Matrix said::lol
Bob is a flip flopper,you should know this Chris.One min its maybe I'll buy a stand alone player cause its cheap and I want some of the movies that are on hd-dvd,next it's oh noes hd-dvd is already dead.
He does this with game systems and games.
Mmmmmm yeah I need my TV shows on the cheap! I can't go buy every single new gadget like you can cash chucker!
I just bought seasons 1 through 5 of The Shield on DVD for just over 100 bucks. Can I do that in hi def yet? No! I gotta go spend 100 bucks for one season of Heroes or Lost in HD! Whoever gets me cheap TV box sets wins!
I buy more TV box sets than movies.
The way things are going, soon enough I'll be able to get 12 to 15 free movies with the HD DVD 360 add on so I'll take the plunge.