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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Just saw this over at Bluray.com:

"On March 5th, Sony Pictures Japan will release 'Almost Famous: The Extended Cut' and on March 21st, 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' (HD DVD exclusive in the US) will get released."


y'all should be ashamed
JeFfRey said:
Shamlessly stolen from highdefdigest. This is exactly what Penton Man said in his post.

But what does it mean for the HD wars?

AlteredBeast said:
I am sure the former CTO of Warner now with Sony will have a lot of sway with his former company.

See, I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not.


Authorized Fister
chubigans said:
But what does it mean for the HD wars?

See, I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not.

Hahaha, I couldn't tell the sarcasm or not too, well that bodes well for the rest of his prediction that Warner rejected Microsoft's proposals and will be backing Blu-ray.

I assumed that this Christopher was included in some sort of business deal, as for Warner to back-up BD.


distantmantra said:
Just saw this over at Bluray.com:

"On March 5th, Sony Pictures Japan will release 'Almost Famous: The Extended Cut' and on March 21st, 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' (HD DVD exclusive in the US) will get released."



eternal sunshine is my favorite movie everr
Was just watching the Fiesta Bowl (WVU vs OU) on FOX, and a beautiful new "The Future is Blu" commercial just aired.

Nice ad, featuring a lot of new and upcoming releases. In HD (obviously) it looked really awesome.


Just finished with Spiderman 3 BD. The film looks good in HD, but can't say the same with the content. How this got through the editing board is beyond me. :/

Shitty, shitty movie. But I now understand all those gifs that cropped up with Harry.

"Sooo good." :)

not really
B-Ri said:


eternal sunshine is my favorite movie everr

Almost Famous is a Dreamworks/Paramount release for the US, so this will be the only Blu-ray release for the forseeable future.
Sylar said:
Got my AMAZON BOGO HDDVD s today...

Fear and Loathing

I never saw Casino before, and i'm a huge Scorsece(SP?) fan, so should I like it? I mean, i'm one of the five people who like The Last Waltz second to Goodfellas. :lol

Also received my favorite movie ever today in HDDVD - Scanner Darkly. Now just awaiting my $4.99 Eternal Sunshine and the five free HDDVDs!

Casino is like a weak retread of Goodfellas, but a lame movie by Scorsese standards is still a pretty good movie.


JeFfRey said:
Hahaha, I couldn't tell the sarcasm or not too, well that bodes well for the rest of his prediction that Warner rejected Microsoft's proposals and will be backing Blu-ray.

I assumed that this Christopher was included in some sort of business deal, as for Warner to back-up BD.

Are you referring to Penton Man's joke post months ago that a Warner exec had left for Sony to oversee BRD production, which was simply a joke for those obsessing over disc yields, and yet was taken to be serious by some of the sillier Blu folks here? That one?

I can't keep up with the legend of the Penton. He should have a wiki.


Authorized Fister
gkrykewy said:
Are you referring to Penton Man's joke post months ago that a Warner exec had left for Sony to oversee BRD production, which was simply a joke for those obsessing over disc yields, and yet was taken to be serious by some of the sillier Blu folks here? That one?

I can't keep up with the legend of the Penton. He should have a wiki.

No, the one with Microsoft not caring about HD DVD anymore.


Authorized Fister
gkrykewy said:
English is not your first language, I'm guessing. I must be missing something, but it's not worth explaining it to me.

Well it's in the rumor about MS not caring about HD DVD anymore? What's not to understand?


has calmed down a bit.
Stuff Magazine said:
We’ve already had the Xbox 360 Premium and Elite. Both are, of course, fine gaming machines with the best games catalogue in the next-gen field. But come autumn 2008, we reckon both will be rendered obsolete by the Ultimate.

This PS3-killer will benefit from almost three years of Xbox development, featuring 1080p HDMI output, built-in Wi-Fi, hi-def audio output, cooler 65nm hardware architecture and a near-silent fan.

It’ll also have the ability to make the most of the by-then established Xbox IPTV service, which will mean recording TV shows to its vast 320GB hard disk and watching live TV shows via your broadband provider.

But the piece de resistance? It’ll have a built-in HD DVD drive. Let Round 12 with the PS3 commence...

Truckload of Morton's salt, please. CES is the new E3 over here. :lol


VanMardigan said:
Truckload of Morton's salt, please. CES is the new E3 over here. :lol

Another SKU isn't going to change anything.

