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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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bishoptl said:
WTF is the Wiz? I've already lost and rebought CB4 3 times over the years, and YES I will probably pick it up again on Blu Ray. Up yours!

Commin' straight outta LOWCASH

Crazy Mutha Fucka named GUSTO

I fuck ya wife cause the bitch is a BIG HO

I Fuck ya sista

I Fuck ya cat

I woulda fucked ya moms but the bitch is TOO FAT

When Im inya neiborhood ya betta dig a moat

Cause Im gonna SLIT ya mutha fucking THROAT

Blood is drippin

Im not trippin

Bitches panties, is what Im rippin

Rollin harder than a mutha fuckin DIRT BIKE

Never saw a piece of pussy that I DIDNT LIKE

Like to eat it

Like to suck it

Take a shit in a bucket

STRAIGHT OUTTA LOWCASH(ha ha....crazy mutha fuckas)


mrklaw said:
it wasn't exactly logical for Paramount to go HDDVD exclusive, but they did. I suppose they considered millions of dollars in incentives as logical.

In Paramount's case, if the rumors (150mil, 18months) are true, they may have made out better with the 18-month deal than staying neutral.

5 months later, in light of Blu-Ray's continued sales dominance, I think people are ready to wash their hands of this "war". Another 18month deal isn't going to cut it. The HD-DVD Promotions Group either needs to buy Warner for the duration (which only splits the market 50-50), or sit down.
mrklaw said:
it wasn't exactly logical for Paramount to go HDDVD exclusive, but they did. I suppose they considered millions of dollars in incentives as logical.
And saving private ryan on HD DVD instead of Blu Ray. Makes sense... right?


Thanks, I think, for linking to the Amazon BOGO... I just ordered 16 items. Fun!

"The Usual Suspects [Blu-ray]"
"Unforgiven [Blu-ray]"
"GoodFellas [Blu-ray]"
"The Departed [Blu-ray]"
"Enter the Dragon [Blu-ray]"
"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire [Blu-ray]"
"Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban [Blu-ray]"
"Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone [Blu-ray]"
"Purple Rain [Blu-ray]"
"Full Metal Jacket (Deluxe Edition) [Blu-ray]"
"The Shining [Blu-ray]"
"Robocop [Blu-ray]"
"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets [Blu-ray]"
"Die Hard [Blu-ray]"
"Die Hard 2 - Die Harder [Blu-ray]"
"Die Hard With a Vengeance [Blu-ray]"
Why does everyone think Warner going HD DVD will make it a 50-50 split. That number is just wrong. Do you guys consider how many title each studio release on each format? Warner happens to be one of the largest provider of HDM content. Anyone that lose Warner will suffer a huge blow and will tip the scale dramatically in favor of whichever format they sign for.


VanMardigan said:
What was your total?
Unfortunately, because I live in WA, I had to pay tax and it was $221.65. (The tax was $18.05.) But that was still $13 and some change per movie. The "cheapie" BRs at Best Buy are $17.99 plus tax so I was stoked!
TheJesusFactor said:
Why does everyone think Warner going HD DVD will make it a 50-50 split. That number is just wrong. Do you guys consider how many title each studio release on each format? Warner happens to be one of the largest provider of HDM content. Anyone that lose Warner will suffer a huge blow and will tip the scale dramatically in favor of whichever format they sign for.

If you look at sales, rather than number of titles, it's more like 50/50.

Catalog releases are great, but they don't drive these formats, as much as I wish they did.
CES is for consumer electronics show for the public. Warner making such a big annoucement (whichever way it is) takes away thunder from the others at the show - something they might not want after spending hundreds of thousands on R&D for a new product.

Warner may wait from the Christmas fallout to see what effect that had. I think a March decision makes more sense.

Oni Jazar

TheJesusFactor said:
Why does everyone think Warner going HD DVD will make it a 50-50 split. That number is just wrong. Do you guys consider how many title each studio release on each format? Warner happens to be one of the largest provider of HDM content. Anyone that lose Warner will suffer a huge blow and will tip the scale dramatically in favor of whichever format they sign for.

