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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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bud said:
so guys, when are the die hard movies coming out on blu-ray?
Pretty sure that Live Free or Die Hard is going to happen this holiday season... that sounds like a pretty good time to issue a collection, too.
People predicted a Laserdic-or-worse fate for DVD too. I mean, how far could a format go that you could not record with? Plus I have a huge library I don't want to re-buy, plus they scratch! Rental places will never carry them. VHS Forever!
Mustaphadamus said:
for those in the hd dvd camp, are you guys still buying hd dvd movies? Why if so and IF the format is truly dead as some suggest, what will you do with your hd dvd stock piles?

Yes. Why: because blu-ray looks like shit on my tv compared to hd-dvd. I said **** it though and decided to start buying blu-rays because i'll be getting a 1080p tv soon enough. I have 4 blu-rays and 33 hd-dvds. And i'll probably just watch my "hd dvd stock piles", as I do right now.


Ignatz Mouse said:
People predicted a Laserdic-or-worse fate for DVD too. I mean, how far could a format go that you could not record with? Plus I have a huge library I don't want to re-buy, plus they scratch! Rental places will never carry them. VHS Forever!

blurry pictures make my eyes BLEED!!!!!!!!!!


xS1TH L0RDx said:
Yes. Why: because blu-ray looks like shit on my tv compared to hd-dvd. I said **** it though and decided to start buying blu-rays because i'll be getting a 1080p tv soon enough. I have 4 blu-rays and 33 hd-dvds. And i'll probably just watch my "hd dvd stock piles", as I do right now.

:lol Whatever.

Anyways, has anyone seen the Host? I have it on the way from Zip and it got decent transfer ratings.

Here's something interesting though...


While both next-gen versions of 'The Host' boast identical video transfers, all things are not equal in the audio department, with the Blu-ray edition trumping its HD DVD counterpart thanks to the inclusion of an uncompressed PCM 5.1 surround mix (16-bit/48kHz/4.6 Mbps).

The two other tracks on this Blu-ray are shared with the HD DVD -- a DTS-HD 5.1 surround track (1.5 Mbps) and a standard Dolby Digital 5.1 surround mix (448 kbps).

Interesting that for once, Blu-ray gets the better audio. Odd the HDDVD version didn't get TRueHD.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
YYZ said:
Hey guys I have a bunch of questions.

Which version of Planet Earth is better? The BBC one or the one narrated by Sigourney Weaver? Is it even possible to buy the American one? What special features are missing from the HD-DVD/BD releases versus the DVD box set?
Initially, it was only the BBC version that was available on BD/HDDVD. Discovery Channel's version with Sigourney narrating just became available a few weeks ago. I believe (I hope!) the general consensus is that the BBC version is better, because it has David Attenborough narrating and it's also unedited, unlike the DC version. I'm pretty sure everyone around here got the BBC version, in any case.

There's like 2 hrs of additional behind-the-scenes footage on the DVD version of the BBC release, plus 2.5 hrs of a companion piece - Planet Earth: The Future.

Is there any chance of the Blu-Ray version of 300 receiving the same hi-def extras that the HD-DVD version has sometime in the future?
Sure, just like any movie has a chance of getting a new version on DVD after the original DVD release. They'll have to wait for the spec around interactivity to be finalized and available in most BD players though.
Dark, I recall your problem was that your set scaled 1080i to 720p badly. Now that the PS3 supports 720p for Blu-Ray output, have you tried adjusting your settings?

Have you updated your PS3 firmware, for that matter?


Was this posted?


Towards the end of August, Paramount will ship its first ever High Definition title that will feature an uncompressed soundtrack, Blades of Glory will include a PCM 5.1 soundtrack for the Blu-ray version but unfortunately there will not be a HD-DVD equivalent. A fortnight later, Paramount will also ship Face/Off with extra features only being available on Blu-ray due to its significantly higher capacity.

On August 28th, Paramount will ship its first high definition title to include a lossless or uncompressed soundtrack - 'Blades of Glory'. This title will feature a PCM 5.1 soundtrack for the Blu-ray release, but will feature no equivalent on the HD DVD, presumably because of the smaller disc capacity. Two weeks later, Paramount will ship 'Face/Off' with extras features available in high definition, but only on the Blu-ray version, again due to space constraints.

