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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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has calmed down a bit.
Meier said:
What was wrong with BSG? I was hoping to get that once the price dropped a little. :(

From the article:

It absolutely kills me to trash this one, but 'Battlestar Galactica: Season One' was easily the most disappointing release I witnessed all year. Flimsy cardboard construction, an awful outer casing that bends if you sneeze, and scratched discs jammed on rubber nubs combine to make this the most fragile digipak I've ever encountered. Even worse, it features a poor video transfer that suffers from artifacting and other fundamental problems. Fans like myself have been left in a deflated daze -- the Christmas present I was most looking forward to turned out to be a piece of cheaply constructed high-def junk.


no one purchased lost, i hope this doesn't keep ABC/disney from releasing other tv sets.

also suprising neither BR made the top 10


Chiggs said:
And especially when you're a fan of the side that holds the 40%.

We need an eye rolling emoticon on GAF so bad just for you blues. You guys are so tireless in your childishness it's almost inspiring.

EDIT: I grabbed Lost, but Best Buy had it in store marked at $119.99...hardly a price that's going to attract high numbers of buyers.


Gold Member
Jeff-DSA said:
We need an eye rolling emoticon on GAF so bad just for you blues. You guys are so tireless in your childishness it's almost inspiring.

Well, expect more of those "childish" statements if you're going to make comments that downplay the significance of sales, when we all know damn well you'd be clinging to them if HD-DVD produced week-after-week of software victories.

Edit: Your format neutrality doesn't make a difference, either. So please don't try to use that as a trump card.


I'm not downplaying sales, I'm just saying that from a business standpoint it doesn't make sense to support one side over the other when the split is only 60:40. Even at like 75:25 it would probably still make sense to stay neutral for a studio. Now, if things were like 90:10, I'd be saying that studio X is more likely to go to the winning side.

It's just business, dude. Don't take things so personal or serious. You let your fanboyism skew a simple comment into something much more than it is.


Gold Member
Oni Jazar said:
Warner is being courted by both sides so I wouldn't expect a decision to be soley based on sales ratios.

I don't think so, either. However, I think being able to point to 52 weeks of software victories certainly paints a pretty nice picture, and also pretty much invalidates the whole "PS3 owners aren't buying Blu-ray movies" argument.


Oni Jazar said:
Warner is being courted by both sides so I wouldn't expect a decision to be soley based on sales ratios.

One side is being supported by a company that wants the demise of both formats and the other side not only is winning but actually wants HD format to be successor of DVD instead of trying to sabotage both HD disc formats. If Warner is serious about making an investment on HD it'll be a quick decision.

Warner Home Entertainment will bring the George Clooney thriller 'Michael Clayton' to both high-def disc formats this February.

Starring Clooney as an in-house "fixer" at one of the most prestigious law firms in New York, 'Clayton' received rave reviews upon its theatrical release this October, and was recently nominated for four Golden Globes, including Best Picture.

Clearly hoping to capitalize on awards season buzz for the title, Warner will release the likely Oscar nominee on Blu-ray, HD DVD/DVD combo disc and standard DVD on February 19th, just five days before this year's Academy Awards Ceremony.

Tech specs for the two next-gen editions include identical 1080p/VC-1 encodes, and Dolby Digital 5.1 audio -- sadly, Warner has not opted to include Dolby TrueHD or uncompressed PCM.

Extras to be shared among all versions include deleted scenes and an audio commentary with writer/director Tony Gilroy and editor John Gilroy. No high-def exclusive supplements were planned at press time.

Warner has announced a suggested retail price for both next-editions of $35.99.


Gold Member
beermonkey@tehbias said:
Can you demonstrate this?

Without resorting to Michael Bay quotes? :lol It's hard to. There's certainly no press release that says that.

I personally think Microsoft wants HD-DVD *and* DD to be the winners in this one; however, if BRD wins, they can always resort to the DD path. It seems to make sense. That said, I would guess that Microsoft would just love for DD to be the wave of the future, given the nature of their business and the success of the Live Marketplace.
Meier said:
What was wrong with BSG? I was hoping to get that once the price dropped a little. :(

I own it. PQ can be very, very grainy so at first it doesn't quite pop as much in HD. When it's not though, I find the PQ to be pretty good.

Xylon on AVS posted comparison pics, and the upgrade is well worth it even if it has its share of problems.


Chiggs said:
Without resorting to Michael Bay quotes? :lol It's hard to. There's certainly no press release that says that.

But it's a well known 'fact' among conspiracy theorists, apparently.

