That's not what he said. He said the format war wasn't helping matters. Do you understand the difference?Days like these... said:Chemo would like to place the blame for the slow adoption rate squarely on HD DVD
That's not what he said. He said the format war wasn't helping matters. Do you understand the difference?Days like these... said:Chemo would like to place the blame for the slow adoption rate squarely on HD DVD
kaching said:That's not what he said. He said the format war wasn't helping matters. Do you understand the difference?
Eggo said:Ouch, 75% of my HD purchases have been < $15 thanks to Frys.
Does anyone know if Frys is selling 300 for cheap today? Or any other retailers that have a deal on it?
Frys is only in some southern states like Texas and the West coast. I dont think djkimothy has them available where he lives.Days like these... said:Find a Fry's their prices are usually just as cheap as amazon. I think I'll pick up (blind buy) Hot Fuzz today I've heard good things about that movie. I didnt care for 300 still might pick it up if Fry's has it for cheap.
captive said:Frys is only in some southern states like Texas and the West coast. I dont think djkimothy has them available where he lives.
thaivo said:Wow... Then again, most BD supporters have been saying they don't need the extra features, so I expect most to say that they don't care (even though such a thing has gotta get under your skin):lol .
Its ok i understand your jealousy. :loldjkimothy said:Canada is too harsh for your weak American stores. ;P
Petrarca said:I really don't care about extra features. the only time I remember watching extra feature was to watch Casino Royale's music soundtrack. I don't care about PiP, or whatver. When I watch a movie, I want to watch a movie so just give me top-notch picture quality and the lowest possible price...
Petrarca said:I really don't care about extra features. the only time I remember watching extra feature was to watch Casino Royale's music soundtrack. I don't care about PiP, or whatver. When I want to watch a movie, I watch a movie so just give me top-notch picture quality and the lowest possible price... *cough*StarTrekHD-DVDfor200bucks*cough*
back on 300. I'm gonna pick up 2 copies of 300 on blu-ray, one for my stingy friend who has a PS3 but hasn't bought many blu-ray movies. But he likes to party, so in turn he's gonna buy me a few rounds
Sure, I'm familiar with his posts - he wants HDDVD dead and buried, before it was even conceived. But that doesn't change the fact that all he is explicitly saying is that the format war doesn't help adoption rate and there's nothing untrue about that. You can't call the statement FUD simply because you know he is heavily biased towards BD and therefore assume he must be implying something more.Days like these... said:He implied it with the tone of his post. Are you not familiar with his posts?
Hotarubi said:And on the price issue, it drives me nuts that no one here ever puts HD titles on sale, if they get them at all. I'm either stuck paying $28+ for something, or buying it online, where prices aren't even all that much better, and waiting two weeks to get it.
robot said:Is this a U.S release? Never got a chance to see this in the years and years of watching anime.
No I didn't. But it's kind of adorable that you hang on my every word to the extent that you think you are that familiar with my tone.Days like these... said:He implied it with the tone of his post. Are you not familiar with his posts?
Chemo said:No I didn't. But it's kind of adorable that you hang on my every word to the extent that you think you are that familiar with my tone.
And I have nothing against HD DVD as a format, I just have everything against it as a roadblock. I have stated multiple times that I did not purchase my PS3 until, based on my observation, I was sure that Blu-ray would come out on top as the winner... I would have waited until 2008 for MGS4 otherwise. It seemed pretty obvious to me that Blu-ray was the winning side in March, and nothing has happened since then to disprove that in any way, shape or form -- quite the opposite, actually, it has surged while HD DVD has floundered. I am in this as a believer in a one-format future, not as a Sony-hugging fanboy. There are plenty of Sony fanboys you can target, and feel free... when you attack me, you are attacking someone who wants consumer confusion and split markets to go away.
Bebpo said:Japan (has English subs/dub). US release is in Sept I think.
ManaByte said:Warner may be double dipping the Blu-Ray 300:
Originally Posted by CriticalListener
I can't provide a link, but I do have a document directly from Nielsen that tells me exactly what's in the data for high-def sales.
First let me tell you the big names NOT included:
Amazon, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, Circuit City
IMO, what's missing is about 95% of all high def sales.
