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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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rage1973 said:
Screw the haters on both sides. As a format neutral person with both players I am loving the format wars and the BOGO sales. Being able to buy HD-DVD and bluray discs for cheaper than DVDs, really makes everything worthwhile.
yup its driven the average price of my hd purchases way down... like many others in this thread im content to wait for good deals rather than chasing the big releases. format wars and format neutrality for the win.


golem said:
yup its driven the average price of my hd purchases way down... like many others in this thread im content to wait for good deals rather than chasing the big releases. format wars and format neutrality for the win.
Yeah really, I just sit and get laughs from all these people who get their panties in a wad over these formats.


michaeld said:
I bought a PS3 last night and now I see why they give Spiderman away with it, holy shit what a dog turd of a movie. I need to swap this for another movie asap. And the free movie form sucks, no Casino Royale or hardly anything worth a shit.
hahah.. yeah my friend was complaining so much on the PS3 freebies, now that he's seeing the hd-dvd deals i think hes about ready to get an A3. but he is prone to rash decisions.
michaeld said:
I bought a PS3 last night and now I see why they give Spiderman away with it, holy shit what a dog turd of a movie. I need to swap this for another movie asap. And the free movie form sucks, no Casino Royale or hardly anything worth a shit.

Yup. This movie has absolutely no redeeming quality to it. It's like Sam Raimi decided: "Hey, let's keep all the good stuff to a minimum (Venom) and let's fill screen time with the crap" (EMO, crying, more crying, more crying, more shitty acting, more BS crap about how the Butler chose the most convinient time to disclose of Norman Osbourne's death :lol ) What a frikken mess! IMO, the shitty reviews flatter this movie. It was utter turd!


Lhadatt said:
Your charts are meaningless.

- The screen grab chart is of just one day, and not even a full day at that.
- Charts from an interweb retailer don't mean jack. You've got to consider your demographics.
- There's a ton of sales data you won't get to see, unless you're a studio or a retailer.

You're going to have to take six months to a year into account when yakking about sales stuff. On top of that, there are other trends you don't have data for, like Christmas sales of players. It's logical that HDDVD stuff is on the rise right now - the players were cheap and people needed Christmas presents.

Back off a bit from the zomgNOW data from your interwebs and look at the bigger picture - there's not a whole lot of deviation from that viewpoint.

I presume from your self assurance post, that you're addressing me, yeh?

Well tbh bro, I seriously thought that by now (heading into 2008), Sony would have declared victory by now in this ghastly and incredibly expensive format war, but I'm still waiting for the signal.

Of course the graph doesn't represent the whole demograph, but, if it does represent in any way the incredible attachment rates as say, Xbox 360 owners (and presuming HD DVD standalone players persist to do well in the US) I think you can safely say that HD DVD will be here to stay.

If I were Sony, I'd be tearing my hair out right now. I'd somehow have to figure out why it's taking my campaign so long to eradicate the enemy.
and we all know how NAM panned out

But hey, it's only a graph right? I wouldn't get my knickers in a twist :]


DC R1D3R said:
If I were Sony, I'd be tearing my hair out right now. I'd somehow have to figure out why it's taking my campaign so long to eradicate the enemy.
and we all know how NAM panned out

Ugh - vietnam? I feel awkward for you. Go have a beer or something.
DC R1D3R said:
I presume from your self assurance post, that you're addressing me, yeh?

Well tbh bro, I seriously thought that by now (heading into 2008), Sony would have declared victory by now in this ghastly and incredibly expensive format war, but I'm still waiting for the signal.

Of course the graph doesn't represent the whole demograph, but, if it does represent in any way the incredible attachment rates as say, Xbox 360 owners (and presuming HD DVD standalone players persist to do well in the US) I think you can safely say that HD DVD will be here to stay.

If I were Sony, I'd be tearing my hair out right now. I'd somehow have to figure out why it's taking my campaign so long to eradicate the enemy.
and we all know how NAM panned out

But hey, it's only a graph right? I wouldn't get my knickers in a twist :]



DC R1D3R said:
I know it's been mentioned in earlier posts but DAMN.................HD DVD is owning the Amazon HD charts right now.

With the recent reduction of standalone player prices, I expected HD DVD software sales to improve slightly, but to completely surge ahead of Blu-ray in such a short period of time (albeit on amazon) is no mean feat.

I wonder what's going on?

No fanboy on either side has bothered to post Amazon sales charts for the past year and a half because everyone knows they're meaningless when it comes to what's actually happening - much less a chart without actual numbers and for less than a day's worth of sales. I mean, WTF?


