OokieSpookie said:
You start out so good and then pie face right into a wall with that idiocy.
There is this amusing trend where hd backers love to sit back and say "oh look at those bluray people".
Well then my world view must be horribly distorted, because I rarely see HD DVD supporters dishing out the kind of malice and misinformation that so often comes from certain blu posters. Whether it's the PS3 Effect on demographics or the fact that HD DVD fans have always understood that their format is the underdog, I see more level heads and well-reasoned posts coming out of the red side. But I'd rather talk about the movies and the maneuvers that take place within this format war than particular groups of posters, so I'll just leave it at that.
Some people do give a shit which format wins , sorry.
That's fine. But some folks act like rabid, brain-washed soldiers on a bloodthirsty crusade, which doesn't seem healthy and usually strikes me as obnoxious.
It shows again to the "Can't we all get along" which is HD's "if you can't win play for the draw" mentality.
Who's playing for the draw? Haven't you admitted to yourself that HD DVD does have a shot at this, however small? I'd like one format to win, too. For reasons I've already stated, I'd prefer that format be HD DVD. But should Toshiba's house collapse, I'm more than happy to buy all of my discs in blu.
As far as why BD supporters feel like hd needs to go away.. blu has won something like 40 or more weeks in a row now with no end in sight.
It would be like a football team winning every game of the world cup including the finals and then having people say "why should you get the cup?"
No, Ookie, it's nothing like that. But nobody can convince you of the reasons why a movie format built on standalone players might possibly be stronger than a movie format built on a do-everything game console with the PlayStation name on it. So, there is no convincing you. But you know, I've worked in marketing for 14 years and I think there
is a difference and that the piddly quantities of HDM sales to date don't mean
squat when there are other important factors in play.
For someone that doesn't care you do spend alot of time in here throwing jabs in and trying to stir shit up.
As I said, I'm a marketing guy. This shit is top-tier entertainment for me (the format war, not the pissing matches between posters). When I was nine, my fantasy was to be CEO in charge of a video game company. Oh, I had the big office, I had the desk, I worked up marketing strategies and ad campaigns on a big chalkboard, I
loved that shit. Nearly three decades later, I still love it and that's why I'm here.
Oh, and also to correct some of the statements you make from time to time, Spooky, but it's all in good fun.