DJ_Tet said:Does anyone have the NIN concert? I want to get the HD DVD, the concert I went to that year was amazing. The review at hi def digest is sparkling too, saying it was filmed with HD cameras.
As mentioned in the last post, the new design for The Look And Sound Of Perfect site has an area where you can get more information about recent and upcoming movies.
One of the highlighted movies is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which is due on December 11, both by itself as well as in a box set that includes the previous movies. This is the latest of the Harry Potter movies, and there hasnt been a ton of information out yet about this HD DVD disc. In fact, you couldnt even pre-order it at Amazon until very recently.
The information for this movie at mentioned a Live Community Screening feature which is described as follows:
Gather your own army of fellow wizards for a live community screening party. Invite other owners of the Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix HD DVD to simultaneously watch from their own internet-accessed players and text with your remote, PC or cell phone. When you host an invitation-only viewing, you control the film by pausing and playing the feature on everyones machine. You can chat live with your friends as you watch.
That last sentence is really important.
Prior to this, HDi (HD DVDs interactivity, including the web-enabled component) was implemented in a simple way where youd go online via your player and download bonus material, or buy something like ringtones. This is pretty much what the old internet and web were about. The new web is about sharing, and its really great that we finally have a use for HDi that gets it all caught up with the present, and takes home movie enjoyment into the future by combining it with communication.
Watching a movie with your friends is neat, but maybe they cant be there with you. So the Live Community Screening feature allows all of you to watch from your own homes, instead. You can message each other right on screen as you can on multiplayer video games. I think this is a far more compelling selling point for HDi than the log in and buy more stuff idea. Its not about the studio, but more about you.
I really think this is the killer app for HDi, and I cant wait to start seeing it available on more movies. (A killer app refers to the particular application for a technology that makes that technology or its inclusion a must-have product or feature, and eventually propels those products into mega-success)
The fact that you can text from a phone demonstrates that the developers thought this out pretty well. Texting and messaging is insanely popular with the age group thats most likely to be into Harry Potter, so kudos to Warner for implementing it on this disc. And kudos to Microsoft for pushing HDi, and to the HD DVD group for insisting on the mandatory inclusion of such interactive features on all HD DVD players ever made not just the most recent or future models.
Kolgar said:I have the NIN concert on Blu-ray and it is a showcase for high-def content.
Low-light, live-concert situations like that are some of the most difficult to film, but the visuals here are razor-sharp and amazing.
If you like NIN and you gots HD, you need this disc.
Kolgar said:I have the NIN concert on Blu-ray and it is a showcase for high-def content.
Low-light, live-concert situations like that are some of the most difficult to film, but the visuals here are razor-sharp and amazing.
If you like NIN and you gots HD, you need this disc.
Oni Jazar said:Rumors of last week's numbers are 65:35, but they are not confirmed yet.
I bought that disc prior to owning a blu-ray player and I didn't see any of the shows. You're slow, mang.DJ_Tet said:Not only do I like NIN and have HD, I went to that show and it was so amazing I wrote two stories about it. Sounds like I need this disc like yesterday.
DC R1D3R said:who for?
Ignatz Mouse said:Do you plug a headset into your HD-DVD player to chat? Weird.
Kinda cool, but weird.
If those rumored numbers are right (adn they usually are) then that's a little disappointing for Blu-ray. Those new A2 owners must've bought some movies after all!
RaidenZR said::lol Next time Van sits down to watch a flick we should all barrage his cell phone to see if he wants to chat. Ya know, just for kicks.
OokieSpookie said:Yeah wondering how that chat thing works too.
As far as the numbers go, are we giving HD such a handicap that a BD win is not a win? :lol
Oni Jazar said:Actually, the numbers of the top 10 are very good for Blu-ray. This means that HD DVD must have had very high volume of sales for older titles.
VanMardigan said:Blu dominates, as usual. I'm not buying the whole "should've done better" vibe. 2-1 is dominating enough.
Ignatz Mouse said:So we've swapped roles, have we?
I guess I'm not saying Blu did badly, just that the sale likely had an effect of helping HD-DVD out in a week which otherwise would have been a massacre.
VanMardigan said:I would agree, except that I never thought Rat/Cars would've hit the key Ps3 demographic like SM3, 300, etc. do. And, wow, Transformers on Blu Ray probably would've pushed us to 90/10.
OokieSpookie said:Cars is shitty to begin with and then it has been out on dvd how long now?
WULFER said:Looks like Warner snuck in another HD-DVD exclusive this time on Harry Potter!![]()
OokieSpookie said:Cars is shitty to begin with and then it has been out on dvd how long now?
djkimothy said:Great! Now I can be bothered at home as well as the theatre with witty chatter during the movie.
A little known fact is that of the 30,000 HD DVD players sold by Wal-Mart, 30% of them were connected to the internet shortly after purchase.
OokieSpookie said:There are some interesting notes from a story in the magazine that the numbers come from in reference to the A2 sale...
There was a crowd of 15 people in the BD section. Crazy. Most I've seen is 2 guys.Zoe said:!#$(!#%^&, I went to Fry's around 1:30, and they were already all out of 28 Weeks Later. I KNEW I should have gone when they opened
Lots of people milling around in the HD section. One guy I saw had like 6 BD's in his hands. There was also a PS3 trailer in front of the store, nice timing![]()
OokieSpookie said:There are some interesting notes from a story in the magazine that the numbers come from in reference to the A2 sale...
StoOgE said:and spent an hour updating firmware :lol
djkimothy said:Great! Now I can be bothered at home as well as the theatre with witty chatter during the movie.