Onix said:
You may want to check if all of the 'extra' functions work on it ... but for pure video quality, its quite good.
Everything works flawlessly. It gets firmware updates like all the standalones and supports all the HD DVD functionality like interactivity and network connectivity. The biggest test of this, 300, I own and have gone through all the features, from the blue screen PiP to the movie editing, to the mini game, to the online store, to the posting of your version of the movie online .
I've also seen Heroes and had no issues with its HDi features either. So yeah, no worries at all. On the audio side, you have the option to convert the disc audio into 2 channel PCM, DD 5.1, or DTS.
I suspect FA got the Amazon deal, which is pretty stagerring. 5 movies with the mail-in offer, 2 from Amazon right away, and King Kong comes with the drive. 8 movies and an HD DVD player for $179.
Finally, the reports about a new version of the 360 HD DVD add-on were false. It was a mistranslation. MS already clarified they have no new version in the works. Since the audio limitation is 360 related, I don't see how they can improve the current HD DVD drive. It loads discs quickly, has excellent picture quality, and supports the HDi and internet features.