StoOgE said:The Matrix strategy. :lol
Except you get two good movies and one bad one.. so its not *as* bad.
The only movies Im worried about this year are getting Kill Bill and Bourne. Im worried that may be a January release. And I want it ASAP.
Petrarca said:Hey HD-DVD fans, I wonder why you guys are so quiet about this? Does this not matter also in the war?
ImperialConquest said:Also, as long as HD DVD has PrON i their corner, it's not close to being over.
1 page forward, 80 pages back.ImperialConquest said:Also, as long as HD DVD has PrON i their corner, it's not close to being over.
shidoshi said:Oh god... not this again.
ImperialConquest said:I've never even heard of them..
Come back when Bestbuy/Target/Walmart decide to go exclusive.
Also, as long as HD DVD has PrON i their corner, it's not close to being over.
See ya!
djkimothy said:Isn't Target exclusively selling Blu-ray players?
Yeah, and their selection for both formats sucks anyway. Until they commit to stock some damn movies, they will be a relative non-issue (although not as much of a non-issue as BJ's, though XD).StoOgE said:I think they are still selling the add on.
The news was more or less they are selling a standalone player (they dont currently) and the only one they are selling is BRD and they are going to have a big kiosk for BRD as well. Big news, but I dont think they are dumping HDDVD completely.
Chemo said:Yeah, and their selection for both formats sucks anyway. Until they commit to stock some damn movies, they will be a relative non-issue (although not as much of a non-issue as BJ's, though XD).
It's Day One here at Comic-Con, and we've already got some VERY cool news for you.. news you've been waiting a LONG time for. After all the rumors, all the disappointments, all the leaks and half-truths... Warner has finally, officially unveiled details on their forthcoming Blade Runner: The Final Cut and Blade Runner: The Ultimate Collector's Edition. The film will be available in multiple versions, including both high-def formats day and date with DVD on 12/18. You'll find Warner's press release, with all the relevant details and cover artwork right here at this link at The Bits. Don't forget: We'll be offering the first look at the title during our Comic-Con panel later this morning in San Diego, so we hope to see some of you there. We should also let you know that The Digital Bits is going to be THE place for more details on Blade Runner in the months ahead. We've been given exclusive access by Warner and the production team, which means that every month leading up to the title's street date we'll be posting new behind-the-scenes feature stories on the making of what promises to be THE DVD and high-def release of the year. So stay tuned starting next week for more!
Also today, we should let you know that at Sony's Blu-ray Disc booth here at Comic-Con, the studio is promoting the forthcoming release of all three Spider-Man films, 20 Million Miles to Earth and the first Steven Spielberg film to hit either high-def format... a 3-disc Close Encounters of the Third Kind release (on both DVD and Blu-ray) which is expected to include the original theatrical version of the film, the 1980 special edition version and the more recent collector's edition. All of these titles are expected to be announced soon, and to be released before the end of 2007.
Now then... one other quick note this morning: The midi-chlorians are a-buzz today with word of a possible surprise DVD announcement from Lucasfilm at Comic-Con this weekend. This is certainly Rumor Mill-worthy and it remains to be seen how things will play out, but that's what we're hearing this morning here in San Diego. So keep your eyes and ears peeled for breaking news from the con. Wouldn't it be interesting if, after all the denials, Lucasfilm decided to release that ultimate Star Wars Saga DVD box set this year after all? We'll see...
Well, honestly, this announcement is a little late. I've already seen the Blu-ray aisle-ender stand at a Target (a month ago, at that)... and while it's true, they do have several Blu-ray releases there, most of them are the same releases they have in the regular movie section, and there are only like 5-10 max.StoOgE said:more or less.
I would assume with this announcement they will likely stock at least more BRD movies.
Their prices may still be terrible though.
Chemo said:Well, honestly, this announcement is a little late. I've already seen the Blu-ray aisle-ender stand at a Target (a month ago, at that)... and while it's true, they do have several Blu-ray releases there, most of them are the same releases they have in the regular movie section, and there are only like 5-10 max.
I believe the only new addition is the BRD player.StoOgE said:If they are talking about that endcap hidden in the game section, this isnt news at all. Stocking a standalone is nice, but unless its alot cheaper than a 500 PS3, I just dont see why you would want a standalone.
I thought something new for Xmas was coming that would be more prominent.
Days like these... said:Same shit different day what you guys need to realize is that to some of us the $$$ we spent was money well spent just so that we could enjoy the films we like now rather than later. Not everyone thinks like you guys and no amount of rationalizing, arguing, chastizing, is going to make us see things your way so just give it up already.
djkimothy said:Isn't Target exclusively selling Blu-ray players?
ImperialConquest said:Nope.
As of today, Target sells:
HD DVD 360 add-on player
HD DVD dedeicated players - online
Sorry I could not read the entire 150+ page thread and missed the where PRON was involved..
I have this thing I have to do everyday.. which takes time away from me reading this thread. That is I have to SLEEP!
Holy shit, would you mind getting the **** out of this thread? I think everyone would really, really appreciate it.ImperialConquest said:Nope.
