Snah said:yeah i'm picking up ratatouille next week.
i liked ratatouille better than that?
Snah said:yeah i'm picking up ratatouille next week.
i liked ratatouille better than that?
Argyle said:Wow, the A2 is surprisingly clunky. I already mentioned how slow and difficult for the end user the firmware updates are, but I was shocked by the 30 second boot times (from power button being hit to first image displayed on screen). Is the A2 a mini-PC the way the A1 was? Anyone know if the A3 is more responsive? I have one of those coming from Best Buy and I'm planning on giving one of the two away, so if anyone knows, that would be helpful...I know about the DTS/DD reencoding issue and it doesn't affect me or my dad (the recipient of the other player) since we both have HDMI receivers...
Kolgar said:No firsthand experience, but from everything I've read, A2 and A3 are essentially the same except for audio output (I think A2 does DTS, the A3, DD5.1?) and styling.
Bootup times, etc., are very similar.
If you're having trouble with the firmware updates, there are some good threads at AVS to help you. (Essentially, turn DCHP and DNS *on* in the settings menu, then power off, wait a tick, power back on and you should be able to update via Ethernet. Or just call Toshiba and get a disc mailed to you, that's easy too.
Kolgar said:500K sold yesterday? Hardly. I think the number of A2s Wal-Mart may have moved yesterday is closer to 40K, max.
FWIW, there was a guy at AVS who got the 40K number from a Toshiba rep, or so he said.
WallyWorld + other vendors, maybe close to 50K, who knows.
Not bad for one day, but there's still work to be done. Perhaps just as important as the sell-through, however, is the shot in the arm HD DVD has received in consumer awareness. Every holiday, there are a handful of "hot items" that everyone talks about, and Toshiba seems to be working to make its format one of those.
Slurpy said:Holy crap:
Sorry is this was posted, Im never in this thread.
Argyle said:I burned a CD and updated it that way (it still takes 20-30 minutes...not sure of the exact time because I walked away to do something else. Most of the time is spent on "step 5/5" with no progress meter) so I'm all good. I just think this is going to be something the average person struggles with. I think shipping the player with a static IP as default is really really stupid (unless they like talking to their consumers when they inevitably call for tech support![]()
Argyle said:Wow, the A2 is surprisingly clunky. I already mentioned how slow and difficult for the end user the firmware updates are, but I was shocked by the 30 second boot times (from power button being hit to first image displayed on screen). Is the A2 a mini-PC the way the A1 was? Anyone know if the A3 is more responsive? I have one of those coming from Best Buy and I'm planning on giving one of the two away, so if anyone knows, that would be helpful...I know about the DTS/DD reencoding issue and it doesn't affect me or my dad (the recipient of the other player) since we both have HDMI receivers...
Kleegamefan said:Can anyone help me here?
Is there a website out there that focuses on Japanese Anime Blu Ray Movies?
I am looking for a list of all BD anime release and upcoming stuff too, but I cant find a good list anywhere
Your Wal-Mart probably only had a handful of the $15 titles.Days like these... said:I was guestimating 60k. 3000 walmarts x 20 per store. Any idea on how many movies were sold on friday? My local walmart was also sold out of the $15 titles.
gray_fox224 said:SO happy.
Just picked up Shinning and 2001. HD and Blu ray respectively
Days like these... said:I picked both of those up. I had never seen either one except for a little piece of The shining when I was kid. I loved The shining it creeped me out and I was watching it in broad daylight. 2001? Put me in the didn't like it, didn't 'get it' don't want to get it camp. Looks nice enough in HD that's for sure.
dallow_bg said:Your Wal-Mart probably only had a handful of the $15 titles.
My Walmart only had 1 of them to start with.
Days like these... said:I'd definitely recomend Full Metal Jacket. Clockwork Orange I liked but definitely not for everyone.
captive said:I have a better stat for you. The top ten grossing films this year, there are 6 yet to be released. Ratatouille, Bourne, Shrek, Simpsons, Harry Potter, Pirates. Only two of those are HD DVD exclusive, three are blu-ray and one is neutral. Oh and the top grossing film was released this week.
Your on crack or a blind idiotic fanboi if you think Ratatoille wont be at the top. Personally i think its both in your case.
djkimothy said:Evidence?
Snah said:yeah i'm picking up ratatouille next week.
i liked ratatouille better than that?
:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lolLM4sure said:One is neutral for now. The way things are going, it might end up hd-dvd exclusive.
captive said::lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Whatever helps you sleep at night, and makes you feel better about your purchasing habits.
09-16-2007, 11:05 AM
Replies: 18,870
Bluray/HD-DVD: HD movie fan Suicide Watch
Views: 568,895
Posted By LM4sure
Wow. Hd-dvd has definitely cut into blu ray...
