Naked Snake
Is there any content difference between the normal 5-disc set of Blade Runner and the briefcase edition other than packaging?
CoG said:Rob Enderle Suicide Watch is right. Now he's saying optical discs are doomed and digital-downloads are the way to go
FFObsessed said:Penton-Man just said it's overall sales numbers rather than just Warner titles that will influence their decision, if so very good news for Blu-Ray.
HD-DVD's only chance of winning a week has to be this weeks numbers. (which we'll get next Friday of course.)
Showdown time!
Shpeshal Ed said:Correct me if I'm wrong, but in this early stage, ESPECIALLY with such pitiful sales compared to DVD, wouldn't ATTACH rates and SA Player sales matter more?
If you took SA AND the PS3 into account, BD players outnumber HD players by a shitload. but multiplat movie sales do not.
Even total movie sales don't top them by much considering the total player difference.
Oni Jazar said:No. Software providers care about software sales and momentum.
Ignatz Mouse said:Why would standalone sales matter in a market where one of the best value/quality players is a PS3?
Why would attach rates matter at all, except when combined with player absolute numbers to determine active buying market size?
In other words, just because I have a PS3 doesn't mean the dozens of movies I've bought haven't put money in studios' pockets.
Because video game system sales will never come close to standalone Home video machines.Ignatz Mouse said:Why would standalone sales matter in a market where one of the best value/quality players is a PS3?
Why would attach rates matter at all, except when combined with player absolute numbers to determine active buying market size?
In other words, just because I have a PS3 doesn't mean the dozens of movies I've bought haven't put money in studios' pockets.
Ignatz Mouse said:Standalone BD player sales have not lagged far behind HD-DVD sales, especially when you consider that they're competing with the PS3 as an attractive player option. The has been propped up by the PS3, no doubt-- but the under $300 players are out now.
You're grasping. WB going Blu would be very smart for a variety of reasons.
Outdoor Miner said:For anyone thats picked up the Harry Potter boxset, does it have extra room for movies 6 and 7 for when those are released?
Outdoor Miner said:For anyone thats picked up the Harry Potter boxset, does it have extra room for movies 6 and 7 for when those are released?
Cheebs said:Because video game system sales will never come close to standalone Home video machines.
PS2 has sold roughly 40~ million in USA. Standalone DVD player sales in USA (NOT counting video game systems, pc's..etc) is around 135 million~
You see the difference? Even the biggest video game system of all time is a mere niche compared to the home video market. Video games are a mere drop in a bucket compared to dvd.
Cheebs said:Because video game system sales will never come close to standalone Home video machines.
PS2 has sold roughly 40~ million in USA. Standalone DVD player sales in USA (NOT counting video game systems, pc's..etc) is around 135 million~
You see the difference? Even the biggest video game system of all time is a mere niche compared to the home video market. Video games are a mere drop in a bucket compared to dvd.
Shpeshal Ed said:WB going either way would end it all anyway.
They go HD, you've got the 3 biggest on HD side, and Disney would go neutral soon after, if their voting on the 51GB TL HD DVD is surely a sign of SOMETHING.
Not to mention Stringer's recent comments can't be a good sign.
If WB go Blu-ray well it would be over for obvious reasons.
Also from what I have heard there is some foam at the bottom that if you take it out fits the movies perfectly.gkrykewy said:Yes, there's room at the top of the box. This set is pretty much the coolest thing ever for an HP fan, by the way![]()
Outdoor Miner said:For anyone thats picked up the Harry Potter boxset, does it have extra room for movies 6 and 7 for when those are released?
avaya said:WB going Red won't end it either way. It would relegate both formats to SACD/Laserdisc status. Time-Warner wants a sustainable format.
You think Disney will go HD-DVD soon after with Steve Jobs on their board? It's an unlikely scenario. Disney never misses a vote on the steering committee, this TL51 issue is no sudden surprise.
Fox will likely up sticks and quit. BD+ is working well for them, AFAIK there have been no reports of any BD+ discs being ripped and available. If stalemates the way its headed, then there is no point investing for them.
NekoFever said:I got my 5-disc Blade Runner (HD) in the mail this morning from Movietyme. I know what I'm going to be watching tonight
But which one do I watch? Might have to go for the theatrical because I haven't seen it in years.
bune duggy said:doubtful since the movies come in non-standard slipcases.
never mind. guess I should open the case before I speak.![]()
I am not using PS2 as a dvd player in the example. I am just comparing how useless the video game industry is to movie companies, compared to home video the game market is a niche market that doesn't have much of a impact in terms of the entertainment industry.OokieSpookie said:PS2s were never considered a "good" dvd player, and as has been said blu ray stand alone prices keep dropping and their sales numbers keep growing as much as hd backers would try to pretend otherwise.
Don't most people think this is better, though? For everyone involved? No inventory for the studios, and no space taken up at the consumer's place. It's unthinkable to me to buy music in a physical form anymore. Once the infrastructure is in place (I don't want it to take more than say, 10 minutes) and so long as the downloads include special features, goodbye optical!Oni Jazar said:The guy wants a download subscription service to replace personal movie libraries? *pukes*
Sorry for the horrible quality but my phone camera sucks and I don't have a real one to hand:Chiggs said:Could you please take a picture of the insides?
