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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Meier said:
My buddy with a 360 and HD player just said, "Looks like I'll have to buy a PS3 now." Microsoft is REALLY going to regret not butting in and keeping HD DVD alive. I honestly think they'll lose 2nd place to the PS3 now.

I just ebay'd my hd dvd drive and will be getting a ps3 whenever I want to get back into the high def DVD life... I had 6 movies all wrapped in their packaging and only watched one movie in HD... i really didnt have time for it, or any DVDs for that matter. I will eventually get a PS3 unless 360 makes an add-on which I think Sony will fight

el Diablo

ruby_onix said:
And the top five movies I was now thinking about going out and purchasing were Harry Potter #1-5, published by Warner. Now I'm reconsidering, because I know I won't be able to get #6&7 to go with them. And I'm not gonna run out and buy them on Blu-Ray, because it'll be a few years until the price comes down that much. And by that point, the next big thing will obviously be that much closer. Thanks Warner, for proving that you're not reliable, nor is anyone else in this ugly fight. I'm not happy that you won't be getting my business for some time to come, but I already have Harry Potter #1-5 on DVD, and my shiny new HD-DVD player upconverts, so I'll survive.

Eh all melodramatics aside you can get the first 4 HP movies on BD as part of the current Amazon BOGO, that's breaks down to like $10 a movie (shipping is also free). There you go price problem solved.


Gold Member
Just picked up Close Encounters and the Spidey trilogy, because y'know, the reason to have HD media is to watch movies; not jerk off over pie charts.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Malleymal said:
I just ebay'd my hd dvd drive and will be getting a ps3 whenever I want to get back into the high def DVD life... I had 6 movies all wrapped in their packaging and only watched one movie in HD... i really didnt have time for it, or any DVDs for that matter. I will eventually get a PS3 unless 360 makes an add-on which I think Sony will fight

Why would sony fight a Blu-ray addon?


ManaByte said:
Just picked up Close Encounters and the Spidey trilogy, because y'know, the reason to have HD media is to watch movies; not jerk off over pie charts.

You have to insert it into the pie too! Didn't you watch that one pie movie? Come on!


el Diablo said:
Eh all melodramatics aside you can get the first 4 HP movies on BD as part of the current Amazon BOGO, that's breaks down to like $10 a movie (shipping is also free). There you go price problem solved.
I meant the price of the player.

el Diablo

ruby_onix said:
I meant the price of the player.

Ah misunderstood you then. In that case more power to you, it's obvious nothing anyone says will change your mind since you've already told yourself that it's not worth it since the next big thing will already be around by then.


Gold Member
Gary Whitta said:
I very much doubt that's real.

Actually it is. It was a viral marketing "contest" that the BDA viral firm ran to see what fan could make the best fake commercial and post it up on Youtube.
ManaByte said:
Actually it is. It was a viral marketing "contest" that the BDA viral firm ran to see what fan could make the best fake commercial and post it up on Youtube.
The original poster called it a "TV spot", which it is not. But okay, it's a real fake. :D


ruby_onix said:
Took me awhile to find this thread among the cluster. Thread title isn't helping things.

As for my opinion, I think the problem with Blu-Ray/HD-DVD wasn't that we needed one single victor, it was that everyone cynically knows and Murphy's Law says that once you get behind one of these formats, the guys in charge will get bored, dump their commitments, and move on to the next big thing, leaving you hanging. The Blu-Ray/HD-DVD fight simply exasperated that problem, because the likely next big thing (whichever one that turned out to be) is standing right next to it. Warner just proved this fickle nature.

I was just starting to think that the ideal situation would be for as many groups as possible to take Warner's stance and support both sides, since turning one down side is tantamount to abandoning customers and ignoring free money, despite low userbases, until the people are confident enough to seriously take the plunge into HD. At which point the victor would be decided by the people, with no real loser, and enthusiasts picking both sides for the few inevitable holdout studios. That probably isn't going to happen anymore. Enjoy your victory Blu-Ray fans.