The main reason why Blu-Ray is being adopted so well with the PS3 is because it's a standard component across all SKUs. This new SKU for the Xbox will just add another option, albeit extremely high priced given all that's packed in (320+ GB HD, IPTV, HD-DVD), that it's a bit disingenous to claim that this is a "PS3 killer" and anymore of a threat than the HD-DVD add on posed.

May be great for the niche that decides to opt for it, but I see this changing very little of the landscape of the HD war.


has calmed down a bit.
Snah said:
that it's a bit disingenous to claim that this is a "PS3 killer"

I'd say it's disingenuous to claim that because the CURRENT Xbox 360 is already a "Ps3 Killer" in terms of sales. If this happens, a dual format future is almost certainly guaranteed, I would think.
VanMardigan said:
I'd say it's disingenuous to claim that because the CURRENT Xbox 360 is already a "Ps3 Killer" in terms of sales. If this happens, a dual format future is almost certainly guaranteed, I would think.

Amazing, now there would be TWO HD-DVD CE's in the marketplace instead of one!

Dual format future confirmed!


VanMardigan said:
I'd say it's disingenuous to claim that because the CURRENT Xbox 360 is already a "Ps3 Killer" in terms of sales. If this happens, a dual format future is almost certainly guaranteed, I would think.

I was talking about "PS3 killer" in terms of the HD war, which is what this topic is about. In terms of sales for the area you mentioned, it's not quite the "killer" you claim it to be from a global perspective.

If this happens -- an elite SKU for the Xbox 360 platform -- it does little to change the landscape of the HD war, and certainly doesn't guarantee a "dual format future" like you are suggesting. This is going to be an expensive, niche platform for those that want this package. I'd even claim that it will probably have less of an effect than the HD-DVD add on had.


has calmed down a bit.
Cold-Steel said:
Amazing, now there would be TWO HD-DVD CE's in the marketplace instead of one!

Dual format future confirmed!

Not really, these will still be Toshibas in terms of the HD DVD part, I would think. Considering how well the Elite's sell, these will likely sell a bit less than Ps3 (assuming a competitive price), but with a much higher attach rate.

And yeah, snah, let's look at Japan and Spain.
distantmantra said:
Just saw this over at Bluray.com:

"On March 5th, Sony Pictures Japan will release 'Almost Famous: The Extended Cut' and on March 21st, 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' (HD DVD exclusive in the US) will get released."
oh God...Importing it if I can play it.


VanMardigan said:
Not really, these will still be Toshibas in terms of the HD DVD part, I would think. Considering how well the Elite's sell, these will likely sell a bit less than Ps3 (assuming a competitive price), but with a much higher attach rate.

And yeah, snah, let's look at Japan and Spain.

Europe, not Spain alone.

The Elite sells well because it's strictly gaming, but packs a decent size HDD for not too much more. That said, the premium still sells much more volume.

Adding in HD-DVD, IPTV, and a 320 GB HD means this thing is going to be extremely expensive, and for most gamers, a bit too much. This is probably for the hardcore enthusiast that would actually use all of these features, and that's a very niche audience.


has calmed down a bit.
Snah said:
Europe, not Spain alone.

And what about the games, which would you say has better games?
sarcasm, in case a mod is sleepy and misinterprets this

And as much as you WANT it to be expensive, I just don't think an HD DVD drive is going to be very expensive next year. That leaves the HDD cost, since I don't think IPTV functionality costs a ton. So if Toshiba subsidizes the HD DVD drive cost (smart move if they do), then I don't see the total package selling more than the Elite did when it launched ($479 was it?). And that didn't prevent it from selling a ton.

And do you have the breakdown on sales between the different skus?


VanMardigan said:
And what about the games, which would you say has better games?
sarcasm, in case a mod is sleepy and misinterprets this

And as much as you WANT it to be expensive, I just don't think an HD DVD drive is going to be very expensive next year. That leaves the HDD cost, since I don't think IPTV functionality costs a ton. So if Toshiba subsidizes the HD DVD drive cost (smart move if they do), then I don't see the total package selling more than the Elite did when it launched ($479 was it?). And that didn't prevent it from selling a ton.

And do you have the breakdown on sales between the different skus?

No, I don't have a breakdown. But it's obvious by volume that the premium is the target SKU for Microsoft; stores get far more premiums than they do elites. Amazon consistently has it as the top selling SKU by a large margin, for what it's worth.

