Argyle said:
I could see Lionsgate maybe since they have less invested in the format war, but Fox?
No link unfortunately. As an owner of both formats I've been following the 'war' since its inception.
It looked all but certain that Blu-Ray was going to succeed because of the much greater studio support; but the switch by Paramount (and support from Dreamworks) really, really screwed things up:
This is not in the best interest of consumers, said Mr. Chapek of Disney.
Which was the obvious thing he would say.
As you say Lionsgate have, whilst remaining exclusive not invested anywhere near as much as the other studios. They would have very little to loose if they decided to support both formats.
Disney is a definite no, due to the strong links with Apple (namely Steve Jobs who is in the Board of Directors for the Blu-Ray Association).
MGM is not impossible. They decided to go with Blu-Ray mainly due to the increased storage (which now of course is moot). Fox as you alluded to had issues with the Digital Rights Management on HD-DVD, but at the time it was blown out of proportion.
The real issue is money, both for the consumer and the movie studio.
Any studio that currently supports either format exclusively (Sony Pictures Entertainment excluded) are simply loosing money on every release.