As for me personally, I just bought an HD DVD player for $99 with seven free movies that was delivered two days ago, because I figured at that price I couldn't go wrong. And my 720p set most likely will never see the supposed quality difference of Blu-Ray, so HD was right for me. And the top five movies I was now thinking about going out and purchasing were Harry Potter #1-5, published by Warner. Now I'm reconsidering, because I know I won't be able to get #6&7 to go with them. And I'm not gonna run out and buy them on Blu-Ray, because it'll be a few years until the price comes down that much. And by that point, the next big thing will obviously be that much closer. Thanks Warner, for proving that you're not reliable, nor is anyone else in this ugly fight. I'm not happy that you won't be getting my business for some time to come, but I already have Harry Potter #1-5 on DVD, and my shiny new HD-DVD player upconverts, so I'll survive.

And were you just as upset when Paramount decided to go HD-DVD only? Somehow, I doubt it. Many of us with Blu-Ray players were looking forward to having Transformers in hi-def for the holidays. Many people had already pre-ordered several Paramount titles only to have the rug yanked out from under them, even though Paramount had already printed, processed and shipped several of those titles to their warehouses for distribution.

You can't blame this format war on only 1 studio, and if you're going to criticize Warner for taking sides, don't be a hypocrite to try and make a point or fit your agenda while conveniently forgetting what Paramount did last summer.


Does anyone have a link to ANYWHERE that has all the rumors or insider knowledge of how this all went down the past week? I have been to many sites and all the forums are a complete mess right now with all the damn gloating and denial.:lol


bill0527 said:
And were you just as upset when Paramount decided to go HD-DVD only?
No, but only because I hated Michael Bay's Transformers with every fiber of my being. Also, I wasn't paying much of any attention to the war back then, because I thought it was too early to get involved without getting burned. I thought $99 players meant the market was ready a week ago, but obviously it wasn't, and I'm feeling too burned to think that NOW it's ready, despite the Blu-Ray camp's obvious euphoria.

In principle, yes, the Transformers exclusivity was just as damaging, and not good for any side.


Meier said:
No one wants to have another player in their set-up if they can avoid it. They'll see the PS3 is only slightly more expensive and has all the extra functions and go for it as their primary player.

Yeah, I mean who buys standalone dvd players anyways?

Seriously, do you really believe that people who have no interest in video games (aka most people) will care? When the collusion of cheap players and mass market happen (clearly didn't happen yet or HDDVD would be doing better), the ps3 won't even be in the running as a mass market player.


ruby_onix said:
No, but only because I hated Michael Bay's Transformers with every fiber of my being. Also, I wasn't paying much of any attention to the war back then, because I thought it was too early to get involved without getting burned. I thought $99 players meant the market was ready a week ago, but obviously it wasn't, and I'm feeling too burned to think that NOW it's ready, despite the Blu-Ray camp's obvious euphoria.

In principle, yes, the Transformers exclusivity was just as damaging, and not good for any side.

How could anyone with any connection to the internet have possibly thought the HD-DVD player fire sales were a sign of the market being ready?

And this self pity party being played by HD-DVD only owners is getting tired already. The market was not going to sustain two formats no matter how much anyone wants to try to spin it right now. One had to fall, end of story, close the book. You still have your HD-DVD player and the movies you have are not going to stop playing. Shit, you only payed 99 bucks for it and are getting 5 free movies. Enjoy what you got and paid for and get a Blu-ray player now and be happy knowing that now that we are going into a one format future we can start seeing movies released that studios would have otherwise been holding back.

Oni Jazar

Strange thing that Amir said regarding DTS player (incl PS3?) decoding:

Amir said:
DTS doesn't believe in player decoded output. They are putting all of their energy behind receiver decoding. I don't understand why.
So, I just left the MS booth a while ago, and there are Toshiba HD DVD banners hanging ALL OVER THE PLACE outside, co-branded with 'A Bee's Life'. Our Toshiba partner hasn't shown up yet, though I think they're supposed to tomorrow. There was someone from the HD DVD Promotional Group milling around the booth checking out the Surface stuff earlier today. I should have gone and offered her a hug.
Oni Jazar said:
Strange thing that Amir said regarding DTS player (incl PS3?) decoding:

Someone needs to tell Amir that the new Denon player decodes Master Audio internally.

But also, DTS gets royalty money from each HDMI 1.3 receiver sold, so it's in their interest to have receivers selling.


So am I the only one keeping his HD-DOA add-on and movies?

I'll buy HD-DVD movies for $5 apiece plus shipping if anyone wants to unload, PM me. I've got probably 25 or so.

