Tedesco! said:I just received my 5 free Blu-ray movies. Evidently, two movies I wanted ( it was ages ago, I can't remember what I asked for ) were not in stock, so they sent me Happy Feet and The Guardian as replacements. No complaints, they were free after all. Looks like I'll be taking the replacements to Wal-Mart for something a tad more current.
Tedesco! said:I just received my 5 free Blu-ray movies. Evidently, two movies I wanted ( it was ages ago, I can't remember what I asked for ) were not in stock, so they sent me Happy Feet and The Guardian as replacements. No complaints, they were free after all.
jvalioli said:What kind of video cable comes with the Toshiba HD-A3? The box isn't helpful at all and all Amazon.com said was A/V cable. Normally I would trust a device that advertises HD to come with an HD cable, but the PS3 has me spooked. I can't open the box because it is a gift for my parents.
ImperialConquest said:Comes with A/V dude.
I wash shocked myself. I expected HDMI..
But the TV I got it for (In-laws TV) only plays 720p, so whatevs..
jvalioli said:What kind of video cable comes with the Toshiba HD-A3? The box isn't helpful at all and all Amazon.com said was A/V cable. Normally I would trust a device that advertises HD to come with an HD cable, but the PS3 has me spooked. I can't open the box because it is a gift for my parents.
Xisiqomelir said:You know, importing seems to be a great solution for anyone who refuses to go dual-format.
Milestone reached over Black Friday shopping weekend
By Susanne Ault -- Video Business, 12/3/2007
DEC. 3 | The Blu-ray Disc Assn. is touting a new milestone passed over the Black Friday shopping period, noting that player sales since launch reached 2.7 million units through Nov. 24.
Like the HD DVD camps recent claims, the figure encompasses both Blu-ray-capable gaming devices and Blu-ray set-top players.
Through October, there had been 2 million units sold of the Blu-ray-enhanced PlayStation 3. That arguably gives Blu-ray set-tops a 700,000 piece of overall format unit sales. But the picture is muddied somewhat by the likely gangbuster PlayStation 3 sales in November due to the introduction of the relatively cheap $399 PlayStation 3. November console sales will not be available from the NPD Group until mid-December.
Its tough to calculate specific gains for Blu-ray set-tops, as many of the manufacturers have not released sales information on their players to this point.
Still, the 2.7 million sold is a clear achievement over the HD DVD side, which pushed its installment base to 750,000 units following widespread holiday retail sales, notably including $99-priced players at Wal-Mart and Best Buy. Although not as steeply priced-slashed as rival HD DVD, many Blu-ray players also were sale-priced at retail. Several chains were offering Samsung and Sony Blu-ray players at $399, $100 below their $499 list prices.
The BDA last week also trumpeted its continuing lead in Blu-ray software sales, which in the weeks leading up to Black Friday had been outpacing HD DVD titles by a two-to-one ratio. During the Black Friday period, BD titles made up 72.6% of all high-def purchases, with HD DVD totaling 27.4%, according to Nielsen/VideoScan figures cited by BDA.
The fact that BD software remains the sales leader in an environment of heavy HD DVD player discounting is especially heartening to the BDA.
A statement from the group noted, Despite the $99 HD DVD fire sale, Blu-ray movies were flying off the shelves in this crucial holiday shopping period.
According to the BD camp, total BD disc sales in the U.S. since launch topped 4 million units in November, about the same time HD DVD software sales passed just 2.5 million units.
To date in the U.S., 18 of the Top 20 high-def releases are Blu-ray, according to the BD camp.
According to Media Control Gfk International figures cited by BDA, BD movies control 73% of the European market, outselling HD DVD by a three-to-one margin, and BD holds a 95% share of the high-def recorder market in Japan.
A statement from the group noted, Despite the $99 HD DVD fire sale, Blu-ray movies were flying off the shelves in this crucial holiday shopping period.
Alcibiades said:What that article is actually saying, is that by piecing information from the BDA and NPD figures, we can conclude that:
700,000 = BDA stand-alone total + PS3 sales from Nov. 4 - 24th.
Yeah, that's what I'm going to do.OokieSpookie said:Call monoprice and order one.