This is a drastic change from the Paramount we once knew. For the past year, Blu-ray owners have cringed as they saw release after release issued with low bit rate MPEG-2 video encodes and Dolby Digital soundtracks, while the HD DVD versions received VC-1 encodes and higher bit rate Dolby Digital Plus audio. It was disappointing to say the least.
methane47 said:
Send your TV back... or send your eyes back..

maybe you can help? i'm pulling this post from the neogaf pick up thread on the gaming discussion board. hopefully this info helps:

i have the 360 hd-dvd drive and i'm impressed with all of my hd-dvds, but the blu-ray output on the ps3 comes out looking extremely grainy. i think it's probably my tv though because the games themselves look absolutely fantastic, especially motorstorm and sigma. my tv is 720p native and i'm using hdmi as a connection, if you can offer any help as to why my blu rays (i have the prestige in addition to closer) look grainy i would appreciate it. i know that blu ray is just as good as hd-dvd in terms of picture quality, and it's very frustrating for someone who loves movies such as myself to be limited to just hd-dvd's selection. there's a ton of blu-rays that i want, but i can't bring myself to buy them...i made an exception for closer though because i found it for 15 bucks new.

if you're willing to help, the tv i have is a samsung 32" flat panel lcd, model number LNS3251DX, and my ps3 is set to output in 720p. even normal dvds look better on my 360 than my ps3, despite the 1.8 firmware that allows dvd upscaling.

it should be noted that my hdmi cable was only 30 bucks, maybe it's shit quality?

And also, i should mention that i'm using a vga connection for my 360.

any help is appreciated.

It's not your cable, that's digital. You'd see drops if it were bad, not grain.

Try going into your PS3 setting and setting the resolution of the system at 720p. In the old days (pre firmware update) that would have forced your Blu-Rays down to 480p (yuck), but they fixed that and the PS3 will now do the scaling to 720p itself, and it does a good job.

The end result should look just like your 360 output.
djkimothy said:
:lol Whatever.

Anyways, has anyone seen the Host? I have it on the way from Zip and it got decent transfer ratings.

Here's something interesting though...


Interesting that for once, Blu-ray gets the better audio. Odd the HDDVD version didn't get TRueHD.

I was 100% sure the HD DVD version was getting a True HD soundtrack. But I pre-ordered my copy online a while ago and I'll get it soon so there's no turning back...the DTS-HD track still seem to sound great though.

What's more disappointing is that both versions are missing a TONS of features available from the 2 disc DVD version.

As for Paramount, I don't know what's their decision lately to cut a bunch of things in their HD version of their movies since some of their recent releases like Flags of our Fathers and Dreamgirls are both 2 discs. They could just do again a 30/15 2 discs HD DVD set to match the capacity of the BD-50 (similar to what Warner is doing with the Smallville Season 6 set).
thanks for the response!

i'm not sure if put it in the post, but my ps3 is set to 720p output.

maybe the few blu-rays i have are just bad transfers? (the prestige, closer, taladega nights, memento) i ought to get around to buying the pirates movies on blu-ray, as i heard those were "benchmark titles", and my girlfriend wants them anyway, so it shouldn't be too hard to convince her it's not a dumb purchase.

Unfortunately I can't return my television as it's out of manufacturer's warranty now and my dumb ass didn't buy the extended store warranty.
DarkJediKnight said:
Any word if Spiderman 3 will be re-cut for DVD/Blu-ray?

God that movie sucked! It had awesome moments and a ton of useless campy crap.

I was really let down with spider man 3, especially since i thought 1 and 2 were great. I had read a ton of bad reviews but went to go see it anyway and about 20 minutes into the movie i was thinking "this isn't so bad" but it soon went downhill. It's really saying something that in a film that had venom in it, sandman was the most compelling character.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
DarkJediKnight said:
Any word if Spiderman 3 will be re-cut for DVD/Blu-ray?