OokieSpookie said:

Don't worry ookie, you go and sell your HD DVD add on bro. Whilst youv'e been a tremendous ambassador for the HD DVD format, there's a million new troops lining up to take your place son :]

gkrykewy said:
Go have a beer or something.

I know exactly how you feel bro. There's just something about the truth and hurting isn't there?


has calmed down a bit.
dc rider, let that stuff go. While the amazon chart stuff is interesting, it's not really a good indicator. NPD is, that's why folks stopped posting the amazon charts. It really isn't in your best interests to continue to argue the point either, knowing what happened to folks like kolgar.


VanMardigan said:
dc rider, let that stuff go. While the amazon chart stuff is interesting, it's not really a good indicator. NPD is, that's why folks stopped posting the amazon charts. It really isn't in your best interests to continue to argue the point either, knowing what happened to folks like kolgar.

I hear what you're saying Van, but FFS man, a guy posts a graph and then gets attacked for asking a question. Surely that's not right Van?

I know this is a vs's thread, but give a guy a break.

If I offended anyone for my preferation of a certain format (I won't say which in case I get *****ed), then my honest apologies are offered to you, right about.....................now.


DC R1D3R said:
I hear what you're saying Van, but FFS man, a guy posts a graph and then gets attacked for asking a question. Surely that's not right Van?

I know this is a vs's thread, but give a guy a break.

If I offended anyone for my preferation of a certain format (I won't say which in case I get *****ed), then my honest apologies are offered to you, right about.....................now.

Do you actually understand what everyone is annoyed about? That post doesn't seem to have indicated as much...


Banstick Emeritus
DC R1D3R said:
If I were Sony, I'd be tearing my hair out right now. I'd somehow have to figure out why it's taking my campaign so long to eradicate the enemy. and we all know how NAM panned out
Holy shit, it's Rob Enderle! No, he used Iraq as his analogy. Well, we welcome the influx of stupid all the same, it's been far too civil here lately.


VanMardigan said:
dc rider, let that stuff go. While the amazon chart stuff is interesting, it's not really a good indicator. NPD is, that's why folks stopped posting the amazon charts. It really isn't in your best interests to continue to argue the point either, knowing what happened to folks like kolgar.
You probably mean Nielsens chart.


Gold Member
DC R1D3R said:
If I were Sony, I'd be tearing my hair out right now. I'd somehow have to figure out why it's taking my campaign so long to eradicate the enemy.
and we all know how NAM panned out

:lol :lol :lol


man i'm so over this hi def battle, it's so stupid anymore.

I just want my movies in HD - hopefully the next bogo blu ray is stacked with quality.

Hey if I got Pirates of the Carribean on DVD (OMG111) can I bring it to Walmart without a reciept and get credit towards the blu ray?


DC R1D3R said:
I presume from your self assurance post, that you're addressing me, yeh?
Point 1: I don't have to assure myself of anything. I'm not part of your stupid, infantile, market-damaging war.

Point 2: I don't even know who the hell you are.

Well tbh bro, I seriously thought that by now (heading into 2008), Sony would have declared victory by now in this ghastly and incredibly expensive format war, but I'm still waiting for the signal.
60-70% of the market seems like a good signal. I'll likely end up buying a PS3 and an A3 or some such regardless.

Of course the graph doesn't represent the whole demograph, but, if it does represent in any way the incredible attachment rates as say, Xbox 360 owners (and presuming HD DVD standalone players persist to do well in the US) I think you can safely say that HD DVD will be here to stay.
My issue with the graph is it's not anything approaching a representative sample of the market. It's a few hours in one day right after Christmas from an online store. It's about as niche as you can get.

and we all know how NAM panned out


But hey, it's only a graph right? I wouldn't get my knickers in a twist :]
You FORMAT WARS OMG people seem to be twisting your knickers more than I am.


Just chiming in to say my folks bagged me the Toshiba A30 for X-Mas and my wife got me Blade Runner Final Cut. My eyes are still thanking them! :D

Next up is Children Of Men...


First tragedy, then farce.
I think there is some sort of law that prevents this thread from going more than a page without someone saying something dumb. Or maybe thats just a GAF rule, I dunno.

edit: according to amazon, they can cover 7 football fields with HDM player sales this xmas. I dont know how they calculated that exactly, but there ya go.


pretty sure it is a gaf rule.

Anyway jackass dad was joking and didn't get me a player so now I have an opened copy of Blade runner and no player. :lol


First tragedy, then farce.
jjasper said:
pretty sure it is a gaf rule.

Anyway jackass dad was joking and didn't get me a player so now I have an opened copy of Blade runner and no player. :lol

I thought you allready had BRD?