I personally think Microsoft wants HD-DVD *and* DD to be the winners in this one

Apparently you just insulted the intelligence of a bunch of people who wear very thin aluminum hats.


beermonkey@tehbias said:
But it's a well known 'fact' among conspiracy theorists, apparently.

Apparently you just insulted the intelligence of a bunch of people who wear very thin aluminum hats.

I'm not getting in a fight with you I'm sure the others will find quotes or articles to prove you wrong.
jjasper said:
no one purchased lost, i hope this doesn't keep ABC/disney from releasing other tv sets.

also suprising neither BR made the top 10

i bought it the first day where it was 60 bucks at Best Buy, but can you blame others for not wanting to buy it when its normally priced at $119.00? No one is going to buy that at that price


jjasper said:
no one purchased lost, i hope this doesn't keep ABC/disney from releasing other tv sets.

also suprising neither BR made the top 10

Well if the set wasn't so blatantly overpriced more would be sold.


Stinkles said:
I don't understand the Battlestar pics. Help me.

I assume the top one is upscaled DVD and the bottom one is HD-DVD to show a comparison. Basically showing how grainy the HD version still looks (although that's the look the producers are going for).


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Wolffen said:
I assume the top one is upscaled DVD and the bottom one is HD-DVD to show a comparison. Basically showing how grainy the HD version still looks (although that's the look the producers are going for).

Aah. Thanks.
Stinkles said:
I don't understand the Battlestar pics. Help me.

Wolffen said:
I assume the top one is upscaled DVD and the bottom one is HD-DVD to show a comparison. Basically showing how grainy the HD version still looks (although that's the look the producers are going for).

Exactly, sorry for not making it clear.


First tragedy, then farce.
Wolffen said:
I assume the top one is upscaled DVD and the bottom one is HD-DVD to show a comparison. Basically showing how grainy the HD version still looks (although that's the look the producers are going for).

its not a look that is conducive to HDM for sure, but the reports of macroblocking are my bigger fear. Kept me from buying it.
StoOgE said:
its not a look that is conducive to HDM for sure, but the reports of macroblocking are my bigger fear. Kept me from buying it.

I watched the mini-series and the 33 episode and didn't notice any of that.

I say if you already own the DVD, it isn't really worth it (especially at the price). If you're new to the series though (like me), it's a no-brainer since it's such a great show.


Ok, I need you to do me a favor please!:D I'm trying to help my boss right now, and he wants to purchase a BRD player. What are the pros and cons of a PS3 vs Stand alone player.


Incredibly Naive
Jeff-DSA said:
I'm not downplaying sales, I'm just saying that from a business standpoint it doesn't make sense to support one side over the other when the split is only 60:40. Even at like 75:25 it would probably still make sense to stay neutral for a studio. Now, if things were like 90:10, I'd be saying that studio X is more likely to go to the winning side.

It's just business, dude. Don't take things so personal or serious. You let your fanboyism skew a simple comment into something much more than it is.

But there's a different way to look at it. Sales overall for HD movies are still extremely low compared to DVD sales. Until people know which format to choose a lot are going to just stick with DVD which for now is a sure thing. A lot of people are hesitating on HD movies for the same reasons as why people held out on things like betamax. If one side were to win and all moves and sales were focused on that side I think HD sales would shoot off.
Battlestar looks like shit. It is probably the worst looking HD disc I have. I own the DVDs as well as the HDDVD version. While an improvement, it's really not that big of a jump and still looks like crap.

Prison Break S1 on the other hand is probably the best looking tv show out there.


Hey guys, so I was reading wikipedia about the betamax VS VHS format war to see how long THIS format war could go on for.

Betamax launched in 1975 and sony didn't basically wave a white flag of failure up until 1988 when they released their first VHS player. That's 13 years. Now, in the current market prices are adoption rates are moving much faster then they did in 70's and 80's but even half of 13 years is still 6.5 years. Let's go ahead and round that up, 7years. Even if by some miracle bluray sales stagnate and HDDVD starts moving up to eclipse BD in the next 12 months giving HDDVD a share of 70% of the market - the same thing happened in beta vs vhs in 1984, that would mean 2-3 years of bluray movie exclusitivity from at the very least sony and the companies it owns.