I don't see an SKU of HD-DVD, 320 GB HDD, and extra IPTV functionality costing less than $500, which will be, as I said earlier, a niche outlet for those that want the feature set. It certainly doesn't "guarantee a dual format future" whatsoever, which is what you think it will. Perhaps if Microsoft started making HD-DVD standard amongst all of their SKUs going forward, we could talk, otherwise I see this announcement as really not much of a big deal.


has calmed down a bit.
Well, good sir, you seem prepared to put some strong damage control on this news if it ever happens. Why, listening to your wishful thinking on high price points and niche sales, I'm not sure why MS would bother. Maybe they won't, CES is upon us.
A physical HD-DVD drive is hardly expensive now. It is more the guts that powers the players that are expensive. The 360 has the benefit of having those guts in it and in adding the drive to the console means that the DVD is removed which saves a very small amount of money as well. I'd also imagine that Toshiba or the HD-DVD group would subsidize to a certain extent. In the end no cost would probably be moved onto the purchaser.

Hopefully they go this route on the 360 and add a wireless kit to it too.
Elite (Spec Superior Sku, More Expensive) is selling less than the Pro (Spec Standard Sku, Standard Pricing).

Why would Microsoft of all manufacturers logically launch a more expensive SKU into the marketplace with superior specs to the Elite (this is assuming it will cost more than the Elite) if the majority of sales are stemming from the Pro?

Is 120GB not enough? That's bigger than the largest PS3 SKU HDD.

An internal HD-DVD drive? A little late to the market for this one.

A more expensive SKU hasn't spurred sales in the 360's favor. Price drops and promotions have been far more successful. Key titles have moved more consoles.

This SKU would be DOA faster than the Core.
The Elite's current hardware advantage is only the HDD size. Best thing that could happen for HD-DVD is for all Skus to get the HD-DVD upgrade. That is likely the route that I'd be pushing for if I were in the HD-DVD group. Then they could wave the flag of most popular system and cook hardware numbers like my grandmother at a bake sale.
Warm Machine said:
The Elite's current hardware advantage is only the HDD size. Best thing that could happen for HD-DVD is for all Skus to get the HD-DVD upgrade. That is likely the route that I'd be pushing for if I were in the HD-DVD group. Then they could wave the flag of most popular system and cook hardware numbers like my grandmother at a bake sale.

That would be counterproductive to Microsoft's goals of reaching 360 profitability.

Unless Toshiba showed up with a new clothing line of money hats.
Cold-Steel said:
That would be counterproductive to Microsoft's goals of reaching 360 profitability.

Unless Toshiba showed up with a new clothing line of money hats.

The hardware is probably under break even now. I doubt MS is counting on the console making them money. Licensing fees from 3rd party publishers, controllers (perephrials), Microtransactions, hit games from any company and Xbox Live subscription fees are where they are more likely looking to make money.

Making the console more sexy in terms of features has benefits that lead into the above which makes them more money.


has calmed down a bit.
This new sku wouldn't have to sell as many units as Ps3 to neutralize the hardware advantage. Given the Ps3's Blu Ray attach rate, it only needs to sell about as well as the Elite to have that effect. And really, if they're going to bother with this at all, they might as well price it in the Elite's range.
Stinkles said:
No, it's yet another gaf Thursdayton.

Prepare for disappointment as usual.

Looking at the cake is like looking at the future, until you've tasted it what do you really know? And then, of course, it's too late.


Junior Member
VanMardigan said:
This new sku wouldn't have to sell as many units as Ps3 to neutralize the hardware advantage. Given the Ps3's Blu Ray attach rate, it only needs to sell about as well as the Elite to have that effect. And really, if they're going to bother with this at all, they might as well price it in the Elite's range.

It makes a lot more sense for Microsoft to integrate the 360 into other consumer electronics products, not to invent another SKU. A Toshiba HD-DVD player that plays 360 games is a ton more compelling and could actually expand their business. People who get new Time Warner cable boxes that are 360s or can play 360 games is the sort of direction they need to be moving towards in order to expand the potential of the system. The type of people who want this Ultimate 360 are the type of people who already own a 360. I think it would be a great idea to license the technology everywhere they can, and get other companies to market them. I am not sure who if anyone would be interested but it seems more likely a solution.
The hardware licensing thing stinks of Dreamcast though. I also think it might water down the licensing fees that MS gets from software. I think it is in MS's best interests to keep the hardware under their control and not confuse the gaming market with multiple manufacturers. It is bad enough with Skus and doesn't help shelf space for the hardware. MS has a hit console with the 360 and handing that out to others now doesn't make much sense.


it's a bit hopeful to think a hd-dvd enabled 360 will have a significant effect on the HD war... if we're going to cite the ps3's low blu-ray attach rates and deduce that there is little cross over appeal, why would this supposed new SKU prompt a turn around in HD-DVD sales? especially on a system that is known and reputed more for it's games than it's media capabilities?