Past HDM studio releases aren't 100% relevant. Fox was out most of 2007 because of BD+. They have been releasing lots of content since October and show no signs of slowing down.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Ignatz Mouse said:
Amazon *still* doesn't matter, even when in favor of Blu, guys.
I wouldn't say doesn't matter.. I mean they are one of the largest retailers in the states.

However we all know their bestselling lists are just snapshots from the past few hours and samplings at that. So if you meant their bestselling lists don't matter I agree. However Amazon definitely matters when it comes to sales overall. Especially HD sales given the generally large pricing disparities between b&m and amazon/deepdiscount/etc.


Gold Member
Ignatz Mouse said:
Amazon *still* doesn't matter, even when in favor of Blu, guys.

I wish Amazon sales were banned on this site. Like you said, it doesn't mean much. A drop in the bucket. And yet...
borghe said:
I wouldn't say doesn't matter.. I mean they are one of the largest retailers in the states.

However we all know their bestselling lists are just snapshots from the past few hours and samplings at that. So if you meant their bestselling lists don't matter I agree. However Amazon definitely matters when it comes to sales overall. Especially HD sales given the generally large pricing disparities between b&m and amazon/deepdiscount/etc.

That's exactly what I meant.

Amazon snapshots are hour-by-hour, so if word of a BOGo gets posted to a few popular sites, you can see a huge spike. It doesn't have much bearing on the numbers for the week. It's too granular.
picked up from BOGO sale:

Troy: Director's Cut
Corpse Bride

...suprisingly, the second item that you place in your "cart" is counted as the free one no matter what! (not the cheapest like conventional retail)

...so I got Cast-Away and Hairspray (both $28) for free!
I took advantage of the B3G2F Best Buy HD-DVD deal:

Pan's Labyrinth
Batman Begins
Shaun of the Dead
Chronicles of Riddick -guilty pleasure movie
Eastern Promises

I also ordered the import for Brotherhood of the Wolf. I should have them all by Friday along with my new 360 so I can test which looks better between VGA and HDMI on my KDL40S3000.

I'll probably stop by BB tonight and use a $20 off 3 bluray coupon I have on Ratatouille and a couple others I have not decided on yet.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I also took advantage of the B3G2F at Best Buy.

Mummy and Mummy Returns (no apologies!!!)
Apollo 13
Eastern Promises

Also picked up the RE boxed set on BRD.

on an unrelated note, in-store pickup with Best Buy at my closest store is the shoddiest service in the world. Confirmation e-mails can take anywhere from 3-4 hours to get, and every time I've gone so far it's taken them anywhere from 3-4 minutes to get my items (I've let the 1 minute thing slide in those instances) to like 15+ minutes to get my items (two $10 offs because of this). It has never been pain free with this store. The next closest store has been always pain free and fast (under the minute and like 20 minutes for the confirmation e-mail) but is 9 minutes away instead of 4 minutes. Yes I just realized the time is still way less after dicking around with the closer one, but it just seems like a bigger waste given the drive.


First tragedy, then farce.
I took advantage as well.

Got the newest potter movie (havent watched it yet, waiting on the other 4 from Amazon)
Letters from Iwo Jima
Hott Fuzz
Pan's Labrynth
Blade Runner

Really happy with the 4 that I have watched.

Thinking about picking up some more, but now that my collection has hit 47 movies, I'm really running out of stuff I really want to own. Some of the stuff is kinda like "I wouldn't mind owning that", which isnt my criterea for buying a movie.

Also, if anyone wants Bullitt on HDDVD, its yours, just send me postage (5 bucks?) and I'll send it to you. Really upset I bought that movie, PQ isnt great and the story is horrid. A 5 minute car chase doesnt make a good movie.
StoOgE said:
I took advantage as well.

