Beezy said:I bought Fearless and Casino for $27.95 from amazon's BOGO HD-DVD sale. I almost bought all four Harry Potter movies too, but I decided to wait a few years for all the HP movies to come out on HD-DVD/Bluray.
Dot50Cal said:Return that...stat. Its an SD transfer resized to 1080p. Seriously, I'm not even kidding here, its been proven.
never looked better... final cut is awesomeGuessWho said:hows the blade runner transfer?
Mifune said:I saw this and was like oh shit oh shit that awesome Peter Weir movie is in HD, ran to Amazon to check it out, and now I hate you. Nothing personal. said:hows the blade runner transfer?
Skiptastic said:Just a random note: I came home from my parents place on Christmas Eve after spending the day there and checked my mail. I had a small package and a little note from the same place. The note was mentioning the fact that it might take until January to get my five free HD-DVDs. Then I opened the package. It was my five free HD-DVDs.
Wacky. :lol
I got mine just a week before XMAS and i did mine in like Sept. Maybe mid Sept.StoOgE said:when did you send off for them? I sent off in late October, still nothing.
Meier said:Hot Fuzz and Knocked Up in the Amazon BOGO for less than $23 :lol Got the $5.60 or so off from the 10% deal and then the $27.95 off from the promo. All this with free shipping too since it started over $25. Huzzah!
DCX said:I got mine just a week before XMAS and i did mine in like Sept. Maybe mid Sept.
StoOgE said:shouldnt the 10% off thing be ending pretty soon? I'm gonna miss that.
StoOgE said:when did you send off for them? I sent off in late October, still nothing.
StoOgE said:So I guess by the end of Jan. I should have mine? Not a big deal since none of those movies were 'ZOMG I must have them' choices.
gkrykewy said:Reportedly, BB is going to have a B3G2 from 12/30-1/5 on all discs 34.99 or less.
Cosmic Bus said:I mentioned this sale about five pages back, but no one seemed to care. To me, this is better than the stale b1g1 Amazon promotion, because, even though you're in for five movies, it only works out to be about $15-$17 a movie (which is perfectly suitable) and you can actually pick out ones you want instead of the same friggin' 30 junkers that show up on discount all the time.
TheDuce22 said:I bought the 360 hddvd player back in october. How long does it take to get the free movies. Anyone get theirs yet?
DC R1D3R said:I know it's been mentioned in earlier posts but DAMN.................HD DVD is owning the Amazon HD charts right now.
With the recent reduction of standalone player prices, I expected HD DVD software sales to improve slightly, but to completely surge ahead of Blu-ray in such a short period of time (albeit on amazon) is no mean feat.
I wonder what's going on?
DC R1D3R said:I wonder what's going on?
DC R1D3R said:I know it's been mentioned in earlier posts but DAMN.................HD DVD is owning the Amazon HD charts right now.
With the recent reduction of standalone player prices, I expected HD DVD software sales to improve slightly, but to completely surge ahead of Blu-ray in such a short period of time (albeit on amazon) is no mean feat.
I wonder what's going on?
VanMardigan said:How much would you sell Shaun of the Dead for, ookie?
edit: and Heroes?
YagizY said:I love how blu fanboys are just blowing off the recent sucess of HD-DVD as "well it's because their is a BOGO" and "a lot of people got players for christmas." I don't understand how this is exactly helping your argument because your basically conceding that since the prices are cheap, people are buying the product. No shit sherlock.
As a proponent of HD media in general I'm glad to see prices going down and as an HD-DVD owner, I am very happy that I can buy movies for cheaper than usual.
OokieSpookie said:I am most likely going to put my 360 add on in the buy/sell/trade thread tonight.
360 add on, (still have the box with the UPC, also includes the receipt for the free movies which I never sent in)
Also will include the Heroes season 1, Shaun of the Dead, Batman Begins, Hot Fuzz, and King Kong.
Something like $150-$160 shipped.
OokieSpookie said:Hd being big on amazon charts is nothing new or recent, but at the end of the day it is one retailer and never makes a difference when the numbers hit at the end of the week and even then honestly it really wouldn't matter anymore.
jjasper said:I thought we were past Amazon sales charts.
Chiggs said:You'd think people would have caught on to that by now. Guess not. Makes it funnier when the numbers come in.
OokieSpookie said:Hd being big on amazon charts is nothing new or recent, but at the end of the day it is one retailer and never makes a difference when the numbers hit at the end of the week and even then honestly it really wouldn't matter anymore.
YagizY said:I understand that, but people trying to spin a BOGO for HD-DVD as desperation is very stupid. A BOGO healps the consumer and Toshiba, especially after the holidays.
YagizY said:I understand that, but people trying to spin a BOGO for HD-DVD as desperation is very stupid. A BOGO healps the consumer and Toshiba, especially after the holidays.
YagizY said:I love how blu fanboys are just blowing off the recent sucess of HD-DVD as "well it's because their is a BOGO" and "a lot of people got players for christmas." I don't understand how this is exactly helping your argument because your basically conceding that since the prices are cheap, people are buying the product. No shit sherlock.
As a proponent of HD media in general I'm glad to see prices going down and as an HD-DVD owner, I am very happy that I can buy movies for cheaper than usual.
michaeld said:I bought a PS3 last night and now I see why they give Spiderman away with it, holy shit what a dog turd of a movie. I need to swap this for another movie asap. And the free movie form sucks, no Casino Royale or hardly anything worth a shit.