Looking at it the other way , the way things seem to be progressing. Bluray slowly eclipsing HDDVD on a worldwide basis , well if toshiba / universal follow the same path that sony did in the past it'll be 2-3 years after a consistent 70:30 split of the market in blurays favour. So even if that happens this year that would mean 2011 is the earliest you'll see HDDVD die, just in time for the next xbox to come out the door with 51 gb HDDVD's and further prolong this. Warner will likely stay dual format for as long as they can make money on both sides of the fence, paramount will probably go back to dual format releases after that 18 month agreement runs out at the end of this year and stay dual format for as long as they are making money. Universal though, I can't see them ever supporting a sony format. They'll go digital download only before they'd release a bluray in north america.

So basically what my long ranting is saying, if you were going to go purple or even red only you may as well do it now because you'll get a few years out of it.


First tragedy, then farce.
Pachinko said:
So basically what my long ranting is saying, if you were going to go purple or even red only you may as well do it now because you'll get a few years out of it.

thats basically been my stance for a while. Its not like Toshiba is going to go "oh well, I give up" because they only have 40% of the market. I set this thing at ending mid '09 at the earliest, but with Toshiba basically holding the ratio steady through xmas, I think its likely to go on even longer now. but unlike betamax vs vhs you can create a single player where both discs go in the exact same slot and play. There is a more elegant solution to the format war: make the format war insignificant to the consumer.

I think by next Xmas there will be 300 dollar dual format players from Sammy and LG, and possibly some other BRD only makers will jump on that boat as well since their standalone sales are not very good. If J6P can walk into a store and walk out with both formats in one box, he doesnt need to care what color box his favorite movie comes out in.
Pachinko said:
Hey guys, so I was reading wikipedia about the betamax VS VHS format war to see how long THIS format war could go on for.

Betamax launched in 1975 and sony didn't basically wave a white flag of failure up until 1988 when they released their first VHS player. That's 13 years. Now, in the current market prices are adoption rates are moving much faster then they did in 70's and 80's but even half of 13 years is still 6.5 years. Let's go ahead and round that up, 7years. Even if by some miracle bluray sales stagnate and HDDVD starts moving up to eclipse BD in the next 12 months giving HDDVD a share of 70% of the market - the same thing happened in beta vs vhs in 1984, that would mean 2-3 years of bluray movie exclusitivity from at the very least sony and the companies it owns.

Looking at it the other way , the way things seem to be progressing. Bluray slowly eclipsing HDDVD on a worldwide basis , well if toshiba / universal follow the same path that sony did in the past it'll be 2-3 years after a consistent 70:30 split of the market in blurays favour. So even if that happens this year that would mean 2011 is the earliest you'll see HDDVD die, just in time for the next xbox to come out the door with 51 gb HDDVD's and further prolong this. Warner will likely stay dual format for as long as they can make money on both sides of the fence, paramount will probably go back to dual format releases after that 18 month agreement runs out at the end of this year and stay dual format for as long as they are making money. Universal though, I can't see them ever supporting a sony format. They'll go digital download only before they'd release a bluray in north america.

So basically what my long ranting is saying, if you were going to go purple or even red only you may as well do it now because you'll get a few years out of it.

During the time of Betamax and VHS, there was no internet. People couldn't get info unless they were told by the sales people. Now, if you want anything look it up. That changes the dynamics of consumer confidence. Can anyone with a straight face say that if Warner went Blu, then the war is going to go past 2009? If Warner went HD, someone like Disney may go neutral and Blu-ray would be in big trouble because the news would spread like wildfire.

I think the war is over in 2008. It hinges upon Warner. They know that they're losing sales because even people who own both formats (me) have pretty much stopped buying discs unless they're must have's.


has calmed down a bit.
I think we should do a nice friendly wager for all those folks who feel that 2008 is THE year this format war ends (and by end, they mean Blu wins). Make the end date exactly one year from now.

If by December 28, 2008, the format war isn't over (and we can define over by HD DVD having no exclusive studios left while Disney/Fox remain Blu exclusive), then we get some free HD DVD discs. Otherwise, Blu Ray fans get discs. Of course, we need to know who will participate because I'm not doing all the buying if I lose.

I don't know, something like that.


hey did no one notice that pan's labyrinth blu-ray is 1.1 compatible? It has PiP commentary! w00t! ...

This 'feature' sucks! I don't need Guillermo Del Toro's fat ass taking up 1/4 of my screen to know its him talking. I can't believe that HD-DVD made such huge deal out of having this before blu-ray. Now that both sides have it can we finally admit that as movie fans, we don't like pop up shit taking over the screen??
DarkJediKnight said:
I think the war is over in 2008.

