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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Watched 2001 last night.

This was made in 1968?

An incredible piece of work. Mind boggling. And utterly spectacular to look at, too.


Kabuki Waq said:
hey if i didnt have a ps3 i would not buy Blu ray movies either. That does not mean I buy Blu ray movie to Support Sony....

Same here. I pretty much bought a PS3 for MGS4 and Dawn of the Dead.


Kabuki Waq said:
hey if i didnt have a ps3 i would not buy Blu ray movies either. That does not mean I buy Blu ray movie to Support Sony....

I share the exact same stance. I got the PS3 as a gift and the trojan horse tactic just kinda worked on me. Now if there's some movie I want on Blu-Ray (I stopped buying DVD's over 2 years ago, mind you) I take a dip.
For those that havent picked up Ratatouille and some other movies, this week in the Best But flyer if you buy three movies from a list you get the PS3 blu ray remote for free.
Ratatouille, Kingdom of Heaven, and Pixar shorts are the ones that seem ok.
Cars, Open Season, Fantastic Four , Ghost Rider ( ug) and some others are listed too.
Anyone here have A Clockwork Orange on Blu/HD-DVD?

Is the transfer sub-par as most are saying?

Havent seen the movie yet, wondering if I should purchase the HD, or rent the DVD if the transfer is bad.


Anyone here knows if Pirates At World's End and Harry Potter: Order of Phoenix BR will arrive in Europe this December?
I don't want to wait until next year :(
Elios83 said:
Anyone here knows if Pirates At World's End and Harry Potter: Order of Phoenix BR will arrive in Europe this December?
I don't want to wait until next year :(

Australia gets them both December 5th.

If you get screwed import as they will be both region free.


Rabid Wolverine said:
Australia gets them both December 5th.

If you get screwed import as they will be both region free.

Thank you, I've just checked play.com and all the movies I want to buy this year ( Pirates, Harry Potter and Blade Runner) are scheduled for November/December in UK, now I hope things won't be different for Italy where I live :D


Gold Member
Elios83 said:
Anyone here knows if Pirates At World's End and Harry Potter: Order of Phoenix BR will arrive in Europe this December?
I don't want to wait until next year :(

I live in Europe and my Pirates 3 was just shipped. The release date is tomorrow. :D


Stealth Editor said:
Because it's barely superior yet twice as expensive?


"Oh, snay-ap!" *smacks bubble gum*


Gold Member
yet twice as expensive

Movies or players? Players?

PS3 and you know its worth the money. Plus, a player is a one time cost, you'll make some of that money back buying cheaper BD movies, not being forced getting DVD Combos. :)


Stealth Editor said:
Because it's barely superior yet twice as expensive?

Initially, maybe, if you're just talking about the one time purchase of a unit. The discs for both platforms are pricey, so I guess it just depends how much you want to shell out for your initial investment.


I'll tell you what I've seen in this massive thread so far. There are three groups of purchasers in this thread.

1. Blu-ray Exclusives - These are the people that will say and do anything to make sure Blu-ray players continue to sell. This is the same group that comes in time after time gloating over a few movie sales on a weekly base. This same group is praying for a miracle and anyway to grow the PS3 user base because of the dominance the Wii and 360 have put fourth in the gaming side of the industry.

2. Purple team - This group represents a group that doesn't care about the system war as long as they get their movies. Also, the group may have switched from the Blu team to neutral stance due the HD DVD incredible price for value move. Purple owners just want the movies!

3. HD DVD Exclusives - This team is against most forms of DRAM, may have a grudge against Sony or Price was the key to they're purchase point. HD group feels that HDM should stand on it own feet and offer something DVD doesn't to the buyer. Also, 360 owners may be in this group. This group may have felt like it’s prayers were answered when the $98 players showed up and Paramount changed sides.