God that movie sucked! It had awesome moments and a ton of useless campy crap.
I would say cutting all the eddie brock/venom scenes and the retarded emo scene would just about do it.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
The Main Event said:
I thought the emo-scene was one of the best part of the movie.
i thought it was one of the stupidest things i have seen in a movie in a long time. /shrug.
I don't know about the others, but The Prestige should look fantastic.

Are you up to date on PS3 firware upgrades? They're manadatory for logging into PSN, so if you can do that, you are.
Ignatz Mouse said:
I don't know about the others, but The Prestige should look fantastic.

Are you up to date on PS3 firware upgrades? They're manadatory for logging into PSN, so if you can do that, you are.

yes i am.
xS1TH L0RDx said:
yes i am.

What TV model do you have? I think it has to do with the calibration of your PS3 input.

I find HD DVD movies to have a softer look to them, while BD movies to be edgier (depending on the movies of course).

As for the grain, it's part of the transfer. I have The Descent which looks great, but it's definitely an extremely grainy film.


First tragedy, then farce.
Spiderman 3 was abysmal, which was very disapointing considering how good the first two are.

You could tell they wanted to do a Harry storyline and just didnt have the guts to have a movie so similar to the first storywise... but that was the natrual way that the triology was headed, heck they set up Harry/Pete for two movies then threw it away with a butler "I saw the whole thing, your dad killed himself". Then they just threw two undeveloped badguys into the movie and had the superpals team up to take them on. Ugg.

Then they tried to get way too cute.

I remember the scene where he looked out the window all emo like and I whispered in my dates ear "Conor Oberst is spiderman?" and we both laughed for about 10 minutes. It was better than anything in the movie.
StoOgE said:
Spiderman 3 was abysmal, which was very disapointing considering how good the first two are.

You could tell they wanted to do a Harry storyline and just didnt have the guts to have a movie so similar to the first storywise... but that was the natrual way that the triology was headed, heck they set up Harry/Pete for two movies then threw it away with a butler "I saw the whole thing, your dad killed himself". Then they just threw two undeveloped badguys into the movie and had the superpals team up to take them on. Ugg.

Then they tried to get way too cute.

There's the moneyshot. I agree completely.
Sage00 said:

Hi-def mosaics, huh?


JB1981 said:
I hope Amazon gets 300 to me by tomorrow. Should I expect that or no?

you do know u can track your orders on their website, it should give you a good idea if you can expect it tomorrow or not :D


Because certain people need something to talk about.
yacobod said:
i thought it was ridiculous in a good way, i would prefer if they cut out all the stuff with MJ

Wah wah wah I got a bad review and I'm going to ruin my life over it.

Edit: This is directed at Mary Jane not you or any of the producers. I didn't want to offend.


Crayon Shinchan said:
Problems with LD is that it was nothing like VHS; completely incompatible formats.

The upside for BD/HD-DVD is that they have backwards compatibility. They upscale DVDs...

In a few years, when the prices are at commodity rates for BD, why wouldn't people pick up BD players that can play HD movies with more and better features, while improving their old movies? They buy a HDTV for a few hundred bucks, why wouldn't they lay down another 50-100 when the salespeople, confident in pushing HD at that point, tell them, to get full advantage of their new flat panel, they definetly want to get a HD player.

LD on the other hand... well, that was bulky as shit, and incompatible with VHS!

So how many years is it going to take for BD players and HDTVs to be "a few hundred bucks"?

By then, FiOS will be everywhere and people will be downloading movies.


Will drop pants for Sony.
Japanese Porn Industry Embraces Blu-Ray Disc
Monday, July 30, 2007 6:00 AM PDT
Japanese adult film makers have turned decisively to Blu-ray Disc, breathing new life into its bid to replace DVDs as the disc of choice for home movies.

All i need is Field1 and COAT to use blu-ray and i will be in HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They should tranfer the revolution videos to blu-ray.


Pellham said:
So how many years is it going to take for BD players and HDTVs to be "a few hundred bucks"?

By then, FiOS will be everywhere and people will be downloading movies.

Your kidding right? #1 Verizon doesn't service the whole country and it take a while just to service their own territory. #2 Physical format will exist for at least a decade more. BD has only been out for a year, what do you expect? Of course the prices are high now.


