Same for me! 55" and constantly microfibering!captive said:.
Since i got my 50" i find myself constantly cleaning my classes for even the smallest smear or spot.
Be glad you have good eyesight, glasses freaking suck.
Same for me! 55" and constantly microfibering!captive said:.
Since i got my 50" i find myself constantly cleaning my classes for even the smallest smear or spot.
Be glad you have good eyesight, glasses freaking suck.
Naked Snake said:Wow all HD-DVDs are region free? Why can't it be the same for Bluray?![]()
mrklaw said:anybody got Ratatouille yet? My supplier (movietyme) are saying that there have been production problems. Just wondering if that means a delay generally or just for them?
Chumly said:Well I ended up deciding to get a HD-DVD player the A3 from Best Buy. With 10 Free movies it was to good of a deal to pass up. With the 5 Free DVDs by mail what would u guys recommend. Heres the list
djkimothy said:Picture is excellent.
Please excuse the weird lines, camera conditions aren't ideal. Plus I propped my camera with a remote, hence the crookedness.
chubigans said:Your colors are wayyyyyyyyy too need to dial that down a bit.
Just got the movie myself on BD...picture is great, but what astounded me is the PCM mix. This is easily my new home theater reference disc with the shotgun chase...I shutter to think what the Incredibles will bring.
The game on the disc isn't half bad...I can see kids actually having fun with it. Plus, there's a hilarious feature that has tributes to all the cut scenes from the movie, as they interview each animator who didn't make the cut in black and white with sad music playing. :lol
Lifted looks incredible; easily the best CGI I've seen on BD.
By the way, we're hearing that Sony's sales numbers for Spider-Man 3 and Spider-Man: The High Definition Trilogy on Blu-ray are going to be pretty substantial. Watch for official details in the next few days.
Well I don't care as long as they send me my $99.00 A3bune duggy said:the A3 has gone back to $299 on the BB website, but that may be because there's no stock.
VanMardigan said:Amazon has a sale on these six HD DVD titles:
The Big Lebowski
12 Monkeys
$16.50 each
WORLDWIDEWII said:how do you get 10. i know you get 2 in box and 2 free with purchase and 5 more in mail. where did the other one come from?
I don't really know. I've read different things about sound output. The one thing I know is the A3 comes with 2 movies, both of which are going on sell when I get them. I already own them.Gary Whitta said:What's the big difference between the A2 and the A3? They're both capped at 1080i, right?
chubigans said:The game on the disc isn't half bad...I can see kids actually having fun with it. Plus, there's a hilarious feature that has tributes to all the cut scenes from the movie, as they interview each animator who didn't make the cut in black and white with sad music playing. :lol
Lifted looks incredible; easily the best CGI I've seen on BD.
The Video: Sizing Up the Picture
Pixar's track record on standard DVD is practically flawless: 'Toy Story,' 'Bug's Life,' 'Finding Nemo,' 'The Incredibles' -- it's been one demo disc after another. When 'Cars' was originally released on DVD last year, it too received excellent reviews, but there were some complaints of edge enhancement at the time, causing some to speculate that perhaps this Blu-ray might suffer a similar fate.
Not to worry. Presented in 1080p/AVC MPEG-4 (at the film's original 2.40:1 theatrical aspect ratio), 'Cars' looks absolutely fantastic on Blu-ray. I have not a single nitpick -- every last pixel appears to be perfectly in place, and every aspect of the presentation is exemplary. A pure digital-to-digital transfer, there is no print to speak of, so don't even bother looking for any blemishes. Pixar also went for an extremely slick and shiny veneer for 'Cars,' so no intentional degradation (artificial film grain, etc.) has been added to the mix. The level of detail and sharpness to the image is extraordinary -- if you can find a single shot throughout 'Cars' that looks anything but fully three-dimensional, email me and we'll duke it out.
Colors are also gorgeous. Pixar films are always a sight to behold, and whatever narrative qualms I may have about 'Cars,' I can't deny that it's one of the studio's best-looking efforts ever. I loved the deep primaries that identify the various cars, and neat uses of lighting in the nighttime scenes -- this transfer radiates like neon. Hues are utterly stable, with no noise, smearing or fuzziness. Best of all, the AVC encode is easily up the film's challenges. Even with the bright exteriors, intense colors and fast racing action, there is no apparent banding or macroblocking. Finally, edge enhancement is never a problem -- whatever issues folks saw on the DVD, I didn't experience them here -- this image is simply flawless. Five stars all the way.
The Audio: Rating the Sound
'Cars' sounds smashing, too. Disney presents the film in uncompressed PCM 5.1 Surround (48kHz/24-bit/6.9mbps), and the film cruises along thanks to wonderfully immersive sound design. If only all next-gen releases sounded this good.
The highly aggressive surrounds really make things crackle. There is never a dull moment, with discrete effects consistent and often striking. The pedal really reaches the metal during the race scenes -- the crowd noises, car sounds and other effects all combine to create a full 360-degree effect. Directionality, accuracy of placement and transparency of imaging are all first-rate. Atmosphere and score bleed are also fun and lively, so even when the film gets quieter, it still sounds engaging and fresh.
Tech specs are also top drawer. The rev of the engines delivers a constant roar of low bass, and I can't remember the last time I heard a mix that so consistently utilizes the subwoofer. Seeing as 'Cars' has been completely constructed in the studio, every element of the track sounds crystal clear. Recorded dialogue is also superb, with every voice balanced just right. I had no volume problems at all -- instead, I just sat back and enjoyed the ride. 'Cars' is a demo-worthy soundtrack through and through.