Here are the retailer that are included (they also include a ton of Food, Convenience and Drug stores who might sell a decent % of SD-DVD's, but I would venture 0% of high-def discs):
KMart; Target;Pamida;Alco;Shipco;Rose's Stores;BJ's; Sears
The more I look at this list, the more I think the Amazon data is looking better and better.
Nielsen Video Scan (these numbers, while they include traditional on-line retailers such as Amazon, also include Specialty Mass Merchants including Costco, Best Buy, Circuit City. A significant portion of these sales, however, also encompass online ie.,, etc )
Costanza said:Picked up 300 at Target this morning on BD for 24.99 (cheapest I've ever paid for an HD disc...).
Can't wait to watch it.
kaching said:Sure, I'm familiar with his posts - he wants HDDVD dead and buried, before it was even conceived. But that doesn't change the fact that all he is explicitly saying is that the format war doesn't help adoption rate and there's nothing untrue about that. You can't call the statement FUD simply because you know he is heavily biased towards BD and therefore assume he must be implying something more.
Petrarca said::lol
this thread at AVS HD-DVD forum is a real winner
HD-DVD fans cried Nielsen data is invalid, eventhough there's a pdf white paper clearly stated that Nielsen data included most of major retailers
Now they want to go back to Amazon data.
as they said, if you don't succeed, re-define success
I wipe my own ass said:Does anybody know if the LOTR trilogy is coming to HD-DVD or Blu-Ray anytime soon?
:lol My mistake, wrong verb. Of course you can, but you really shouldn't. That is, if you're really interested in dispelling FUD.ImperialConquest said:Yes, you can.
Good enough for me I guess.Oni Jazar said:Date or Format hasn't been announced officially. Don't expect it until 2008.
Costanza said:300 didn't look as good as I hoped it would in HD, mostly cause of the grain. Oh well at least a few of the shots WOW'd me.
You misread confidence for emotional investment. XDDays like these... said:When have I attacked you? Do you have some kind of persecution complex? It bears repeating that you are way too emotionally invested in this. Secondly if you're so sure blu-ray will win why do you get so worked up? Sooner or later it'll happen (maybe).
highdefdigest said:Universal Studios Home Entertainment has announced it will bring 'Carlito's Way' and its direct-to-video sequel 'Carlito's Way: Rise to Power' to HD DVD this October.
Though not one of Brian DePalma's box office hits, 1993's 'Carlito's Way' went on to a garner a long shelf life on video, and is now considered to be one of the director's most underrated films. Universal followed it up twelve years later with the direct-to-video prequel, 'Carlito's Way: Rise to Power' (without DePalma's involvement).
The studio will debut both titles on HD DVD October 23, each a special edition sporting the same extras as their standard-def DVD counterparts. Among the goodies to be found on each will be multiple making-of featurettes, deleted scenes and trailers. The original 'Carlito's Way' will also include a still gallery.
Tech specs include 1080p/VC-1 transfers, and Dolby TrueHD and Dolby Digital-Plus 5.1 surround tracks.
Universal has set a $29.98 list price for each.
We've added new listings for both 'Carlito's Way' and 'Carlito's Way: Rise to Power' to our HD DVD Release Schedule, under October 23. Stay tuned for box cover art to be revealed in the coming days.
Me neither. As long as it's part of the original film and the grain is in HD just the like the rest of the film, I've got no problems.Flo_Evans said:gah I don't get the grain hate! Its what film looks like!
el Diablo said:(unless somehow it ends up being the dominant format and turns BD into the next Beta).
Meanwhile, Genius Products and The Weinstein Company have announced the DVD release of both Grindhouse films. Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof hits DVD on 9/18 (SRP $29.95) as a 2-disc unrated and extended edition, nearly 30 minutes longer than the theatrical cut. Extras are set to include 5 featurettes (Finding Quentin's Gals, The Guys of Death Proof, Kurt Russell as Stuntman Mike, Introducing Zoe Bell and Quentin's Greatest Collaborator: Editor Sally Menke), along with an international poster gallery and the trailer for Double Dare. Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror will follow on 10/16 (SRP $29.95). Extras are subject to change, but look for a 2-disc unrated and extended edition as well, containing "the missing reel" along with audio commentary by Rodriguez, deleted scenes, The Badass Babes of Planet Terror featurette and more. Industry sources at Comic-Con were also hinting that the company may release the titles in BOTH Blu-ray Disc and HD-DVD formats sometime later this year, which would signal move for the company to an HD format neutral position. We're working to confirm this.
