC epic drama the must see event of the year. Praised for its "propulsive, surprisingly and emotionally charged storytelling" by Entertainment Weekly, Heroes nabbed the People's Choice Award for Favorite New Drama Series and a Golden Globe® nomination for Best Drama Series of 2007, even before completing its first season.

Interactive features are available on the following disks:

DISC ONE Character Connections

An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.

DISC TWO Character Connections

An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.


* DOWNLOAD CENTER - download exclusive content, trailers and updates directly to your HD DVD player.
* GENETIC ABILITIES TEST - Take the Abilities Test and find out what type of Hero you are. Your profile will be uploaded to NBC.com/Heroes where you will be given a unique access code to view exclusive content.

DISC THREE Character Connections

An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.

DISC FOUR Character Connections

An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.

Picture-in-Picture Cast & Crew Video Commentary

* Godsend with Jack Coleman, Leonard Roberts and Sendhil Ramamurthy.
* The Fix with Greg Grunberg, Hayden Panettiere and Natalie Chaidez (Episode Writer and Co-Executive Producer).
* Distractions with Milo Ventimiglia, Zachary Quinto, Greg Grunberg, Jeanot Szwarc (Episode Director), Jack Coleman and Michael Green (Episode Writer and Co-Executive Producer).

DISC FIVE Character Connections

An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.


Put hero Matt Parkman's mind-reading abilities to the test with a series of simple math activities to reveal your hero.

DISC SIX Character Connections

An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.

Picture-in-Picture Cast & Crew Video Commentary

* .07% with Chuck Kim (Episode Writer), Andrew Chambliss (Asst. to Tim Kring) and Timm Keppler (Asst. to Dennis Hammer).
* Five Years Gone with Greg Grunberg, Sendhil Ramamurthy and Jack Coleman.
* The Hard Part with James Kyson Lee, Noah Gray-Cabey and Ian Quinn (Stunt Coordinator).
* Landslide with Masi Oka, George Takei and Matthew Armstrong.


o .07%: Linderman's Missing Sword
o Five Years Gone: Old Friends
o Landslide: Marty, That's An Order

DISC SEVEN Character Connections

An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.

Picture-in-Picture Video Commentary

How to Stop an Exploding Man with Tim Kring (Creator/Executive Producer & Episode Writer), Dennis Hammer (Executive Producer) and Allan Arkush (Executive Producer & Episode Director).

Below is a full list of features found on all seven discs:
DISC ONE-SPECIAL FEATURES: Character Connections

An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.


Tim Kring's original, unaired extended pilot episode.


* Don't Look Back: A Spark Ignites; Niki's Mistake; Behind Niki's Garage Door; Blood on the Map.

DISC TWO-SPECIAL FEATURES: Character Connections

An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.


* DOWNLOAD CENTER - download exclusive content, trailers and updates directly to your HD DVD player.
* GENETIC ABILITIES TEST - Take the Abilities Test and find out what type of Hero you are. Your profile will be uploaded to NBC.com/Heroes where you will be given a unique access code to view exclusive content.


o One Giant Leap: Hiro's Book of Revelations; Niki Confronts Her Mother-in-Law.
o Collision: The You That Ain't You; Micah's Plea.
o Hiros: Claire's Miracle; Strangers in Our Own Home; Brody's Cheer.


An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.


o Nothing To Hide: Matt's Voices; Tough Love; Nathan's Paternity Suit; You Can't Tell Anyone; Stakeout; Claire the Freak; Jessica Gets Her Gun; Lyle's Secret.
o Seven Minutes To Midnight: Appearances Can Be Deceiving; Eden's New Life; Matt and Janice Reminisce.
o Homecoming: The Battle for Claire.
o Six Months Ago: Dad Is Dead; Jessica Takes Care of Business.


An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.

Picture-in-Picture Cast & Crew Video Commentary

* Godsend with Jack Coleman, Leonard Roberts and Sendhil Ramamurthy.
* The Fix with Greg Grunberg, Hayden Panettiere and Natalie Chaidez (Episode Writer and Co-Executive Producer).
* Distractions with Milo Ventimiglia, Zachary Quinto, Greg Grunberg, Jeanot Szwarc (Episode Director), Jack Coleman and Michael Green (Episode Writer and Co-Executive Producer).


o Fallout: Mohinder's Discovery.
o Godsend: Claire's Media Moment; Peter's Awakening.
o The Fix: The Dishonest Plumber.
o Distractions: A Shock to the System; You're My Business; Niki's Homecoming.


An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.

