Kolgar said:
Heh. OK, help me understand this. I mean, HD DVD just sold 60,000+ players at Wal*Mart, a store that does not report to Nielsen. I imagine some discs were sold there, too. So how can we rely on Nielsen numbers?
You've said they estimate Wal*Mart's sales. How accurate are the estimates? It's important, because I think a lot of existing owners went and picked up a few $14.98 discs at Wal*Mart that week, which may have taken a bite out of sales from other stores that DO report to Nielsen. Skewing the numbers further.
Anyway, I'd like to understand how reliable Nielsen numbers are. Now that Wal*Mart's in the game, I think it's inarguable that they've lost some validity.
DO not even try to pull "walmart is not counted" bullshit.
Walmart also had 14.98 bluray movies.
And do you in any realistic fashion think that even though nowhere else in the entire universe including Best Buy where 30% of the A2s were sold, that all of the sudden at Walmart hd sold more than Spiderman 3, the Spiderman boxed set and other blu movies?
Are you honestly going to try and hold that as some kind of actual possibility?
I swear to god that hd people are worse than anything on the gaming side. (and coming from a ps3 fan that says something)
All walmart would change is the volume, not the ratio.
Your argument is all about what ifs and might happens and there are no facts to support it.
Nielsen has been doing this for countless years and are well known to be the best in the business and the most trusted.
Must piss hd people off even more that now Walmart and walmart.com carry two bluray players in store not including the PS3 and their one hd player is only online
So much for "bu bu Walmary am going hd exclusive".
Why should Stringer come off like some loud arrogant asshole that everyone loves to jump on a message board and say "sony are such arrogant pricks i hate them"
Look what happened when Paramount came out so loudly about Transformers.
If you notice this week with the Spiderman numbers Sony was very low key also.
You see, when you win week after week after week you do not need to be arrogant, the numbers say all that is needed to say.