i mean we're basically talking about a new hd-dvd player with DVR capabilities (that plays games as well) that is more expensive than standalone players... will it really suddenly turn the tide for HD-DVD software sales just because it has the 360 name on it?

we know 360 owners love to gobble up games, but what evidence is there to support the assertion that attach rates for hd-dvd movies on this rumored new sku would be through the roof enough to have a significant impact on the overall war?
I always thought that MS couldn't stick a HD DVD drive inside the 360 because the current models of HD DVD drives out there are way too slow and they would make for insanely long load times in games (ones that are on standard DVD9)


Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
B-Ri said:


eternal sunshine is my favorite movie everr

Are you in the corner shivering? Blu ray is already giving it to you guys. Bada Bing! Anyways you must not love it too much *hugging my copy* ;)


Thanks for the BOGO deal a few pages back Ookie, just picked up Syriana and 300 for 24 bucks. I'm splitting the bill with one of my buddies so he can have Syriana.


birdman said:
Thanks for the BOGO deal a few pages back Ookie, just picked up Syriana and 300 for 24 bucks. I'm splitting the bill with one of my buddies so he can have Syriana.

Such a good deal, I can't wait for them to show up in the mail so I can get Syriana and get my George Clooney/Matt Damon fix again!


lacks enthusiasm.
distantmantra said:
Just saw this over at Bluray.com:

"On March 5th, Sony Pictures Japan will release 'Almost Famous: The Extended Cut' and on March 21st, 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' (HD DVD exclusive in the US) will get released."

Eternal Sunshine on Bluray, and 4 days before my birthday? :D :D :D
distantmantra said:
Just saw this over at Bluray.com:

"On March 5th, Sony Pictures Japan will release 'Almost Famous: The Extended Cut' and on March 21st, 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' (HD DVD exclusive in the US) will get released."

Eternal Sunshine bluray! YES! I didn't think I'd see this happen any time soon, it's easily my most wanted HD-DVD exclusive film. The world is a better place now.
Yea i ordered Rescue Dawn (for me) and harts war (for my bud). Also got the amazon prime two day shipping for free (woot for trial)14 bucks a movie aint bad.

Also picked up Resident Evil Triliogy on blu, haven't been able to watch it yet
damn that ban felt long.

anyways i bought the 360 add on a couple of day ago, I have currently The bourne trilogy, HOt Fuzz and Batman begins. What other movies do you recommend that are HD dvd exclusives?


OokieSpookie said:
SO is this the new wet dream savior for hd-dvd?

Yep just like.. We're first. :D Most movies :D Price :D .. now.. 360 SKU? Oh, forgot the :D

Interesting that a guy holding such a position within Warner ends up at Sony?

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
Kabuki Waq said:
damn that ban felt long.

anyways i bought the 360 add on a couple of day ago, I have currently The bourne trilogy, HOt Fuzz and Batman begins. What other movies do you recommend that are HD dvd exclusives?


Not a very good film, but a fun one and a reference disc for picture and audio.

Shaun of the Dead

Made by (and starring many of the characters from) the Hot Fuzz team. Amazing, funny, emotional and just a wee-bit scary. Good picture and audio.

The Frighteners

Great flick by Peter Jackson.
Witchfinder General said:

Not a very good film, but a fun one and a reference disc for picture and audio.

Shaun of the Dead

Made by (and starring many of the characters from) the Hot Fuzz team. Amazing, funny, emotional and just a wee-bit scary. Good picture and audio.

The Frighteners

Great flick by Peter Jackson.

how is firghtners PQ? a big upgrade over the DVD?
My god, it took forever, but I finely yesterday managed to get my hands on a copy of Pans Labyrinth BD. Looks amazing so far, gonna watch it in full tomorrow probably. Still no luck on Shoot Em Up though. What is going on with this movie and Canada?

Also picked up the RE trilogy. Watched Extinction for first time, gotta say, thought it was probably on par with the second. PQ is fantastic.

A for this rumor about a 360 Ultimate, god, I dont wanna see another SKU added. I work at EB, and explaining the difference between the 4 current SKU's as is is a pain in the ass.

Little OT, but furthermore, if this does amount to anything more than a simple rumor, Hasn't MS made several comments in the past that they will never incorporate a HD DVD drive as a standard drive for the system?

I have been planing to upgrade my premium to an Elite eventually, for both 1080p and the HDD. But were a better model to come out, might look in to it, though I still doubt it would make me support HD DVD.
Sorry guys, not trying to start anything, but I do believe in Blu
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