You talking out of your ass, no doubt. That vote took place some time ago, and...Shpeshal Ed said:They go HD, you've got the 3 biggest on HD side, and Disney would go neutral soon after, if their voting on the 51GB TL HD DVD is surely a sign of SOMETHING.
Exactly.avaya said:Disney never misses a vote on the steering committee, this TL51 issue is no sudden surprise.
Jim said:Blu-ray players seem like they're involved in a straight up pricing war now. Amazon keeps dropping the price and everyone else just follows their lead.
$269 for the Samsung BD-P1400 now, which was closer to $399 only a few weeks ago.
The Sony player is supposed to hit under $300 within the next week as well.
The pricing difference between 1080p players on both sides is going to be negligible much sooner than anticipated.
I picked this up.. If you want to know IMHO the most exceptional thing about this transfer, surprisingly it's the amount of grain present and how it translates on screen. Yes it's nice in movies like Casablanca to go back and clean up the film. I mean it's one of the most important films in cinema history, it should be preserved for generations to come. But in some cases, and arguably Casablanca is still an example of such a case, it would be nice to see the movie how IT WAS FIRST PRESENTED back in it's original release. We can restore these movies all the way up to Snow White, where the movie was virtually repainted from scratch for its HD transfer. And again, the preserve the movie for future generations this is a good thing. But for film buffs.. I mean I would have loved to see 20MMtE in the theater back in the 50's, but considering I never had a chance this is the closest I will ever come. When you pick up Casablanca on HD-DVD, do you think that's what it was like to sit in a movie house back in 1942 with 1000 other people and see it on the big screen? Heck no.. that print is cleaned up well beyond what any positive print was capable of back then.dallow_bg said:Anyone pick up 20 Million Miles to Earth?
OokieSpookie said:I have always gone with the theory that this is how it would play out.
The PS3 had one purpose in this war and that was to counter anything that HD-dvd could throw out there so that the BDA companies could bring their prices into range at their own pace.
Ignatz Mouse said:It's healthy in that they are making their first gen models, and that research goes into the their next gen, etc. Meanshile, costs go down faster than the price of the PS3 will drop, so there's some margin. As opposed to the HD-DVD market, where the margin's already gone.
You're focusing too much on current inventory and not whole generations of development.
Shpeshal Ed said:WB going either way would end it all anyway.
They go HD, you've got the 3 biggest on HD side, and Disney would go neutral soon after, if their voting on the 51GB TL HD DVD is surely a sign of SOMETHING.
Not to mention Stringer's recent comments can't be a good sign.
If WB go Blu-ray well it would be over for obvious reasons.
VanMardigan said:But how does that serve the BDA CE's? They weren't selling. Panasonic sold, what, 20k standalones in over a year? How is that any different from if they were competing with Toshiba? Sony and Toshiba are the only ones selling HD playing machines, and now price wars means that these gimped 1.0 BD machines have to sell at massive price cuts as well, or are we assuming that this is new 1.0 profile inventory built at hundreds of dollars less?
Picked up an Ultimate copy yesterday.OokieSpookie said:Blade Runner (non ultimate) in blu has been seen early and some Best Buys.
VanMardigan said:But how does that serve the BDA CE's? They weren't selling. Panasonic sold, what, 20k standalones in over a year? How is that any different from if they were competing with Toshiba? Sony and Toshiba are the only ones selling HD playing machines, and now price wars means that these gimped 1.0 BD machines have to sell at massive price cuts as well, or are we assuming that this is new 1.0 profile inventory built at hundreds of dollars less?
So, in both markets, it's the cheap standalones that sell, or in BD's case, the Ps3 and some cheap standalones. I love how folks can pretend that the BD CE environment is somehow "healthier" because they don't have to compete against Toshiba, all the while ignoring the 800lb gorilla that just so happens to be the best Blu Ray player on the market. And as far as standalones, guess who is the company dominating that sector? Sony. Their standalone was the one that pushed the monthly sales temporarily ahead of Toshiba's and it's their marked down standalone that will dominate Samsung and anybody else's entry. And with even Blu Ray fans warning folks about avoiding buying these gimped Blu Ray players and pick up a Ps3 instead, I'm amused when I hear talk of the healthy CE BD standalone market.
VanMardigan said:No, they're not selling now. They'll sell when their price dips (as it has recently). Again, how is that different from competing with Toshiba? You don't think Samsung and Panasonic would sell just as many HD DVD stanalones as they have BD standalones considering the pathetic amount they currently sell?
VanMardigan said:No, they're not selling now. They'll sell when their price dips (as it has recently). Again, how is that different from competing with Toshiba? You don't think Samsung and Panasonic would sell just as many HD DVD stanalones as they have BD standalones considering the pathetic amount they currently sell?
OokieSpookie said:Sony could have very easily dropped a $100-$150 player out there to counter Toshiba but it would have screwed the other companies.
avaya said:Also forgot to ass that Matsuhsita, Pioneer and Philips get a lot of money from the patent pool. This is the biggest difference between the two sides. The first 8 founders have a lot of IP tied up in this.