Got the newest potter movie (havent watched it yet, waiting on the other 4 from Amazon)
Letters from Iwo Jima
Hott Fuzz
Pan's Labrynth
Blade Runner

Uhh, the last two movies on this list aren't included in the Amazon BOGO... or are you talking about taking advantage of something else?
Picked up:
Resident Evil Trilogy
Shoot em Up
The Untouchables

from moviestop and Best Buy

And then now ended up ordering:
Phantom of the Opera
Troy: Director's Cut
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Shining

from the Amazon BOGO.

I am glad that after next week there are no movies that interested me for a week or two so that my wallet can take a break.


StoOgE said:
Also, if anyone wants Bullitt on HDDVD, its yours, just send me postage (5 bucks?) and I'll send it to you. Really upset I bought that movie, PQ isnt great and the story is horrid. A 5 minute car chase doesnt make a good movie.

PMed :D
Chiggs said:

If Microsoft hates HD-DVD so much, they certainly have an odd way of showing it.

It's a grand conspiracy. They tricked Toshiba, Universal, and lots of home theater fans, but GAF and Michael Bay can see right through the lies.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
VanMardigan said:
forsete, yeah, that's pretty old.

We should do a pre-CES vote to see how we each feel about Warner at CES.

My take: Warner makes no exclusivity announcements.

I think Warner will stay neutral but if they go exclusive @ CES I think it'll be HD DVD. Has it been confirmed that they will also be at Blu Ray's press conference?

Anyone care to speculate why HD DVD's press conference will be 2 hours long? Pre-emptive spinning? News concerning TL 51? Toshiba throwing in the towel?


First tragedy, then farce.
beermonkey@tehbias said:
B3G2 with tax actually seems really expensive at this point. :lol

compared to an amazon bogo, it is. But, I figure I paid 110 or so for 5 movies that are 28 dollars each on amazon makes it a pretty good deal. Im just glad I didnt really pay 35 bucks a movie.


First tragedy, then farce.
Days like these... said:
Anyone care to speculate why HD DVD's press conference will be 2 hours long? Pre-emptive spinning? News concerning TL 51? Toshiba throwing in the towel?

They will likely be showing off some stuff (internet interactivity) and other snazzy features of HDi like they did last year. Show off some movies coming out, maybe show off some Speilberg stuff.

Have different CE companies speak, etc. Maybe a Q&A session is included?

Plus, they have to let time for Sony to come in and throw in the towel at the end. Right? :lol
StoOgE said:
compared to an amazon bogo, it is. But, I figure I paid 110 or so for 5 movies that are 28 dollars each on amazon makes it a pretty good deal. Im just glad I didnt really pay 35 bucks a movie.

Oh, it's a fine deal. It just goes to show how spoiled we've gotten. I've also just blown way too much money over the holidays.


Gold Member
Days like these... said:
I think Warner will stay neutral but if they go exclusive @ CES I think it'll be HD DVD. Has it been confirmed that they will also be at Blu Ray's press conference?

I think if Warner goes HD-DVD exclusive, I will have a meltdown and sell my PS3 and Blu-ray collection and use On Demand as my primary source of HDM.

I am interested in seeing the TL 51 info. That would be impressive if they got it to work on existing players, but I believe that to be a long shot.

Anyone care to speculate why HD DVD's press conference will be 2 hours long?



AgentOtaku said:
...suprisingly, the second item that you place in your "cart" is counted as the free one no matter what! (not the cheapest like conventional retail)

...so I got Cast-Away and Hairspray (both $28) for free!
...that doesn't seem to be the case actually. Maybe it was a bug and they fixed it.


has calmed down a bit.
Chiggs said:
I think if Warner goes HD-DVD exclusive, I will have a meltdown and sell my PS3 and Blu-ray collection and use On Demand as my primary source of HDM.

NOOOOOO!!! Then MS would win and chubs would be proven correct!1111!!!1!
Chubs' statement was hardly that controvesial.

If MS were more invested in the format, they'd probably have an internal HD-DVD drive SKU already.
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