DiatribeEQ said:
The main point I was making in my post here, is that in this heated debate of loyalties between the 2 different High Def camps, every time something "Pro" comes out for one side (regardless of how important it is), there's always the other side coming out with something extremely derogatory in an attempt to downplay whatever it is. Good week for Blu-Ray? Some HD-DVD troll comes out and dishes some crap in an attempt to somehow lessen the good news. Got something good to say about HD-DVD? The Blu-Ray folks come out in droves and hijack threads. It goes both ways. If you want to talk crap about a rival format, expect someone to sling your own poop back at you. And don't bitch if something hits you upside the head in return.
Is the current good news for the HD-DVD camp (re: Wal-Mart selling out all over the place of their Toshiba A2's) a bad thing? Nope. Is it Toshiba "dumping" a failing product? Can go both ways I guess. Was it already cheap to begin with and not that much of a far stretch? No, not really. But what prompted my comments was the 6 year old mentality comments coming from certain blu-camp fanboyisms here.
What I think it boils down to, is fear in the Blu-Ray loyalists camps in what this could possibly do for their format of choice. All along, I've said that the side that gets in Wal-Mart with the cheapest mass-market/consumer impulse shopper friendly player, will *win* this "format war". Period. And having potentially anywhere from 100
,000-250,000 machines of a rival format hitting the market (thus potentially influencing format neutral movie studios to finally chose a side that's *not* Blu-Ray) is what scares or even upsets/pisses off, folks like that.
Personally.....I've yet to buy a High-Def player. I'm waiting on the prices of a couple HD TV models to either come down in price (or get replaced with new models with same features, but lower prices) before I take the plunge. Plus I'm also willing to wait till the dust settles so I can make the choice of which format to pick as there'd only be one by then.
But you need to understand, there is NO fear in the bluray camp.
For some reason hd people have some hard on to think so, but it is not the case.
It has been said a million times by many different people in this thread (and ignored) but it does not make it less true...bluray followers have seen and heard this all year.
You can even go back and look at the same people who pop up with the same shit slinging every time.
0) Blu PQ sucks on early titles, HD is better PQ and people think Blu is dead before it is out the door.
1) HD price will win ( 599 PS3 vs 299 hd players).... did nothing
2) 300 superior features on HD, will definitely beat blu and show the world...did nothing blu version won.
3) Fox going to go neutral because some guy in avs said so..never happened and support never been stronger.
4) Disney going to go neutral because some guy in avs said so ..never happened and support never been stronger.
5) Paramount going HD will change the world, HD wins! Nothing happened, Spielberg even cock blocked his movies from being part of the deal.
6) Transformers will definitely win, huge movie, no big blu releases that week hahah...nothing happened and blu pulled out the week.
7) Warner calling press conference to go HD exclusive on 10/31 because some guy in AVS said so..all of the usual trolls and asshats came running in to gloat and sling shit...it never happened and Warner committed to neutrality in an interview on 11/01
8) Free Heroes and two movies of your choice with HD add on, or two movies of your choice with any other hd-dvd player + second week Transformer legs...still couldn't win the week.
You have to understand Blu supporters have seen and heard it all before.
The SAME people come running in every time there is some press, and a bunch of noobs come in also some out of interest and some to troll and then nothing changes and they disappear again.
No bitter tears, no fear, no concern.
It has been a year now since blu locked in the lead and they have an amazing line up to end the year.
If this sale DID change anything who cares?
It would be for a week and Blu would do something to counter and then what?
What card does HD have to play if this doesn't work?
There is no fear on the blu side just cautious optimism that this may all be over soon.