We've got a few more Blu-ray Disc street dates from Sony today... look for Surf's Up and Reign Over Me on 10/9, Starship Troopers and a Hollow Man: Director's Cut on 10/16, and The Company (2-discs), Hostel: Unrated and Hostel II on 10/23. New release titles in this list will street on DVD on these dates as well.
And in other big news on the HD front, both Target and BJ's Wholesale Club have decided to follow Blockbuster's lead in emphasizing only Blu-ray Disc in their retail locations during the upcoming holiday season. BJ's has said that it will drop HD-DVD altogether, carrying only Blu-ray in its 170 stores in the 4th quarter (click here for more from Video Business). Meanwhile, Target is planning to exclusively feature Sony's Blu-ray Disc players in their stores this holiday season, while also expanding their line-up of Blu-ray Disc software. Target will no longer carry HD-DVD players in their stores, although they will carry HD-DVD software and HD-DVD products will continue to be stocked on their online site (click here for more on this as well). Both of these announcements would seem to indicate a significant retail shift towards Blu-ray Disc heading into the 4th quarter. It will be interesting to see if others follow
Costanza said:Picked up 300 at Target this morning on BD for 24.99 (cheapest I've ever paid for an HD disc...).
Can't wait to watch it.
purgeface said:Same here, also my first BD purchase. Next up, Planet Earth. Also noticed BB had Blue Planet today, is that worth picking up if I'm getting Planet Earth?
Hmmm, yeah. I just got back from Best Buy where they had short 300 blu-ray clips looped on a Sony SXRD and I wasn't really thrilled with the PQ. Like you said, very grainy. I'm sure it's intentional but the transfer didn't fair well on the SXRD. The TV was probably in Vivid mode but still ... it didn't wow me like others.Costanza said:300 didn't look as good as I hoped it would in HD, mostly cause of the grain. Oh well at least a few of the shots WOW'd me.
Oh gee manabyte taking issue with bill hunt again, but im sure the next hd dvd thing he uncovers you'll be posting in no time.ManaByte said:His "industry sources" were also telling him LFL would announce Star Wars at their panel.
ManaByte said:His "industry sources" were also telling him LFL would announce Star Wars at their panel.
Ignatz Mouse said:Really? That kind of prediction usually shows up here. Link?
Now then... one other quick note this morning: The midi-chlorians are a-buzz today with word of a possible surprise DVD announcement from Lucasfilm at Comic-Con this weekend. This is certainly Rumor Mill-worthy and it remains to be seen how things will play out, but that's what we're hearing this morning here in San Diego. So keep your eyes and ears peeled for breaking news from the con. Wouldn't it be interesting if, after all the denials, Lucasfilm decided to release that ultimate Star Wars Saga DVD box set this year after all? We'll see...
One other Comic-Con note before we continue with our regular update: Contrary to reports we heard from industry insiders just prior to the show, there was no Lucasfilm DVD announcement made at the Con. Based on these reports, we'd half expected to hear an official announcement of the possible release of the Ultimate Star Wars box set this year, or at least The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles. However, neither announcement was made. Gamers will be pleased to learn, however, that Lego Star Wars Saga and Lego Indiana Jones are both on the way (and Wii users will be able to use that cool remote to swing their lightsabers around in the Saga game).
Petrarca said:I don't know about blue planet, but blu-ray planet earth is ****ing awesome
LM4sure said:Is it Sigourney Weaver narrated?
Vark said:both the HD-DVD and Blu-Ray releases of Planet Earth are Attenborough
The Planet Earth you'll see in stores is Attenborough.LM4sure said:oh wow.
DarkJediKnight said:Cover. I hated this movie even though I'm a Chow Yun Fat junkie. Some of you probably worship it.![]()