Great news, I bought my add-on during the deal at Best Buy in Oct, when they were giving the free Heroes boxset plus two $35 movies for free. I kept my boxset sealed and hoped to return it after Christmas. I sent my gf in with it today with a sob story. She ended up getting me a gift card for the box set plus tax :lol

$107 for the Heroes HD-DOA boxet :D I <3 Best Buy

Anyway, I would love for MS to announce a Blu Ray add-on at CES or soon, I would definitely hold off on a PS3 purchase if so. If I don't hear something fairly soon, I'll be looking to get a 60 gig used PS3 for the backwards compatibility and blu.

Glad for a one format future for the sustainability of HD Media. I hope we get a lot of catalog titles once the market expands.

I'm also curious to see if the Matrix movies and other WB movies get new encodes, and if they look better, should be fun to see some comparisons.

Even as an HD supporter, from a PC and movie standpoint, I'm glad Blu won in the end. It really does have a lot of benefits that matter, from potentially better video and more importantly, longer video. LOTR flipper-edition would not be acceptable in 2008. Hell it was some bullshit in 1996.
For the first time ever, WDSHE will begin releasing its treasured
animated classics on Platinum Edition Blu-ray Disc(TM) launching with
Sleeping Beauty in the fall of 2008. Taking advantage of the numerous
technological advancements of the Blu-ray format, these all time
favorites have been revitalized to include exceptional high-definition
picture and sound quality and compelling interactive content such as
virtual games, full motion picture-in-picture and online shopping
capabilities via BD-Live broadband connection.

Sleeping Beauty will be WDSHE's first Platinum Edition Blu-ray
Disc and will feature a Virtual Castle, utilizing the new BD-Live
technology, as well as the interactive game Maleficent's Challenge
which puts viewers face-to-face with one of Disney's greatest
villains. Sleeping Beauty Blu-ray Disc will also feature an all-new
enhanced home theater mix in 7.1 surround sound.

I'm definitely buying this for my collection. I'll probably pick up every one of the classic animated Disney titles as soon as they are released.

I wonder if all these Platinum Edition Blue-ray classics will only be available for a limited time, in the same way other Disney classics have been limited in the past on DVD?

Disney/Pixar's Finding Nemo Blu-ray Disc will debut the first
Cine-Explore featuring full motion picture-in-picture (BonusView).
This interactive visual commentary with director Andrew Stanton,
co-writer Bob Peterson and co-director Lee Unkrich allows the viewer
to dive deeper into the making of Finding Nemo without ever leaving
the film. For kids and families, there is the all-new BD-Java enabled
learning mode "Mr. Ray's Ed-venture." Hosted by Dory, Marlin and of
course Mr. Ray, viewers will learn all about sea life and have the
opportunity to earn stickers for their virtual sticker book by
answering "quizlettes" while watching the movie. Viewers can also go
to their sticker book at any time and create their own scene. Finding
Nemo will also feature an all-new enhanced home theater mix in 7.1
surround sound.

This disc sounds like it comes with a pretty awesome feature set.

I probably wouldn't buy it (I don't have kids yet) but I might just Netflix it to check out the interactive stuff.


VictimOfGrief said:
You know what just occurred to me.....

Fuck the hype, fuck the war, fuck the politics of all of this.....

The only savior.... and I truly mean the ONLY savior to HD DVD is..... LucasFilm.

If Star Wars.... is ONLY released on HD DVD, then truly the war will tipped back in HD DVD's favor of which Blu-Ray can't stop the inevitable.

That said, if they go with Blu-Ray, I'll eat the last bite of crow and request a tag change.

Yeah. The original Star Wars trilogy put laserdisc players in every home in America!
The only thing that I can think of that would somehow put HD DVD back in the game would be for the remaining studios to release their new releases in HD DVD/DVD combo format only (just like Star Trek HD), but at the standard DVD price (between 19.99 and 24.99 MSRP).

But will that eventually happen? Of course not.


bill0527 said:
You chose to be an early adopter in a hi-def war between two formats.

Had you been smarter with your $400 and really wanted hi-def movies, you would have went out and purchased a PS3, that way you could have gotten most of your money back by selling the PS3 if Blu-Ray lost.