I'm 99.9999% sure you said earlier this year that the war would be over this holiday season :lol

I'll give you my prediction for 2008. The HD market share will still stay at around 60/40 in favor of Blu-ray, and Warner will stay neutral. How's that.


has calmed down a bit.
Oni Jazar said:
LOTR trilogy announced for Blu-ray March 2008 (English TrueHD)

...In Spain.


I'm looking at that page now, where is the news?

hey did no one notice that pan's labyrinth blu-ray is 1.1 compatible? It has PiP commentary! w00t! ...

It's not 1.1

I know you've waited a long time to trash the (until now) HD DVD exclusive feature, but hold on just a little bit longer. You'll get your chance to demean a feature you've never used in January with Resident Evil.


has calmed down a bit.
That translation's pretty crappy. Good thing I know spanish. :D
It seems the movies will be sold individually and they'll be the theatrical cuts.
Also, PiP Video commentary with Peter Jackson

And if these things have awesome transfers and sound, I'm importing. Spain Blu Ray's play on US Ps3's, right? Please someone tell me it is so.

Oni Jazar

VanMardigan said:
And if these things have awesome transfers and sound, I'm importing. Spain Blu Ray's play on US Ps3's, right? Please someone tell me it is so.

No, not unless the discs are region free.

People at AVS are now saying that it's Spain's "April Fool's Day" so it may be fake. LAME-O I was hoping we'd hear something from New Line @ CES.
VanMardigan said:
And if these things have awesome transfers and sound, I'm importing. Spain Blu Ray's play on US Ps3's, right? Please someone tell me it is so.

They shouldn't play on a US PS3 if region coded for 'B'. Does anybody know how existing New Line BDs have been coded in Spain?
rkenshin said:
Why do people want to upscale DVDs when it looks like crap in the end?

Because good upscaling is way better than bad upscaling, and dealing with content that from a standard-def source is an issue that we'll deal with forever.


VanMardigan said:
It's not 1.1

I know you've waited a long time to trash the (until now) HD DVD exclusive feature, but hold on just a little bit longer. You'll get your chance to demean a feature you've never used in January with Resident Evil.

What is it then? Its PiP video that was not supposed to be possible on v1.0 players.

edit: ahhh I see what they did! If you turn on the PiP its actually a whole new chapter that plays... the PiP is simply on that version of the movie. Tricky! Only with the added space of blu can you have the same movie twice on a disc! :lol

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
Oni Jazar said:
No, not unless the discs are region free.

People at AVS are now saying that it's Spain's "April Fool's Day" so it may be fake. LAME-O I was hoping we'd hear something from New Line @ CES.

In many if not all Spanish speaking countries Dec.28 is Dia de los inocentes which is their April fool's Day. So that LOTR news is definitely a joke.

mr stroke

The Main Event said:
I'll give you my prediction for 2008. The HD market share will still stay at around 60/40 in favor of Blu-ray, and Warner will stay neutral. How's that.

So lets asume everything is the same by this time next year. what happens then? is the only chance of any end to this war a 99$ dual format player?


has calmed down a bit.
Flo_Evans said:
What is it then? Its PiP video that was not supposed to be possible on v1.0 players.

It's "faked", basically, but it's not the same as the iME on HD DVD movies or on Blu Ray movies starting next month. This stuff plays on 1.0 players, the stuff on Resident Evil won't. One of the key differences is the ability to toggle it on/off at will and to summon additional information on demand. For the Breakup, for example, i can summon set photos and other stuff in addition to the PiP, or shut down the PiP and only watch photos/text.

Video commentary is just one way to use it. There are more innovative ways (like the stuff on 300), or more creative ways (like in Heroes, Children of Men) to use PiP. Plus, it's intended to add value to the movie, not for the first time you watch. So, basically, you can pop in the movie (which you own) and get additional insight into the movie making process or into the characters/plot/scenes in context. I usually don't bother with it on rentals (since I'm likely only going to watch the movie once), but on movies I own, it's a great way to add freshness to a movie you're already very familiar with.

Only with the added space of blu can you have the same movie twice on a disc!

I would say, only on a half baked profile would you need to cut your alloted space for the film (probably limiting each movie file to a smaller size than the HD DVD version) just to watch a feature that's been standard for over a year on the cheaper format.


Oni Jazar said:
No, not unless the discs are region free.

People at AVS are now saying that it's Spain's "April Fool's Day" so it may be fake. LAME-O I was hoping we'd hear something from New Line @ CES.

It's fools day (dia de los inocentes) here in Mexico today, I don't recall if it's spain's also but I think it is
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