Worst case scenario you end up with an extra hdmi cable and are out a few dollars.
beermonkey@tehbias said:You'll know the war is over when BD stops mentioning HD-DVD in their PR. As long as you do that, you admit there is a fight. And the longer they do it, they actually perpetuate the format war. All this talk about the battle just makes the regular consumer stay the fuck away. :lol
beermonkey@tehbias said:You'll know the war is over when BD stops mentioning HD-DVD in their PR. As long as you do that, you admit there is a fight. And the longer they do it, they actually perpetuate the format war. All this talk about the battle just makes the regular consumer stay the fuck away. :lol
The biggest thing I'd worry about, if I were BD, would be that 360 adds an internal HD-DVD drive to the Elite. That would be a very harsh blow. Given the dominance of the 360 in North America, and the propensity of that consumer to buy software, it could be very, very bad news for them.
Honestly, my money is still on BD in the long run just as it has been since day one (though I see the battle lasting much, much longer than I originally expected...and maybe having only losers and no real winner). But lots of things can change. I'm so happy to have gone multiformat recently, the only chumps I can see in this battle are single-format fanboys and the two hardware factions themselves. As a multiformat movie fan, I really feel that I am the only real winner for the next couple of years.![]()
YYZ said:err, it's pretty much impossible for Microsoft to do that. At most they're making a small margin of profit on the 360 and they already sunk a billion into the RROD fiasco. They haven't had a profitable year since the XBOX1 launched (I'm almost 100% sure). The last thing they're going to do is try to make the console more expensive for themselves and/or the consumers. Microsoft already has many sources for revenue, BD is more important to Sony than HD-DVD is to MS.
200K BD standalone players sold in Nov? That sounds like a pretty hefty estimate for standalone BD players. I think this would go to show that the PS3 might actually have broken the 500K mark this November which would put them on par with what the 360 did last year. Although sales talk of games should be in the gaming discussion but I am sure 99% of the users on GAF even on the off-topic board are into gaming as well.Alcibiades said:What that article is actually saying, is that by piecing information from the BDA and NPD figures, we can conclude that:
700,000 = BDA stand-alone total + PS3 sales from Nov. 4 - 24th.
I should clarify, the 700,000 would be the TOTAL number of Blu-ray players since June 2006, in addition to whatever PS3 sold between Nov. 4-24th.Dahbomb said:200K BD standalone players sold in Nov? That sounds like a pretty hefty estimate for standalone BD players. I think this would go to show that the PS3 might actually have broken the 500K mark this November which would put them on par with what the 360 did last year. Although sales talk of games should be in the gaming discussion but I am sure 99% of the users on GAF even on the off-topic board are into gaming as well.
duketogo88 said:So who's winning?
.hacked said:http://xs122.xs.to/xs122/07491/IMG_1680.JPG
Blu-Ray is in my house (anime has put it on top).
I was going to say that im impressed, but yeah then I saw the sealed titles. Do you buy them to support BD?Solo said:You must own a good 80% of HD format movies released so far. Do you just buy everything that comes out or something?
EDIT: based on the number of seals still on your DVDs, I can answer my own question.
VanMardigan said:Damn, that's thousands of dollars on each format and they're both a year old only. Heck the anime and box sets like Heroes and Star Trek alone must cost a ton to purchase. Impressive collection. I only have about 25 HD DVD movies and 2 Blu Ray discs (though 4 more are on the way).
VanMardigan said:If the BD standalones had sold in any decent way, we'd have heard about it the same way we always do from the HD DVD group. Until one of the manufacturers puts out a press release, I'm going to assume sales remain at the same pace as before.
DJ_Tet said:Does the ST have the original episodes on there as well, or only the ones with updated special effects? I'd love to be able to watch both but I fear it only has the redone episodes.
beermonkey@tehbias said:My understanding is that it has the updated effects only, and is the version with all shots in 4:3 windowbox (as opposed to the XBLM versions with new 16:9 effects shots or the stretchvision version that Asia will supposedly get).
I should have the first HD-DVD of the set from Blockbuster.com soon, I will post impressions.
Silent_Echo said:Thinking about getting a Blu-Ray player. Should I wait until I have a 1080p set, or will I notice enough of a difference over my upconvert DVD player at 720p?
wait, what? what kind of error gives you a box set that expensive for free?DJ_Tet said:He got Star Trek for free due to a cashier error
I'd love to have the ST set, but at $120+ a season it's too expensive for me. Even when it comes with 29 episodes. Hopefully I can pick it up on sale down the road.
Does the ST have the original episodes on there as well, or only the ones with updated special effects? I'd love to be able to watch both but I fear it only has the redone episodes.
Silent_Echo said:Thinking about getting a Blu-Ray player. Should I wait until I have a 1080p set, or will I notice enough of a difference over my upconvert DVD player at 720p?