As of today, Target sells:
HD DVD 360 add-on player
HD DVD dedeicated players - online
Sorry I could not read the entire 150+ page thread and missed the where PRON was involved..
I have this thing I have to do everyday.. which takes time away from me reading this thread. That is I have to SLEEP!
Jesus Christ. 1 page forward, 115 pages back.starfox said:More interesting than the stupid Clash of both formats, is to compare the growth of both with the dvd format when it was realeased.
I assume... Total Ownage.
starfox said:More interesting than the stupid Clash of both formats, is to compare the growth of both with the dvd format when it was realeased.
I assume... Total Ownage.
Chemo said:Holy shit, would you mind getting the **** out of this thread? I think everyone would really, really appreciate it.
StoOgE said:BRD is roughly on pace.
HDDVD is behind.
But, I think its impressive for both considering both formats are limited to a smaller market (HDTV owners). I think a big part of that is because once someone has HDTV they are sold on HD content.
Wow.ImperialConquest said:I think I'll pass on your request.
If people can stomach hundreds of your sh*tty posts, I think they can take a few of mine.
Like I said, I simply cannot stay tethered to my PC like some folks..
That, and my chair hasn't yet fused to my *ss which allows me actual movement away from my desk.
You could always send me an update everytiome a post is added to this huge thread.
_leech_ said:Three-disc Blu-ray version of Close Encounters??![]()
djkimothy said:I thought it was on 1 disc and used "Seemless Branching" (tm)
Petrarca said:maybe Bill meant the 3-discs is for DVD version, while blu-ray got the seamless branching
Press Release said:The stunning high definition presentation of Close Encounters of the Third Kind: 30th Anniversary Ultimate Edition contains all three cinematic versions on just one 50 GB Blu-ray Disc, with bonus material included on a second disc, and is made possible by new breakthroughs in home entertainment technology.
The Blu-ray release provides for all three versions of Close Encounters of the Third Kind to be included on one 50GB disc through a process known as seamless branching, made possible with the added interactivity of Blu-rays software and the robust processing power of the second generation players. This process identifies the differences between each version of the film and segments the footage accordingly. These segments are then encoded and assembled into three unique playlists, thus allowing footage used in all three films to be included on the Blu-ray disc only once. Based on the viewers selection of the Original Version, Special Edition or definitive Directors Cut, each film will be presented seamlessly in its original form by use of its respective playlist. Both the Blu-ray and the DVD of Close Encounters of the Third Kind: 30thAnniversary Ultimate Edition are packed with bonus features, including an exclusive interview with Spielberg and a Close Encounters of the Third Kind Retrospective Documentary. Available only with the Close Encounters of the Third Kind: 30thAnniversary Ultimate Edition high definition Blu-ray Disc, are additional bonus features including all-new Storyboard-to-Scene Comparisons, the original 1977 Watch The Skies featurette and an original theatrical preview.
ManaByte said:
On August 28th, Paramount will ship its first high definition title to include a lossless or uncompressed soundtrack - 'Blades of Glory'. This title will feature a PCM 5.1 soundtrack for the Blu-ray release, but will feature no equivalent on the HD DVD, presumably because of the smaller disc capacity. Two weeks later, Paramount will ship 'Face/Off' with extras features available in high definition, but only on the Blu-ray version, again due to space constraints.
This is a drastic change from the Paramount we once knew. For the past year, Blu-ray owners have cringed as they saw release after release issued with low bit rate MPEG-2 video encodes and Dolby Digital soundtracks, while the HD DVD versions received VC-1 encodes and higher bit rate Dolby Digital Plus audio. It was disappointing to say the least.
The shift began with 'Flags of Our Fathers', which was released with a high bit rate AVC encode for the Blu-ray release. The audio was still lacking, but it was clear they were finally recognizing the Blu-ray consumer as a valuable asset. Now, with the addition of PCM audio, Paramount completes the high definition package and Blu-ray owners can now enjoy their favorite Paramount movies the way they were meant to be seen.
Ignatz Mouse said:Now we need Warner to do the same.
djkimothy said:This is promising for Paramount's Transformers release.
Ignatz Mouse said:Do you even read my posts? I AGREE WITH YOU. I basically said the same thing you do here, TODAY.
djkimothy said:Rumour on the streets this weeks numbers are 74:26.
But no one has linked it so I can't confirm it. :/
Looks real...
Oni Jazar said:
1. Premonition Blu-ray 100.00
2. Casino Royale Blu-ray 60.41
3. Planet Earth Blu-ray 56.41
4. POTCDMC Blu-ray 48.55
5. TFE Blu-ray 45.24
6. Ghost Rider Blu-ray 42.94
7. Planet Earth HD-DVD 39.62
8. POTCCOBP Blu-ray 39.39
9. Apocalypto Blu-ray 39.87
10. Resident Evil Blu-ray 31.79
looks like the new ps3 owners are making an impact
djkimothy said:
Oni Jazar said:Titles like Casino Royale (Blu-ray's Batman Begins) and Planet Earth indicate a clear surgance of new PS3 owners.