SSM25 said:
I wonder if HD-DVD could win a week this year.....maybe next week?
I hope not, I wan't this war to end soon for either side
I don't see the hurry to end this war yet neither side deserves to win or is in a position to go main stream. Both sides have very serious flaws that only competition can resolve.
For HD-DVD studio support is still lacking. Almost every summer block buster this year ended up on blu. Next is the whole 51 TLD and how that is going to work. Last is the players in general being flaky you think the average consumer will put up with monthly firmware updates?
For Blu the issues I see are. First is the cost of the players are insane. I am not talking old 1.0 players from 2006 but real 1.1 or 2.0 players. Next is the firmware crap people are not going to put up with firmware upgrades to fix issues or upgrade the players from 1.0 to 1.1 or 2.0. Until a stand alone player comes along that is equal to the PS3 and cheaper the format is not going to catch on with the average person.
Neither side should win right now. All a win is going to do is slow down fixing the issues with both sides. Also say good bye to reduction of the cost of players at a fast rate and BOGOs if there is no competition. Until 1 format is in position to make a dent in the main stream I assume there be a stalemate forcing both sides to improve.
The firmware update crap has to go. How may times have people had to upgrade the firmware of thier VCRs or DVD players? The average person is not going to stand for the current quality of players. Both sides need a bullet proof player in the sub 200 dollar range.
I have HD-DVD players sitting under the tree for the family. I want to go neutral ASAP just need a solid blu player for 199. If blu wins I don't see it as a bad thing for me since I will be able to pick up a whole library of HD media dirt cheap when they close out hd-dvd movies.