Hail to the KING baby
My attitude is, if BD really is Laserdisc (and I wouldn't completely rule it out just yet), it's too bad I missed out on Laserdisc.


AstroLad said:
My attitude is, if BD really is Laserdisc (and I wouldn't completely rule it out just yet), it's too bad I missed out on Laserdisc.
There's no way BD is the new laserdisc. If it's not the new DVD, it's at least a step between that and LD. The PS3's existence won't allow it to be that niche.


Hail to the KING baby
Chemo said:
There's no way BD is the new laserdisc. If it's not the new DVD, it's at least a step between that and LD. The PS3's existence won't allow it to be that niche.

Yeah, to be clear I'm using "laserdisc" as shorthand for "high-quality format that never achieves broad acceptance" rather than saying that they will do the same marketwise.


AstroLad said:
My attitude is, if BD really is Laserdisc (and I wouldn't completely rule it out just yet), it's too bad I missed out on Laserdisc.

Laserdisc lasted from the 80's all the way till around 2000 or so (I am not sure all I know is the last new release my dad got was The Phantom Menace which came out in 2000). If Blu Ray lasted that long I would be thrilled.


AstroLad said:
Yeah, to be clear I'm using "laserdisc" as shorthand for "high-quality format that never achieves broad acceptance" rather than saying that they will do the same marketwise.

Hey, wtf, AstroLad got banned? Noooooooo
Pellham said:
So how many years is it going to take for BD players and HDTVs to be "a few hundred bucks"?

By then, FiOS will be everywhere and people will be downloading movies.

I haven;t been following HDTV prices, but I would expect Blu-Ray prices to be sub $150 by Christmas season 2008. Long before fiber is ubiquitous.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Fiber will be ubiquitous long before most movie download services will actually let you do more than "rent" their movies, and that alone will ensure that movies on physical media will be viable for at least the next 20 yrs. :p


First tragedy, then farce.
Considering both BRD and HDDVD have more players than LaserDisc ever did and they are both right at 12 months (a bit more). Which is why I have long maintained that even if BRD winds up "winning" HDDVD may get some level of support (big releases) for years to come from some studios.
StoOgE said:
Considering both BRD and HDDVD have more players than LaserDisc ever did and they are both right at 12 months (a bit more). Which is why I have long maintained that even if BRD winds up "winning" HDDVD may get some level of support (big releases) for years to come from some studios.

I'm sure this is true, which is why I don't get people saying "your discs/players will be useless."

I don't want to have two around, but I can't argue that if you do, you'll get some use of both.
StoOgE said:
Considering both BRD and HDDVD have more players than LaserDisc ever did and they are both right at 12 months (a bit more). Which is why I have long maintained that even if BRD winds up "winning" HDDVD may get some level of support (big releases) for years to come from some studios.

Laserdisc got continued support in part because it was far superior to VHS for picture and sound quality. The AV enthusiasts who wanted the absolute best quality would buy it over the VHS versions where they could.

That would not be true for the HD-DVD format.

IMO, assuming either side wins, it's exactly analogous to VHS vs Beta in terms of what will happen to the "loser". Complete loss of support and relagated to the annals of failed formats.

It's certainly true that any Beta movies you bought would continue to work, but in terms of thinking that studios would continue to support << 5% of the market in 2 years seems a bit of a stretch. That's the price that is commonly paid by early adopters of any technology.


Post Count: 9999
Petrarca said:
Tartan Video choses Blu-ray in a "no-brainer" decision
Black Book, Oldboy and Seventh Seal get BD release

30 July 2007 - Tartan Video has announced the release of its first high definition titles. Choosing the go with the Sony-backed Blu-ray format, it's releasing three classic movies.

Tartan Video’s owner Hamish McAlpine, says, "To go with Blu-ray was a no-brainer for Tartan. Not only is the format superior to HD-DVD, but also the fact that 7 out of 8 studios have chosen to release their films on Blu-ray means that this so-called ‘format war’ is over before it has really begun."

A lot of powning right there.

Petrarca said:

The timing is just ... creepy. :(
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