VanMardigan said:
dc rider, let that stuff go. While the amazon chart stuff is interesting, it's not really a good indicator. NPD is, that's why folks stopped posting the amazon charts. It really isn't in your best interests to continue to argue the point either, knowing what happened to folks like kolgar.

Hey, Van! Don't worry about me, hehe.

DC, lessons learned: Don't fret the format war. Don't argue it, don't get mad at it, don't waste your breath on it. Whatever happens, it's pretty much out of our hands. All the bloviating in the world won't change the final outcome, whatever it may be.

Just enjoy the movies.

Oh, and don't make bad jokes about the format war, either. That'll only ruffle some feathers. :)

edit: Oh, I see he's banned already. ;)


I had a ps3 but sold it and all my movies and games to get an engagement ring. It really isn't a big deal cause I will probably rebuy a PS3 next month.


I dont understand why ANYONE would go from neutral to just one side. Too many good movies on both formats.

Like these two:



American Gangster just looks sick.


MechDX said:
I dont understand why ANYONE would go from neutral to just one side. Too many good movies on both formats.

Like these two:
American Gangster just looks sick.

The cost of a player pales in comparison to the money spent on a movie library.
MechDX said:
I dont understand why ANYONE would go from neutral to just one side. Too many good movies on both formats.

Like these two:

American Gangster just looks sick.

I have Beowulf preordered on blu already, though after seeing it in 3d it won't be the same without it.

American Gangster was not a bad movie at all, but not a day one or even a must have.


OokieSpookie said:
I have Beowulf preordered on blu already, though after seeing it in 3d it won't be the same without it.

American Gangster was not a bad movie at all, but not a day one or even a must have.

I just happened to find a couple new box arts for future HD movies that happened to be HD. I just dont get why you would abandon neutrality to go one side exclusive.

IMO, if you do this you are not a movie fan but a format fanboy. My opinion of course.


Oh dear.. xs1thl0rdx might be the worst name ever on GAF. Anyway, I pulled the trigger and bought HP1-4 for $31.92 shipped. Just an absolutely sickening deal. :lol
MechDX said:
I just happened to find a couple new box arts for future HD movies that happened to be HD. I just dont get why you would abandon neutrality to go one side exclusive.

IMO, if you do this you are not a movie fan but a format fanboy. My opinion of course.


I think we have different definitions of a movie fan.
I want Star Wars, I want Lord of the Rings, I want every movie that comes to dvd to be day and date with a high def format of choice, I want a steady flow of catalog titles, I want anime, horror, low budget and other genre things.
These will NOT happen until there is ONE format.
HD's limp wristed attempts to drag shit out has made the choice all the easier.
The only thing that will save hd-dvd now is a huge money hat that can not be refused and I do not see it coming.


OokieSpookie said:

I think we have different definitions of a movie fan.
I want Star Wars, I want Lord of the Rings, I want every movie that comes to dvd to be day and date with a high def format of choice, I want a steady flow of catalog titles, I want anime, horror, low budget and other genre things.
These will NOT happen until there is ONE format.
HD's limp wristed attempts to drag shit out has made the choice all the easier.
The only thing that will save hd-dvd now is a huge money hat that can not be refused and I do not see it coming.

I can get all those with no worrying about which format its on right now........except for SW and LOTR of course. Even if this war ended tomorrow you would not see SW for years because Lucas is a douchebag.

LotR? Well lets see if anything is announced at CES.
MechDX said:
I can get all those with no worrying about which format its on right now........except for SW and LOTR of course. Even if this war ended tomorrow you would not see SW for years because Lucas is a douchebag.

LotR? Well lets see if anything is announced at CES.

You must have some magical hook up somewhere because where I am from 98% of anime is not released to high definition media, nor are most genre (horror, scifi, japanese, hong kong) releases.
OokieSpookie said:
You must have some magical hook up somewhere because where I am from 98% of anime is not released to high definition media, nor are most genre (horror, scifi, japanese, hong kong) releases.

hot damn i would love some Alien on blu-ray. anybody know of any plans?


The only thing this format war hasn't driven down is the price of TV box sets.

I just picked up Entourage season 2, season 3 part 1, season 3 part 2, psych, and arrested development season 3 for 86 bucks total at Target.

When am I gonna start getting some hd movie box set deals?
Mrbob said:
The only thing this format war hasn't driven down is the price of TV box sets.

I just picked up Entourage season 2, season 3 part 1, season 3 part 2, psych, and arrested development season 3 for 86 bucks total at Target.

When am I gonna start getting some hd movie box set deals?
maybe you remember the writer's strike? I don't see those costs going down anytime soon.


bune duggy said:
maybe you remember the writer's strike? I don't see those costs going down anytime soon.

Writers strike affects the movie industry as well. Just haven't felt the effects yet.
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