The Take Out Bandit said:Wewt! Ratatouille and Cars for $37.90!
Thank you internets!
link plz
The Take Out Bandit said:Wewt! Ratatouille and Cars for $37.90!
Thank you internets!
VanMardigan said:Without getting personal, let me respond to that:
1. Why would you assume that SM3 will outsell Transformers despite an (apparently) slower first week and the bad "word of mouth" you mentioned earlier?
2. You got the argument backwards. Somebody ELSE crowed about Transformers not selling up to expectations, I made a connection with a movie THEY (and you) pointed out.
Cars and Shrek 3 are mediocre, Ratatouille is excellent.LM4sure said:Well the deal with the Disney movies might move some blu ray discs after all. People might end up being mediocre movies like Cars or Ratatouille. I guess I won't be surprised if sales are better than I initially anticipated.
LM4sure said:Well the deal with the Disney movies might move some blu ray discs after all. People might end up being mediocre movies like Cars or Ratatouille. I guess I won't be surprised if sales are better than I initially anticipated.
The Take Out Bandit said:If I were kidding you I would have said, "I just got done fooling around with Kim Smith and Jessica Simpson in my Ferrari." apparently you may need to do some cart shuffling to get the $10 off to work. But I added Ratatouille and then Cars and set it to free shipping and it came up $37.90.
Get down to it boppers!
LM4sure said:Well the deal with the Disney movies might move some blu ray discs after all. People might end up being mediocre movies like Cars or Ratatouille. I guess I won't be surprised if sales are better than I initially anticipated.
djkimothy said:
mrklaw said:1. Bigger userbase of BD compared to HDDVD. Higher overall software sales.
Those comments about 'lacklustre' sales compared to Transformers is on DVD, where you have two discs selling to the same installed base. Not the case with HD so there is potential for SM3 to outsell Transformers on HD but not on regular DVD.
We don't know yet though.
ImperialConquest said:PARDON THE INTERUPTION:
What is the best deal out at the moment for HD DVD hardware?
Are there any deals going on right now or in the very near future where I could get a package tha twould include several free movies?
I went into BB to get the A2 for $99 but they were sold out.. I went after work in the evening.
Anyway, I was trying to get my In-Laws a nice little HD player for cheap and I misse dout. I remember reading about a bunch of free movies and I am hoping there is still such a deal going on somewhere.
They have a 720P Toshi.. so the whole 1080 thing doesn't matter much.
Any help would be appreciated.
Kolgar said:Word is that Best Buy's 12% coupons (of which I received one today) now work on HD DVD and BD hardware.
*goes and checks coupon*
It's true!
So, you could buy an A3 this weekend for $199, minus 12%, and get, what, 10 free movies?
Kolgar said:Word is that Best Buy's 12% coupons (of which I received one today) now work on HD DVD and BD hardware.
*goes and checks coupon*
It's true!
So, you could buy an A3 this weekend for $199, minus 12%, and get, what, 10 free movies?
OokieSpookie said:Apparently the A3 is back to 299 or something along those lines.
Anywho, my questions are:
1-The tosh laptops have HDMI outs right?
captive said:Just added Cars and Ratatouille to my amazon cart and it is in fact 37 bucks for both.
Oh and im quoted in someones tag, :lol /does happy dance.
Oni Jazar said:Has this been posted? 90k HD DVD players sold last week:
The HD DVD format significantly pumped its installed base over the weekend, as dueling store clearances sold an estimated 90,000 Toshiba players, according to sources close to retailers.
That tally covers Friday to Sunday sales of Toshibas second-generation HD-A2 model, which Wal-Mart and Best Buy sold for about $99 on Nov. 2. Thats $200 less than Toshibas $299 list price and $100 off widespread retail pricing of $199.
The $99 players made up most of the 90,000 units sold, a source said.
Within three days, Toshiba corralled nearly as many sales as the best-selling stand-alone Blu-ray Disc player has sold since its launch. Sonys dominant Blu-ray set-top, the $499 BDP-S300, has shipped about 100,000 since it bowed this summer.
However, the Blu-ray format still retains the largest overall installation base, due largely to the millions of PlayStation 3 hardware sold.
In fact, the 90,000 figure for HD-A2 sales could be even higher, as it doesnt appear to include all retailer information. The figure does span consumer activity on HD-A2s at Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Circuit City, among others.
Best Buy also shaved $100 off Toshibas $299 third-generation player, the HD-A3, Friday through Sunday. At deadline, a Best Buy spokesman did not provide updated sales on the HD-A3.
Toshiba and the HD DVD Promotional Group also declined comment.