What I've noticed with these groups and we've gone on month after month and now a full year. The Blu team is shouting louder about sales (and right fully so) but, the sales on their preferred player have continued to drop almost month after month. Some HDM owners were even stunned by Japan's lack of faith and surprising support of both Wii and 360 last week. Combine this news with the lack of hardware movement and I think we can see why Team Blu has gotten louder and more common in their posts. Finally, the purple team and the HD team seem to be happy with a nuetral stance on HD players. Well, that's how I've seen things over the past several months. You can of course choose to disagree. I think Van and Kolgar and several others might agree with me.
I wrote off the PS3s chances as a gaming system champ back in January when they players were stacked up everywhere. This isn't about game systems to me-- my gaming habits are so light as to be satisfied with even the lean ps3 offerings (plus I own a lightly-used Wii). I mainly play PSN-downloaded games.

I don't care which BluRay player sells, but for now the PS3 makes a lot of sense. I imagine that a lower-cost BluRay player is very, very close.

I also don't think the BluRay player is doing anything for the PS3 as a game platform, because too many people like me barely buy any games. Just like I say about the movies, software sales is key, and selling a ton of PS3s and few games isn't going to help the platform any.

I think there are lot more than three kinds of posters here, Wulfer. many of the "purple" people are more partisan than one-platform-only people.

WULFER said:
I think Van and Kolgar and several others might agree with me.

No doubt!

I think posters break down like so:

1) Format neutral. May not own both, but don't care. Solo is a recent example.

2) Any-one-format-ers. Most seem to have chosen BluRay, since for over a year it's looked like the likely winner in a one-format solution, but there may be some HD-DVD one-format folks who think that one will be the winner based on cost. I'm here. The closer to even, the less happy I am. the more lopsided, the better.

3) Partisans who prefer one format over another (although they may own both) for either technical reasons, for company loyaty/hate reasons. Manabyte is the classic example of somebody who owns both but loved to post bad BluRay news/good HD DVD news. Van talks up a two-format future and was going neutral, but clearly likes to run down Blu as well. I think KLee is the Blu equivilent, as I think he has both but trumpets the alleged technical superiority of Blu. Snah is a one-platform-owning extreme partisan.

4) DVD is Good Enough people who come in out of curiosity or to troll

5) Digital Download Preferred people, ditto (or who have one or both formats for the short term)

6) PR Bots who just post press releases and links, usually as partisans.


Agree with Ignatz. There are also Blu-ray supporters who just want one HD movie format, and like it or not Blu-ray is still winning so the weaker of the two has got to go. It's painfully obvious if you compare the number of companies supporting each format which one is the weaker and more proprietary one...

I may be "purple" but I don't hide the fact that I support Blu-ray, mainly because it has the best chance of winning, but also because they have really stepped up and delivered the goods as far as image and sound quality. I've been somewhat underwhelmed with the HD DVDs I have seen so far (Knocked Up, Transformers) - it's like "the look and sound of not bad." At first I thought it was the 1080i output of the A2 (maybe my projector is doing a shitty job of deinterlacing?) but I tested it with the Blu-ray HQV disc with my PS3 set up to output 1080i and the projector passed all the deinterlacing tests, so...(yes, both the A2 and the PS3 are hooked up via HDMI if you were wondering)

A lot of why the Blu-ray discs look better may indeed have to do with competition in the format war - the first batch of Blu-ray discs were indeed kinda crappy, but now everyone has really stepped up their game and the movies look fantastic.

Anyway, I'm planning on watching the copy of Hot Fuzz I got from Netflix soon - that movie is supposed to look really good, right?
I forgot one other:

7) Two-Format Future. I know some people claim to be, btu I haven't seen any who aren'y extremely pro-HD-DVD and tend to run down BluRay. Perhaps if HD-DVD were winning they'd do the opposite? I dunno, I don't think so.
WULFER said:

I have noticed alot of this recently, I guess the only thing that HD fans have left now is to bring up gaming?
If you look at the upper left of your screen you will notice that this is not the gaming forum.
Also, if you look at the top left of your screen you will notice that it says "Bluray/HD-DVD"
Trust me, I understand that most of you HD-DVD fans pray every night on your knees that PS3 will just fold up and die because it is not winning in gaming but it will not happen and even if it did the bluray players will not go away.
As far as the 360 winning Japan last week, there is no secret why and there is no secret that it sure as hell will not happen this week or most likely ever again.

