VanMardigan said:
So is this how the BDA gets back at Paramount for going HD DVD exclusive? By holding a BOGO sale every time that Paramount/Dreamworks has a big release out? :lol
I'll tell you what, it works, and it rocks for the consumers (I just bought my first two BDs). Still, it's amusing how these large companies go at each other.
It's good for consumers, but I wonder if it's counterproductive to Blu-ray as a format.
Really, the big reason studios want a successor to DVD is so they can resell their libraries all over again, reaping new profits along the way. I don't see how giving your discs away is consistent with that goal. Sure, Sony can subsidize these sales, but for how long?
What's the goal? To pad Blu's numbers during the weeks of big HD DVD releases? To encourage the largely untapped market of PS3 users to become Blu-ray buyers?
If it's the former, I think the studios can see through it. If it's the latter, I think that speaks to a current weakness in the format, an inevitable result of building a movie format with a game console.
Studios want to
sell discs, not give them away. To studios, sales numbers don't mean much (especially numbers as small as these) if the profits aren't there as well.
That's why I think that if these companies are going to give anything away, it should be the hardware. More hardware in people's hands means more software sold by the studios which is what they want and why they're supporting these formats in the first place.