Oni Jazar said:Has this been posted? 90k HD DVD players sold last week:
OokieSpookie said:Yeah I got the coupons in the mail also, Best Buy is also having a Reward Zone special shopping night next sunday after closing and will probably have some good deals then too.
bune duggy said:so I just opened the Cars disc and I found out that I have, and I'm ashamed to admit it, dirty power. I didn't know! The signs were all there, I was just too busy to notice. Oh, I'm so glad Monster Cable is there with the $200 equipment and cables to make my dirty power clean again. thank you Monster Cable!
Oni Jazar said:Has this been posted? 90k HD DVD players sold last week:
VanMardigan said:Oh snap, that's a ton. Software sales should get even more interesting starting next week. This Friday should be fun, too.
So, what effect will this have on the ratios? A lot, little, none at all? I want to hear what people think. Like I said earlier, HD DVD was already doing well considering the player gap, and moving 90k in a week can only help to close that gap, I would think.
VanMardigan said:Oh snap, that's a ton. Software sales should get even more interesting starting next week. This Friday should be fun, too.
So, what effect will this have on the ratios? A lot, little, none at all? I want to hear what people think. Like I said earlier, HD DVD was already doing well considering the player gap, and moving 90k in a week can only help to close that gap, I would think.
djkimothy said:I'll reuse the talking point PC users used with Mac Users.
Is that 90k new users or people replacing older models/adding to same house hold?
I think they should make an effect on the ratios. Probably 1.85:1 BD advantage on average?
VanMardigan said:Considering that it was last year's model, it's not directly applicable, but that's actually a good point, in the broader sense. How many of those 90k were HD DVD owners already? Heck, we know people in this very thread (me almost included) that took advantage of that offer.
I guess we'll have to keep an eye on software to see whether these are new customers. What are HD DVD newcomer's favorite titles? 300? Planet Earth? Heroes? If some of those older titles sell, we can assume that there was a sizeable influx of new HD DVD owners.
Snah said:In general, I'm not a huge fan of CG films because they largely cater to a child audience which accounts for 90% of the humor and substance that those films have to offer.
About a year too late.Dot50Cal said:AVS just closed their entire HD media forum section down for posting :lol
Dot50Cal said:AVS just closed their entire HD media forum section down for posting :lol
Right when I was about to post shots of Dracula via the PS3 output :\
Damed said:It's a good time to get a new player.'s semi annual 20% off sale should be on within a week or 2, which will be a great time to get some titles to show off that shiny new player.
If I were a guessing man, I'd say the sale would start next weekend.
UPDATE: SALE IS ON FROM 11/09 until 11/25
A few items to note:
1) PRE-ORDERS are NOT included in the sale!
2) Coupon codes can only be used ONCE.
3) In addition to the "DD1109" coupon, these have worked in the past:
Get those wishlists and wallets ready!
The Main Event said:A guy from AVS posted this:
Will pick up a couple of titles for sure.
Snah said:So HD-DVD probably sold a little bit more than the PS3 sold that week.
YYZ said:Weren't there a bunch of people getting Oldboy? I couldn't find it anywhere so I have to order online, darn.
Days like these... said:I never thought I'd see the day but yeah I don't care for cartoons either hand drawn or cg.
Those hardware #'s are pretty impressive if true especially if they don't include walmart and best buy. I was guesstimating 60k I think standalones will sell well through the holidays and will help close the software gap some.
In fact, the 90,000 figure for HD-A2 sales could be even higher, as it doesnt appear to include all retailer information. The figure does span consumer activity on HD-A2s at Wal-Mart, Best Buy and Circuit City, among others.
ImperialConquest said:What's this about an afterhours Reward Zone shooping session thingy?
How does that work, how does someone get in/etc.?
Oni Jazar said:Has this been posted? 90k HD DVD players sold last week:
lupin23rd said:The quote above (I didn't actually check the link) said that Walmart, Best Buy, and Circuit City were included, did it not?
Oni Jazar said:Has this been posted? 90k HD DVD players sold last week:
Dot50Cal said:AVS just closed their entire HD media forum section down for posting :lol
Right when I was about to post shots of Dracula via the PS3 output :\
Zen said:This better scare the BDA into dropping entry level price down to $299 like right now. They're on the verge of losing the war, if something like this goes unapposed, and Warner sees HD-DVD comfortably in the mass market and back HD-DVD. Granted it was a 1 time thing (the 99 dollar players) but all the same, Bluray needs dominance to keep it's peices, HD DVD just needs to chip away at one notable supporter and the rest would start to fall.
Dot50Cal said:AVS just closed their entire HD media forum section down for posting :lol
Right when I was about to post shots of Dracula via the PS3 output :\