I also love how you paint hd backers and some noble souls who are oppressed
This one too:

HD-DVD fans are in it for the movies, BluRay fans only are into it becasue of the PS3 (and don;t even try to pretend that wasn't a mjor line of distraction in the last week)

To that, I say:

I bought my PS3 *for* movies, whereas all those who started with the HD-DVD add on certainly did not buy their 360s for the movies.
Ignatz Mouse said:
This one too:

HD-DVD fans are in it for the movies, BluRay fans only are into it becasue of the PS3 (and don;t even try to pretend that wasn't a mjor line of distraction in the last week)

To that, I say:

I bought my PS3 *for* movies, whereas all those who started with the HD-DVD add on certainly did not buy their 360s for the movies.

I bought mine for both right from the start.
I am just more of a movie watcher than a gamer it turns out.
I have a wii, I have a 360 and I have a ps3 but I honestly find myself watching movies more than gaming.
In my case, it was for both, but more like this:

I don't game enough to justify a $400 or more system
I wasn't going to spend $500+ on a video player

But both made it worthwhile, although mainly for the movies.

If there was a BluRay add-on for the 360, even just announced, I would have gotten that. I suspected whatever "it" that Sony had in the 90's had been picked up by Microsoft upon release of the 360. Whatever intagible buzz and third-party support Sony used to generate, they learned how.

I have nothing against MS as a game company. Not a huge fan of Windows, but I don't really hate it and I don't have a big fear of them. I just like both Mac and Linux better, but that's probably because I've been a Unix admin since the early 90's.

Just bought The Road Warrior, Spiderman Trilogy, and Silent Hill (I will have Christophe Gans man-babies!) on Bru-Ray thanks to DDDVD sale. >:|

Going to return my unopened Spiderman Trilogy to Best Buy, $40-ish > $65! :D


WULFER said:
I'll tell you what I've seen in this massive thread so far. There are three groups of purchasers in this thread.

1. Blu-ray Exclusives - These are the people that will say and do anything to make sure Blu-ray players continue to sell. This is the same group that comes in time after time gloating over a few movie sales on a weekly base. This same group is praying for a miracle and anyway to grow the PS3 user base because of the dominance the Wii and 360 have put fourth in the gaming side of the industry.

2. Purple team - This group represents a group that doesn't care about the system war as long as they get their movies. Also, the group may have switched from the Blu team to neutral stance due the HD DVD incredible price for value move. Purple owners just want the movies!

3. HD DVD Exclusives - This team is against most forms of DRAM, may have a grudge against Sony or Price was the key to they're purchase point. HD group feels that HDM should stand on it own feet and offer something DVD doesn't to the buyer. Also, 360 owners may be in this group. This group may have felt like it’s prayers were answered when the $98 players showed up and Paramount changed sides.

What I've noticed with these groups and we've gone on month after month and now a full year. The Blu team is shouting louder about sales (and right fully so) but, the sales on their preferred player have continued to drop almost month after month. Some HDM owners were even stunned by Japan's lack of faith and surprising support of both Wii and 360 last week. Combine this news with the lack of hardware movement and I think we can see why Team Blu has gotten louder and more common in their posts. Finally, the purple team and the HD team seem to be happy with a nuetral stance on HD players. Well, that's how I've seen things over the past several months. You can of course choose to disagree. I think Van and Kolgar and several others might agree with me.

Had to check my address bar for a minute and make sure I wasn't at Gamefaqs or AVS forums.

That poor poor oppressed HD-DVD exclusive group. Fighting the good fight against the evil tyranny of Blu-Group.


Worships the porcelain goddess
My stance is pretty simple. Anime is predominantly on Blu Ray after some early HD-DVD releases. That's not going to change and HD-DVD isn't going to make a dent over there. That being the case, I know who I'm rooting for at the moment.


WULFER said:
I'll tell you what I've seen in this massive thread so far. There are three groups of purchasers in this thread.