Instead you're left with a $400 machine that while it'll still play your collection, will soon be relegated to a doorstop when you buy your Blu-Ray player, if you want to continue watching the latest movies in hi-def.

I was copying someone's responce 5 pages ago who said the same thing about the Star Wars shit. But it's still good for your responce.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I wondering how the Disney classics are going to look in HD... they are pretty old
Suikoguy said:
I wondering how the Disney classics are going to look in HD... they are pretty old

There was a preview of Sleeping Beauty before Ratatouille and the difference is amazing, it shows them side by side.


Post Count: 9999
VictimOfGrief said:
You know what just occurred to me.....

Fuck the hype, fuck the war, fuck the politics of all of this.....

The only savior.... and I truly mean the ONLY savior to HD DVD is..... LucasFilm.

If Star Wars.... is ONLY released on HD DVD, then truly the war will tipped back in HD DVD's favor of which Blu-Ray can't stop the inevitable.

That said, if they go with Blu-Ray, I'll eat the last bite of crow and request a tag change.

Your avatar says it all :lol
DJ_Tet said:
Anyway, I would love for MS to announce a Blu Ray add-on at CES or soon, I would definitely hold off on a PS3 purchase if so.

And that is why there won't be one for the forseeable future. Sony wants you to buy the PS3 not the 360. Honestly, I don't think there ever will be a Blu-ray drive for the 360.
DarkJediKnight said:
And that is why there won't be one for the forseeable future. Sony wants you to buy the PS3 not the 360. Honestly, I don't think there ever will be a Blu-ray drive for the 360.

I don't expect to see a BD drive for the 360, but I'm sure the 18 companies on the board of the Blu-Ray Disc Association would be happy to take royalty fees for a 360 drive just as they would any other hardware vendor. It would be good for the format, and that's what drives their business.

On an unrelated note, if any of you guys selling out your HD-DVD collections has Dazed and Confused and/or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind available, drop me a PM. I'll pay you a couple bucks more than you'll get on eBay, and you'll have less hassle.


Onix said:
Your avatar says it all :lol

It's his tag that speaks to me :D

DarkJediKnight said:
And that is why there won't be one for the forseeable future. Sony wants you to buy the PS3 not the 360. Honestly, I don't think there ever will be a Blu-ray drive for the 360.

You're probably right, unfortunately. However, as a medium the faster they can get to $200 Blu Ray standalones, the better. My parents just bought an hdtv, but I know getting them to buy a Playstation 3, even if I tell them it's the best Blu player, will be a hard sell.

edit: For the record, I'd personally prefer a $200 standalone player over a $180 add-on drive. The only reason I bought the HD-DVD add-on was because of the amazing Best Buy sale. I doubt I'd pay $180 for a Blu add-on. It would have to be $150 at the most or even better, $120. So, I'll likely end up with a $200 standalone or a $300 used ps3 if I ever find one.
DarkJediKnight said:
And that is why there won't be one for the forseeable future. Sony wants you to buy the PS3 not the 360. Honestly, I don't think there ever will be a Blu-ray drive for the 360.

What? There have been one or more quotes from xbox execs stating they will provide the movie addon that the market desires.

I believe Moore said something along th ose lines.


RiskyChris said:
What? There have been one or more quotes from xbox execs stating they will provide the movie addon that the market desires.

I believe Moore said something along th ose lines.

And it couldn't possibly have been red herring PR talk. Nahhhh. Not MS.

I can't believe people can actually picture a blu-ray addon for the 360. Like oil and water
RiskyChris said:
What? There have been one or more quotes from xbox execs stating they will provide the movie addon that the market desires.

I believe Moore said something along th ose lines.

He's going on the assumption that Sony would just veto them somehow, but that's not really the way format licensing works, not to mention that Sony doesn't run the BD association.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
VictimOfGrief said:
Because George Lucas is a fucking GOD. If he wanted to create his own format past Blu-Ray he probably could. I'm not saying he will, but it would be interesting if they did.


mees AWTP


VictimOfGrief said:
So now we're comparing HD DVD to Laserdisc. :lol

No, I'm comparing Laserdisc to VHS, obviously.

Star Wars wasn't out on VHS for a LONG time, many many years after it was on Laserdisc. Plus, it was hardly even on tv or HBO, to be honest.
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