Wow. Hd-dvd has definitely cut into blu ray sales! Awesome. It looks like hd-dvd is gaining a lot of momentum. If this trend continues, I might actually buy an hd-dvd plaayer!!
Thats even funnier than him trying to say that no one wants Ratatoille since it didnt do as well as better selling Pixar movies, even though the fact is even Wild Hogs, the number 10 grossing film this year sold extremely well despite the constant criticism of the movie. :lolOokieSpookie said:Cap, don't bother it really isn't worth it.
LM does not even have an HD player according to his own words and is just stirring shit up.
Days like these... said:I was guestimating 60k. 3000 walmarts x 20 per store. Any idea on how many movies were sold on friday? My local walmart was also sold out of the $15 titles.
LM4sure said:No, Ratatouille is nowhere near as good as finding Nemo. I think most will agree with that. In fact, I liked Ratatouille better the first time when it was called Flushed Away.
Argyle said:Wow, the A2 is surprisingly clunky. I already mentioned how slow and difficult for the end user the firmware updates are, but I was shocked by the 30 second boot times (from power button being hit to first image displayed on screen). Is the A2 a mini-PC the way the A1 was? Anyone know if the A3 is more responsive? I have one of those coming from Best Buy and I'm planning on giving one of the two away, so if anyone knows, that would be helpful...I know about the DTS/DD reencoding issue and it doesn't affect me or my dad (the recipient of the other player) since we both have HDMI receivers...
The Main Event said:Pre-ordered Ratatouille a few weeks ago.
Saw it in theater, great movie. Should look outstanding too.
gkrykewy said:Yep, they did that for me - posted it yesterday. Further, they told me on the phone that once it comes, I can take the packing slip/receipt to the store and pick out two other free discs 34.99 or less.
LM4sure said:No, Ratatouille is nowhere near as good as finding Nemo. I think most will agree with that. In fact, I liked Ratatouille better the first time when it was called Flushed Away.
maharg said:I just leave mine on all the time. Otherwise my remote has to be programmed with ungodly delays. Once it's on the disc load time isn't too bad. Pretty snappy for DVDs and not much worse for HD-DVDs. I'm glad it doesn't turn itself off after lack of use like the DVD player I replaced with it.
VanMardigan said:So what movies have you seen Argyle? Any impressions? Have you tried any HDi features that aren't available on BR yet?
500K sold yesterday? Hardly. I think the number of A2s Wal-Mart may have moved yesterday is closer to 40K, max.
Maxwell House said:Wow, that is really poor damage control. These things are selling out regardless of a typo. :lol
bigmakstudios said:Wow, seriously? If a $100 price only sells 40,000 units of HD-DVD players in a day, then I don't think either format is anywhere near being relevant as a media platform for mainstream consumers. Could someone please convince me otherwise? >_> I would really like to get one before Christmas, but the prospect of a format becoming obsolete within months is enough to keep me away.
Forsete said:I did some checkin'
Domestic Total as of Nov. 1, 2007: $205,375,053
(Worldwide: $553,537,364 )
Domestic Total Gross: $210,614,939
(Worldwide: $456,068,181 )
Rat cant move disks ay? 300 has only managed to drag in 5 million more in the US (but almost 100 million less WW), yet it is the best selling HD movie out there if I recall?
Warm Machine said:What is Sony doing then?
VanMardigan said:300 is a MUCH MUCH better fit for the Ps3 demographic. I expect Rat to do very well, for sure, but not as well as 300.
bigmakstudios said:Wow, seriously? If a $100 price only sells 40,000 units of HD-DVD players in a day, then I don't think either format is anywhere near being relevant as a media platform for mainstream consumers. Could someone please convince me otherwise? >_> I would really like to get one before Christmas, but the prospect of a format becoming obsolete within months is enough to keep me away.
Onix said:Not taking massive losses on HW.
Day One purchase for me, even Spidey wasn't (haven't picked it up yet).
VanMardigan said:300 is a MUCH MUCH better fit for the Ps3 demographic. I expect Rat to do very well, for sure, but not as well as 300.
VanMardigan said:You have data to back this up? Because the widening losses at their gaming division seem to contradict that.
I didn't think either movie was very good, to tell you the truth, but my love for Spidey 1 and 2, plus my love for Pixar movies, meant I'd buy both of them if my Ps3 had arrived. Probably would've waited for a sale on both of those. Cars would've been day 1 for me, though.
Ignatz Mouse said:Cars, IMHO, is the weakest Pixar. It's the only one I didn't get day one on DVD. Since I didn't already buy it, I'll get it on Blu.
Rat. on the other hand, was fanatastic. I loved it. I thought the humor was great, and the ending was perfect.
Spider-Man 3, OTOH, is more a guilty pleasure. I'll pick it up soon, but not in a hurry. I did rent it already, so I don't need to have it now.