1. Blu-ray Exclusives - These are the people that will say and do anything to make sure Blu-ray players continue to sell. This is the same group that comes in time after time gloating over a few movie sales on a weekly base. This same group is praying for a miracle and anyway to grow the PS3 user base because of the dominance the Wii and 360 have put fourth in the gaming side of the industry.

2. Purple team - This group represents a group that doesn't care about the system war as long as they get their movies. Also, the group may have switched from the Blu team to neutral stance due the HD DVD incredible price for value move. Purple owners just want the movies!

3. HD DVD Exclusives - This team is against most forms of DRAM, may have a grudge against Sony or Price was the key to they're purchase point. HD group feels that HDM should stand on it own feet and offer something DVD doesn't to the buyer. Also, 360 owners may be in this group. This group may have felt like it’s prayers were answered when the $98 players showed up and Paramount changed sides.

What I've noticed with these groups and we've gone on month after month and now a full year. The Blu team is shouting louder about sales (and right fully so) but, the sales on their preferred player have continued to drop almost month after month. Some HDM owners were even stunned by Japan's lack of faith and surprising support of both Wii and 360 last week. Combine this news with the lack of hardware movement and I think we can see why Team Blu has gotten louder and more common in their posts. Finally, the purple team and the HD team seem to be happy with a nuetral stance on HD players. Well, that's how I've seen things over the past several months. You can of course choose to disagree. I think Van and Kolgar and several others might agree with me.
Are you fucking kidding me? You painted the Blu-ray supporters out to be braggarts who will "say and do anything" to win while making HD DVD supporters out to be weathered crusaders fighting the good fight? Are you even paying attention to the same format war the rest of us are? YOUR group is the one that prayed for the miracles -- the Paramount payoff, the cheap players. YOUR group is also not above gloating over movie sales -- HD DVD exclusive Transformers. On top of that, not a single one of the HD DVD supporters in this very thread are even trying to WIN the format war anymore: The best hope you have is to co-exist, which royally fucks HD media as a whole because it slows mainstream adoption and potentially kills it altogether while requiring the people who want to participate to buy two players instead of one. Basically, HD DVD and its supporters aren't in this to win anymore, they're just in it to make Sony lose... which is completely disgusting and totally unfair to consumers.

Also, I can't thank you enough for lumping all Blu-ray supporters together when many of us are ONE FORMAT FUTURE supporters who saw the writing on the wall early on and chose to support the format most likely to actually succeed. And still, months and months and months and months after many of us made that decision, what do you know: HD DVD still can't win a week, not even with Transformers.

This is some pretty blatant and unabashed trolling of a significant portion of the users of this thread. Thanks so much for all of those broad generalizations... which are, for the record, completely ridiculous and absolutely incorrect. The only thing you actually hit accurately is the fact that VanMardigan and Kolgar likely agree with every laughable sentence you typed.


Days like these... said:
So you're not supporting blu ray for the sake of supporting sony?

Did you read my reply? No, I'm not.

So you're supporting blu ray for the sake of supporting the ps3? Add to the fact that you've stated you're 'pretty casual movie watcher' Just out of curiosity how many blu rays do you own? I can't seem to reconcile those 2 seemingly incongruous statements.

No, you're interpreting my comments incorrectly.

I'm supporting blu-ray because, by being included in the PS3 (a system I was going to get anyway), I'm inclined to purchase movies for it. Given all the other information regarding the format wars, I'm also inclined to support blu-ray on its own merits as well.

I'm a 'casual movie watcher' in that I don't have to have EVERY SINGLE HD movie that releases. I don't need to watch Transformers now, I can wait. I'm content with supporting my format of choice.

I own about 18 blu-ray movies.