Picture-in-Picture Cast & Crew Video Commentary

* Run! with Greg Grunberg and Kevin Chamberlin, Adam Armus and Kay Foster (Episode Writers and Supervising Producers).
* Unexpected with Greg Beeman (Episode Director and Co-Executive Producer), Zachary Quinto, Sendhil Ramamurthy and Jeph Loeb (Episode Writer and Co-Executive Producer).
* Company Man with Jack Coleman, Allan Arkush (Episode Director and Executive Producer) and Bryan Fuller (Co-Executive Producer and Episode Writer).
* Parasite with Allan Arkush (Executive Producer), Jimmy Jean-Louis and Christopher Zatta (Episode Writer).


o Run!: Mr. Bennet's Phone Calls; Janice Panics; The Haitian's Talent.
o Company Man: Generation Gap; The Cover Up; Thompson's Mandate.
o Parasite: Lonely Wolf.


Put hero Matt Parkman's mind-reading abilities to the test with a series of simple math activities to reveal your hero.

DISC SIX-SPECIAL FEATURES: Character Connections

An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.

Picture-in-Picture Cast & Crew Video Commentary

* .07% with Chuck Kim (Episode Writer), Andrew Chambliss (Asst. to Tim Kring) and Timm Keppler (Asst. to Dennis Hammer)
* Five Years Gone with Greg Grunberg, Sendhil Ramamurthy and Jack Coleman
* The Hard Part with James Kyson Lee, Noah Gray-Cabey and Ian Quinn (Stunt Coordinator)
* Landslide with Masi Oka, George Takei and Matthew Armstrong


o .07%: Linderman's Missing Sword
o Five Years Gone: Old Friends
o Landslide: Marty, That's An Order


An interactive experience which lets fans follow their favorite heroes.

The Helix Revealed

An interactive guide to the mysterious Helix symbol that keeps appearing throughout the show.

Artwork Presentation

Immerse yourself in the artwork featured in the show in detail.

Picture in Picture Video Commentary

How to Stop an Exploding Man with Tim Kring (Creator/Executive Producer & Episode Writer), Dennis Hammer (Executive Producer) and Allan Arkush (Executive Producer & Episode Director).


We take a behind-the-scenes look at the making of Heroes - from development to phenomenon. SPECIAL EFFECTS
Examines the flying scenes and other cool effects in the show. THE STUNTS
Examines the physical stunts in the show. PROFILE OF ARTIST TIM SALE
A look at the artist behind much of the artwork used in show. THE SCORE
Go behind the scenes with Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman as they bring the Heroes world to life through their own special style of music.

**Italics denote DVD EXCLUSIVE

Mohinder Suresh (Sendhil Ramamurthy), a genetics professor from Chennai, picks up his late father's research and makes an astonishing discovery - a seemingly random group of people around the world are developing astonishing super powers. From a drug-addicted artist (Santiago Cabrera), who paints the future and an ambitious politician (Adrian Pasdar) who can fly to a New York cop who hears other people's thoughts (Greg Grunberg) and a Japanese computer programmer (Masi Oka) who can distort the space time continuum, these new Heroes seem to have a shared destiny. Creator Tim Kring ("Crossing Jordan") fashions a complex new world full of hidden clues, breathtaking plot twists and suspense-filled conundrums for an exhilaratingly fresh story about average people who are confronting the existence of inexplicable super powers. Also starring Milo Ventimiglia, Hayden Panettiere, Ali Larter, Noah Gray-Cabey, Leonard Roberts, Tawny Cypress and Jack Colman, Heroes: Season 1 is packed with special bonuses that take viewers deeper into this rich and riveting series. Relive the excitement or discover it for the first time with Heroes: Season 1 on DVD and HD DVD.

Street Date: August 28, 2007
Copyright: 2007 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved.
Price: $ 99.98
Discs: 7
Layers: HD-30
Aspect Ratio: Widescreen 1.78:1


First tragedy, then farce.
Chemo said:
I thought The Whole Bloody Affair was confirmed for HD DVD this holiday?

No, the whole bloddy affair on DVD was leaked but not confirmed.

Weinstein hasnt been day and date with HDDVD, so it may not happen yet.


I would never choose which version of a movie to buy based on how many extras it has. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk extras!

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Ignatz Mouse said:
There's another difference. When Saturn went under, those games didn't suddenly show up essentially the same on PS. THat's what will happen with the movies. Why buy something you need to maintain another box for when the content won't stay unique to the box?

You risk the box dying, not to metion the space and connections it requires. If I had to do that I would, but I kow that whatever format wins out (Blu-ray) will get all the content. So buying for the dying format does not make sense for me, and presumably many ohter people.

Same shit different day what you guys need to realize is that to some of us the $$$ we spent was money well spent just so that we could enjoy the films we like now rather than later. Not everyone thinks like you guys and no amount of rationalizing, arguing, chastizing, is going to make us see things your way so just give it up already.
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