I'll get my beef with an otherwise-exceptional Blu-ray disc right out of the way upfront -- I hated the menus on this disc. Right from the start, I was irritated by the over-cluttered layouts, hard-to-read titles and just plain strange labeling of menu options. Even the real-time pop-up menus are somewhat obtuse, requiring you to scroll up or down in a very small little overlay, instead of just providing a large image block so you can select from a complete list of options.
I agree with everything but that. Please Gary don't say that again.Gary Whitta said:CG animation - particularly the top-tier Pixar stuff - is really the best way to show off the eye-popping power of HD. Better than sports, better than Planet Earth. Even HD non-believers have to pick their jaws up from the floor.
MobiusPigeon said:wouldnt u guys say that shrek this holiday on HD DVD will have a bigger impact than any of the disney stuff?
:lol We'll see. We'll see.MobiusPigeon said:wouldnt u guys say that shrek this holiday on HD DVD will have a bigger impact than any of the disney stuff?
Okay, as good as Planet Earth.FIREBABY said:I agree with everything but that. Please Gary don't say that again.
MobiusPigeon said:wouldnt u guys say that shrek this holiday on HD DVD will have a bigger impact than any of the disney stuff?
I can't decide if I want cars, ratatouille or the short films.
I liked cars, but everyone says ratatouille is better and I have never seen it. It would be nice to have all the short films on a disc though.
i mean really. dreamworks has been kicking disneys ass for the longest time. animated or not. its the only reason I can see disney being so cozy with the blu side.FIREBABY said::lol We'll see. We'll see.
I hadn't seen it either until today. And I have to agree with everyone else, Ratatouille is the better movie. So if you are stretched to only get one get that one. Finding Nemo is the one I'm really waiting for though. Does anyone know the release date for that?Flo_Evans said:I can't decide if I want cars, ratatouille or the short films.
I liked cars, but everyone says ratatouille is better and I have never seen it. It would be nice to have all the short films on a disc though.
FIREBABY said:Does anyone know the release date for that?
MobiusPigeon said:i mean really. dreamworks has been kicking disneys ass for the longest time. animated or not. its the only reason I can see disney being so cozy with the blu side.
What?!?!? Thats bullshit if true.chubigans said:The official target release is Fall 08 it seems.![]()
FIREBABY said:I hadn't seen it either until today. And I have to agree with everyone else, Ratatouille is the better movie. So if you are stretched to only get one get that one. Finding Nemo is the one I'm really waiting for though. Does anyone know the release date for that?
Well in that case, get them all.Flo_Evans said:eh I could just get them all, but I'd rather wait until there is another huge saleI only want to pay full price for one. plus I kind of want to save some movies so that people can buy them for me for xmas.
MobiusPigeon said:i mean really. dreamworks has been kicking disneys ass for the longest time. animated or not. its the only reason I can see disney being so cozy with the blu side.
MobiusPigeon said:i mean really. dreamworks has been kicking disneys ass for the longest time. animated or not. its the only reason I can see disney being so cozy with the blu side.
chubigans said:I would have said Transformers would have a huge impact than anything else released on HD-DVD this holiday...and it didn't.
So no, I don't think it will.
VanMardigan said:How did Transformers not have a huge impact? It's the top selling HD DVD, isn't it? Didn't people get standalones for it? It would've EASILY pushed HD DVD over Blu Ray if Sony didn't give away Disney movies that same week, and even then, it was a 2 point difference. I think you're being unrealistic if you expected more than that. Other than Spiderman 3 and 300 (due to it being on both formats) I doubt any other HD movie will outsell it.
So it was Sony's decision to give away Disneys movies? This is why you are still a tool.VanMardigan said:How did Transformers not have a huge impact? It's the top selling HD DVD, isn't it? Didn't people get standalones for it? It would've EASILY pushed HD DVD over Blu Ray if Sony didn't give away Disney movies that same week, and even then, it was a 2 point difference. I think you're being unrealistic if you expected more than that. Other than Spiderman 3 and 300 (due to it being on both formats) I doubt any other HD movie will outsell it.
captive said:So it was Sony's decision to give away Disneys movies? This is why you are still a tool.
chubigans said:110k was underwhelming in my view...but, we'll see how Spider-man does as I think both movies are very similar to the target demographic and success.
Also, HD-DVD "struck" back at the upcoming Pixar wave with sub-hundred dollar players. Why do I get the feeling software will still continue to favor BD?
50-150 million to pay for exclusivity of said movie along with shrek 3?(honestly nothing else paramount is releasing is helping HD DVD we all know its about the recent blockbusters) I would generally say thats fairly underwhelming. Especially considering what it would have done on blu-ray as compared to HD DVD.VanMardigan said:So if Spiderman 3 sells 3 billion copies, Transformers is a failure? What about EVERY OTHER MOVIE that Transformers outsold? Failures too?
Get real, Transformers sold very well for the market size and just because another super popular movie outsold it doesn't mean squat. You don't even own HD DVD but yet a movie on that format did underwhelming to you? pffffffffffffffftttttttttttt. The movie looks and sounds amazing, has groundbreaking extras, and has outsold every HD DVD and every Blu Ray disc outside of a couple of them. How the hell is that underwhelming?
Ignatz Mouse said:Sony gave away Disney movies, or Disney did? You sound like those people who were sure that MS wrote Paramount that big check.
captive said:50-150 million to pay for exclusivity of said movie along with shrek 3?(honestly nothing else paramount is releasing is helping HD DVD we all know its about the recent blockbusters) I would generally say thats fairly underwhelming. Especially considering what it would have done on blu-ray as compared to HD DVD.
captive said:50-150 million to pay for exclusivity of said movie along with shrek 3?(honestly nothing else paramount is releasing is helping HD DVD we all know its about the recent blockbusters) I would generally say thats fairly underwhelming. Especially considering what it would have done on blu-ray as compared to HD DVD.