Chemo said:
Are you fucking kidding me? You painted the Blu-ray supporters out to be braggarts who will "say and do anything" to win while making HD DVD supporters out to be weathered crusaders fighting the good fight? Are you even paying attention to the same format war the rest of us are? YOUR group is the one that prayed for the miracles -- the Paramount payoff, the cheap players. YOUR group is also not above gloating over movie sales -- HD DVD exclusive Transformers. On top of that, not a single one of the HD DVD supporters in this very thread are even trying to WIN the format war anymore: The best hope you have is to co-exist, which royally fucks HD media as a whole because it slows mainstream adoption and potentially kills it altogether while requiring the people who want to participate to buy two players instead of one. Basically, HD DVD and its supporters aren't in this to win anymore, they're just in it to make Sony lose... which is completely disgusting and totally unfair to consumers.

Also, I can't thank you enough for lumping all Blu-ray supporters together when many of us are ONE FORMAT FUTURE supporters who saw the writing on the wall early on and chose to support the format most likely to actually succeed. And still, months and months and months and months after many of us made that decision, what do you know: HD DVD still can't win a week, not even with Transformers.

This is some pretty blatant and unabashed trolling of a significant portion of the users of this thread. Thanks so much for all of those broad generalizations... which are, for the record, completely ridiculous and absolutely incorrect. The only thing you actually hit accurately is the fact that VanMardigan and Kolgar likely agree with every laughable sentence you typed.

God damn that post was like poetry to my ears. :lol :lol

Oni Jazar

OokieSpookie said:
Amazon BOGO


Also disney is supposed to be included but can't find that link

Fucking sweet. HD DVD can have their cheap players, I'll take the cheap movies!

Chemo said:
Are you fucking kidding me? You painted the Blu-ray supporters out to be braggarts who will "say and do anything" to win while making HD DVD supporters out to be weathered crusaders fighting the good fight? Are you even paying attention to the same format war the rest of us are? YOUR group is the one that prayed for the miracles -- the Paramount payoff, the cheap players. YOUR group is also not above gloating over movie sales -- HD DVD exclusive Transformers. On top of that, not a single one of the HD DVD supporters in this very thread are even trying to WIN the format war anymore: The best hope you have is to co-exist, which royally fucks HD media as a whole because it slows mainstream adoption and potentially kills it altogether while requiring the people who want to participate to buy two players instead of one. Basically, HD DVD and its supporters aren't in this to win anymore, they're just in it to make Sony lose... which is completely disgusting and totally unfair to consumers.

Also, I can't thank you enough for lumping all Blu-ray supporters together when many of us are ONE FORMAT FUTURE supporters who saw the writing on the wall early on and chose to support the format most likely to actually succeed. And still, months and months and months and months after many of us made that decision, what do you know: HD DVD still can't win a week, not even with Transformers.

This is some pretty blatant and unabashed trolling of a significant portion of the users of this thread. Thanks so much for all of those broad generalizations... which are, for the record, completely ridiculous and absolutely incorrect. The only thing you actually hit accurately is the fact that VanMardigan and Kolgar likely agree with every laughable sentence you typed.

Amen brother. Can everyone at least agree that HD DVD is the underdog? You're backing a format that has a harder chance to gain full studio support. For that alone I think it's a risky move. And as for neutral owners who are "Just in it for the movies", are you planning on buying both players for additional rooms in the house? I'd like to know that some day soon I can watch my discs anywhere I want and having to either buy 2 players or expensive dual format players.


Can anyone recommend any of the movies on that list?

I want to do the BOGO deal, but I've already got The Prestige, Casino Royale, both Pirates Movies...

I really wish Crank was on that list.

Crayon Shinchan

Aquafina Fanboy
Oni Jazar said:
Amen brother. Can everyone at least agree that HD DVD is the underdog? You're backing a format that has a harder chance to gain full studio support. For that alone I think it's a risky move.

Oh please. You're giving them far too much credit for their decision.
Chemo said:
Are you fucking kidding me? You painted the Blu-ray supporters out to be braggarts who will "say and do anything" to win while making HD DVD supporters out to be weathered crusaders fighting the good fight? Are you even paying attention to the same format war the rest of us are? YOUR group is the one that prayed for the miracles -- the Paramount payoff, the cheap players. YOUR group is also not above gloating over movie sales -- HD DVD exclusive Transformers. On top of that, not a single one of the HD DVD supporters in this very thread are even trying to WIN the format war anymore: The best hope you have is to co-exist, which royally fucks HD media as a whole because it slows mainstream adoption and potentially kills it altogether while requiring the people who want to participate to buy two players instead of one. Basically, HD DVD and its supporters aren't in this to win anymore, they're just in it to make Sony lose... which is completely disgusting and totally unfair to consumers.

Also, I can't thank you enough for lumping all Blu-ray supporters together when many of us are ONE FORMAT FUTURE supporters who saw the writing on the wall early on and chose to support the format most likely to actually succeed. And still, months and months and months and months after many of us made that decision, what do you know: HD DVD still can't win a week, not even with Transformers.

This is some pretty blatant and unabashed trolling of a significant portion of the users of this thread. Thanks so much for all of those broad generalizations... which are, for the record, completely ridiculous and absolutely incorrect. The only thing you actually hit accurately is the fact that VanMardigan and Kolgar likely agree with every laughable sentence you typed.



I only got an HD-DVD player because at $100 it was so cheap I don't care if the format dies. Actually, I'm not into owning DVDs (HD or otherwise), so I'll just Netflix everything, and if the format DOES die, that means some cheap discs! Then I can enjoy those movies until the player dies.


Gary Whitta said:
I picked up the Pixar Short Films on BD this weekend, looks AMAZING.

i hate you i havent been able to find it

if its in the BOGO with amazon, consider the deal sealed. find that link.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Chemo said:
On top of that, not a single one of the HD DVD supporters in this very thread are even trying to WIN the format war anymore: The best hope you have is Basically, HD DVD and its supporters aren't in this to win anymore, they're just in it to make Sony lose... which is completely disgusting and totally unfair to consumers.

lol What do you mean we're not trying to win? Should we hang out at Walmart and convince people to buy HD DVD players? Maybe we should all mail our paychecks every week to help Tosh win this war? Why don't you tell us what exactly we should be doing to help Tosh out? Why can't you along with some others accept that some of us saw HD DVD as a good value with a selection of movies that we found appealing?
We're just in it to make Sony lose? That is the one of the most rediculous statements in this 400+ page thread. To think that I will somehow be able to make a diff in this is beyond absurd. When the mass market starts to choose one format over another in large numbers that will be the deciding factor in this thing not a few people on a videogame msg board.

I've said it before you are way too emotionally invested in this and kolgar has also said it. Honestly, I almost feel bad for you but then I remember that you are not bitter nor butthurt so I guess you'll be alright unless of course Sony doesn't manage to pull this thing out.
There are some pretty big assholes on either side. I only own a hd dvd player at the moment but I do have some blurays that I managed to pick up for cheap. I really dont care who wins I really didnt start buying dvds alot until they started selling below the RRP anyway. By then there should only be one winner. Whilst I would like the victor to be HD DVD due to the lack of region coding which would allow me to pick up alot of films which are not availiable in Australia, it wont matter as I will pick up a PS3 eventually anyway. What I hate though is the parading and showboating in this thread. This is thread is probaly more hate filled than any of the system war threads on the gaming side. I mean we have people taking this format war so personally that they message other people over xbox live for fucks sake.


has calmed down a bit.
OokieSpookie said:
Amazon BOGO


Also disney is supposed to be included but can't find that link

How the hell do you find these? I'm trying to follow the "normal" links and can't find it, so there's no way to know if there's an HD DVD equivalent. And how the hell can the BRD afford to give away movies week after week after week? Isn't HD DVD the one that should be giving discs away? :lol

edit: nevermind, found it on the movies page. Damn, it's always Buena Vista/Disney titles mixed in too, and good stuff too, though it always seems to be the same movies over and over. Awesome stuff for Blu fans, HD DVD needs to be giving me some free movies.
B-Ri said:
i hate you i havent been able to find it

if its in the BOGO with amazon, consider the deal sealed. find that link.

It is not unfortunately but it is on the Best Buy deal where you buy 3 movies from a list and get the PS3 remote for free.
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